
=== jackson is now known as Guest1184
=== valorie_ is now known as valorie
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== Guest1184 is now known as Noskcaj
cortexA9I wanna report an issue with the sleep mode on KDE 4.12.3. It doesn't work correctly and freeze my system after i turned on.07:15
jussicortexA9: bugs.kde.org is your best chance to get something sorted :)07:18
shadeslayergood morning07:19
jussimorning shadeslayer, yofel07:20
jussishadeslayer: seen my ping elsewhere? 07:20
shadeslayerjust got into the office, give me a moment ;)07:20
jussishadeslayer: take your time, grab a coffee or irn bru or whatever :)07:21
cortexA9jussi: i don't know if it's a KDE issue or Kubuntu..07:21
shadeslayerjussi: already had 2 on the way in07:21
shadeslayer2 coffee's that is07:21
shadeslayerwaiting for Riddell to move here so he can import Irn Bru07:21
shadeslayerjussi: #10 ConferenceAuthOp::onPasswordProvided (this=0x9c6ae0, watcher=<optimized out>) at /build/buildd/ktp-auth-handler-0.7.80/conference-auth-op.cpp:10507:22
shadeslayersomething to do with conference stuff is my guess07:22
shadeslayerd_ed will probably know more, I haven't touched ktp code in ages07:22
shadeslayeryofel: I've been deliberating on a node.js app that will allow you to build your own CD, powered by live build as the backend07:24
shadeslayerown ubuntu CD that is07:24
shadeslayerpowered by a JSON config07:24
yofelcould be cool, do we have proper ubuntu-live-build docs yet?07:24
shadeslayeras long as cj is around, who needs docs07:25
shadeslayerthe docs lie anyway07:25
shadeslayerfor it is the way of documentation ;)07:25
shadeslayervalorie: plz be leaving comments on card https://trello.com/c/aR2V1zm707:27
shadeslayeryofel: what would be cooler is if it was offered as a IAS :P07:29
jmuxAfter updating my Qt fixes with an improved test case, I'm comming back to the kubuntu-backports Precise udisks2 (USN-2142-1) and a long standing kmix bug (https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=181652).07:29
jussishadeslayer: first thing: Irn Bru is now available in Finland :D07:29
ubottuKDE bug 181652 in general "Automatically select "master channel" based on Phonon settings" [Wishlist,Needsinfo: later]07:29
yofelshadeslayer: IAS?07:29
shadeslayerjussi: how does that help me :(07:29
jussishadeslayer: second.. I guess Ill have to bug d_ed :)07:29
shadeslayeryofel: Infrastructure as a Service07:29
jussishadeslayer: move here already! :P07:29
shadeslayerpft, ETOOCOLD07:29
valorieshadeslayer: on it07:30
yofelshadeslayer: I think the I's the problem here :P07:30
yofelbut yeah, cool indeed07:30
shadeslayervalorie: thx <307:30
shadeslayeryofel: true true07:30
valorieshadeslayer: I did review that and add my special sauce when you first asked07:30
jussishadeslayer: oh come on, Ill take you up to the arctic circle in january - then youll know what cold is :P07:31
shadeslayervalorie: but I am so forgetful :( , best to leave a comment on cards07:31
shadeslayer<- very bad person for forgetting things07:31
valoriebut added comment to card as well07:31
valorienot sure I ever saw the card07:31
jussi"if it isnt written down, it didnt happen!" 07:31
shadeslayerjussi: I do want07:32
valorieI did write on the notes07:32
shadeslayerjussi: I do want to see the northern lights07:32
jussishadeslayer: well worth it :)07:32
shadeslayerand huskies07:32
shadeslayerand ride in a sleigh driven by huskies07:32
jussishadeslayer: btw, what happened to the ktp presence thing for systray ?07:33
shadeslayeryofel: could make things like getting packages from PPA's or other repo's a paid feature07:33
shadeslayerthat way it's a bit more sustainable07:33
shadeslayerjussi: what about it?07:33
jussishadeslayer: it doesnt exist anymore? 07:33
shadeslayerit most certainly does07:33
jussiI dont see it...07:34
shadeslayerI've had way too much sugar this morning .... 07:34
jussishadeslayer: right click system tray, system tray settings - not in list07:34
shadeslayerjussi: odd, give me a couple of minutes07:34
shadeslayerneed to sort out some stuff07:34
shadeslayervalorie: suggestions on where to put https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-migration-guide07:36
valoriefor sure we need to link to it from the announcement for 14.04, where we discuss offering FF07:41
valoriejust in case there are folks who don't have it, and run only Rekonq07:42
valorieI'm thinking that's about 2 people07:42
valorielemme page through the userdocs and see if there is a good place to add it there07:42
valorieoh what the hell07:43
valoriefirst page i hit isn't uptodate for 14.0407:44
valorieare we including any games in the ISO, apachelogger?07:45
valorieI know we used to offer kpat07:45
shadeslayervalorie: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/pending/trusty-desktop-amd64.manifest07:46
shadeslayerle manifest has everything07:46
valoriedanke schon07:46
shadeslayercan't find kpat there07:47
shadeslayerso probably kicked out07:47
valoriethis effing page needs one hell of a lot of work07:59
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shadeslayervalorie: let me know if I can help, though writing documentation isn't one of my strong suits :P08:02
valoriei"m writing to the list08:05
valorienot your problem08:05
valorieI feel guilty for not catching this before08:05
valorieprobably why i'm mad08:05
valoriebut seriously, it's a mashup of an old page I wrote for the last release08:05
valorieI've just had a large pile on my plate this time around08:06
