
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
penguin42pirate with cattagh?02:44
mapanyoen sawake?06:55
* MartijnVdS gives map a new keyboard07:33
mapi think i lost my phone:(08:12
mapcan someone ring it see if t rings or goes to voicemail08:12
MooDoohello all09:39
=== bashrc_ is now known as bashrc
bashrcdon't know how the underscore got added09:42
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
marxjohn1onaquarius: hey saw your ping from yesterday09:58
aquariusmarxjohn1on, heya10:01
aquariusI have now set up btsync10:01
aquariusseems good with one notable exception: the iOS app, when asked to fetch a file, sometimes fetches *loads* of files :(10:01
aquariusI don't know whether this is a bug or what10:02
marxjohn1onaquarius: weird, no experience with iOS so cant comment I'm afraid10:03
aquariusbut I like it10:03
aquariusI especially like your indicator, which is very good indeed and you shall go to heaven when you die because of it.10:03
marxjohn1onWhy thank you10:04
directhexaquarius, small files?10:08
aquariusdirecthex, yeah. I suspect this is the bittorrent thing of "we download a whole block"10:08
aquariusbut it's really annoying on a phone when I want one single 15k PDF and it inhales a gig of stuff.10:08
aquariusand I don't know whether this is just built in to the way it works and can't be fixed, or whether I can avoid it.10:09
aquariusmarxjohn1on, do you know whether that's a function of the btsync protocol?10:14
MartijnVdSaquarius: Where do I send bug reports for Riddling?10:17
marxjohn1onaquarius: I dont know tbh, the protocol's a bit of a mystery. My understanding was it made 1 torrent per file, but that might not apply with really small files10:17
aquariusMartijnVdS, here's fine10:17
aquariusmarxjohn1on, hm. maybe I'll file a bug about it then10:17
MartijnVdSaquarius: clue 27 is wider than my screen and doesn't wrap10:18
aquariusMartijnVdS, is that the long number clue?10:18
aquariusit's deliberately small text precisely to avoid that :(10:18
MartijnVdSaquarius: I think it'd work if rotating the device worked10:18
aquariusrotating does not work exactly because it sods up the layout ;)10:19
aquariusMartijnVdS, you're on android? or ubuntu?10:19
MartijnVdSaquarius: android on a nexus 510:19
aquariusMartijnVdS, fancy doing a bit of testing?10:19
aquariusMartijnVdS, also, do you get a problem when bringing up the previous-answers screen?10:19
aquariusI've had reports of that on n5, but I can't replicate it.10:20
MartijnVdSaquarius: no problem (btw, the whole screen can scroll with the long clue, though there are no scroll bars)10:20
MartijnVdSaquarius: The screen comes up fine, but the answers overlap the clue numbers by a few pixels10:20
MartijnVdSand hitting "Back" closes the app (main screen) instead of going back to the current clue10:21
aquariusgod almighty10:21
aquariushow is it that none of this stuff happens on my n4??10:21
* aquarius looks annoyed10:21
aquariuslet me rig up a testable version10:21
aquariusand we can try and nail down some of these issues, if you're happy to help10:22
MartijnVdSaquarius: probably because of the 1080p-on-its-side screen?10:22
MartijnVdSaquarius: sure -- I won't be available this afternoon though, will have to test later10:22
aquariusI see what you mean about the screen scrolling, though10:22
MartijnVdSaquarius: also, on the "game" screen, the menu button isn't disabled (so the "..." 3 vertical dots show up on the right side of the back/home/taskmanager icon bar)10:29
MartijnVdS"soft buttons" I think they're called?10:29
aquariusya. good catch10:30
aquariusdon't know how to turn that off ;)10:30
MartijnVdSaquarius: I used to know it. Let me find it again :)10:30
aquariusin phonegap build, I mean. NOt in actual proper java ;)10:30
MartijnVdSaquarius: Sure, but you can probably grep around/map things, right? :)10:31
Nafalloics... :-P10:32
MartijnVdSNafallo: ICS and up10:32
Nafalloyeah, I reckoned. still found it funny :-)10:33
Nafallo"this mistake you made years ago... it's still happening!" :-P10:33
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:34
aquariushttp://community.phonegap.com/nitobi/topics/remove_the_android_menu_button seems useful here ;)10:37
MooDooAlanBell: sorry for interfering with that irc email :)10:37
