
hatchrick_h_ ping?00:02
rick_h_hatch: pong00:03
hatchso I got it to work in Safari00:03
rick_h_hatch: woot00:03
hatchbut the best that can be done is to open it up in another window00:03
hatchso the user will have to 'save' the webpage manually00:04
rick_h_I'm confused, isn't this about dragging/dropping the local charm to deploy it?00:04
hatchare you on OSX right now?00:04
rick_h_or this is about saving the bundle?00:04
rick_h_for export?00:04
hatchsaving the bundle00:04
hatchfor export00:04
rick_h_ah, gotcha00:04
rick_h_ok, well if that's what we can get for now I'll take it. Does local deploys work then ok?00:04
rick_h_maybe we can look at making it better by having the guiserver send the file down as a download00:05
rick_h_then it can set the content-disposition and such00:05
rick_h_and the gui can proxy/send it there00:05
rick_h_eventually we'll need to support fat bundles00:05
rick_h_and need zips/etc so just opening in a new tab might not work out for that00:06
hatchyeah local charm and bundle deploys work well (at least in sandbox)00:06
hatchyeah - that can probably be pushed though00:06
hatchthe guiserver bit....00:06
rick_h_hatch: cool, ok then get that branch going and we'll do some safari QA and in our deploy that week we can QA and add safari support as official00:07
rick_h_at least it's feature complete (though suboptimal)00:07
hatchyeah they have to actually hit cmd+s when the new window opens up then save as bundle.yaml00:07
hatchoh well00:07
rick_h_k, will look forward to trying it out maybe think if there's something a little nicer we could do00:07
hatchI was thinking trying to put it as a 'download me' button but I've read mixed reviews00:08
hatchas in that it works, or it doesn't00:08
hatchsafari just has some weird issues00:08
bacrick_h_: another handy bit only in 1.0+ http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-request-min-score.html12:50
rick_h_bac: :( the sadness levels are getting pretty darn high12:51
rick_h_bac: so souds like doing a limit is the best thing to do for now?12:51
rick_h_bac: so if the search is not a keyword (charm/bundle) limit to 20 or 30?12:52
bacrick_h_: i was going to do a limit and filter out low scores12:52
rick_h_bac: sounds like a plan. 12:54
rick_h_bac: hmm, might also check out https://jujucharms.com/sidebar/search/precise/elasticsearch-3 at some point. It used to only download ES, but looks like it's got some local options now. 12:54
rick_h_though looks like it's still defaulting to 0.912:54
bacyep, just saw that12:57
frankbanguihelp: I need two reviews for https://codereview.appspot.com/74010044 (quickstart). Anyone available?13:14
rick_h_frankban: will look13:14
frankbanrick_h_: thanks13:14
rick_h_frankban: can you keep an eye out for the guy in #juju while I go through this please? I'm really not sure what the 'problem' he's hitting yet13:15
frankbanrick_h_: sure13:15
rick_h_frankban: yea, ignore me on the which thought14:11
rick_h_was a drive-by, thanks for pondering it14:11
frankbanrick_h_: np, thanks14:11
hatch_rick_h_ thanks for the comments - replies incoming14:18
rick_h_hatch_: ok cool, prepping of vuds so will try to keep an eye/reply but might be a delay14:19
hatch_yeah no problem14:19
hatch_irc dc'd when I shut wifi off, but youtube didn't14:19
hatch_so it seems that some applications can switch but some cannot14:20
bacwhy do we still show a QR code on the UDS schedule?14:23
hatch_bac so you can turn your desktop camera on your monitor to get the link14:24
=== hatch_ is now known as hatch
bacand when people post the link on fb that is the image it gets.  :(14:25
hatchyeah...but in their defence every link on facebook looks like spam and they don't give you the option to change the highlight photo :)14:25
arosalesgui team avilable for the upcoming uDS sessions @ 15:00 utc?  (http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/meeting/22207/juju-gui-update-for-1404/)14:36
rick_h_arosales: I'll be joining14:36
arosalesrick_h_: thanks, jcastro will be kicking it off and "MC'ing" for this first session14:36
rick_h_jujugui everyone else is welcome to attend :)14:36
rick_h_arosales: cool, thanks14:37