shadeslayervalorie: ( I need a script to do this ) {{{{hugs}}}}08:07
* valorie {{{{{{{{{{{{{[hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} back08:07
valoriesorry to hear you were sick08:08
valorieI took the whole weekend off because i was too08:08
valorieslept and binge-watched Downton Abbey08:08
valorieyou are feeling better, shadeslayer?08:08
shadeslayeryep, it was something I ate on Monday08:09
shadeslayerit all came out on Tuesday08:09
shadeslayerprobably Monday dinner08:09
shadeslayer<- Can't tell the difference between spoilt food and food at the moment08:10
shadeslayersome stuff is easy, milk, easy, cooked beans with alot of spices, not so easy08:10
valorie"all came out" -- sounds like fun08:11
shadeslayervalorie: whoa, that page is a proper mess08:13
shadeslayerlooks worse than what came out yesterday08:13
valorieI probably made it worse08:13
valorieI'll mess with it tomorrow if someone else doesn't split it08:14
shadeslayeridk, but it seems to list *everything* in the archive08:14
valoriewell, it was a list of "best of what else you can get08:14
shadeslayerjust had a cursory browse though08:14
valoriebut it's under the heading "what you get by default"08:14
valoriewhich is effed up08:14
shadeslayeroh heh08:15
valorieI made a page a long time ago for "what's the best that's out there"08:15
valoriehow it got all mashed together I do not know08:15
valoriemaybe in the move08:15
valorienot sure if that page "what's the best" should even be in the user docs08:16
shadeslayerI don't think so08:17
shadeslayerfolks can use discover to ... uh ... discover things08:17
shadeslayerdocumentation for discovering things is just duplication now08:17
valorieat best it could be linked to08:18
shadeslayeryofel:     kde-baseapps: yofel WIP08:18
shadeslayeryofel: I can steal?08:18
yofelor let me commit 08:18
yofelthen you can08:18
valorieso maybe it should just be mostly ripped out08:18
shadeslayerpossibly we need a new kgapi as well08:19
yofelshadeslayer: committed, feel free to take over if baloo-widgets built fine08:21
shadeslayerI feel like I would have so much less work if we just had better regex's instead of listing every single file in the install file08:22
yofeldepends, this way allows you to notice missing files08:23
shadeslayerwhich we would not have if we had better regex's :P08:24
yofelhow do you make a regex that only matches one file each? :P08:25
yofelor well, that would be pointless08:25
yofelwhich is my point08:25
apacheloggercurious observation: if you have two quasselclients connect you won't get a notification for highlights if the highlight has been seen by one of the clients -.-08:25
apacheloggervalorie: all games had to be shot in the face08:25
shadeslayeryou only noticed that now?08:25
shadeslayerI just took that for granted08:25
valorieoh well08:26
apacheloggervalorie: also, FWIW, from the discover poll it seemed as if no one cared about games08:26
valorieI figured as much08:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: ohai there08:26
apacheloggerwait what08:26
apacheloggersomething is wrong here08:26
apacheloggervery wrong08:26
valorielast I looked, no games showed up in Muon Discover08:26
valoriebut that seems to be intermittent08:27
* valorie checks again08:27
valorienow they all appear08:27
valorieI hate weird shit like that08:27
valoriebut working is better than not08:28
valorieapachelogger: i think those who play kde-games type games aren't answering our polls08:29
valoriethat seems more like parents installing stuff for their kiddies08:30
shadeslayeryofel: for eg. why do we have usr/lib/*/libkgapi2.so.2.1.08:30
apacheloggerI know, no one who is answering our polls tens to think the same08:30
shadeslayeryofel: usr/lib/*/libkgapi2.so.2.1.008:30
shadeslayerinstead of usr/lib/*/libkgapi2.so.2*08:30
valorieand grandmas like me who play solitaire08:30
apacheloggersomehow my thinking isn't quite straight today08:31
apacheloggerkubotu: order coffee08:31
* kubotu slides a cup of steamy hot coffee down the bar to apachelogger.08:31
apacheloggerkubotu: order MOAR COFFEE08:31
* kubotu slides moar coffee down the bar to apachelogger08:31
shadeslayerkubotu: order sugar08:31
* kubotu slides sugar down the bar to shadeslayer08:31
shadeslayeryou can't slide sugar silly bot08:31
apacheloggersure ye can08:31
shadeslayerwell ... maybe if it's in a bowl ....08:31
valoriesugar in a bowl, or cubes08:31
* valorie pelts shadeslayer with sugar cubes08:32
valoriegeeez, i should get off the internets08:32
valorieinstead of being rude and hostile!08:32
shadeslayervalorie: but someone could be wrong!08:33
* valorie orders the bot to clean up the mess of sugar08:33
apacheloggervalorie: /nick vaderlogger ... no one shall ever know it was you being rude08:33
kubotuvalorie: clean it up yourself!08:34
valoriebtw, did you see the lord vader vid I posted for you the other day?08:34
shadeslayeris it the one where he's playing bagpipes on a uni cycle with fire coming out of the pipes?08:35
apacheloggerI promptly replied with a lego video of it08:35
valoriethis is eddie izzard08:35
yofelshadeslayer: well, that makes sense to have patterns for08:35
yofelI was talking about data files etc.08:35
valorieoh god, I must have missed that in the netsplit08:36
shadeslayerjust got something awesome in the mailk08:37
apacheloggerthat's spelled kmail08:37
* apachelogger hits shadeslayer on the head08:37
kubotudeath by tray it shall be!08:39
valorieexcellent lego enactment!08:39