AlanBellMooDoo: that is fine10:37
AlanBellwasn't an interference at all10:38
MooDooAlanBell: ta, just read it and throught woah! lol10:38
MooDooam I making it obvious I want on the IRCC in a few years ;) lol well I have to have my goals :p10:40
* aquarius is not sure how to fix MartijnVdS's number-is-too-long problem :(10:53
aquariusI don't want to add hyphens because then people think that the answers needs hyphens in it too.10:53
* aquarius grumbles10:53
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aquariusmaybe it can be a point size smaller still10:56
MooDooaquarius: I hate hate hate your game, I want my life back :p [ps it's really brill]10:56
aquariusMooDoo, I'm glad you like it :)10:56
aquariusMartijnVdS, so, are you around to test things now?11:04
aquariuswill take that as a no :)11:13
aquariusanybody else with Android and having problems with Riddling and fancy testing things for me? :)11:13
aquariushave had a couple of people reporting the menu not working right11:20
aquariuswhich I can't replicate11:20
popeywhat menu?11:21
popeyi see 3 dots but when i press it, i see no menu11:21
aquariusthe one with your previous answers in -- top left11:21
popeydidnt see that11:21
aquariusnot the android three-dots menu (which will be disabled in the next version :))11:21
brobostigonIDS definatly looks uncomfortable in his seat while being interviwed by andrew neil.11:22
bashrcI think the Android menu is context sensitive.  What you get, or whether you get it, depends on what screen is active.11:49
bashrcIDS is a nasty piece of work.  If I met him I might spit on him, but probably I'd consider him to be not even worth that.11:51
brobostigoni totally agree bashrc11:55
brobostigonhe is an A*** N*****11:56
ikoniaa what ?11:58
brobostigoni shouldnt fully flesh out the words, they RE NOT FAMILY FRIENDLY.11:58
brobostigonsorry for the tab11:59
brobostigonbashrc: this is why, i will publicise as much as i can. how much he effects my fellow aspies in so many bad ways.12:00
ikoniawho is IDS ? some sort of interface designer ?12:12
brobostigonian duncun smith, the secretery of state of the department for work and pensions.12:16
ikoniawith reference to android above, I thought it was an interface gripe and IDS was his "nick"12:20
SuperEngineer'tis a wonderful day - me hopes you are out enjoying it rather at the pooter screen!  me... I am at the pooter screen but I will be out & about all next [wondewrful weather] week ;)14:15
* penguin42 is here14:15
SuperEngineerhi penguin4214:16
daftykinsthis is interesting14:16
SuperEngineerhi daft14:16
daftykinshallo sir o/14:16
SuperEngineerhi daftykins14:16
daftykinsi went out cycling in the sun all yesterday :) but i am also planning on getting out again now14:16
daftykinsbut keep getting distracted instead of loading up my phone with music14:16
* penguin42 did go for a long walk yesterday14:17
daftykinsi've got shorts and t-shirt on :O14:17
SuperEngineercurrently enjoying new [semi home built] pooter - & keep sticking my head of the window... that's sort of healthy14:18
shaunohm, the online gizmo says there's a bus in 32 minutes, and in 33 minutes.  being sunday, i'm tempted to believe it :|14:18
SuperEngineershauno: run! you've only got 31 mins left14:19
* penguin42 doesn't think we have any online stuff to predict our busses - tarrot cards are more accurate14:19
* SuperEngineer thinks of names for tarot cards... "the head of the devil".. that could be the bus driver14:20
daftykinsSuperEngineer: hehehe, nice. was it a substantial upgrade?14:21
shaunowe got a whole new system a year or two ago.  it's about as entertaining as gambling on the weather forecast, but over shorter timeframes14:21
SuperEngineer"the screaming idiots"... the school bus14:21
SuperEngineerdaftykins: ooo yes - bought a [cheap] base unit from zoostorm, ripped out the power supply, put in my [now beloved] BeQuiet! 400W power supply14:23
SuperEngineer...doubled memory to 8G14:23
SuperEngineer...with the added GTX650 GPU [with 2G of video EAM... me quite pleased with "budget result ;)14:24
SuperEngineer...was determined to keep within a budget whilst having a pooter that could be fired up if needed before build complete14:25
