
boldfilter1IdleOne Ping00:01
IdleOnewhat did you ping me for then?00:02
IdleOneif it was just to be annoying, congratulations you succeeded00:02
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melt7777anyone solved the "can't boot"  startpar bridge for notification of upstart job issue???01:42
xubuntu383hello, anybody here at this time?03:56
krytarik!anyone | xubuntu38303:58
ubottuxubuntu383: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.03:58
xubuntu383I'm a total newbie to the whole xubuntu thing, so forgive my ignorance. That said, how do I change the time?03:59
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.03:59
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:00
ubottuAre you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question.04:00
krytarikxubuntu383: "Settings Manager -> Time and Date"04:01
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors.04:01
xubuntu383thanks, krytarik!04:05
xubuntu383also, not to start a political argument, but why is it that under "time zones" there is no option for Jerusalem, just Hebron? Jerusalem, after all, is a more populous city/04:06
krytarikxubuntu383: Actually, it's in there too, it's just really hard to get with the mouse cursor, apparently. :)04:15
krytarikxubuntu383: With a little bit of training, it's totally doable though, it seems now. :P04:16
xubuntu383you're right. I'm not that big a fan of MS, but in this case their method for changing timezones is preferrable. Though the geography lesson is a nice touch :-)04:18
krytarikLOL - yes, it is. :)04:19
xubuntu383ok, next question. How do I integrate a linux macine into an active directory domain?04:20
krytarik!ad | xubuntu38304:21
ubottuxubuntu383: You can learn more about ActiveDirectory intergration at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto04:21
xubuntu383ok, I'll look into it. Thanks again!04:22
ubottuYou can learn more about ActiveDirectory intergration at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto04:22
hhhello. How do I change the root password using the admin user at my disposal?04:49
ubottuhh,: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:52
hhauthentication failure04:53
hhthis is the part where I use an expeltive04:53
hhI know I have the right pwd, otherwise I couldnt've done all kinds of other things04:54
xubuntu635I have a question about the Nano text editor06:50
xubuntu635Anybody know about that?06:50
xubuntu635Someone is helping me and he wanted me to add something to a file in Nano. I did. But do I need to "save" what I do in Nano?06:52
mappswhats up06:53
mappsctrl + o06:53
xubuntu635So I need to save the changes for them to take effect is what you're saying, right?06:54
mappsyea bro06:54
xubuntu635Okay, mapps, I'll give it a shot. Thanks!06:54
elfyxubuntu635: just an addition here - when you use nano use +B and it will create a backup06:55
elfyso for instance sudo nano +B /etc/default/grub06:55
xubuntu635Can you clarify that a bit, elfy. (really new here)06:55
elfyalways useful to have a backup - I did ^^06:55
mappsah ive never done that thanks06:55
mappsnano +b file06:55
xubuntu635I was thinking I could just do the 'ctrl + o' thing. And by the way is that the letter "o" or  a zero?06:57
mappsletter o06:57
xubuntu635lower case?06:57
mappscan someone lend me a hand with scripts to start something on bootup say /etc/init.d/a -- ive looked ata few scripts and see case statements in them..how does it get called on bootup so it starts?06:57
elfyxubuntu635: at the bottom of the nano screen it tells you what you can use06:59
xubuntu635Okay, elfy. And the backup thing is just an extra protection, right? I don't HAVE TO do it, right?07:00
xubuntu635Okay, guys, I'll try it. Thx for the help.07:01
bosnjakhi all07:36
bosnjakhow do i apply a gdm theme in xubuntu?07:36
TheSheepbosnjak: you don't, xubuntu doesn't use gdm08:05
melt7777 After following the instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and re-doing it multiple times, I have quite a few images that will boot and work in vmware, on my hp laptop, but on my desktop machine it brings up plymouth and hangs, last output verbose text screen is about "startpar bridge for notification of upstart job" start and stop..... ctrl-alt-f# consoles show blank, how can i diagnose? Many questions about this on g13:32
melt7777oogle, no solutions....13:32
countersomeone know how to deactivate or setup the printer icon at the panel (during printing) in xubuntu?14:34
holsteincounter: i usually just see it when instigating a print job.. what are you  trying to do?15:52
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:56
counter@holstein I would deactivate it, I do not know why, but after printing over the network, the icon is stuck there, if I try on a vm with xubuntu it is not even showing up16:03
countercould not find an option to activate/deactivate this16:03
holsteincounter: i right click on it, and close it, if its "stuck"16:04
holsteinor, i just let it be there.. if im printing16:04
counterno, it is stuck there, no reaction anymore16:04
