
mathomastechAnyone here ever use python freeze?00:36
rick_h_pip freeze?00:37
mathomastechCool. I copied the file into my project directory and ran "python freeze.py main.py" as for the wiki's instructions and nothing happens.00:37
rick_h_oh that's different than pip freeze00:38
mathomastechreally? It was in the /site-packages/pip/commands/freeze.py folder.00:39
rick_h_ok so you just activate your virtualenv and run 'pip freeze'00:39
rick_h_and it outputs all the installed stuff00:40
mathomastechI don't have this running in virtualenv.00:40
rick_h_ok, so then it'll pull every dep from your system00:40
mathomastechI just ran "pip freeze main.py" and the console output the external API's I am using (mysql-connector, pygobject, etc). But no executable files.00:42
rick_h_huh? pip freeze just dumps out pip installed deps in a python environment00:43
rick_h_you don't pass it another .py file00:43
mathomastechSo is that, and what we are talking about 2 different things?00:43
rick_h_yes, two different things00:44
mathomastechOk, have you ever use THAT freeze?  :P00:44
mathomastechwell, been at it for about 4 hours now trying to figure out how to pack up my program in a windows executable. Tried py2exe, cx-freeze, and pyinstaller with absolutely no success. What am I missing?03:50
rick_h_must resist urge....someone on the internet is WRONG! GAHHHH!12:47
rick_h_and morning13:06
cmaloneyGood morning13:24
cmaloneyrick_h_: Who is wrong this morning?13:24
DrDaemonEyemorning cmaloney13:24
cmaloneyBesides over half the Internet?13:24
rick_h_cmaloney: ^13:24
DrDaemonEyeprobably the same person that says that all open source software just contains a virus and then proceeds to explain why firefox is better than Internet Explorer.13:25
rick_h_besides the mass, the people loading and unloading the plane, the conveyer systesm, the baggage pickup, the issues with scanning/safety checking it all...13:25
rick_h_yea, checking bags is totally what should be free :/13:26
cmaloneyHonestly if they could figure out how to send your bags via some other plane (cargo or otherwise) they'd do it in a hearbeat13:27
cmaloneyYour carry-on is the least of their worries. Making sure everything else matches the best logistics plan is key13:28
cmaloneyThey'd probably charge you by the pound to fly if people wouldn't get up-in-arms about being weighed.13:28
ColonelPanic001imagine the market for pre-flight diets, though14:06
greg-gthey do that in the pacific islands15:05
greg-gcharge more for heavier people15:05
jrwrencharge per pound would be awesome.15:06
mrgoodcatit would be good incentive to stay in shape15:10
mrgoodcati'd work out if my texas flight at the end of the month was cheaper15:11
greg-galso, then my kids' seat would be cheaper...15:11
mrgoodcataren't kids already cheaper on some airlines?15:13
jrwrenwomen would be cheaper than men.15:13
jrwrenand there are more women than men15:13
mrgoodcatthere would have to be some minimum price too because even the skinniest people still take up a whole seat15:13
jrwrenso price per pound would have to be high for all those light women.15:15
jrwrenmeaning price for men would be $$$$15:15
jrwrenand price for overweight men would be $$$$$$$15:15
mrgoodcati think you're overthinking it. you have a 500$ base rate for the seat. then you add a weight penalty that rises logarithmically15:17
greg-gmrgoodcat: no, same seat, same price. Unless you mean 'lap kids' who are literally just on your lap (and that's only allowed until 2 years old)15:17
DrDaemonEyemrgoodcat: would there be a base weight to go with for that weight penalty?15:44
greg-gassume so15:44
greg-g$X for the first 170lbs15:44
DrDaemonEyeI'd say base it off BMI...15:45
DrDaemonEyeAs a 6 foot male is probably going to be over 170.15:47
mrgoodcatwould someone please mention my nick so i can make sure my hilight is working?15:47
mrgoodcatperfect ty15:47
DrDaemonEyenot a problem15:47
brouschrick_h_: TIL Portland has the most breweries per capita in the USA. Another +117:14
cmaloneybrousch: Would you knock it off. :)17:14
cmaloneyI'm already trying to keep rick_h_ from duck-taping himself to the next plane out.17:15
cmaloneyNot. Helping.17:15
brouschIt's nice in GR today. Too bad 5-8" of snow is coming tonight17:19
cmaloneyYeha, no kidding17:19
brouschPortland: cloudy and 63F tomorrow. Perfect17:19
rick_h_yea, 8-12 here. But for the moment have the windows open and the whole house fan on17:20
rick_h_fresh air!17:20
jrwreni don't want a base weight. I want per pound pricing :p18:12
mrgoodcati have a python project noeww18:55
mrgoodcatits mostly useless but it's letting me explore python a little more in depth than project euler did18:55
rick_h_mrgoodcat: cool18:56
mrgoodcati particularly like the way decorators work18:56