penguin42SuperEngineer: Yeh ripping out the PSU on the zoostorm is a good move14:26
SuperEngineer...so now a 8+2 gig RAM, 2X HDD, 2 x DVD drive, 2 monitors [plus hdmi to TV screen].. & 1TB external drive for backups14:26
daftykinsi have 84.8GB free on my 5TB array, haha14:27
penguin42SuperEngineer: https://plus.google.com/photos/118251468822440261663/albums/posts/5933832421595458530?pid=5933832421595458530&oid=11825146882244026166314:27
shaunoI brought a server to its knees by running out of disk yesterday :(14:28
SuperEngineerpenguin42: agreed... but needed to keep in budget for now... dentist [tooth capping], gas bill, BUPA excess all due next month ;)14:28
daftykinsshauno: oops! :)14:28
shaunonothing important, just my own sandbox to play in.  but I couldn't figure out why TV shows were arriving as 20kb files14:29
SuperEngineerpenguin42: for when wallet returns to normal... what cpu upgrade is suggested... not done any research yey14:29
shaunoso now my super-handy minecraft backup script, has a super-handy 'delete month-old files' bit.  problem solved14:29
penguin42SuperEngineer: I've never done CPU upgrades14:30
shaunousually by time the cpu wants an upgrade, there's too many other dependencies to go with it14:31
daftykins^agreed, plus the number of socket changes these days14:31
daftykins<intel> right, this gen we're going to take away 5 pins!14:31
penguin42yeh, and the price doesn't come down for the higher end cpus in the old sockets14:31
shaunoright.  intel redefine 'a square peg' every 9 months14:32
SuperEngineerpenguin42: just seen your pic of blown capicitor - *very* glad I got a different PSU [ 1 of the things I count as essential for a stable pooter]14:32
penguin42SuperEngineer: Yeh; which CPU have you got?14:33
SuperEngineerI went fotr Germasny's favourite... the BeQuiet! range.  In my case their 400W versiomn... & wow!14:34
daftykinsi've been buying Corsair PSUs for a few years now, lifetime warranty and not had one fail14:34
SuperEngineer[with *3* fans running in new pooter it is quieter than my ol' Dell14:36
penguin42my main machine only has two; one big PSU fan, and I replaced the Intel standard CPU fan by a big quiet one14:36
SuperEngineerthe Bequiet!, the GTX650 both come with supoer good, super quiet fan designs14:36
SuperEngineerpenguin42: big & quiet =good!  ;)14:37
directhexthe 750ti is the new budget darling14:38
directhexless power consumption than the 650, for far more performance14:38
* SuperEngineer creates memo to ZooStorm/MSI - oy! you! next time.. supply a none Windows only CD!!!! ;)14:38
SuperEngineer...and please tell me how to monitor CPU temp from within linux!14:39
SuperEngineer[& before someone suggests it... both lm-sensors & psensors installed - but to no avail]14:40
penguin42SuperEngineer: make sure the coretemp module is loaded14:42
SuperEngineerI thought it was.. - how does one check14:42
penguin42SuperEngineer: lsmod |grep coretemp14:43
penguin42it's a pity that the number of cores in desktop CPUs has stopped going up :-(14:43
penguin42SuperEngineer: ls -l /sys/class/hwmon   does it show one of them as something like    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 0 Mar  9 13:50 hwmon1 -> ../../devices/platform/coretemp.0/hwmon/hwmon114:45
penguin42I mean where is the desktop equivalent of http://ark.intel.com/products/75258/Intel-Xeon-Processor-E7-8890-v2-37_5M-Cache-2_80-GHz  :-)14:46
penguin42(preferably with one less 0 on the price)14:46
SuperEngineerpenguin42:  ls -l /sys/class/hwmon14:46
SuperEngineertotal 014:46
SuperEngineerlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Mar  9 13:47 hwmon0 -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:18.3/hwmon/hwmon014:46
penguin42ok, so coretemp isn't doing anything for you - did you load coretemp?14:47
SuperEngineer[thought I did} :(14:47
daftykinspenguin42: i'd imagine quality of core is more important than count :D14:50
daftykinsyou can always go AMD? :)14:50
penguin42daftykins: Except that the intel cores are about the best you can get - so I just want more of those14:50
daftykinscould get a pricey upcoming Haswell-E? if they make one...14:51
penguin42daftykins: But all the haswell's so far have been 4 core - YAWN14:51
daftykinsor just the Ivy-E14:51