holsteincounter: can you still print? have you found it in ps aux ?16:05
counterright click is not working16:05
holsteincounter: you mean, the context menu isnt working? or actual right clicking is broken on your machine?16:05
counterwhich process? cups?16:05
holsteincounter: you are asking about the print icon, correct? thats the process im talking about16:06
holsteinthe tray icon.. system tray feedback icon.. correct?16:07
counterprint icon - yes, can still print - yes, context menu isnt working - yes16:07
holsteincounter: so, youa re just wanting the icon to go away? or work?16:07
counteronly on the printer icon right click is not working anymore, but only after print finish16:08
holsteincounter: i know, i would probably just deal with it, if everything was still working properly.. but, you might try a different driver.. really could be anything in the process over the network causing some hang16:08
holsteincounter: i would hook it up locally, if possible (via usb or whatever) and see if its working as expected.. i would try a live CD to remove my user/system config from the equation16:08
countergo away would help, if it is working again, would be better16:09
counterover usb with the same driver, it is going away ..16:09
holsteincounter: thats something then.. could be something with the way the network is configured16:10
holsteinpersonally, when items dont say " supports linux" on the box, i dont lose sleep over glitches when i can easily work around them16:11
counterhm...  the icon is only there when I'm printing over wlan16:15
counterI use wicd as network manager16:16
counterwith wext driver16:17
holsteincounter: ok. so, using a live CD can remove that from the equation16:23
counterremove wicd? it was installed because the standard network manager had some problems by switching access points16:26
counterI do not understand, why is this icon not at lan but it is at wlan?16:27
holsteincounter: what im suggesting, friend, is.. using a live CD will allow you to test without your current configuration. thus, removing it from teh equation16:28
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holsteincounter: is wicd causing the issue? i have no idea.. my icon isnt hanging, and your's is not when you are not o the network.. so, you might want to consider testing wih the stock configuration.. easily available from a live CD16:29
holsteincounter: i dont understand why its happening either, and, without the hardware in front of me, it will be challenging to say.. you can wait for another volunteer who may have better ideas about what to look for in a log file.. otherwise, my only suggestion is to remove things from the equation and test16:30
holsteincounter: im not saying "remove wicd".. or "dont use wicd".. im saying, try the stock setup from a live cd, and then, if things are ok, or seemingly normal from the stock setup on a live CD, you can look into the ways you have changed the setup and drill into it and see what might be causing this issue16:31
xubuntu121I have installed xubuntu on 8gb flash drive, and i-ve set partition table to 5500mb root, 315 swap and rest for /home, is that ok_16:35
holsteinxubuntu121: i dont do swap on USB/sd cards16:36
holsteinxubuntu121: "ok" will be a matter of use case, and your needs..16:36
holsteinxubuntu121: what do i suggest? unless you are doing to do no swap, just let the installer do it16:36
xubuntu121Well last time i just went with first option and I had error that no disk space avi16:36
xubuntu121I just need to download & install 2 programs16:37
xubuntu1211 is ATI driver and 2nd one is cgminer16:37
counter@ holstein I will try a live version now, I be back soon16:38
holsteinxubuntu121: i dont do proprietary drivers on portable sticks either.. but, only you know your needs and intentions16:38
xubuntu121Ok, but everthing should run smooth?16:39
holsteinxubuntu121: there is no "should".. i can tell you how i have done, and would do what you are trying to do16:40
holsteinxubuntu121: i dont know what you mean by "first option".. but, there are many issues that can cause an error.. bad iso, bad usb stick destination.. user errors16:40
xubuntu121I let installer do it last time16:41
holsteinxubuntu121: i read that.. and i understand you had an issue.. but, you are assuming what will fix that issue16:41
holsteinxubuntu121: if its an issue with the iso, then, you are still using the same iso16:41
xubuntu121I doubt its an ISO issue16:42
holsteinxubuntu121: i dont doubt anything.. i just test16:42
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:42
holsteinthen, i know for certain, and move forward not assuming16:42
holsteinxubuntu121: lots of folks use that installer.. it works.. it is not normal to have to find a workaround for the installer16:42
holsteinit is common to have bad download images.. or bad USB sticks.. they *all* fail16:43
xubuntu121Well going to restart now16:43
xubuntu121Thanks for help16:43
holsteinand, im not saying that is your issue.. im just saying, you are assuming the automatic installer is the issue16:43
