
qwebirc79653my mythbackend won't start and i'm at a loss on what's wrong it started out being mysql connection issue but after changing the password and bind address i can connect to the database using mysql -u mythtv -p mythconverg05:51
qwebirc79653where do i start with debugging05:52
skd5anerhey all, got an interesting issue now on my mythbuntu frontend...21:11
skd5anerdid an apt-get dist-ugprade today... also, manually removed the packaged nvidia drivers and installed from source...21:12
skd5anerafter reboot, mythfrontend starts to come up, but after about 5 seconds, crashes back and tries to load again21:12
skd5anerloops forever21:12
skd5anernot seeing anything obvious in the frontend log :/21:12
skd5anerruning 12.04.04 with 0.27-fixes (latest)21:13
skd5aneralso, the first time, it goes in to the preliminary country/langauge setup screen21:16
skd5anerhmmm, .xsession-errors is just repeating this:21:35
skd5anerQGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme.21:35
skd5anerlibpng error: Read Error21:35
skd5anerHandling Segmentation fault21:35
skd5anerSegmentation fault (core dumped)21:35
skd5anerQGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme.21:35
skd5anerlibpng error: Read Error21:36
skd5anerHandling Segmentation fault21:36
skd5anerSegmentation fault (core dumped)21:36
skd5anerQGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme.21:36
skd5aneras an FYI... it was the nvidia driver, 334 has a bug in it22:41
skd5anerdowngraded to 331, all is fine again22:41

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