daftykinsyeah the -E variants are the triple channel clipped Xeons though14:52
penguin42daftykins: Thing is there's an argument that the only thing I use more CPU for is for building, and then another machine with a reasonable quad core, sitting there off most of the time is better value than buying the -E's14:53
SuperEngineergonna shuitdown/restart to allow full remove of pesor/lm-sensors & re-install... see y'all soon [I hope]14:53
daftykinspenguin42: ah-har14:54
penguin42daftykins: I've not upgraded my main desktop in ~4 years because there's no major gain - I don't think I could get twice the speed14:55
daftykinssame feeling here, i'm on a 2007/8 intel core 2 quad 2.4GHz (Q6600)14:56
penguin42daftykins: i7-860 here14:56
daftykinsyeah these kinds of systems coupled with SSDs feel as good as anything up to date :)15:00
penguin42daftykins: Yeh, I bought it about 4 years ago with 8GB RAM, only thing I've done is add an SSD, I could probably upgrade the GPU from an AMD HD4xxx to AMD HD6xxx (fanless)15:02
daftykinsAMD :(15:04
daftykinsthey seem quite awkward in any OS land in driver terms15:07
penguin42daftykins: Using the open driver15:07
daftykins4xxx is legacy now though isn't it?15:09
daftykinsso probably better than proprietary :D15:09
penguin42yeh probably, I don't do much GL stuff anyway, although I wouldn't mind trying OpenCL at some time, but it's been on my list of things to try for years15:11
SuperEngineerhmm... just fully removed pensor/lm-sensor but still not reporting cpu temp [unless it's running at 0 degrees C] -sooo tempted to overclock this pooter... but with no cpu monitor... again ' hmmmm :115:32
penguin42SuperEngineer: Did you get coretemp loaded - and does the /sys/class/hwmon appear for it?15:33
SuperEngineerI know cpu reports as I can get temp from BIOS, but that's not exactly a running temp :(15:34
SuperEngineerpenguin42: no! - darn thing [sensors-detect] doesn't seem to provide the chance]15:35
MartijnVdSSuperEngineer: what kind of CPU do you have?15:35
SuperEngineerAMD 3.3 dual core15:36
penguin42ooohhhh - AMD15:36
penguin42not fought an AMD for a long time15:37
SuperEngineerAMD-5300 APU dual core to be exact - & I have never used AMD before -DARN!#15:38
SuperEngineer[perhaps it needs to meet my mallet ;)(15:39
penguin42coretemp is Intel only15:40
penguin42SuperEngineer: How about the k10temp module?15:40
SuperEngineeryup... came to that conclusion myself15:40
SuperEngineerpenguin42: hmmm...  what's that? not heard of it15:41
penguin42SuperEngineer: looking at the kernel source it's AMD K10+ core temperature monitor15:41
penguin42MODULE_DESCRIPTION("AMD Family 10h+ CPU core temperature monitor");15:41
SuperEngineerwow - that *is* a full description - ta15:42
penguin42hmm my office is getting warm, I might have to open the window or start making sorbet15:42
MooDoopenguin42: both sound good15:43
SuperEngineerpenguin42: there's always the option of a nice cooooooool Pims15:43
MooDoois it pims'oclock?15:44
SuperEngineeryup! [it's always ppims o'clock]  ;)15:45
SuperEngineereven more so on sunny days - almost as if it were mandatory in fact15:46
SuperEngineerdarn... all the pages on google want me to download the code and compile into kernel - that's something I really don't want to do!15:55
SuperEngineer...perhaps I'll just overclock this thing & see how long before it fries!  ;)15:56
MooDooSuperEngineer: make sure you have eggs handy ;)15:56
SuperEngineer[amd say normal =3.4, overclock = 3.6 ....  bios however is quite happy to take it to 4.1 !!  no ill effects so far [but no serious ganming attempted with it over clocked]15:58
penguin42SuperEngineer: trusty certainly has the k10temp module15:58
* SuperEngineer gets eggs from box & puts them on pooter15:58
MooDooSuperEngineer: sunny side up for me please :D15:58
penguin42make -j scrambled15:59
SuperEngineerpenguin42: how to activate?15:59
SuperEngineerMooDoo: penguin42 - sunny side up scrambled on their way ;)15:59
penguin42SuperEngineer: modprobe k10temp ?16:00
SuperEngineerpenguin42: in which file? [pretty please]16:01
penguin42SuperEngineer: Just try it from a commandline16:01
SuperEngineerhave done modprobe before - but so long along I can't remember why it was needed or where added16:01
MooDooAlanBell: are you in #ubuntu?16:01