xubuntu121I got the ISO from official site16:43
xubuntu121and bought the USB stick today16:43
holsteinxubuntu121: the download is the issue16:43
xubuntu121How can you know for sure?16:44
holsteinxubuntu121: and, the most comone time for drivers to fail (which you are free to research) is when they are new16:44
holsteinthe most common time for usb sticks to fail is when they are new16:44
xubuntu121Well obviously16:44
xubuntu121Because they just got put in use16:44
xubuntu121But i get your point16:44
cfhowlettxubuntu121, verify your iso.  it's easy.16:45
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:45
xubuntu121I cant verify atm since im at installer16:45
xubuntu121And you can user IRC while installing16:45
holsteinxubuntu121: im not asking that you "get me".. just that you understand "i just bought em" doesnt mean that the sticks are good16:46
xubuntu121For fuck sake16:46
xubuntu121Stop being so euphoric16:46
ubottuxubuntu121,: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:47
holsteinxubuntu121: please watch your language here. im just a volunteer tring to be thorough16:47
holsteinxubuntu121: i mean no harm.. just trying to help you not waste time16:47
xubuntu1211 more question16:47
xubuntu121Do you watch MLP?16:47
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:48
holsteinxubuntu121: you can use the #xubuntu-offtopic channel for chat16:48
counterhi, I'm back  ...16:56
counter@holstein : at the live Version, the printer icon is not showing up16:57
counterI installed wicd and the icon is also not there16:57
counterI do not know what changed16:58
countercan I maybe remove some xubuntu/cups unimportant settings files?17:02
counterremoving the xfce4 config files changed nothing17:43
counterand it is not only related to my profile, has someone else an idea?18:25
knoipshi guys, i am verynew on linux and saw these days some youtube videos about shell scripting. so far it looks very nice and powerfull. do someone know a command for doing a key-press up/down. i wanna build a simple macro with a key-press,relay,loop. is this possible with .sh?18:29
knoipsthanks so far18:30
knoipsno ideas?18:37
baizoni dont understand what you want. Please describe it in a example18:39
krytarik!info xdotool | knoips18:41
ubottuknoips: xdotool (source: xdotool): simulate X11 keyboard/mouse input. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.20130111.1-3 (saucy), package size 40 kB, installed size 132 kB18:41
knoipsthx for xdotool, i have already used xmacro18:43
knoipsi was asking if there is a shell command that does a keypres18:44
knoipsso i can write a macro like "for i in x-time do <keypress B> done18:45
knoipsmaybe with a relay between18:45
knoipsbut first i am looking for a shell command the simulate a keypress18:46
knoipsget it | baizon?18:46
baizonknoips: yes18:46
holsteincounter: well, at least you know generally where to look now18:47
counter@holstein sorry, what do you mean?18:51
holsteincounter: just that.. you know the issue is something to do with your configuration, and not the core system18:51
counterbut it is not related to my profile, there is not much left18:53
holsteincounter: if it works as expected from the default system, and after your changes, it doesnt.. then, the issue might be with your changes18:54
counterI reset the cups config file, also not helping18:55
counter@holstein thanks for your help, anyway I do not wish to reinstall the system because of that20:23
holsteincounter: ok.. i dont think you'll need to either.. but, you can look at what all you have done, and try another user account20:26
holsteincounter: look for and apply upgrades.. etc20:26
counterI tested another account/profile .. the same, the other settings are almost standard, I have no idea ...20:29
counterall upgrades ale installed20:33
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xubuntu951Very new to Linux. Can someone suggest a dist for a Laptop duel core 3.2 ghz please?21:43
oojacoboohey guys, trying to get xubuntu up on a new system21:45
xubuntu951Me too21:45
oojacobooI'm on a mac where I downloaded the iso and converted that to a dmg and loaded that up on a new disk21:45
oojacoboobooted from that disk which loaded the installer21:45
oojacobooI'm guessing it's trying to install on itself, b/c I'm getting the issue, "unable to find medium containing live filesystem"21:46
oojacoboois this true?21:46
oojacobooare there no images available that don't require installation, or is that not the case for compiling reasons?21:46
oojacobooif so, I guess I need to load up a usb drive and install it onto the disk on the target system?21:47
oojacobooor possibly an install partition on the target disk?21:47
xubuntu951Do you copy the iso and the boot software to the flash drive for the install?21:48
David-Axubuntu951: "laptop dual core 3.2 ghz" is a very vague description. any distro may work with that cpu. but what about wifi and graphics chip. can you tell us what laptop make and model?21:49
xubuntu951Oh sorry. Its a Geforce Gt-240  Asus P50IJ21:50
xubuntu951Does that help?21:50
