
=== osk is now known as Guest32594
studio-user258hi, ihave a usb audiobox usb, it's compatible with this realase?07:49
__raven_i am looking for an audio processing tool similar to auphonic.com for local use - any ideas?08:09
end117it's my first time here, i dont' know how it works12:00
end117I have a problem whit my new pci firewire card connected to an saffire pro24 dsp12:01
end117and i'm looking for someone who can help me12:02
alexandre_hi all, anyone could tell me how to extract audio cd and which log to use (with ubuntustudio distrib) ? THX !13:15
__raven_i am looking for an audio processing tool similar to auphonic.com for local use - any ideas?20:17
=== james is now known as Guest10499
holstein__raven_: what are you trying to do?21:24
__raven_holstein: automatically kind desaster reduction for people who do not know about dynamics...21:26
holsteinthere are many limiters21:26
holsteinyou could use "normalization" in audacity21:26
__raven_i need an automation21:27
__raven_anything like freelcs with custom plugins21:27
holstein__raven_: use a plugin and automate it21:27
__raven_excellent suggestion...21:27
gilmarhi, I have some questions about video editing22:19
gilmarI want to migrate completely from windows to ubuntu studio, there is no way of exporting high quality videos without paying. I've tried lightworks and besides crashing, it doesn't export hq videos freewarely.... is there any software I can use for this in linux? Which program has the best exports?22:24
GridCubegilmar, sorry if im being ignorant here, but, why do you need to export the videos? can't you just use the same raw sources?22:32
gilmarI mean exporting as my last step22:35
gilmarI wanna have nice blu rays or dvds22:35
gilmarAnd adobe won't accept my foreign credit card22:36
gilmarIndie Film makers from my country reinstall windows monthly22:38
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
gilmarHow do I reach the developers of a program like for funding etc?22:46

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