jcastrorick_h_, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7ecpi62bajfc3bo03go7adk7l8?hl=en14:44
rick_h_jcastro: rgr14:44
jcastrois the right one14:46
hatchoo boy don't click that etherpad link15:03
* bac goes to click15:05
hatchit took the browser down :)15:06
bachatch: ha you're a mole15:09
hatchsometimes you just need someone to break the silence :D15:10
rick_h_done with uds, carry on15:32
hatchcan we have our standup now so I can listen to one at 16:00 ? :)15:33
frankbancool presentation15:35
rick_h_hatch: heh, what's at 16:00?15:35
rick_h_since we're all interrupted juju want to do standup now?15:36
rick_h_and make hatch happy?15:36
hatchrick_h_ HTML5 SDK Roadmap15:36
rick_h_hatch: ah that's a cool one15:36
hatchI see the gui as a native app ;)15:36
* rick_h_ runs15:37
frankbanhazmat: I backported the deployer and the python-jujuclient to precise, quantal and saucy. The packages are in my ppa for now ( https://launchpad.net/~frankban/+archive/ppa/+packages ). My plan is to move them over to the juju stable PPA when we'll package the next quickstart release (hopefully this week). how does it sound?15:38
hatchso jujugui, guichat now? 15:39
frankbanhatch: call now is ok for me15:39
rick_h_jujugui ok let's do hangout and get it over with please. Sorry for the confusing schedule today15:39
rick_h_benji: bac ^15:39
hatchMakyo we are starting15:41
bacMakyo: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/cmljay5oYXJkaW5nQGNhbm9uaWNhbC5jb20.j0rk5d371ph8331ijtf48t2uj015:42
MakyoOop, sorry, thanks15:42
hazmatfrankban, very awesome15:42
frankbanhazmat: cool15:43
Makyorick_h_, I'm game15:49
rick_h_Makyo: cool15:49
hatchI'll get that safari card out of the lane as quick as I can15:59
rick_h_cool yea no rush. I mean two of those are urgent things for release this week so override is ok16:00
hatchrick_h_ I can join in for the interview 16:00
hatchyeah ok cool16:00
rick_h_just want to make sure we get back to our regularly scheduled feature work after we get this stuff fixed up :)16:00
hatchyeah - I think we are ok with the poker points so far16:01
hatchso that's good16:01
rick_h_Makyo: if you could get with hatch and get onboarded to help with the inspector stuff I think that'd be great16:01
Makyorick_h_, hatch sure - will after review.16:02
rick_h_Makyo: thanks16:02
hatchjujugui lf a review for the safari bundle export stuff https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/174 will need to be someone with windows and osx16:13
Makyohatch, on it.16:13
hatchMakyo I'm going to add a comment to that line in app.js that I changed16:15
hatchjust fyi16:15
rick_h_jujugui please check email for the sprint email. If you don't have one let me know asap16:24
hatchlf roomie re-sprint :)16:27
frankbanjujugui, marcoceppi: tomorrow I am going to update deployer and python-jujuclient packages on the juju stable PPA ( https://launchpad.net/~juju/+archive/stable/+packages ) newer versions are trusty backports (deployer 0.3.4 and jujuclient 0.17.3). if you have any packages depending on older versions please let me know16:29
benjifrankban: do you have a time to review this for me? https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/17516:29
frankbanbenji: sure16:30
marcoceppifrankban: update away! I was going to, but I haven't the time16:30
marcoceppiwhich reminds me, bac your changes to bundle proof are in 1.2.10 and it's been released as of a few hours ago16:31
rick_h_frankban: I'm watching but a joyent provider might be coming to juju in 14.04. Adding a card to look into that for quickstart. 17:24
frankbanrick_h_: cool17:27
jcastrorick_h_, is it too early to whine about directional relationships in bundles?17:27
rick_h_jcastro: yes, card is on the board will be started today hopefully and will work hard to get released this week17:28
rick_h_jcastro: it's the #1 thing on the list atm17:28
frankbanbenji: done.17:28
bacmarcoceppi: cool, thanks17:28
benjifrankban: thanks, I've been looking over your comments already17:28
jcastrorick_h_, ok I'll adjust my cards to hit this on like thursday then17:29
rick_h_jcastro: k17:29
frankbanbenji: yeah this git real time comments stuff spoils all the suspense...17:30
