
omachello, there, I just installed the latest with: ubuntu-device-flash --channel=devel --bootstrap03:00
omacFlashing version 194 from devel channel03:00
omacHow do I flash the latest image mentioned?  r226 is the latest available from what I understand.03:01
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nhainesomac: first of all, the latest image is 194, but 206 will probably be promoted on Monday.03:10
nhainesomac: second of all, what device are you running?03:10
omacr226 was mentioned in the last email in the ubuntu-phone mailing list.03:12
nhainesThe current build is 227, but it's not tested and will probably break everything and set your trash can on fire.03:12
omacI was previously using android 4.2.2 with some multirom magic, but my latest update in multirom blew away my android so I decided to just put ubuntu touch on it from now on.03:13
nhainesomac: also sorry, you're right, r226 will probably be promoted on Monday.03:13
omacI wiped everything on my mako device.  I'll do it again on Monday then.03:13
omacby the way, do I need to install the kitkat images on the phone before doing this install on Monday?03:14
nhainesIn that case, try ubuntu-device-flash --revision=226 --channel=devel-proposed --bootstrap03:14
omacI'll try it right away.03:14
nhainesNo, as long as you had the 4.4.2 radio, you should be fine.03:14
sergiusensno need to rebootstrap03:14
nhainesYou should also probably switch off of the 'devel-proposed' channel once you install, but I don't recall how to do that.03:15
sergiusensyou can go back and forth in most cases and only replace the read only bits03:15
omacI had 4.2.2 on it before, then I updated to 4.3 and then did an update to multirom for 4.3 which blew away my android. ouch.03:15
nhainessomething something system-cli something I think.03:15
nhainesomac: better install KitKat then.  You need the right radio.03:16
omacOk.  check install kitkat then flash.  Got it.  I'll just give the --revision and devel-proposed a shot.  Thanks.03:16
nhainesomac: you're welcome, and good luck.  :)03:17
divxclubIs there a special windows driver , cause after installation I no longer see my Nexus 7 (flo) as a valid device. Unknown device in Device manager03:26
nhainesdivxclub: just adb.03:26
divxclubgot it03:27
divxclubnot being developer yet somewhat power user, yet I appriciate stuff listed here: http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/ pretty cool actually :D03:40
omacinstalled image 226 on mako.  logged into ubuntu one, wifi is up. checking for updates is slow to respond with anything.03:52
omacoops froze in bluetooth.03:53
omacI was trying to connect my Bose Mini-Link speakers to it and when I pressed "connect a headset", it froze on me.03:54
omacit's back. it restarted unity I think.03:54
omacterminal looks greyed out the first time you run it from image 226, but when you kill the terminal and restart it, the backspace and carriage return work ok.04:01
omacI'm happy.  terminal now working.04:01
omacAnyone have any success linking up bluetooth speakers(i.e. Bose Mini-Link) to Ubuntu Touch yet?04:02
omacphone calling works.04:03
omacsms sending works.04:04
omacwifi works on image 226, but from Ottawa Canada, the mobile data(data roaming?) when turned on doesn't seem to work because I go to the web browser and then I get an error with a refresh button.04:15
omacI'm ok with wifi and phone/sms service.  That's acceptable for me for the time being.04:17
omacHats off again to the awesome work on Ubuntu touch.  It seems snappier than the previous stable image I had and it boots up faster.  Worth the flashing effort.04:18
divxcluboh wow I just realised you guys use CWM as recovery replacement ..... loven it ! Better than TW guys04:34
mohdishamWhat is difference between flashing device and manual download and indtallation05:25
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divxclubAutomatic selection of proper image for device and installation process of os05:40
divxclubvs you need to know what you're downloading05:41
divxcluband how to install 3 parts . Recovery, boot image and actual system05:41
divxclubi think05:41
divxclubInteresting in flo when opening device in file manager I do not see anything, yet in Ubuntu I see folder within a device. Also in Windows I can't copy anything in to device yet in ubuntu I can copy stuff07:09
CocochanelI want to install ubuntu mobile os on my samusng galaxy s408:14
