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mthaddonam I misunderstanding how diff options work, or is http://paste.ubuntu.com/7068140/ failing to respect -x? I'd expect it to not say that the revision file has differed15:17
mthaddonhmm, looks like it could be https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/26813515:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 268135 in Bazaar "bzr commit -x doesn't change the --show-diff output (iter_changes does not support excludes)" [Medium,Confirmed]15:20
mthaddonor maybe not15:22
jelmermthaddon: -x takes a pattern IIRC, not a basename17:38
mthaddonjelmer: I tried http://paste.ubuntu.com/7068864/ as well, but that doesn't seem to work either17:39
jelmermthaddon: ah, looks like -x doesn't work unless you specify -r17:41
jelmerand even then, only works for files *inside* of the directory arguments you pass in17:41
mthaddonjelmer: so what would I need to to exclude the revision file here? I can't seem to do it even with -r17:43
mgzjelmer: does the {relpath} config thing work with colocated branches do you recall?17:43
jelmermthaddon: it invokes diff manually for each file, so -r is pointless17:43
jelmermgz: it works with the bzr-colo style, not sure about the builtin ones17:44
mthaddonjelmer: sounds like there's no way of getting it to do what I'm trying to do, right? I should just go with filterdiff instead? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7068197/17:45
jelmermthaddon: yes, I don't think it's possible at the moment with 'bzr diff'.17:46
mthaddonok, thx17:47

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