apacheloggerkubotu: quite right, kind robot, quite right08:39
=== valorie is now known as JeffVader
apacheloggerJeffVader: can I get your autograph?08:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: no no, as in physical mail08:40
apacheloggerwhat is this? the 80's?08:40
apachelogger!info libvlc08:44
ubottuPackage libvlc does not exist in saucy08:44
apachelogger!info vlc08:44
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.8-1 (saucy), package size 1052 kB, installed size 3347 kB08:44
shadeslayerwell this is most certainly weird09:04
shadeslayerE: libkgapi2-2: symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision on symbol _ZN6KGAPI212DriveService11copyFileUrlERK7QString@Base and 1118 others09:04
shadeslayerI really need a duck09:05
jussishadeslayer: go to your local chinese - they probably have it on the menu :P :P09:07
shadeslayerjussi: I was talking about this one http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Qt_duck.jpg09:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: plz upload http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/upload/libkgapi_2.1.0-0ubuntu1.dsc09:18
apacheloggerhalf an hour09:18
shadeslayeryou're blocking kdepim for 30 minutes then09:19
apacheloggerthe internets is09:19
apacheloggerbecome motu09:20
shadeslayerin hindi that literally translates to become fat09:20
apacheloggersounds about right09:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: qt SRU09:21
shadeslayeradded to TODO09:22
apacheloggerI think a lot of the top crashers right now are because of that09:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: again, probably can't upload xD09:24
shadeslayeralso, did fregl get back?09:25
apacheloggeryes, he approved09:25
apacheloggerand said that the patch is spooky to begin with09:25
apacheloggerwhich is news right there ^^09:25
shadeslayerit's alright even though it's spooky?09:26
apachelogger  Uploading libkgapi_2.1.0-0ubuntu1_source.changes: done.09:29
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.09:29
apacheloggershadeslayer: the original a11y patch he meant09:29
apacheloggerthe patch for the patch is fine09:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: thx09:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: this is weird09:39
shadeslayer/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/AccountsQt/AccountsQtConfigVersion.cmake has version 1.1109:39
shadeslayerbut : ../../../resources/facebook/../shared/getcredentialsjob.h:27:30: fatal error: SignOn/SessionData: No such file or directory09:39
shadeslayer #include <SignOn/SessionData>09:39
shadeslayerin kdepim-runtime09:39
shadeslayereven the version on libaccountsqt-dev is 1.1009:40
shadeslayerhm, I reckon we can update that too09:40
shadeslayerseeing how nothing else depends on it09:40
* apachelogger doesn't compute all of the above anyway09:40
shadeslayershit is broken09:43
shadeslayer -- Ubuntu daily release <ps-jenkins@lists.canonical.com>  Wed, 16 Oct 2013 14:15:20 +000009:46
shadeslayerI wonder whom to poke about that09:46
apacheloggerthe qa manager!09:46
shadeslayerstuff be outdated :(09:47
shadeslayermakes me sad09:47
shadeslayermmm ... this might break ubuntu stuff since the Qt5 package is generated by the same source09:47
apacheloggerI think there's a bug in apt-pkg :'<09:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/751e840dab47f7bf986db754c38aac49e09db4ba09:50
shadeslayerworse bugs to look at 09:50
apacheloggerI slightly hate python09:51
shadeslayerI think it's because of updated Qt409:51
apacheloggershadeslayer: how so?09:51
apacheloggershadeslayer: there was no qt upload09:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: well, it isn't apport since yofel tried out 0ubuntu4 and it crashed as well09:53
apacheloggerwell yeah, apport also hasn't had an upload :P09:54
shadeslayerit did09:54
apacheloggerall of feburary there was no qt or pyqt upload it seems09:54
shadeslayerall problems appear in 0ubuntu509:54
shadeslayerexcept that one entry in 0ubuntu409:55
apacheloggerthere it is09:55
apacheloggerctrl-f failing me09:55
apacheloggeryofel: did you remember to downgrade python-apport and python3-apport?09:55
apacheloggerthere also was a python upload FWIW09:56
lordievaderGood morning.09:56
apacheloggeryofel: make sure you have all apport packages downgraded, if that does nto help also try downgrading python09:58
apacheloggerthere isn't hat much stuff that could have an impact like that09:59
shadeslayerI hate quassel09:59
shadeslayerit's messed up my channel list :|09:59
apacheloggeryeah, let's switch to konversation10:00
apacheloggerhow does not trigger the crash shadeslayer?10:00
shadeslayerkubotu: order coffee for apachelogger10:00
* kubotu slides a cup of steamy hot coffee down the bar to apachelogger.10:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: try again10:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: how does one trigger the crash?10:00
* apachelogger is somewhat concerned over one->not10:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/128271310:01
ubottuError: launchpad bug 1282713 not found10:01
apacheloggerkubotu: order brain10:01
* kubotu shouts: OMG!!!!! RED ALERT! We lost a brain. Get me a medic, NOW!10:01
apacheloggershadeslayer: why is that private?10:01
shadeslayeridk, I haven't bothered to set it to public 10:01
apacheloggerfirst thing yiou do is set stuff public10:01
apacheloggerwithout looking10:01
apacheloggerbecause FU launchpad10:02