CocochanelCan anyone please tell me how to install ubuntu mobile os on my S4?08:15
SidPayton[QUESTION] Hey everyone. I'm running Android 4.4.2 now and after I tried to update ubuntu touch from the dual boot app it first came up with an error message "missing command". After reinstalling the ubuntu app script it works again. But now when I use latest trusty build I get version 195. Aren' t we at a promoted version above 220 since friday? Thanks for your help.08:41
r3pwnIs there any developer support here? (I need help with porting UT to a new device)09:17
nhainesNot so much early in the morning on a Sunday.09:18
nhainesMoreso on weekdays during European business hours.  :)  But if you ask your question, maybe someone will be around.09:18
r3pwnDidn't even think of that. I probably should be sleeping now. XD09:18
nhainesBoth of us.  XD09:19
r3pwnOkay. So I ot everything to compile correctly and flash through recovery, but on boot, it just restarts itself. Do you think that this is caused by the "stack override" hack that my kindle needs, or should i begin to look elsewhere (logcat or something else)09:20
nhainesPeople will want logs.  Preferably linked to from pastebin.ubuntu.com.09:21
r3pwnand what type of log should it be (i don't believe adb hast started up yet)?09:22
nhainesThat's a good question that I don't know the answer to!  I'd be curious about the kernel logs for a start.09:23
r3pwnOnce i unbrick this damn thing, I can do anything to it. Just a few more minutes on that. (I accidentally missed a "/" and overwrote my virtual sdcard with a zip file)09:23
r3pwnI believe it's under /proc/last_kmesg, but that continues to run, so booting to recovery to grab it would include everything from the recovery booting, too.09:24
nhainesCould strip the recovery stuff out though, right?09:25
r3pwnYeah, if I was able to tell where it started. Brb. Gonna go try that. (I'll use the UT CWM-based recovery to hopefully reduce the amount of excess stuff in the kmesg.)09:27
nhainesGood luck.  :)09:27
timppaHi! Any "Manta" users online? I would like to ask about the current status of UT on it. I'm planning buying one for sw development and testing purposes. Is it stable for daily use?09:32
r3pwn@timppa, a "manta" is one of the nexus 4 variants, correct?09:38
timppamanta is nexus 1009:41
nhainestimppa: I don't believe that's going to be supported.09:43
timppanhaines: Um, have I missed something? Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 are supported?09:44
nhainestimppa: they're dropping them.09:45
nhainesNexus 4, 2013 Nexus 7, and... that's it, I think.09:45
timppaoh, I was under the impression that the old Nexus 7 support is being dropped only09:46
* nhaines digs up the email09:46
nhainestimppa: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg05889.html09:49
nhainesThey're dropping grouper, manta, and maguro.09:50
timppathen I think it's pointless to buy one09:50
nhainesI wouldn't.09:51
timppawill the new nexus 7 support side stage?09:51
nhainesIt should already?09:51
timppaok, that's good news, the old one did not. At least when I tried it, it was a while ago09:51
nhainesWell, it didn't exist in 13.10.  :)09:52
timppaoh, it was back then09:52
nhaines14.04 will be the first tablet UI phase.09:52
timppaI need to buy nexus 7 then ;)09:52
nhainesAnd then 14.10 will be the first desktop UI development cycle.  (Possibly 15.04, but let's cross our fingers.)09:53
nhainesAnd after that, then the cool hybrid device convergence can start to be worked on.  XD09:53
timppaand that's when things will get very interesting. I'm waiting for it already! :)09:54
nhainesIt's going to be a very interesting ride.  :)09:57
nhainesA year from now, we'll have nice phones and tablets to buy--then we won't have to worry about "what Android device should I buy and reflash with Ubuntu?"09:57
nhainesHopefully the emulator will be much nicer by then too.09:58
timppasure, hopefully they'll have the meizu and bq devices available soon :)09:59
nhainesI'm not a big fan of buying 1st gen devices, but they do look pretty nice.10:00
nhainesSo far my Nexus 5 runs Ubuntu great except for sound where it's lousy.  But for 14.10 it should get better.  ;)10:00
timppahopefully yes, I was planning to buy the N5 but decided to not because of the support it currently has10:03
timppaAbout the mail on the ml: The10:03
timppaplatform chosen to be supported on our way to 14.04 is the NEW nexus 710:03
timppadevice (razor).10:03