SuperEngineerhokeys - will do16:01
MooDooAlanBell: ah ignore that :)16:02
SuperEngineerhokeys - will do16:03
MooDooDJones: had fun in ubuntu ;)16:03
penguin42http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/a42ab8b2-9d75-11e3-a599-00144feab7de.html#axzz2uzCBPTpT   seems a great way to get beuracritic issues16:04
SuperEngineerhmm - no errors - in fact no result shown at al in terminal... let's try a restart and see......16:04
penguin42reboot won't help16:05
MooDooDJones: you around again un #ubuntu?16:07
DJonesGot them16:08
MooDooyay :)16:08
penguin42SuperEngineer: You didn't want to reboot16:09
SuperEngineerwow - what a surprise! [sarcasm *is* the highest form of wit]... absolutely no difference whatsoever :(16:09
SuperEngineerpenguin42: why not reboot16:10
penguin42SuperEngineer: modprobe doesn't get stored16:10
penguin42SuperEngineer: so try the modprobe    and see if /sys/class/hwmod gains a new entry or if anything is added to syslog16:10
SuperEngineerthat's wht I stuffed into a file last time - for a 3G dongle I think16:11
penguin42right, but no need here - first try the modprobe to see if it appears in /sys/class/hwmod16:11
SuperEngineerwill do16:12
SuperEngineerdarn .. what was the modprobe command again?? pretty, pretty please16:13
penguin42modprobe k10temp16:14
SuperEngineeroooH -there *is no* hwmod under /sys/class - nearest is hwmon16:18
penguin42yeh it's hwmon16:19
penguin42hardware monitor as in16:19
SuperEngineeryuk! what the heck am I looking for?  [got a lot of "for 'recursive, see recursive' links and some files]... no idea what I should be looking for16:22
penguin42SuperEngineer: What's in /sys/class/hwmon now?16:25
penguin42hey? I asked what16:25
SuperEngineerpastebin coming up16:25
penguin42SuperEngineer: OK, also do   cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/name16:26
penguin42hmm myabe not16:26
MooDooDJones: ok i'm going to try for ops in #ubuntu-offtopic, seems the most quiet at the moment lol16:29
* SuperEngineer taps fingers waiting for darn imagebin to finish.... tap - tap - tap16:30
DJonesMooDoo: s/quiet/insane/16:30
SuperEngineerpenguin42: http://imagebin.org/29809216:31
MooDooDJones: well need to get my foot in the door, baptism of fire then ;)16:31
penguin42SuperEngineer: Please use ls -l /sys/class/hwmon16:31
SuperEngineerwith pleasure! 'coz that was a pain in the backside ;)16:32
penguin42(Ever been in a teleconference where someone shares a terminal over vnc to another machine to share it via one of these web conference schemes - positively the most inefficient way to share text)16:34
SuperEngineerpenguin42: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7062563/16:36
* SuperEngineer gets eggs ready - coz that to me seems useless ;)16:38
penguin42SuperEngineer: Hmm you had that before so it probably didn't get helped by k10temp16:39
SuperEngineer[WHOOPS! - wrong word right now :D  ]16:39
SuperEngineerpenguin42: I have tried, you have tied doubly so... I thank you massively for help  - I think it's a case of "have AMD, won't travel"  ;)16:42
penguin42SuperEngineer: Yeh, I'd see if the k10temp guys or similar have anything new for apus - but I've never played with them16:43
* SuperEngineer gets eggs ready16:43
SuperEngineer...just coz AMD says max overclock from 3.4 is to 3.6 [boring!]...16:45
SuperEngineer - why shouldn't I give the m/board free reign & let it do the 4.1 it wants to ;)16:45
* SuperEngineer checks chicken supply16:46
penguin42may want a bit of salt16:46
penguin42nice thing with my work laptop (i7) is that it's nice and quiet except during a build - you know when the build has finished16:47
shaunoI keep meaning to find wheels for mine, and see if the fans are capable of propulsion16:47
SuperEngineerI will get a clue from GPU, HDD1 & HDD2 - plus seeing if CPU use starts soaring or gets erratic16:48
SuperEngineer...but will not use overclock if doing backups!16:48
SuperEngineer....so - eggs... chips & beans as well perhaps  ;16:48
SuperEngineergoona reboot now - set to OC - wish me luck folks ;)16:50
* SuperEngineer smells frying ;)16:50
* penguin42 doesn't OC16:50
radhey everyone, I have a question regarding setting up a serial console in ubuntu 12.04 and I was hoping someone could help me16:55
