
themartianisthi, i am trying to install xubuntu to a usb and have it entirely encrypted but the installer does not give me the option any way to work around that?00:40
themartianistit appears that encryption is only available for installation to a regular hard drive00:40
fibz_this might help:  http://newspaint.wordpress.com/2012/09/21/full-disk-encryption-on-xubuntu-precise-12-04/00:58
boldfilter1Hi, I can't get my window manager to open in compiz mode04:28
boldfilter1In settings04:28
holsteinboldfilter1: i stopped using compiz.. xfce/xubuntu doest ship with it. what are you trying to accomplish?04:29
holsteinhttp://www.webupd8.org/2012/11/how-to-set-up-compiz-in-xubuntu-1210-or.html might work04:35
holsteinlooks like how i used to do it.04:36
boldfilter1Sorry, I left. What were you saying?04:57
boldfilter1Okay, so I have to change the window decoration thru the dconf-editor, Thanks05:16
boldfilter1Looks great, feels fast, and I can do anything I want with it05:16
boldfilter1Thanks xfce05:16
TheX_I have 4 Drive's one that is a empty 35 gig, I would like to install Xubuntu to the 35gig and leave winXP, will the Install ask me where i want Xubuntu to be installed?05:25
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
fibz_TheX_,  yes. if you want complete control choose the option for "Something else"05:25
fibz_it will ask if you want to install alongside windows, remove windows and just have xubuntu or "Something else"05:26
TheX_Ok Thank you. fibz_ So if i chose  "Something else" i can keep WinXP and use Xubuntu on a seperat drive?05:28
fibz_if you choose "install alongside windows" it will have a look at your system and make it's best guess at what you want. with "something else", you tell it exactly what you want05:29
TheX_Ok thanks05:33
xubuntu174davHi all! Sudo thunar command gives the following message: "(thunar:2417): IBUS-WARNING **: The owner of /home/me/.config/ibus/bus is not root!" any help?11:04
xubuntu761Not sure how this works but can someone help me get Rhythmbox working.  I cannot add tunes from my hard drive and have reinstalled the programme but still no joy.  I'm think  I am doing it right.  Add Music-click hardrive...nothing!?  Anyone?11:51
=== Anonymous is now known as Guest20220
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GTB3NWHey can anyone recommend me a screen recording program?17:06
cfhowlettGTB3NW, recommend you consult your software center - lots of options there17:06
GTB3NWMhmm I prefer feedback rather than the software center17:07
holsteinGTB3NW: orca, at least used to be the big well supported one.. but, ideally, you will find what is best for you by just trying them, and seeing what fits your needs17:08
holsteinGTB3NW: you culd try elaborating.. about what you have tried, and what you are looking for specifically.. or, try one of the live distros that includes assistance programs like that, and see what is working for you17:09
GTB3NWI haven't tried any yet, I'm looking for one which performs well at general screen recording, if it records games okay that is a bonus17:09
GTB3NWif not I can look at an alternative for game recording17:09
holsteinlol.. i read "reading"17:10
holstein!info recordmydesktop-gtk17:10
ubottuPackage recordmydesktop-gtk does not exist in saucy17:10
holstein!info recordmydesktop17:10
ubotturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 54 kB, installed size 148 kB17:10
cfhowlettholstein, I wondered what you were thinking ...17:10
holsteinGTB3NW: there are *many*.. and they all do different things17:10
GTB3NWwhich is why I was asking for pointers :P17:11
holstein!info kazam17:11
ubottukazam (source: kazam): screencast and screenshot application created with design in mind. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.3-2 (saucy), package size 880 kB, installed size 2425 kB17:11
holsteini havent used that one ^ but ive read good things about it..17:11
GTB3NWhmm I've seen RMD on all the recommendations, will have to try it17:11
cfhowlettGTB3NW, the software center includes user ratings17:11
holsteinGTB3NW: the 'best' pointer is to just try them17:12
holsteinGTB3NW: they are all available free of cost in the default repos where cfhowlett is suggesting you can search17:12
GTB3NWdoes RMD integrate with xfce toolbar does anyone know?17:13
GTB3NWit specifically states gnome17:13
holsteinGTB3NW: nothing about xfce will prevent it from being able to17:13
holsteinGTB3NW: i would just fire it up and see.. if its GTK, i would think you have a good chance17:13
GTB3NWyeah looks to be working, gonna test record17:14
piceaFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gnutls26/libgnutls26_2.12.14-5ubuntu3.6_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]17:56
piceaFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-meta/linux-generic_3. 404  Not Found [IP: 80]17:56
piceaFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-meta/linux-image-generic_3. 404  Not Found [IP: 80]17:56
piceaFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-meta/linux-headers-generic_3. 404  Not Found [IP: 80]17:56
piceaFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-libc-dev_3.2.0-59.90_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]17:56
piceasry, about multiple lines...what should i do to update xubuntu?17:56
GridCubepicea, have you done a sudo apt-get update?18:01
piceanot yet18:01
GridCubedo so18:01
GridCubealways run update before trying to install something18:01
piceai got these lines when trying to update xubuntu via update manager...18:14
GridCubeyes, the sources might have not been available, an update would check again18:16
GridCubewhat release are you using picea18:17
Kn|feTesthello, sorry to bother, but i have what im sure is a pretty typical problem, the volume applet does not work, id tried googling a few work arounds but nothing seems to work...20:36
Kn|feTestjust did a fresh install20:36
Kn|feTestid greatly appreciate any assistance with this20:37