benjiyeah, I'm pretty iterative in my reviews, so I don't like the real time comments17:30
frankbanagreed, I prefer Rietveld17:32
frankbanrick_h_: you are not listed as a travel authorizer in the travel request form17:50
rick_h_frankban: k, I'll email and see what I can do17:51
frankbanrick_h_: thanks17:51
rick_h_jujugui use mark ramm as your travel auth person. 18:00
rick_h_frankban: ^18:00
hatchI used robbie18:01
rick_h_hatch: heh18:01
frankbanrick_h_: ack thanks18:01
hatchI guess I can send him an email18:02
rick_h_hatch: all good, see if it's gets ok'd I guess. If not we'll send emails around18:03
hatchyeah 18:03
rick_h_Makyo: hatch got a sec to hangout?18:13
hatchI do18:14
rick_h_frankban: are you up for hanging out late to interview or would you prefer to pass?18:14
Makyorick_h_, sure.18:14
rick_h_bac: did you want to help interview? 18:14
bacrick_h_: sure18:15
rick_h_ok, everyone interested hop into the daily hangout please18:15
frankbanrick_h_: I can join, but I have to go in 10ish18:16
rick_h_frankban: k, it's not today just planning18:16
rick_h_but will let you know when we set up18:16
frankbanrick_h_: oh, just planning, ok thank you then18:17
rick_h_frankban: ok, but when we do schedule you're not opposed to hanging around late one day to participate?18:19
frankbanrick_h_: I am fine with that18:20
rick_h_hatch: are you still looking for a review or did Makyo get you covered?18:42
Makyorick_h_, hatch on it, just getting safari up18:42
rick_h_Makyo: ah ok cool18:43
hatchsorry it's a lot of qa for such a simple change18:43
MakyoThat's fine.18:43
MakyoThe code looks okay, though.  The style is jarring, but it's not really our file, is it?18:43
bacrick_h_: by 'no windows' i meant our house doesn't have glass in the windows, except in the bedroom.  so there is no 'opening it up' to let the fresh air in.18:43
rick_h_bac: whoa! <318:44
* rick_h_ wants a house with the doorwalls that fold open18:44
rick_h_and turn your area into indoor/outdoor areas18:44
rick_h_but I live in MI...so not18:44
rick_h_but hopefully will get my screened porch this summer and have something like that 18:45
Makyohatch, +119:04
hatchawesome thanks19:06
hatchsafari support here we come19:06
rick_h_jujugui ci seems to have gone boom. Looking into wtf happened. 19:12
rick_h_grrrrr, there's 3 machines there now and they're not the right ones. 19:15
hatch:-\ need a hand with anything?19:37
rick_h_hatch: not sure, I can load the gui up, but the jenkins server doesn't match what the gui says it is19:41
rick_h_ssh'ing into trying to find the jenkins server19:41
rick_h_which none of the three seem to be, but there's a gui instance with a jenkins service in it19:44
rick_h_ooh, got my juju status back yay19:45
rick_h_jujugui the CI environment went boom. It's looking like a redo is on the table19:52
rick_h_jujugui but I've got a talk I'm giving tonight and will be afk, so will start on this in the morning. 19:52
hatchrick :(19:54
rick_h_hatch: yea 19:54
hatchdo we know why it failed?19:54
rick_h_hatch: so no landing atm, I do have system backups from the ci server each day so hopefully not more than a couple of hours19:54
rick_h_well, so it's freaking strange. 19:54
rick_h_at first I thought it was because I ran quickstart with azure set and then cancelled it19:54
rick_h_but I can't htink of why it would do that19:54
rick_h_but I've got 3 machines, and juju status worked for a minute, and gave me https://pastebin.canonical.com/106279/19:55
rick_h_which says the agent on the ci server is down19:55
rick_h_but I can't ssh to it, and that ip addr is not listed in the azure control panel as any of the 3 machines19:55
rick_h_so no...I don't know wtf is going on19:55
hatchok I'll create a larger branch then a bunch of smaller ones :)19:56
hatchbenji I saw you trying to land your branch....see above, CI is busted20:34
bacboo:   isinstance('abc', collections.Iterable)20:47
bac-> True20:47
benjibac: yeah, making strings iterable is one of Python's mistakes, IMHO20:53
bacso annoying20:54
hatchhaha that is odd21:08
hatchugh the stupid loader code......22:58
rick_h_ruh roh23:59

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