MooDoorad: the only thing I know about seial consoles is here - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto16:56
radthis is where I have having difficulties, following this link I created the entry in  /etc/event.d/ttyS0, as directed including the line: exec /sbin/getty 110 ttyS016:58
* SuperEngineer now running 3.6 APU [but using an n‎Vidia to do the video bit, not the APU - lets hope these 3 fans do their magic ;)17:00
radsorry I meant : /etc/init/ttyS0.conf - when I create the file as directed including the line: exec /sbin/getty -L 110 ttyS0 vt102 and then proceed to issue the command "sudo start ttyS0" I recieve the login prompt on the remote terminal and everything is fine17:00
MooDoorad: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-set-up-a-serial-console-on-ubuntu/17:00
MooDooI don't know about it tobe honest17:00
radThe issue is I have a terminal that requires 2 stop bits and I do not know how to configure getty for two stop bits17:00
rad*another terminal17:01
SuperEngineerAPU now running at 4.117:01
* SuperEngineer sniggers... temporarily17:01
SuperEngineer[eggs at the ready17:02
SuperEngineerwho wants beans with theirs?17:02
penguin42rad: wth did you find that terminal - are you sure?17:02
* penguin42 hasn't come across anything that needs anything other than 8n1 for decades17:03
radyes it is an ASR-33 teletypewritter from the 1960's 1970s17:03
radi have three of them, two of them are not that picky are are ok with 1 stop bit however the third requires 2 data bits. the login is grabbled and once I login correctly and set it to two stop bits (stty cstob) everything is fine17:04
radhowever it would be nice to have the login prompt appear correctly17:04
penguin42oh wow17:04
penguin42rad: You might be better with a different getty - I can't see anything on the agetty to set that17:05
radi was checking agetty and mgetty earlier however i could not find anything to set 2 stop bits....17:05
penguin42rad: Yeh I mean that's odd17:05
SuperEngineersda = 49c, sdb = 50c, GPP=38c ... no difference so far17:05
SuperEngineeranyone fancy suggesting a test for stabilty?17:06
penguin42SuperEngineer: Google's stressapptest - it's mean17:06
SuperEngineere.g. bechmarking - would that streetch the APU enough me wonders?17:06
penguin42SuperEngineer: And add some GL17:07
SuperEngineerpenguin42: oooh - that's a good choice - let's do it17:07
penguin42rad: I can't see the options in the kernel's serial console support either17:07
radI do have a baud rate converter which can be placed on the serial line itself and configure one port to be 2 stop bits however it would be nice to do that in software17:07
penguin42rad: Personally I'd get the agetty source and tweek it17:07
penguin42rad: Where the heck did you find those?17:09
radon my solaris box in the /etc/ttydefs file I am able to set it for two stop bits:17:09
radconttymy:110 hupcl evenp cstopb lcase icanon iexten ofill cr2:110 hupcl evenp cstopb lcase icanon iexten ofill cr2::17:09
radbut I guess the equivilant in ubuntu might not be there17:09
penguin42rad: Yeh I can't see it in agetty or the kernel's console docs17:10
radI picked them up accross southern ontario (Canada) and brought them over to Vermont and had them restored17:10
penguin42very nice17:11
penguin42rad: I can't immediately see it in ngetty's docs either17:13
radI did try sudo stty -F /dev/ttyS0 cstopb evenp 110 however it did not have the desired effect17:13
penguin42rad: mgetty looks like it might be able to set arbitrary settings17:14
penguin42rad: http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?mgettydefs+417:15
radthank you! let me take a look17:15
penguin42rad: I expect a video of you doing a login on one :-)17:16
radyes I am actually making a video..  i'll be posting it on youtube sometime in the near future17:17
penguin42rad: Do they do lower case?17:18
radno only upper case. luckly Solaris implements lcase  icanon iexten correctly. letters typing in upper case are translated in lower case and if I want to specify an upper case it can be escaped17:19
penguin42yeh, I don't know if I've ever seen that on Linux17:20