mathomastechI've got this old (8yr old) macbook just gathering dust. I'm thinking about giving it a grand farewell before sending it in for recycling. Perhaps a little sudo rm -rf *.19:20
jrwren8yr old? is that G4 still?19:22
mathomastechNope, first generation intel Macbook (black model)19:23
mathomastechactually, it's 7 years old. I have trouble with math sometimes :S19:23
mrgoodcatyou can think of better than rm -rf can't you19:24
mrgoodcatchmod -x /bin/chmod19:24
jrwrenthat is still a core2duo isn't it? is it really that slow by todays standards?19:24
mrgoodcatsudo chmod -R -x /19:25
greg-gmy main personal laptop is a core2duo19:25
mathomastechIt is a core2duo. Actually, it's still useful in terms of speed. However the trackpad is on the fritz, the battery is down to about 30-45 minutes (surprising good for a battery that old). And it randomly shuts down with no warning. It's lived a hard life.19:25
greg-g(the x200s)19:25
mathomastechI upgraded to the 2013 haswell 13 macbook air last year so I really don't have a use for this one anymore.19:26
jrwrenyes, that is very old for a laptop battery19:26
mrgoodcatsudo chown -R root:root / && sudo chmod -R -rwx /19:26
cmaloneySend it to me if you really want. ;)19:29
* cmaloney has a computer museum.19:30
brousch1Do not feed his addiction19:30
cmaloneyfeeeeed me Seymour.19:30
mathomastechcmaloney: Heh, I do to. I am trying to downsize my museum.19:30
mathomastechI also have an old all-in-on mac from I believe the 80's. pre-color monitor era.19:31
cmaloneyFat Mac or SE/30?19:31
mathomastechLet me check. brb19:31
cmaloneyLikely a SE30. That was one of the more popular models.19:32
jrwreni threw a lisa into a dumpster19:33
cmaloneyjrwren: WHAT?!?!?!!?!!?!!?!?!?!?!???!?!?!19:33
cmaloneyI hope that was just to get my attention19:33
jrwrenas recently as 12yrs ago19:33
jrwrenyes, it was just to get your attention19:33
cmaloneyjrwren: Still: That hurts.19:34
jrwren12yrs ago at OU, the CSE unix admin found a dozen or so Lisa in a closet.19:34
jrwrensomeone just stored them, and left them for a decade19:34
jrwrenthey ran too.19:34
jrwrenhe plugged it in and turned it on and it booted19:34
cmaloneyThat's like one of my holy grails19:34
jrwreni figured19:34
cmaloneyTwiggy drives, rather?19:34
jrwreni've no idea.19:35
jrwrenI think it was floppy boot.19:35
cmaloneyWere they beige?19:35
jrwrenthe drives were only the lisa built in IIRC19:35
jrwrenboxes of floppies along side the lisas19:35
cmaloneyYeah, but there were two models19:35
cmaloneythe Twiggy (short lived) and the 3 1/2"19:35
cmaloneyTwiggy was a strange 5 1/4" drive19:36
jrwreni think it was the 5 1/4", but 12 yrs ago, my memory is not so good.19:36
jrwreni know what a 5 1/4" looks like.19:37
jrwreni still have drives and disks19:37
mathomastechOk, I've got a Macintosh IIci, and a Macintosh 128k in my basement. There's one more at my parents house that is a late 80's model. One of the earliest computers to use CD's and has a color screen. Can't remember the model name of that one.19:37
jrwrenwith some of my first basic code on them from when I was a kid.19:37
cmaloneyjrwren: I figured you knew waht the 5 1/4" was. Just wasn't sure if you'd seen the Twiggy variant.19:37
cmaloneyGod, I think you committed genocide. ;)19:38
cmaloneymathomastech: Nice!19:38
cmaloneyIIci was a nice machine.19:38
cmaloneyunderpowered, but that was pretty much par for most Macs19:39
mathomastechAs far as I know, all three of them still work. Haven't plugged in the 128k in a long time though. I think I played around with the ci and the one at my parents about 3 or 4 years ago and they still worked.19:40
cmaloneymathomastech: So, when are you coming back to Michigan? :)19:41
mathomastechNo plans unfortunately. I do have some cousins in Ann Arbor but they generally travel back to the chicago area where both our families are from for the holidays. I wouln't mind come out at some point. The coffee house coders group I started out here has been pretty slow to start. There is usually just 2 of us, every once in a while a 3rd person that comes.19:43
akellingMUG meeting is tonight correct?19:45
mathomastechIt seems most of the tech jobs are up in the twin cities, or down in Rochester. We are smack in the middle of the 2. Both those locations have really good active tech group. I guess since there aren't as many tech jobs here in Northfield, there aren't as many people in the profession living here. Still trying to get people from the 2 colleges to come though.19:45
cmaloneyakelling: Yep19:46
cmaloneymathomastech: Sometimes it just takes time20:05
mrgoodcatdid we netsplit?22:14
akellingman this cough needs to go away22:22
akellingwas going to go to the meeting tonight but I dont want to be that coughing all night long22:23
cmaloneyakelling: Ugh. Hope you feel better soon22:43
akellingah its just the weather22:45
akellingthanks though cmaloney22:45

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