shadeslayerwithout looking? :O10:02
apacheloggershadeslayer: that doesn't really say how to reproduce it, does it?10:02
apacheloggersomehow I think my apport installation is busted, lol10:03
apacheloggerhttp://i.imgur.com/65U57TW.png thats my window xD10:03
apacheloggerand then it crashed10:03
apacheloggerdoesn't want to tell me what is wrong though10:05
apacheloggersilly thing10:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: also, running it through the apport test cases also causes it to crash IIRC10:06
apacheloggerI am more concerned with the broken UI right now10:06
shadeslayerI think that's because of the apachelogger effect10:07
shadeslayer"All software breaks down around apachelogger"10:07
shadeslayeror the apachelogger certainity effect, all bugs occur around apachelogger :P10:07
apacheloggerbecause all software is weak and has shitty code10:07
apacheloggerit's not apport10:13
apacheloggershadeslayer, yofel: the pyqt bindings for python3.4 are busted10:14
apacheloggerthe defaults chang eot python3.4 is why it started crashing10:14
apachelogger*the defaults change to10:14
apacheloggerpython3.4 /usr/share/apport/apport-kde -w == crash10:14
apacheloggerpython3.3 /usr/share/apport/apport-kde -w == no crash10:14
shadeslayeraren't we on 3.3 this cycle?10:14
apacheloggerwas changed on Feb1810:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: upload plz http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/upload/artikulate_0.2.0-0ubuntu1.dsc10:39
apachelogger!info gwenview trusty10:45
ubottugwenview (source: gwenview): image viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.12.3-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 2813 kB, installed size 4374 kB10:45
apacheloggerisn't aht supposed to be beta1?10:45
apacheloggershadeslayer:   Uploading artikulate_0.2.0-0ubuntu1_source.changes: done.               10:46
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.      10:46
shadeslayerapachelogger: what did we finalize about the tr calls in libqapt? Messages.sh should extract them?11:02
shadeslayerif so, how would it work, since libqapt doesn't do catalog loading afaict11:03
apacheloggerwe finilized that someone needs to figure things out with manchicken and probably apol11:03
shadeslayerokay, will wait for apol then11:03
shadeslayerand email manchicken11:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: got any cards for me11:04
apacheloggershadeslayer: the one that says QT SRU FFS11:04
shadeslayeryeah, doing that now11:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: but apart from that11:04
apacheloggershadeslayer: see the purple boards on trello11:04
shadeslayerwhere's this Qt4 SRU card11:05
apacheloggerthere aint one11:05
apacheloggerbecause it's a multi-target SRU11:05
apacheloggerneeds SRUing all the way back to 12.0411:05
apacheloggerand possibly immediate relief updates in the backports PPA11:06
shadeslayergot a bug number?11:06
shadeslayeroh wait11:07
shadeslayermaybe changelog has one11:07
shadeslayerso I get to file one :(11:07
apacheloggersome bug reports make me wanna jump off a cliff11:11
apacheloggerhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/1200523/comments/172 quite possibly11:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1200523 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu Saucy) "Some of the kubuntu patches break plasma" [Undecided,Fix released]11:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: saucy as well?11:14
shadeslayerQuantal as well?11:14
apacheloggeris that still supported?11:14
apacheloggerubottu: how do I ask if you quantal is still supported?11:15
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:15
shadeslayeryes :(11:15
yofelit is for like another month or so11:15
apacheloggerpff, one month11:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: screw it11:15
apacheloggerunless ubuntu-sru makes you push the fix11:15
apacheloggerwe'll not get any testers for it11:15
apacheloggerScottK: ^ what say you?11:16
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1289600] Fix for crashes due to ubuntu-specific accessibility patch @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1289600 (by Alexey Borzenkov)11:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: want to do some uploads of Qt4-x11 to precise-proposed?11:22
shadeslayerin 30 minutes11:22
apacheloggeryou know11:24
apacheloggerquassel is cool11:24
apacheloggerI keep using ctrl-w11:24
apacheloggerand it keeps fucking me over11:24
=== hsitter is now known as apachelogger
RiddellvHanda: am I right in thinking I want kde-runtime built with nepomuk bits in 4.13 if I want amarok and digikam to still work with nepomuk?11:32
apacheloggerRiddell: amarok nepomuk stuff is non-functional11:33
apacheloggerdrop it11:33
vHandayes, but please remember that amarok integration with Nepomuk is optional and not really part of the core functionality11:33
vHandasame is the case with Digikam11:33
vHandaI would recommend not shipping nepomuk in kde-runtime11:33
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:34
RiddellvHanda: anything else that we might get complaints about if we drop it or shall we say a quick goodbye?11:34
vHandanot that I know of. Bangarang hasn't been working correctly for sometime now.11:35
RiddellvHanda: plasma media centre?11:36
yofelso nothing in kde is still using nepomuk?11:36
yofelkde sc I mean11:36
vHandaRiddell: ah right. Those guys!11:38
vHandayup, you're out of luck then.11:39