radunfortunately it appears this feature is not available in Ubuntu after searching online and trying myself, uppercase to lower case translation seems to work however escaping to indicate an uppercase character did not17:20
radI also tried FreeBSD with no luck, however Solaris worked great17:20
penguin42rad: My 1st Unix usage was on an HP MIni in about '89 at college and some of the terminals were truly ancient and were upper case only, and we had a DEC writer that was the only printing terminal I'd ever used17:21
radoh wow. I've heard about the DEC writer but never used one. that must have been fun!17:21
* penguin42 pointed the admin to someone selling 2nd hand vt100's for about #10/each and we made a great improvement to the lab :-)17:21
radwhat speed did the Dec writer run at? 110 baud? 300 baud?17:22
penguin42I can't remember - I'm thinking 300, it was dot matrix17:22
daftykinsshould you be bored enough to view yet MORE scenes of the island of Guernsey, have at ye...17:30
penguin42daftykins: Have you used things like panoramio - you can upload pictures so they appear on google maps17:38
daftykinsi haven't no17:39
daftykinsi'd imagine anyone with a decent camera would be much more justified than my little phone snaps though :)17:39
daftykinshere's the far more interesting ones17:39
daftykinsbeware of wind noise on this one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/evjny4kkqpdolce/VID_20140309_155724.mp417:39
daftykinsplus a still of that same spot17:40
penguin42daftykins: It seems pretty random; I only use a cheap camera, some of my pictures get a handful of views a week17:46
penguin42daftykins: and you can see how they've been found - it shows search stats17:46
raddidn't have much luck with mgetty. in the end I setup getty to run an autologin for a guest account. once automatically logged in, I will be able to telnet to my solaris machine and login as needed18:25
ali1234rad: hmm18:30
penguin42rad: I wonder about instead of telnet'ing to the solaris machine, how about just running agetty at that point?18:32
radI do need to eventually access the Solaris machine some how (located in another room). The Ubuntu machine was a way to interface the teletype with the remote solaris box18:34
daftykinsi've signed up for this for fun, might be basic- but ho-hum :)18:41
radlunch time. take care everyone!18:41
radthank you penguin42 for your help!18:41
penguin42rad: Hey no problem - nice project18:42
shaunoif you're only using this as a 'jump box' to serial to the solaris box, you might want to look at ser2net, which is purrfect for such things18:52
shauno(exposes a serial port straight to a network port, so you just telnet to that port)18:53
MooDooI love irc :)19:37
penguin42That's nice19:37
MooDoolol just been lurking in ubuntu-irc, very enlightening19:38
daftykinsMooDoo: what's that channel for?19:41
MooDooirc council19:42
MooDoodaftykins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam?action=show&redirect=IrcTeam19:43
penguin42anything particularly contentious?19:43
MooDoodaftykins: basically the council that trys to keep ubuntu channels a nice place to visit19:43
diddledanI'm guessing they don't much like me? :-p19:44
MooDoopenguin42: no not really just interesting to see behind the scenes19:44
MooDoodiddledan: why so?19:44
daftykinsMooDoo: ah, perhaps they need a reminder about -offtopic19:44
diddledanMooDoo: family friendly deficiency? :-D19:44
penguin42MooDoo: You'd think they'd plant some new borders and sweep the topics a bit more19:44
diddledan+1 on the new foliage19:46
* zenpho waves hi20:21
zenphohow goes it with you?20:23
zenphoI had no idea there was an ubuntu lug - but now I think about it I feel silly saying so - of course there would be - nice to have found you guys tho20:26
daftykins:D as in an online LUG? i guess it sort of is :)20:28
daftykinsgood here ty, nice sunny weekend. and you?20:28
zenphoyep, it was lovely here - wall to wall sunshine ;o)20:29
zenphoi didn't go outside much this weekend20:29
zenphoslightly embarrased to say I was mostly indoors doing hackerish things with scanners and printers20:30
ali1234yeah... this time last year we were all snowed in weren't we?20:31
penguin42it's been amazingly warm20:33
zenphomm... I remember - crazy!20:33
zenphoI hope it's not going to be a very hot summer this year... just a nice sunny one, not too sticky.20:34
