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alan_galf__: I guess this is no linger needed? https://code.launchpad.net/~afrantzis/mir/always-consume-input-events-in-clients/+merge/20931309:54
alf__alan_g: affirmative09:54
hikikoI am trying to run mir on nvidia, I have loaded and installed the nouveau driver (checked with lsmod that there is no other nvidia driver) and when I run the mir server basic demo, I get a message that gbm failed to load the nouveau driver... (nvidia GF188 [GeForce GT 440])10:03
hikikodoes anyone else have the problem?10:04
hikikois there anything I can do to fix it?10:04
RAOFI... think that card should be supported by nouveau?10:04
RAOFDoes X work properly?10:04
hikikoyes RAOF10:05
hikikoX is fine10:05
RAOFAnd glxinfo under X shows that it's using nouveau?10:05
hikikolet me check10:06
hikikowell if I run: glxinfo | grep -i nouveau10:07
hikikoI gett libGL error: failed to open drm device: Permission denied libGL error: failed to load driver nouveau10:08
hikiko(i ran startx though so it might be just permissions let me check in unity7)10:09
hikikowhen i start unity from lightdm10:10
hikikoi get OpenGL vendor string: nouveau10:10
RAOFCool. Hm...10:11
dufluLook over there!10:18
* duflu runs away10:18
hikikoin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri I have a nouveau_dri.so (and a nouveau_vieux_dri.so) if that helps10:23
hikikoso it should find it10:23
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alan_galf__: @fix-1260612 - it is an improvement. Should I approve and log a bug for the not-working scenario? Or do you have a clue how to fix?15:43
alf__alan_g: No clue, but I will keep investigating. Feel free to log a different bug if you like and assign it to me.15:47
alf__alan_g: hmm, you are running shell as host basic as nested, I am running basic as host shell as nested.15:49
alan_galf__: I've tried your scenario with "_shell" and "_basic" as the nested server. The latter shows the problem I saw. Not sure why there's a difference though.15:51
alan_gI'll approve the MP - it seems to be a "_basic" bug15:52
alf__alan_g: well, basic doesn't support resizing or moving gestures, in the shell==host scenario we are moving/resizing the whole nested window, and I am not sure if resizing means scaling or cropping in this case15:56
alan_galf__: I think some /examples gardening is required - who can remember these differences. But explained to my satisfaction15:59
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alf__alan_g|tea: so, yes, we seem to be cropping in the shell==host scenario (if you "zoom in" hard enough you will see it)16:01
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kgunnAlbertA: btw, i landed the usc change to have fuzzy time on screen blank...but i still see the app on unblank16:36
kgunnwill our plan to move all the screen state in usc better address this ?16:36
kgunnAlbertA: what's weird is i know i saw it work once (e.g. saw only the lock screen)16:36
AlbertAkgunn: well you need to add the delay to a configuration file16:37
AlbertAkgunn: by default its 016:37
AlbertAIf you add /etc/xdg/unity-system-compositor.conf16:37
AlbertAwith a power-off-delay=500 maybe16:38
AlbertAkgunn: but yes moving the screen state out of powerd will help here16:39
AlbertAkgunn: also for the power-off-delay to be "seen"16:40
AlbertAkgunn: you need this in powerd: https://code.launchpad.net/~albaguirre/powerd/let-display-turn-off-backlight/+merge/20866716:41
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mterryalan_g, btw, I finally got a chance to test your nested-sessions-dont-post-buffers-until-something-happens branch (had to wait for 0.1.6 to settle first, was getting weird crashes before).  It works like a charm, thanks!17:31
alan_gmterry: \o/17:32
ogra_hmm, so after using mirscreencast it seems that the screen stopped auto-suspending17:46
AlbertAogra_: hmm, interesting... I don't see why that would be the case from a mir perspective17:49
ogra_the screen was initially suspended ... running miscreencast properly woke it up too ... it just doesnt turn off again until i press the power button twice17:50
AlbertAogra_: there must be some resource we are holding on the screencast compositor17:50
ogra_well, is that solely screencast or do you perhaps invoke powerd somewhere to get the display up17:51
AlbertAogra_: there must be a display on - I think that was fixed recently - but not through powerd17:53
ogra_hmm, i could imagine that both processes start wrangling over owning the screen then or that powerd simply isnt aware the screen is on if you force it on from Mir17:54
ogra_(so it doesnt try to suspend it then)17:54
AlbertAogra_: Oh I see, you started mirscreencast while the screen was off, then yeah, powerd wouldn't know about that18:05
ogra_AlbertA, yeah, not a biggie, but it would be good if they could communicate to each other about this18:06
AlbertAogra_: In any case, we are ripping the screen power state out of powerd and putting it in usc18:06
ogra_ah, k18:06
ogra_thats will be fine then18:06
AlbertAogra_: Also the forcing of display on will be removed if this lands:18:06
ogra_hmm, tests need this function18:07
ogra_you should talk to the QA guys about that, autopilot needs a way to force the screen on before starting its tests18:07
AlbertAracarr: ^18:09
racarr_ogra_: AlbertA: I think my branch is unrelated18:26
racarr_you guys need to be able to to force screen on externally18:27
racarr_like powerd-ctl or hatever it was called18:27
racarr_which should still work for now? but maybe they got changed out18:27
AlbertAracarr_: well I think it's kinda related in that right now the screencast turns the screen on18:27
racarr_my branch is just about, clients which have explicitly turned the screen off18:28
AlbertAracarr_: I believe your MP will avoid that18:28
racarr_there was a behavior that automatically turns it back on when they swap buffers18:28
AlbertAracarr_: which is good18:28
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