TheSheepKn|feTest: what does "does not work" mean exactly? What are you doing, what you are expecting to happen and what is actually happening?20:40
wabblaKn|feTest: Is it that issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound-gtk2/+bug/1208204? Should be resolved with a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:41
Kn|feTestclicking the volume applet and getting a tiny grey box instead of the usual volume slider20:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1208204 in Ubuntu Studio "[SRU]Update indicator-sound-gtk2 with patch" [Undecided,New]20:41
Kn|feTestyes wabbla20:42
Brad_asdfLooking for a for dummies level guide for  Ubuntu.  I just flashed xubuntu onto my netbook, and I don't know heads from tails even getting the wireless to work.20:43
Poisoned_Dragonlooks like they released a fix. Since you said this is a fresh install, an update is in order.20:43
Kn|feTestive gone through the updates20:43
Poisoned_Dragonis your sound working at all?20:44
wabblaKn|feTest: did you also restart Xfce?20:44
Poisoned_Dragonbecause, comment 5 of that bug report has the manual fix that always works for me.20:45
Kn|feTestdid full restart of computer after each attempt20:45
Kn|feTestusing the old binary Poisoned_Dragon ?20:46
Poisoned_DragonYeah, Kn|feTest20:46
Kn|feTesti'll try it.... now i just need to know how to find it and do it...20:47
Poisoned_DragonI wish I could be more helpful, but I'm currently using the xubuntu 14.04 development release.20:47
Poisoned_DragonSo, no indicator issues for me.20:47
Kn|feTestactually, did another check for updates and downloading now, no idea why software updater game me a "sytem up to date" when i tried it a few minutes ago, if problem still persists i will return, if not, thank you folks for all your help20:51
Poisoned_DragonKn|feTest, just open /usr/share/dbus-1/services/indicator-sound.service with a text editor, with elevated privileges, and edit the Exec= line to the one in the post.20:51
=== GTB3NW is now known as GTB3NW_AWAY
Kn|feTestthats what i tried originally, but to no effect, i'll see if update helps, this is my second laptop ive installed xubuntu on, the applet resolved itself after updates on my other computer20:53
Poisoned_Dragonhmmm.. odd20:55
cubOften I get a delay when using the xfce-appfinder (alt+F2), any suggestions of a faster alternative?21:18
krytarikcub: I use Synapse.21:24
cubkrytarik, you think it's "better"?21:25
cubI was thinking of whisker-menu as it's planned for next release too21:26
Poisoned_DragonI'm using whisker-menu now21:29
Poisoned_DragonI like it.21:29
cubany alternative for xfrun4 (alt+F2) too?21:31
Poisoned_Dragonisn't xfrun4 the same thing?21:35
Poisoned_Dragononly the collapsed form of appfinder?21:35
cubI don't think so, I made a typo before. Appfinder is on alt+f321:36
cubaha could be?21:36
Poisoned_Dragonif you press alt+f2 and press down,  poof! magically becomes alt+f3. :)21:37
Poisoned_Dragonmind = blown21:38
sleeziohello, i'm wanting to rip my xp cd to iso so i can load it via virtalbox, does xubuntu come with a tool for that already or what is a good program to rip to iso?22:15
sleeziowell, nm, it looks like vbox might load from dvd drive22:16
willwacI resently just installed Xubuntu and change over my graphics drivers22:33
willwacBut after I restarted my computer, the GUI wouldn't load because the display isn't set22:34
willwachow do I fix that?22:34
=== FreezingAlt is now known as FreezingCold
xubuntu646need help setting up shared internet for wd tv live23:10
xubuntu646Please Help! i am not familiar with xubuntu and need help setting up shared internet connection. Please Help!23:12
krytarik!patience | xubuntu64623:13
ubottuxubuntu646: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/23:13
GridCube!details | xubuntu64623:14
ubottuxubuntu646: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:14
xubuntu646i am a windows user and this is my first time using xubuntu. i am having a hard time finding anything period. i dont know what version. it was installed last may. i have no idea where to begin to do anything.23:15
xubuntu646i want to share an internet connection to a "wd tv live" box connected to my tv23:16
xubuntu646and honestly i dont know where the problem is because i have no idea what i am doing23:17
xubuntu646the forums and answers that i have found are a little too advanced for me. i need something extremely simplified.23:18
GridCubeok, xubuntu646, there might not be23:18
GridCubethe kind of devices that have been designed to work just whit windows might need actual work from our side23:19
GridCubebecause the people who created the devices simply dont care about us, and we have to figure out for ourselfs23:19
GridCubethats sad23:19
GridCubei would recommend you to patiently read the guides you have found and try to figure out how to make them work for you23:20
xubuntu646well the big problem i am having is everything tells me to put a code into "root" file, but when i go to rood, it tells me i dont have permission.23:21
GridCubexubuntu646, good, :) thats a proble we can help with23:24
GridCuberoot is the power user of your computer, the user that can change system files23:25
GridCubeto access and use root powers ubuntu, and xubuntu, use the command sudo23:25
GridCubeyou have to type sudo before any command and it will ask you for your password, if you give your password to sudo you will be granted root privileges23:26
GridCubebe careful doing this because root can delete and change all files on your computer, i would recommend you to read and ask if a command is safe to execute before using it with sudo23:26
xubuntu646ok. thank you for the help and advice23:27
GridCubexubuntu646, :) no problem, keep asking the things you don't understand and we might be able to guide you to understand them23:30
newuserwhats up peoples.23:41

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