shadeslayerI'll have to test build Qt4 :/11:39
Riddellshadeslayer: why?11:39
vHandaThough I would just forget about it, but then I have a very very biased view.11:39
shadeslayerRiddell: because the a11y patch from the ML doesn't apply cleanly and I need to build Qt4 to check if it will build correctly11:39
Riddellshadeslayer: which a11y patch?11:40
shadeslayerthe one that fixes the plasma crash11:40
shadeslayerRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/128960011:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1289600 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu Trusty) "Fix for crashes due to ubuntu-specific accessibility patch" [Undecided,New]11:40
Riddelloh yes I knew I had an e-mail thread to read on that11:40
shadeslayerRiddell: being taken care of :)11:41
shadeslayerRiddell: on that note, I actually dropped the nepomuk stuff from runtime11:41
Riddellpoor PMC11:41
shadeslayeralso, this means we should not enable nepomuk in that other thing that we enabled it in11:43
shadeslayerkde-workspace was it?11:43
Riddelldo we need to recompile amarok et al?11:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: did you get my ping about kwin_gles11:43
shadeslayerRiddell: nah, run time IIRC11:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: no11:44
shadeslayeroh wait11:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: nvm, I need to email martin11:45
Riddellshadeslayer: I've got this glib patch from jmux for qt, shall I just put it in the bzr and let you take care of it?11:45
shadeslayerRiddell: please file a SRU bug with all the relevant info11:45
yofelshadeslayer: kde-baseapps?11:45
shadeslayerI don't want to do more SRU paperwork11:45
yofelor I'm thinking about runtime...11:46
shadeslayerRiddell: and then send me the patch11:46
shadeslayeryofel: I don't rememebr11:46
apacheloggerRiddell: did you ask thiago yet?11:46
Riddellshadeslayer: yes I'll do the SRU I just mean I won't upload it to trusty if you're doing qt in trusty today11:46
Riddellshadeslayer: bug 129051411:46
ubottubug 1290514 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu Trusty) "LibreOffice KDE4 backend crashes in Qt4 recursive paint events" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129051411:46
Riddellapachelogger: yep, I'm sure he'll reply any minute now11:46
shadeslayeryofel: it's the package you fixed11:46
apacheloggerRiddell: ok :)11:47
yofelshadeslayer: which was runtime11:47
yofelso nepomuk wasn't really dropped there11:47
shadeslayerneeds dropping there11:49
shadeslayerRiddell: I need a patch for that bug11:52
shadeslayergerrit sucks when it comes to downloading a patch11:52
Riddellshadeslayer: it's in bzr11:55
shadeslayerbzr branch?11:55
Riddellshadeslayer: just needs uploading to trusty, I'll take care of the SRU (unless you are planning to do an SRU anyway)11:55
Riddellshadeslayer: kbzr co qt11:55
shadeslayerwell ... I was thinking of doing it11:56
Riddellshadeslayer: ok great :)11:57
shadeslayerRiddell: did you upload qt4-x11 ?11:58
Riddellshadeslayer: nope11:58
shadeslayerbecause changelog doesn't have a UNRELEASED entry11:59
Riddellshadeslayer: because I was planning to before you said you're working on qt11:59
Riddellshadeslayer: so you'll take care of glib and plasma patches in trusty and SRUs?11:59
Riddelllovely, I'll crack on with 4.12.80 then12:00
Riddellactually I'll do that udisks2 update jmux wanted12:00
=== soee_ is now known as soee
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1290947] System go to sleep after a few minutes of inactivity. @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1290947 (by Jaime Pérez)12:12
Riddellhas printing broken for anyone else today?13:27
shadeslayerRiddell: Qt4 for Trusty up13:28
shadeslayerworking my way back now13:28
Riddellshadeslayer: lovelyness13:28
RiddellvHanda: what does "enable developer mode" mean in baloo kcm?13:28
RiddellvHanda and everyone: by default do we want baloo indexing ~/Documents or all of ~ ?13:29
Riddellshadeslayer: kde-runtime still has -DKDERUNTIME_BUILD_NEPOMUK=TRUE I thought you said you dropped it?13:31
* jussi coughs and points those with access to his G+/FB :D13:31
Riddellshadeslayer: uh oh, qt failed on arm13:32
Riddelljussi: another jussi family member, well done!13:33
shadeslayerRiddell: I dropped it on some other package, but not on kde-runtime13:33
shadeslayerjussi: another KDE/Kubuntu contributor13:34
jussishadeslayer: elodi is already a user :D 13:34
Riddellshadeslayer: ok I'll drop it on kde-runtime since that seems to be the way to go13:35
shadeslayerjussi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKUOB8MN4Kc13:35
vHandaRiddell: I'll be removing that. Dont' worry about it.13:38
shadeslayerRiddell: " libgles2-mesa-dev : Depends: libegl1-mesa-dev but it is not going to be installed"13:42
shadeslayernot my problem13:42
shadeslayeror well13:44
shadeslayera problem not caused by me would be more appropriate13:45
Peace-hi i have a little problem here ,  14.04 sudo apt-get build-dep dolphin ; apt-get source dolphin ;  sudo dpkg-buildpackage -j9 -b -rfakeroot -us -uc  ... it goes but then i got an error 13:51
Riddell"error: experiment/kde-baseapps-4.12.3/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/debabi_verscript_konq: No such file or directory"13:53
RiddellPeace-: something funky happening with our abi patch13:54