timppawhat is the difference in "razor" and "flo" ?10:04
timppayou happen to know?10:04
cjwatsonSidPayton: No, I believe the aim is to promote a new image on Monday, rather than doing it last thing in the week and then most of the developers disappearing for the weekend10:04
nhainestimppa: I don't know, actually.10:07
timppaAha, found this from xda: Flo is the device specific codename name (N7 2013 WiFi). Razor is the codename for the board.10:07
nhainescjwatson: where's the fun in that?  :)10:07
cjwatsonnhaines: I think the theory is that we have more than enough fun as it is10:07
nhainestimppa: aha. :)  Yeah, I thought I was all clever with takju (Galaxy Nexus GSM unlocked), and I came to Ubuntu Touch and it was suddenly maguro.  :)10:08
nhainescjwatson: hard to argue with that.10:08
timppaor maybe it's vice versa...10:08
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aeffleis there one one who could tell me, where I can see the ubunto touch milestones?12:54
vjjust booted into the ubntu cli mode on the phone12:59
vjwhat do i do now12:59
vjnothing seems to be happening.12:59
Akshay_sir iam using a android device13:03
Akshay_can i port ubuntu touch t oit13:03
Akshay_can any one help me in porting ubuntu touch to xolo q70013:09
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JoseExpositoHi! Does someone knows if Qt 5.2 is available now in Ubuntu Phone?16:17
aquariusJoseExposito, I don't think it's available until the next image is promoted, but I'm not sure16:24
JoseExpositoaquarius, and do you know if it is a date for the next image?16:25
aquariusI do not know, I'm afraid. I know it's being worked on pretty hard :)16:25
JoseExpositoaquarius, ok thank you very much!16:26
r3pwnHello all! I am having a Ubuntu Touch issue (custom compiled version keeps boot-looping), and I *believe* that it's related to the fact that my device (kindle fire hd 7") needs a "stack override" hack (changes the memory offsets of a few things) to be in place in order to have the same experience as a bootloader unlock (no proper bootloader unlock exists for this device). If anyone could take a look at the log here: http://pastebi16:31
r3pwnuld  be very appreciative.16:31
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basketballhow do i get the emulator19:24
basketballhow do i install the ubuntu touch emulator19:48
t1mphello, I just got a nexus 4. I don't know which version of Android is on it, does that matter? If I just follow the steps from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install to install Ubuntu I'll be fine right?19:50
popeyt1mp: update to 4.419:50
popeyin android, then do the install19:50
t1mppopey: okay, thanks :)19:51
basketballpopey:  do you know how to install the emulator19:51
popeybasketball: yes, one moment19:51
basketballok thanks popey19:51
popeybasketball: are you on ubuntu?19:51
basketballyes 14.0419:52
popeybasketball: install ubuntu-emulator19:52
basketballok what exactly is it19:53
popeyits a package ☻19:53
popeysudo apt-get install ubuntu-emulator19:53
popeyubuntu-emulator create "foo"19:53
popeyubuntu-emulator run "foo"19:53
dansufhi, i am trying to run ubuntu touch on my phone but it doesnt boot and i have this message [    7.999633] RAMDISK: EOF while reading compressed data19:55
dansuf[    7.999938] uncompression error19:55
dansuf[    8.024780] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)19:55
dansufany suggestions how to fix that?19:57
* t1mp updating from android 4.2 to 4.3.. then to 4.4.. and then to ubuntu :)19:58
basketballalan pope20:04
dansufIs it needed to have ubuntu-touch files to test the ubuntu-touch kernel? Can I test it with standard cyanogenmod installed?20:11
DrPchow to install ubuntu phone on sony device ?20:12
dansufDrPc: Did you check if somebody has already ported your model?20:13
t1mp!devices | DrPc20:14
ubot5DrPc: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices20:14
DrPcdansuf: not yet!20:15
DrPcubot5: thank's20:15
basketballubot5:  are you ubottu20:17
t1mpubot5 is not a real person :)20:26
ubot5t1mp: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:26
Tassadarmobile data seem to work on deb build, nic20:26
miseria"disfrutamos hablando siempre de lo malo de los demas, pero nos duele en el alma cuando hablan mal de uno mismo" bienvenidos: http://castroruben.com *temo_a_un_ser_sin_rival*20:30
dansufI am testing ubuntu-touch kernel with standard cyanogenmod installed and i have this issue: "RAMDISK: EOF while reading compressed data" in last_kmsg. How can I fix that?20:33
