
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
harlowjasmoser yt, are u ok with https://code.launchpad.net/~vlastimil-holer/cloud-init/net-reconfigure/+merge/186352 ?04:38
smoseri shouldn't be here.04:39
smoserwhat do i get wit this ?04:39
* harlowja not sure whose been testing snapshots at y!04:39
harlowjabut the ips haven't been right, lol04:39
harlowjaso smoser  i think what u'll get is the ifdown part before networking modification04:39
harlowjaanother idea, i think http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/sysvinit/redhat/cloud-init-local#L30 would probably like to have Should-Stop: $network04:40
harlowjaalthough not sure04:40
harlowjai think the issue we have just noticed (don't ask why nobody noticed or told me before) is that snapshot saves image, with old netconfig, starts up off of snapshot, but init-local happens after networking starts (so config drive network writing is to late at this point)04:42
harlowjalet me know what u think when u get some time04:43
harlowjathe /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/ that this is part of http://paste.openstack.org/show/73103/04:51
smoserharlowja, yeah, i knew it was broken in that way.04:56
smoserwell, i knew it was broken for inserting statick eth004:56
smoseri hadn't thought about other nics that were previosly configured.04:56
smoserit seems a bit broken to bring dwn configured network interfaces though.04:59
harlowjawhat to do i wonder :-P05:01
harlowjab b05:04
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
harmwand another day goes by without new cirros release :p17:52
kwadronautbe nice ;-)18:09
harmwI'm always nice :>18:11
smoserharmw, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7075003/18:31
smosercan you test that ?18:31
smoseradds and uses 'asroot' and adds a container output.18:31
harmwahyea, lets see18:32
smoserthen i'll pull your patch if that works.18:33
smoserand then we'll be closer 18:33
harmwawk: /proc/1/environ: Permission denied18:40
harmwI'm running without sudo now, manually invoking cirros-status18:40
smoserbah. right.18:40
harmwit does print ssh keys nicely now18:40
smoserk. i shoudl have just used 'lxc-is-container', but i was hoping to avoid the fork :)18:45
harlowjasmoser u around18:58
harlowjaso about that stupid ifconfig crap18:59
harlowjaany thoughts on a good longer term solution, not that hard to adjust the sysvinit file18:59
harlowjaor other way is to say users should delete there ifconfig before snapshotting as part of cleanup19:02
smoserharmw, i really dont want to tell pepole they have to clean up19:32
smoseri'd love to have a way around that.19:32
smosererr... harlowja 19:32
harlowjaya, smoser, hmmm19:32
harmwsmoser: iamroot() doesn't work20:21
harmwiamroot() { return $(id -u)20:21
harmwanything wrong with doing it that way?20:22
smoserharmw, bah.20:25
smoseradd 20:25
smoser [ "$UID" = "0" ]20:25
smoserafter it sets uid.20:25
smoseriamroot() {20:25
smoser    [ -z "$UID" ] || UID=$(id -u)20:25
smoser    [ "$UID" = "0" ]20:25
smosersorry. 20:25
smoseryeah, the way i had it it would always say it was root20:25
harmwuhm, how's this any different :P20:27
harmwie. still doesn't work20:28
harmwit's now always using sudo20:29
smoserbah. harmw i'ms orry.23:54

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