[00:01] Yay Friday! [00:02] friday++ [02:41] * ianorlin got back from going grocery shopping [04:36] I wish there was a good program that made flyer visual design easy. [05:27] scribus exists, but i usually find myself using inkscape still [05:28] elky: I'm going to end up using inkscape. But I wish there was something with layouts. [05:28] scribus :P [05:28] i find its UI to be awful though [05:28] I meant predefined templates. [05:28] hrm i thought it had some [05:28] I guess what I really want is Brøderbund Software's Print Shop Pro, but without EPS graphics. [05:28] i may be wrong [05:29] psp was the bomb [05:33] I'll say one thing. I understand why people make posters in Excel. [05:35] * nhaines is not sure if happy or annoyed that Scribus supports OS/2 Warp. [05:46] elky: it does have some templates but they're all A4. [05:46] ah [06:34] I wonder if installing a mumble server would completely destroy my VPS. [21:19] I am currently running '/usr/bin/play -n -c1 synth whitenoise lowpass -1 120 lowpass -1 120 lowpass -1 120 gain +14' in a terminal. This makes me happy.