=== claudiu is now known as Guest51403 === valorie_ is now known as valorie [01:52] hallo [01:54] can we help, onyotzki? === heathjs is now known as heath [01:57] hey, you're all rockstars. This distro for the win. [01:57] xubuntu ftw :D [01:57] my second monitor isn't working though, I know it worked before. What can I do? [01:58] system settings [01:58] are you using nvidia videocard? [01:58] tried that over and over [01:58] amd onboard this is a netbook [01:58] an aspire one [01:58] hmmm there should be some kind of a separate video settings out there to configure [01:59] the default display settings seems not to work on my end as well [01:59] im on nvidia, so im using the nvidia settings, which is also inside system settings [01:59] give me a mo, let me check it here [01:59] should Iaunch catalyst control center? or is this terribly wrong? [01:59] yes [02:00] try to search in the catalyst control if there's some monitor preferences or somethin [02:00] im pretty sure there is ;) [02:01] That enabled the monitor in the settings and accepted the changes but the monitor is still saying analog input 1 default screen saver [02:06] everything is plugged in, I'm watching a movie so I'll try more things [02:06] afterward [02:06] haha ok [02:06] try restarting after the movie [02:06] what's the movie btw? :D [02:25] devils rejects [06:07] i am using kubuntu 13.10 64 bit. I dont see the update manager running and picking up the updates automatically. Is there any setting that i have to enable for this to work ? [06:10] G__81: not too many updates going on this late in the cycle [06:10] except for LTSs [06:10] which 14.10 will be [06:10] 14.04 already working fine :D [06:11] I mean .04, sheesh [06:11] valorie, for eg if i see run apt-get upgrade it shows KDE 411.3 but the update manager does not automatically show that [06:11] as I recall, update manager will only ping you for security updates [06:12] I could be wrong [06:12] ubuntu 13.10 shows the updates automatically on the other hand but Kubuntu 13.10 does not show the updates [06:12] !update [06:12] For upgrading instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SaucyUpgrades/Kubuntu [06:12] might be more there about settings [06:13] valorie, unfortunately it shows the path on how to upgrade but it does not show anything else apart fromthat [06:15] probably muon does not check for updates automatically. probably its broken ? [06:16] i dumped muon for apper [06:16] apper is qt like muon and seems much better [06:16] no crashes so far [06:17] Beryl, so does it run automatically and show the notification when the updates are available ? [06:18] G__81: I have auto update off since it'll randomly grab lock on apt which can be annoying [06:19] oh ok true === gilbert_ is now known as goodtime === calin is now known as crucerucalin === thomas is now known as Guest52736 === yofel_ is now known as yofel === kevin is now known as Guest32244 === calin is now known as crucerucalin === kloeri__ is now known as kloeri === valorie is now known as JeffVader [09:54] Seriously who thinks Desktops will eventually die off? [09:55] CyberAssassin: try #kubuntu-offtopic or #defocus for general chat [09:56] Good morning. [09:56] Morning. === james_ is now known as jdrakeh === hsitter is now known as apachelogger [11:34] 'Morning folks === kevin is now known as Guest54053 === soee_ is now known as soee [12:13] morning [12:17] evening dougl :D [12:18] miraiE, greetings :P [12:19] Hey dougl, miraiE. How are you guys (girls?) [12:19] lordievader, good thanks and yourself? [12:19] great, lordievader [12:19] I am a gent. [12:20] Doing good overhere :) [12:20] Have you fixed your static ip problem, dougl? [12:23] lordievader, lol - yes I needed a screen shot... [12:23] dougl: Ah great :) [12:24] apachelogger, fixed me up... much easier in point and click but hard to describe in text [12:25] yes I am feeling much better now... tried to install my web site tho and that is proving to be more difficult than I thot... [12:27] and I cannot find my howto I used for 12.10 and not even sureit would work on 14.04... let's chat so I can avoid looking at it - lol [12:27] dougl: no [12:27] dougl: you have been told where 14.04 support is [12:27] dougl: PLEASE start using the right channels [12:33] ikonia, I was told to use this channel for my ip address issue and don't chat if you don't want to I am just trying to enjoy a cup of coffee with some friendly company... can we chat friendly? [12:33] dougl: #kubuntu-offtopic is the social