sgclarkRiddell: I tried to make symbols for the .so files in baloo to resolve intra-source-package-circular-dependency baloo libbalooxapian4 and after beating my head on it for some time, I have come to the conclusion that will not work, dpkg-gensymbols refuses to use them and creates empty symbols file resulting in error. Now I am back to circular, any ideas?13:56
vHandaRiddell: all of ~/13:56
Riddellsgclark: what's the circle?13:57
sgclarkRiddell: intra-source-package-circular-dependency baloo libbalooxapian413:57
Riddellah yes libbalooxapian4 depend on baloo13:57
Riddellprobably only because it depends on libbaloocore413:58
sgclarkobjdumb shows it does indeed13:58
RiddellI wonder if there's some clever thing we can put in debian/rules to tell it not to add that shlibs depends13:58
sgclarklet me research that, thanks13:58
Peace-mmm i will reboot laters13:59
Riddellsgclark: try this...13:59
Riddelloverride_dh_shlibdeps: $(overridden_command) -- -xbaloo13:59
Riddell(new line, tab after the colon)13:59
sgclarkRiddell: will do thank you14:00
sgclarkRiddell: that did it, thanks! will be ready shortly14:06
Riddellsgclark: awooga14:07
Riddellshadeslayer: you marked artikulate as done but it's not in the PPA or bzr?14:07
shadeslayerRiddell: it's in the archive14:07
sgclarkRiddell: what was the other one you wanted me to review?14:07
shadeslayer!info artikulate trusty14:07
ubottuartikulate (source: artikulate): Language learning application. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.0-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 209 kB, installed size 625 kB14:07
shadeslayerRiddell: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/artikulate/0.2.0-0ubuntu114:08
Riddellshadeslayer: but you've not touched it from KDE SC?14:09
Riddellsgclark: kqtquickcharts I also packaged14:09
shadeslayerit's not in KDE SC?14:10
shadeslayeroh wait what14:10
shadeslayerRiddell: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/artikulate/".14:13
shadeslayerso we actually don't have a packaging branch14:13
Riddellshadeslayer: yes, this is what I was saying, I'll update it for SC if you're not doing anything on it14:14
shadeslayeron it14:14
* Riddell off it14:14
Riddellshadeslayer: I'll steal gwenview from you then14:14
shadeslayergo ahead14:16
shadeslayernothing to steal till something else wasn't built IIRC14:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://trello.com/c/dAa6lSDW14:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: you really don't want to kick off hplip14:20
shadeslayerthat would drop support for all HP Printers?14:20
shadeslayersome of them printers are scanners as well, and for some reason CUPS only adds the printer not the scanner14:21
shadeslayerso skanlite never sees the scanner14:21
sgclarkI personally could not get my scanner to work without hplip, so I agree needed!14:26
sgclarkRiddell: baloo ready14:27
Riddellsgclark: looking good14:29
Riddellsgclark: you could also cast a critical eye over baloo-widgets although I think shadeslayer has already had a look14:29
sgclarkRiddell: package-has-long-file-name 77 (86) > 80 ignore?14:30
Riddellsgclark: what's the name?14:33
sgclarkRiddell: qtdeclarative4-kqtquickcharts-114:33
jmuxRiddell, shadeslayer: Just came back from a longer meeting. I'm still waitung for additional review from Qt devs. Not sure if I should actively poke them...14:33
shadeslayerjussi: I'd wait till tomorrow14:34
shadeslayerjmux: ^^14:34
Riddellsgclark: do you know which file name it's complaining about?14:34
sgclarkRiddell: That is the only package so it has to be that14:35
sgclarkRiddell: qtdeclarative4-kqtquickcharts-1_4.12.80-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04~ppa1_amd64.deb is pretty long :)14:36
Riddelloh I see, well hmm not much we can do about that really14:37
sgclarkyeaah figured14:37
sgclarkunless you want me to add override this package is good as is14:37
Riddellsgclark: nah leave it incase we want to care about it later14:38
sgclarkok, I will look over baloo-widgetss14:38
apachelogger_shadeslayer: does not compute14:39
apachelogger_are cups drivers now written in python?14:39
shadeslayerno, however hplip does some magic14:39
shadeslayertl;dr wireless scanner doesn't show up on my machine till I don't run hp-setup14:40
apachelogger_shadeslayer: right, and we have a gui for that?14:40
* Riddell wonders why nepomuk-core build-deps on baloo14:41
vHandayou guys will need to run that14:41
shadeslayerapachelogger_: yes, and as stated before just running the printer config kcm doesn't make the scanner show up14:41
shadeslayerapachelogger_: scanner doesn't show up until you run hp-setup14:41
RiddellvHanda: ooh? is that a binary?14:42
vHandayes, nepomukbaloomigrator14:42
apachelogger_shadeslayer: so what value does hplip add?14:42
shadeslayerapachelogger_: hp-setup!14:42
shadeslayerand drivers I think14:42
apachelogger_it most certainly does not contain drivers14:42
apachelogger_and hp-setup is a non-value because we have no GUI using it supposedly14:42
shadeslayerfine, hp-setup is the most important bit then14:42
apachelogger_it's a non-existant bit, unless a user gets told to run it, they might as well not have it14:43
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
shadeslayerI most certainly think that we shouldn't remove it since that's alot of people are now conditioned to do, and we do not have an alternative to it14:46
RiddellvHanda: and there's no ready-to-go way this gets run, distros need to add one themselves?14:48
apacheloggerthe alternative is sudo apt-get install hplip14:48