zenphoheh look at us, typical UK conversation with strangers "the weather the weather the weather" ;o)20:35
zenphoany of you guys affected by yonder flooding?20:38
ali1234last year the council put rain-gardens in our road though20:39
ali1234they are supposed to prevent flooding20:39
ali1234but it doesn't flood here20:39
zenphorain gardens? i've never heard the term20:39
ali1234you know... grass verges?20:39
ali1234they dug those up and replaced them with essentially a trench 1 foot deep, with longer grass and plants20:40
zenphohowdy znurgl20:40
zenphoI wasn't flooded either - pretty high up where I am20:41
zenphoflood gardens seem like an interesting technique to aid drainage tho20:42
zenphoso do any of you guys meet? like a lug in real life?20:45
ali1234amusingly, people threw half eaten takeaways in it20:45
ali1234and we got tomota and sweetcorn plants growing20:45
zenphohehe! typical20:45
penguin42isn't sweetcorn normally cooked?20:46
zenphoI read your "1 foot deep" wrong - was about to say "wouldn't drunks stumble in and get stuck?"20:46
ali1234well, frankyl, yes20:47
penguin42not a bad idea, drunk trap20:47
zenpho"10 foot deep" - a little more dangerous!20:47
ali1234you wouldn't get stuck but you could do yourself a nasty injury20:47
zenphoI've only ever grown tomato plants in a greenhouse20:49
zenphointeresting that they'll happily kinda grow outdoors with little shelter20:50
ali1234it didn't grow any tomatos20:51
zenphotalking of plants growing in unusual places - reminds me of "guerilla gardening" - planting in the earth around road-side trees in urban areas20:51
zenphoi remember a friend telling me about people who put in flowers and climbers where none were meant20:52
zenphowb oly20:52
zenphosay, i wonder could any of you guys help me with a problem with my onboard soundcard in ubuntu here? no problem if you'd rather not20:54
ali1234what is the problem?20:55
MooDoozenpho: just ask your question if any one is around who knows they'll answer it :D20:55
zenphosound was hapily working for a while, but then only silence recently, even after reboots. Alsa identifies the chip as a "SigmaTel STAC9200"20:56
zenphohi fwereade20:56
ali1234open alsamixer from terminal20:57
ali1234check all the outputs are not muted20:57
ali1234there are two catches you also need to be aware of:20:57
ali1234sometimes speaker and headphone outputs are reversed20:57
zenphocurrently i'm using an external usb thing to listen, lemme unplug that first20:57
ali1234and there is sometimes a switch called "independent h/p" - try turning it on20:57
zenphookidoke, i'll try these things and report back - hold up - thanks ali20:58
zenphowell now I'm confused. even without me messing in alsamixer - sound is back and working - i just unplugged the usb sound"card" and things came over the internal speakers again21:00
ali1234sometimes the hardware can act funny like this21:00
zenphoI wonder what happened to make it stop working for so long? it's you guys magical influence!21:00
ali1234there is actually a bug in 13.10 when when you add/remove sound cards it unmutes all of them21:01
ali1234fixed in 14.04 though21:01
ali1234alsamixer is the first thing to check when things go wrong21:01
ali1234it is lower level than the pulseaudio stuff on the panel21:01
zenphogood tips21:02
ali1234i bet the side effects of that bug fixed it for you though21:02
zenphoyes maybe.... perhaps I should just plug and unplug this external after booting (if there's a problem again of course)21:03
zenphothank you very much for tips and guidance ali21:05
zenphohold on, switching from webchat to xchat here21:10
zenpho_hi me21:10
=== zenpho_ is now known as zenpho
zenphoI should disappear (or at least start lurking) pretty soon - got an early start tomorrow21:15
zenpho:o( we'll miss you rad and phil21:32
* zenpho goes afk for a bit21:45
zenphog'night all22:28
zenphoi'll probably be back tomorrow22:28
MooDoowell LjL isn't happy at all23:18
daftykinsMooDoo: i know him from another channel, that's pretty much permanent23:28
MooDoodaftykins: sigh23:29
MooDoodaftykins: mountain out of a molehill23:32
daftykinsoh? :(23:36
daftykinsMooDoo: is he kicking up a fuss?23:42

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