chat channel (for non-support) this channel #kubuntu is for production release support #ubuntu+1 is for development version (14.04) support as you've been told 3 times now [12:34] dougl: so please try to use the right channel for your topics/questions [12:34] hi. how can i configure it so that the isntallation uses config-option Acquire::http::Proxy "";? [12:38] ikonia, before I go to the very busy developers I check in these channels in case it is something I did wrong as I know there are a few ppl on 14.04 - but this is stuff you'd prefer in a developers channel - where they are far more busy and less helpful (if you consider developing an entire os less helpful) [12:38] it's not the DEVELOPERS channel [12:38] dougl: you've been told #ubuntu+1 is the SUPPORT channel [12:40] ikonia, soon it will be april and then the rules wil... I'm deficient... I am sorry to irritate, I was gonna say then I will be of until then I will respect your instruction.. [12:40] * dougl always thot it was developers [12:40] try joining the channel and using it before making statements like "people are too busy to help as they are developing" [12:41] if you join the channel - you'll see it's quite a quiet channel [12:41] yeah - I thot they were coding [12:44] ikonia, not to trivialize, I am sincerely sorry I get mixed up easily and forget alot... lets not let it ruin our day - I feel bad, you have made your point -> goodwill and blessings your way [12:44] my day is fine, it's no big deal, it's just a waste of time to tell you every 60 seconds, I doubt you memory is that bad [12:45] ikonia, not as bad as your time telling ability [12:45] please leave me alone now. [12:47] dougl, for trusty 14.04 support you. [12:48] Morning BluesKaj [12:48] 'welcome in ubuntu+1 [12:48] hi dougl [12:49] multitasking here, so my typing suffers [12:57] hello [12:58] is kmail fully integrated with message indicator? [12:58] mine version is limited to tray only [13:53] hi....is there a way to hide the mouse cursor when it's not moving? [14:45] Hi friends, On my laptop I use an external mouse as well as touch pad. Is it possible to configure external mouse as left handed and touchpad as right handed? === apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger [15:22] hii === ayush_ is now known as ayushpix [17:50] Hi. I'm running kubuntu 13.10.. and updating apt-get... but the update is too slow (7-10kbps), whereas in normal downloading from chrome I get 1mbps speed, any idea why? === krz is now known as Guest41729 [17:51] AJ__: Mirror that is far away/slow? [17:53] lordievader: I tried changing the mirrors, I tried selecting the best servers.. but no improvement. [18:06] AJ__: Are you using apt through a proxy? [18:11] lordievader: how do I check that? I didn't do anything to apt since the distro installation. [18:13] AJ__: If you don't remember it you probably didn't set it up. [18:13] lordievader: set it up? what exactly do i need to set? [18:13] What if you manually download a deb package from your mirror? [18:17] lordievader: One more thing I have noticed, if i download qt installer from http://qt-project.org/downloads , speed are pretty less.. but if i download something else, for instance ITunes from www.apple.com, the speed is pretty high.. [18:17] Any thoughts? [18:27] AJ__: Apt should have the same download speeds as, say, wget. [19:36] I just purchased a 2nd display for my system, and when I hooked it up I set it to be individual desktops for each display, but now I can only move a few programs to display #2 [19:37] Chrome and XChat only work on display 1, whereas Pidgin and Thunderbird will work on both displays. === calin is now known as crucerucalin [20:20] anybody has tried to install latest ati beta driver in ubuntu yet? [20:46] hey all [20:46] hey I just got this shiny new micron 960GB SSD and I wish to transfer my system to it. [20:46] Are there any guides out there? [20:46] Should I re-install the OS, or can I simply copy it wholesale and then put grub on it? [20:47] Roey: You'll want to make sure the "noatime" option is set on any filesystems on the SSD. That's the Linux version of TRIM. [20:47] ah that's it [20:47] DarthFrog: well I run with noatime currently [20:47] DarthFrog: also, I wish to use BTRFS. [20:47] should /boot be a small ext4 partition? [20:47] and then everything else is on BTFS? [20:47] *BTRFS [20:48] You can copy your current OS onto it, but you'll have to edit fstab appropriately and re-install GRUB. [20:48] aha. [20:48] Don't know, never played