
trippehCan a upstart job be made to start after a sysvinit one?19:15
JanCtrippeh: sysvinit services can trigger upstart events19:42
JanC(assuming you mean sysvinit services running on upstarts sysvinit compatibility layer, of course)19:43
trippehJanC: yes. What about depending on the Provides: from sysvinit script?20:39
trippehsay on started or starting20:39
trippehthinking about its probably the wrong thing in my case, as the database could be external anyway ;)20:40
trippehstill curious20:40
JanCif this is an existing sysvinit script, you would have to change it to emit upstart events20:40
JanCor you could probably change the sysvinit compatibility layer to do that20:43
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