vHandaRiddell: well, I could add it as part of auto-run, but it's a one time thing. A post-install call might be simpler?14:48
RiddellvHanda: package post-installs are run as root, this presumably needs to be run by each user14:49
apacheloggervHanda: autostart desktop file + kconfig thingy14:49
rdietervHanda: or maybe just kconf_update (those are one-time)14:50
apacheloggervHanda: see kaddressbookmigrator for example14:50
Riddellshadeslayer: can you disable the blue-shell/finder baloo build now? I guess it's not needed and it's failing14:52
shadeslayerRiddell: tomorrow14:54
Riddellshadeslayer: or as you spanish say, mañana :)14:55
vHandaRiddell: when are you moving to Barcelona?14:56
RiddellvHanda: end of June, got a spare bed for me?14:56
vHandaI do actually have a sofa which can become a bed14:56
vHandayou're welcome to use it14:56
shadeslayerI might as well go and sleep15:01
shadeslayersince all of this stuff will take forever to compile15:01
Riddellshadeslayer: qt?15:01
shadeslayerQt, artikulate, kdepim-runtime15:01
Riddellshadeslayer: doing kdepim-runtime for 4.12.80 ?15:02
Riddellshadeslayer: remember to update https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas15:02
Riddellthere's four of us working on 4.12.80 now15:02
* Quintasan will try to help in the evening.15:03
sgclarkRiddell: baloo-widgtes ready, had to fix copyright file15:13
sgclarkbaloo-widgets rather15:13
Riddellsgclark: super thanks15:15
sgclarkRiddell: kdepim is red, I have some experience building that so I am going to give a try at it.15:18
Riddellsgclark: cool, it might block on kdepim-runtime though (which shadeslayer is doing) I'm not sure15:18
Riddellsgclark: do mark it on https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas15:18
shadeslayerRiddell: kdepim-runtime uploaded15:19
yofelkdepim is just missing files so far, so should build fine15:19
QuintasanDid anyone try touching the optional deps on kstars?15:25
RiddellQuintasan: I'm looking at it now15:25
RiddellQuintasan: it's made by the same guy as indi and has a similarly crap build system15:25
RiddellQuintasan: I've no idea if the package can or should be split up15:26
QuintasanRiddell: You mean kstars itself or the dependencies?15:26
RiddellQuintasan: the new dependency astrometry.net15:27
yofelif we're already at astronomy stuff, marble gained a libastro1 - since when did marble do stuff outside of earth o.O?15:28
Quintasanyofel: Can we walk on Mars now?15:29
yofelnot sure, but while reading the git log trying to figure out a description I found stuff like "Tested for Earth, the Moon and Mars"15:29
QuintasanRiddell: This Makefile in astrometry.net - just wow.15:30
yofel    Formerly we just got sunshading for earth and an approximation for the15:30
yofel    moon. No we got phases for all planets and moons in the solar system!15:30
Quintasanyofel: lol15:30
yofelI need to try marble after it builds ^^15:31
QuintasanRiddell: make report.txt15:31
RiddellQuintasan: these astronomers really have something against using build systems15:32
shadeslayerRiddell: plz review artikulate15:35
shadeslayerI'm slightly concerned about the so's in -dev15:36
shadeslayerbecause they're not symlinks15:36
yofelthat sounds... wrong15:37
Riddellastrometry.net uploaded to ninjas, review that if you want to see wrong :)15:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: got any cards15:43
shadeslayerwhich are not shitty15:43
shadeslayerI don't want to do shitty cards15:44
yofelgo figure out why I see a hibernate button :P15:45
shadeslayeroooh, got any logs to go with that15:45
yofelif you tell me what you want...15:45
shadeslayerI'm waiting for debuild -S -sd to complete on Qt415:46
yofelso far the only way to reproduce it is: leave the system running for a while15:46
shadeslayeryofel: so it only happens after the system has been running for a bit?15:46
yofelif I start fresh, it's not there. If I suspend and wake up, it's not there. If I leave it running for a day or two suspending a few times during that, it's there15:47
yofelupower still says I can't hibernate, so it's not that but rather logind, or whatever controls dbus15:48
shadeslayeryour computer has been possesed, please take it to a exorcist immediately15:48
yofelthat'll be 2 notebook to fix for him then :P15:48
shadeslayeryofel: qdbus --system org.freedesktop.login1 /org/freedesktop/login1 org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.CanHibernate 15:49
yofel$ qdbus --system org.freedesktop.login1 /org/freedesktop/login1 org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.CanHibernate 15:49
shadeslayerwait what15:49
yofelwell, yes...?15:49
shadeslayerthat's the output?15:50
yofelyes, and I'm not even trying to make fun of you...15:50
yofelwant a screenshot?15:50
shadeslayerI ... have never seen such an output15:51
yofeldito -.-15:51
shadeslayerI repeat, your system is possesed15:51
yofelwell, ubuntu-logind is possessed15:52
shadeslayeryofel: maybe poke pitti15:52
shadeslayerhe mentioned something about Hibernate being disabled on Ubuntu15:53
yofeltanglu says the same thing though, so it's logind15:53
shadeslayeroh huh15:53
yofelwell, we have a pk config file that disables it, but even that's ignored by logind15:53
yofellets see what challenge is supposed to mean though15:53
shadeslayertrying to find documentation for that15:53
yofelshadeslayer: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/logind/15:56
shadeslayerah hm15:57
apacheloggershadeslayer: go do shitty cards plz15:58