Tassadarwhy would you do that Oo20:33
dansufTassadar: Do you mean testing it with caynogenmod?20:34
dansufBecause it's my everyday system and it is easier for me to test on that20:34
Tassadarwell the obvious thing would be that the initrd is corrupted20:36
dansufIs it someway connected with the system that I use? I tried booting it with ubuntu but it also went into a panic loop but I didnt suceed in retrieving last_kmesg20:37
Tassadarhow did you install that kernel?20:38
dansufusing fastboot20:39
Tassadarand the boot image was created by..?20:39
dansufIt was compiled by me20:39
Tassadaryeah, but the boot.img was output of the compilation or what?20:39
dansufI used the brunch command20:40
dansufAt the beggining I had a slightly different error20:40
dansufthat gzip is not configured20:40
Tassadaroh, so you built the whole system20:40
dansufso it stopped a little bit earlier20:40
Tassadarshow me the whole last_kmesg on pastebin or somewhere maybe there's a bit more info in there20:41
Tassadarhmm, can you upload the boot.img file somewher too?20:44
Tassadarwhich device is that, by the way?20:44
dansufIt's Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman20:44
dansufThe newest boot.img where I tried to use the "break=top" option as suggested on the wiki but with no success20:49
Tassadarseems fine to me20:50
Tassadarbut CyanogenMod wouldn't boot with it anyway, ubuntu's initrd is totally different20:50
dansufSo it does make a difference20:51
dansufBut it wouldnt panic in that way, I suppose20:51
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Tassadarit fails to extract the initrd, for some reason20:52
Guest4761I want do a dual boot on nexus 4--> ubuntu-touch and andriod 4.420:53
dansufI said before, at the begginning it didnt even extract it because it said gzip is not configured20:53
aquariusGuest4761, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/DualBootInstallation20:53
dansufi added an option to the config , it was "config_rd_gzip" or something like that20:54
Guest4761aquarius, thanks :)20:54
Guest4761is whatsapp available on ubuntu-touch?20:56
dansufAnyway, thank you I'll try to get the last_kmsg after running on ubuntu but definitely not today.20:56
Tassadardansuf: try to search for GZIP in kernel menuconfig and enable everything which seems related)20:57
dansufTassadar: Ok, thanks,20:58
r3pwnDoes anyone know how I specify a custom "fstab" file when compiling Ubuntu touch? Do I need to modify BoardConfig.Mk?21:00
dansufTassadar: I have just checked the config and it seems that every option with gzip is enabled21:12
t1mpI just installed ubuntu touch trusty image 194, but I don't have wifi (in system-settings/network i don't see any networks)21:21
t1mpdoes anyone know about that issue?21:21
t1mpoh the network seems to work, it just doesn't show in system settings21:26
vthompsonDoes anyone know if there's a way to get the PPA (https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+archive/daily) to generate a build?21:42
vthompsonWe pushed a fix to get music app to build again and I wanted to verify things are A-OK before we push the other apps: https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/128463721:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1284637 in Ubuntu Terminal App "App fails to build in PPA" [Undecided,In progress]21:42
popeyvthompson: its automatic21:44
vthompsonpopey, it's last build attempt was 46 hours ago21:44
popeywill need to poke fginther or someone else from ci when they wake tomorrow21:45
vthompsonOk, I'll try to do just that tomorrow morning.21:47
popeyvthompson: I'll speak to them in my morning21:49
vthompsonpopey, sounds good. Thanks!21:50
basketballpopey:  why does creating a emulator take so long i started it when you told me to and now it is still like 20 min left22:18
nhainesHuh, that does seem a little excessive.22:18
nhainesThe good news is that it's faster the second time. :)22:18
popeybasketball: it's arm, it takes a long while22:23
popeythere's also an x86 version which is much quicker22:24
basketballi only have 1 gb of ram on pc22:24
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popeythat wont help22:30
r3pwnCan anyone please assist me in fixing the error on line 432 and 433 of http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7062520/?22:34
basketballpopey: i ran it and it shows a phone with a blank scren22:41