xubuntu951want to install it along win721:50
xubuntu951with Windows 721:50
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David-Axubuntu951: I don't know about the model, but one way to find if the basics work is to run a live-cd/live-usb.21:56
David-Axubuntu951: if it works, one can install from the live-session, selecting dual boot (install (x)ubuntu alongside existing operating system)21:57
xubuntu951Is there one for Xbuntu?  Also can you install it from a thumb drive or is it best from a DVD?  Thanks you much21:57
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xubuntu951sorry what is live sessions please.21:58
David-Axubuntu951: but modern laptops with windows already use 4 primary partitions on the hdd, so the install process would have to introduce extended/logical partitions. I dont know how well the automatic re-partition will work.21:59
David-Axubuntu951: live session is what is running when you run a live-cd or live-usb22:00
xubuntu951oh okay.22:00
xubuntu951Is one dist easier and lest risky to install?  Thanks22:01
xubuntu951then others.22:01
xubuntu951Dont want to render my pc useless.22:02
David-Axubuntu951: as you ask in xubuntu channel, I would say ubuntu, and most flavours of ubuntu like xubuntu, are among the easiest to install and use.22:02
David-Axubuntu951: I think the re-partition needed during install is a risk-factor. the usual disclaimer is to tell people to make a backup before doing anything with partitions.22:04
xubuntu951one more question if I may?   So you can install of live-sessions then?  Also between OpenSuse and Xunbuntu, which do you recommend.22:05
xubuntu951off live-sessions i meant.22:05
David-Axubuntu951: I dont know. I have no experience of suse.22:06
xubuntu951oh okay.  So then make a backup of what exactly then before install?22:06
xubuntu951the whole Windows 7 OS ?22:07
xubuntu951sorry not a real tecky22:08
David-Axubuntu951: I would make a backup of my important files (documents) or the whole My Documents. I would not expect a backup of windows itself to work if the hdd fails, so I would just forget about windows.22:08
xubuntu951Good point22:09
xubuntu951So there is a Xubuntu live version?22:09
David-Axubuntu951: back in the good old days you got an install-disk with a new windows computer. now, you are supposed to buy a new computer if windows restore points does not save you. its part of the business model, and also makes people hesitate before trying out linux in dual boot configs.22:11
xubuntu951yeah it sure does.  So xubuntu can run live then?22:13
David-Axubuntu951: many distros have live systems, and many of them can install from the live system. yes xubuntu too.22:14
xubuntu951okay thanks David you have been a big help!  Thanks again!22:14
xubuntu951Opps sorry ....so if I copy the xubuntu iso to a thumbdrive, then do I have to extract or expand the iso files on the thumbdrive?22:18
xubuntu951sorry about all the amateur questions.22:20
krytarik!usb | xubuntu95122:26
ubottuxubuntu951: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:26
xubuntu951Probably best to install from a disk?22:34
David-Axubuntu951: by "disk" you mean cd or dvd, i suppose22:34
David-Axubuntu951: an .iso file contains a file system or a disk image. when burning a cd, select burning a disk image (as opposed to burn individual files or data files)22:36
xubuntu951yes dvd.22:38
David-Axubuntu951: if you want a live usb, just dont copy the .iso file to the stick. either prepare a bootable stick with unetbootin or similar, or copy the .iso to the raw usb device to make it look like a cd.22:39
xubuntu951And then after the burn the iso image then I also have to expand or unzip it ?22:40
David-Axubuntu951: no, just boot of the cd. (what do you mean? you cannot change the content of the cd after it is burned)22:42
xubuntu951Okay.  Then I dont need a type of loader or installer with the iso then?  It will boot off the iso and run live?  Thank you.22:44
arrithas it's really close to 14.04, any thoughts on whether it makes more sense to use 13.10 or 14.04 beta on a home laptop used for python development?22:47
krytarik!daily | arrith, just in case22:52
ubottuarrith, just in case: Daily builds of the CD images for the current development version of Xubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/22:52
arrithkrytarik: oh right, i think i actually considered that a few days ago instead of the beta.22:56
arrithis there any kind of general recommendation on whether or not dailies/betas are stable-ish for personal use, getting close to a release?22:56
knomearrith, betas are not for production machines22:59
arrithbut for personal use?22:59
arrithor i suppose 'personal production', if that's a thing22:59
knomeas always, take backups. no warranties included either (as usual) and things are more prone to break23:00
knomei guess if you are adventurous, go ahead...23:00
knomebut if you can't afford the system to get broken, don't use the beta23:00
arrithhm, sounds good. thanks23:01
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