shadeslayertoo tired15:59
Riddellshadeslayer: review our new website15:59
Peace-Riddell: :D question do you know this ? http://wstaw.org/m/2014/03/12/plasma-desktopcP2517.png  maybe you can help me , where can i find the source code of it ?16:00
RiddellPeace-: of the file open dialogue?16:01
Peace-Riddell: yep16:03
Peace-Riddell: on the plasma channel they said this   kdelibs16:04
Riddellxnox: ok if I upload ubiquity?16:06
RiddellPeace-: they'd be right, it is part of kdelibs16:06
Peace-Riddell: thank you very much :D16:07
xnoxRiddell: sure, go ahead.16:07
RiddellPeace-: kfiledialog.h in kio/kfile in kdelibs 416:08
Riddellkubotu: newpackage qxorm16:42
kubotuincorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help newpackage'16:42
Riddellkubotu: newpackage qxorm 1.2.616:42
Riddellneeded for plasma-media-centre if anyone wants some packaging ↑16:46
shadeslayerRiddell: debdiff attached to bug for Saucy17:03
Riddellshadeslayer: will you upload it or do you want me to?17:04
shadeslayerRiddell: I can't17:04
shadeslayernot elite enough17:04
Riddellsurely not!17:04
shadeslayeror well, atleast I don't think I can upload it17:04
shadeslayermaybe I can17:05
Riddelldunno, I need to run off now however17:05
* Riddell runs off17:05
shadeslayerRiddell: yay, I can upload17:08
xnoxRiddell: *someone* *cough* me17:31
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1289600] Fix for crashes due to ubuntu-specific accessibility patch @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1289600 (by Alexey Borzenkov)17:35
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1291526] could not start ksmserver with nvidia-prime at next login @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1291526 (by solazs)18:24
lordievaderHey ahoneybun, how are you doing?19:36
ahoneybunlordievader, ok messed up my hand a bit but that was my own stupid nature lol19:36
lordievaderahoneybun: Messed up your hand? How come?19:42
ahoneybunlordievader, trying to get a drink out of a vending machine lol19:42
lordievaderAre you hurt badly?19:42
ahoneybunno no just peeled skin to the 1st layer in one spot19:44
lordievaderahoneybun: Ah ok, I''m doing good btw. How are the translations coming along?19:44
ahoneybunI believe we have about 5-6 langs (including eng) but last time I saw they did not should up in khelpcenter19:45
lordievaderI don't know khelpcenter, but doesn't it look at the sys locale?19:47
ahoneybunI change the locale19:47
ahoneybunbut nothing 19:47
lordievaderahoneybun: Then I don't know.19:48
ahoneybunyea need to get that working19:48
* ahoneybun installing danish to test khelpcenter again19:50
ahoneybuntesting in danish it kinda works19:53
ahoneybunkhelpcenter looks in the wrong location for danish19:56
soeehmm 4.12.80 almost ready  :)21:05
windows_I hope that we can have on youtube site option like   near list of videos just option easy OPEN IN NEW WINDOW or  OPEN HERE 21:10
windows_and to get option on plasma option to freee ram on apps that are caching  FEE UP RAM 21:11
windows_also on right side of file manager it will be nice to get main options like in trash folder to    DELETE FILES , EMPTY TRASH or RESTORE FILE 21:15
windows_also if is possible to get option before user login or with it option to choese driver for graphic          SELECT DRIVER TO LOAD so it will never user get stucked ;)21:17
RiddellMirv: meh I missed the qt sesson today, what's the gossip?22:16
A3D_Damirkubuntu can make pannel for adds and marketing compannies so when they want to make adds it will be on desktop with option for users to choese branch , section and to remove or show up MARKETING PANNEL 22:46
A3D_Damirkubuntu should have how to  section for users  and most common problems like BLUR  newbeeeeee will throw it when that happen to HIM 22:50
Riddellsgclark: how did you get on with kdepim?23:02
=== JeffVader is now known as valorie
RiddellvHanda: is dolphin ported to baloo? it doesn't seem to share ratings with gwenview and the Find function still has a big nepomuk icon23:22
vHandayes it has been23:22
vHandaare you sure the ratings aren't being shared?23:22
vHandawe haven't changed the nepomuk icon23:23
RiddellvHanda: yep, all separate23:23
Riddelltags not shared either23:23
Riddellboth version 4.12.8023:24
Riddellhmm dolphin doesn't link against any baloo library but does link against nepomuk libraries23:26
* Riddell installs ~ppa223:27
RiddellvHanda: ah hah, sorry, I had an old build installed23:28
Riddellnew one all good23:28
sgclarkRiddell: lots of changes to install files, new one pops up each build, still working on it23:33
Riddellsgclark: you know you can build it locally then run23:36
Riddelldh_install --list-missing23:36
Riddellto list all the new files23:36
sgclarkRiddell: no I did not :( I will do that, thanks!23:37
sgclarkRiddell: is there a trick to finding remved files fast?23:38
Riddellsgclark: and  debuild -nc  will restart the whole build without clearing it all23:38
Riddellsgclark: not so slick,  dh_install --list-missing  will moan about missing files but you have to run it once for each file that's disappeared23:39
Riddellbut better than running the whole build23:39
sgclarkRiddell: yes thank you, I have been ruunning whole build all day so taking forever, this should speed it up23:39
Riddellsgclark: gosh sorry thought you knew that23:40
sgclarkRiddell: no worries, I am still learning.23:40
Riddellshadeslayer: how's qt SRUs doing?23:41

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