popeybasketball: it takes a while22:44
basketballit is stuck on init: cannot find '/sbin/adbd', disabling 'adbd'22:45
basketballpopey:  this is the terminal http://paste.ubuntu.com/7064475/22:47
popeylooks broken22:47
popeyr3pwn has the same error22:48
basketballwhatever ill just uninstall it22:49
r3pwnI'm just looking to port it to my device. Since it mentioned mounting, I had thought it was fstab-related.22:52
r3pwnJust an FYI I am using the 4.2.2 branch. Should I try migrating to the 4.4.2 one?22:53
basketballpopey: do i have to plug in my tablet to use it22:58
basketballpopey:  r3pwn  what is the user name and password22:59
r3pwnbasketball, to log in to UT?23:00
r3pwntry "root" and "phablet"23:00
basketballr3pwn: that didnt work23:04
r3pwnbasketball: What exactly do you mean by "log in"?23:11
PeterPughHi guys complete touch noob here. Just wondered if there was a port for the rockchip rk3188 tabs and phabs?23:12
aquarius !devices | PeterPugh23:14
ubot5PeterPugh: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices23:14
PeterPughYeah just been browsing and trying to work out what chip set they have23:15
vthompsonCan the emulator be used to test n7 and n10 form factors?23:16
popeyvthompson: not yet23:17
PeterPughwhy they are aimed at models rather than chip sets has me confussed23:17
popeybecause we need devices we can actually test on23:17
popeynot hypothetical devices, real ones23:18
PeterPughpipo, cube cheap chineese flood the market ones that would do much :)23:18
PeterPughfrom andriod roms they are all very similar23:19
popeymany of those cheap chinese devices have no kernel sources23:19
PeterPugharmhf are they not?23:20
popeysure, with binary bits23:20
PeterPughapols just trying to find some initial facts as not much avail23:20
basketballpopey:  once i log into the emulator how do i start the gui23:30
popeybasketball: it starts automatically - assuming its not broken23:31
basketballthen i guess it is broken popey23:31
popeycould be today.23:31
basketballare a lot broken popey23:33
popeybasketball: I'll test it here, and file a bug so the devs know23:35
basketballi just uninstalled it23:35
popeywill take a while to test here23:36
basketballshould i reinstall23:36
popeywell, i haven't had a chance to test yet23:37
basketballok please test it23:37
vthompsonI literally just created an emulator in the last hour. I doubt it's broken.23:40
vthompsonIt did take a good 10-20 minutes from it to go from a black screen to the welcome screen.23:40
popeygood to know, thanks vthompson23:41
vthompsonOnce the log mentions the login info it wasn't too much longer.23:41
popeyi have just booted an emulator I have on my machine23:42
popeybeen up 6 mins and I see an apport process ☻23:42
aquariusheh. New wheeze: have your dual-boot Ubuntu/Android phone booted into Android, plug it in to your machine with USB and enable debugging. Then, start the Ubuntu SDK, which attempts to talk to the device but fails because it isn't Ubuntu... and what it does is remount it, which pops up a new Nautilus window, over and over and over again ;)23:43
* popey creates a new emulator23:43
n-iCehow you doing?23:46
popeygreat thanks23:48
n-iCein order to get the lastest version, is this correct?23:53
n-iCeubuntu-device-flash --channel=devel --bootstrap23:53
surgemcgeeHey is ken.vandine@ubuntu.com around?23:54
popeyhe's not online, his irc nick is kenvandine23:55
n-iCehi popey23:56
surgemcgeeI was hoping for some Box2D-qml example code if you know it off the top of your head, otherwise I will find out later..23:56
popeysurgemcgee: http://blog.mikeasoft.com/2014/03/02/qml-and-box2d-game-template-for-ubuntu-touch/23:57
aquariussurgemcgee, see http://blog.mikeasoft.com/23:57
vthompsonn-iCe, if you want the latest proposed image use the devel-proposed channel. But devel contains all the promoted images.23:57
n-iCevthompson: which one do you use, and why23:57
n-iCeand how do I update my phone dialy?23:58
popeyn-iCe: system settings -> updates23:58
popeythat has an over the air update system23:58
popey(on the phone)23:58
vthompsonn-iCe, I use devel-proposed because I want to be on the bleeding edge. If something goes bad, I just go back to a previous image23:58
n-iCepopey: awesome, even if I don't use the devel-proposed?23:59
popeyn-iCe: we have "channels", if you're on the devel channel you stay on the devel channel23:59

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