
nhainesToday I remembered that I am a system administrator and that I am responsible for keeping my server up to date.02:29
toddcwhat did you forget to update yesterday?03:50
nhainestoddc: I think I forgot to update over the last 23 days.  :)05:16
MichaelPaoliBerkeleyLUG meeting in progress - noon - 3pm PDT http://www.berkeleylug.com/?page_id=6719:02
darthrobot`Title: [Berkeley Linux Users Group ยป Meetings]19:02
nhainestoddc: Oh, you know, I misread your last question.  Basically, my server wasn't updating the package list daily and so it hadn't prompted me in byobu for available updates.21:34
nhainesI tried to install mysql-server and couldn't because the packages were several versions out of date and no longer online.  :)21:35
nhainesSo I realized that I have a list of everyone who left their email address at the Ubuntu booth for the shirt raffle we did.22:03
nhainesAnd also one person who didn't leave his email address but I found it online anyway, so ha.22:03
Coreynhaines: YOu should totally spam them.22:04
nhainesSo I think we should send those people a letter thanking them for visiting the Ubuntu booth, linking to more news about trusty and phone and tablet development, and encouraging them to get involved in their LoCo, with a link to the LoCo project and to our LoCo.22:05
nhainesCorey: I might run the email by the mailing list first.  ;)22:19

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