with BTRFS. [20:48] ah thanks :) [20:49] If the system doesn't boot after doing the OS move, you can boot from a Live CD to make corrections. [20:50] On the other hand, you could install the beta version of Trusty and just move over your /home directory (which should be on its own partition anyway). [20:58] DarthFrog: is Trusty beta stable? [20:58] That's 4.03, correct? [20:58] er, 14.03 [20:59] DarthFrog: does Trusty support BTRFS setups? [20:59] 14.04 [21:00] as in, can I make a BTRFS partition and then assign mount points to it, from within the installer? [21:00] Well, it's a beta. So you can expect some instability. [21:00] 14.04, aye [21:00] I just want something that can support BTRfS [21:00] But it is an LTS. [21:00] also it is being released next month [21:00] so why not [21:00] Why are you so gung-ho on BTRFS? [21:03] for file snapshotting and backup. [21:03] I use Dirvish now [21:03] been using it for years [21:03] and am looking for a more efficient way to back up. I have been backing up on alternating weeks to different external backup drives [21:03] Well, you could try installing Trusty beta in a VirtualBox VM and trying it out. [21:03] sure [21:04] thanks [21:04] :) [21:04] I am downloading it as we chat, in fact. [21:04] Does Kubuntu 14.04 work with BTRFS on /boot ? [21:04] DarthFrog: ^ [21:06] BTW, thanks for mentioning backups. I'm now backing up my /home to my NAS. :-) [21:13] DarthFrog: what advantages do I have in doing a clean system installation versus copying things over? === claudiu is now known as Guest11598 [22:30] Anyone here off the top of your head know where the compatibility list is for Wireless cards? I am thinking about converting my Dell Latitude E6330 Laptop to Kubuntu 64-bit but want to make sure that the onboard wireless card will be supported and actually connect [22:32] I found it, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported in case anyone else needs it [22:33] Any idea when 14.04 stable release it due to be released? [22:34] kyfella: You can allways test wireless cards with a live-usb/cd. [22:34] If it works there it is bound to work on a real install too. [22:35] true, but one thing... I have actually got wireless cards to work in live cd/dvd, but for some strange reason, not after the distro is installed [22:35] I can't quite figure that one out lol [22:35] I marked it up as crappy luck [22:36] hi [22:36] Hello Roey [22:36] kyfella: You can check what driver is loaded for it with 'sudo lspci -k' on the live environment, and then in the installed environment see if the driver is loaded with 'sudo lsmod'. [22:36] I just installed Kubuntu to this SSD drive, and booted from my HD, I can see this when I mount it: @ @roeyt [22:36] Hey Roey, how are you? [22:36] what does this mean? snapshots? that Kubuntu set up two subvolumes? [22:37] oh all good lordievader and kyfella [22:37] I'm moving from two HDs in raid1 to 1 SSD [22:37] I want to have /arch as a subvolume as well [22:37] for my media and stuff [22:37] when you say you see @@roeyt do you mean at the $ terminal [22:38] correct [22:38] @roey [22:38] not @@roeyt, my mistake [22:39] thanks for the tip lordie [22:40] but your referring to your terminal correct? [22:40] kyfella: Yes. I live in the terminal too much to forget to mention it, sorry. [22:41] Roey: Is the hostname of your machine 'roey'? [22:41] gear is my hostname [22:41] when I installed KUbuntu 14.04, I specified BTRFS [22:41] so your seeing roey@gear$ [22:42] Hmm, the default bash promt should be ^that indeed. [22:42] Or atleast something similair. [22:42] true, just trying to figure out what Roey is saying [22:42] kyfella: maybe this can give a better idea: http://pastebin.com/Q5YEVm7B [22:42] Roey, do you have a way to get us a screenshot so me and lordie can take a look [22:42] awesome [22:42] yeah that above [22:42] let me look [22:43] hello to all. Which are the settings to set when you right click on the terminal icon and go to konsole.dektop icon settings, Application-> Command? [22:43] thanks, kyfella [22:44] i have a random path and when konsole runs i get the message Warning: could not start program '/path/path' [22:44] Roey: Ah you are talking about those btrfs volumes? [22:44] Not the promt. [22:44] correct [22:45] I want to know why when I mount this it shows up as @roey and @ [22:45] Does @roey mount under @ ? [22:45] Roey: Yes, I know nothing about btrfs. [22:46] roey=username logged in as the @gear = the system name therefore you get roey@gear$ [22:46] lordievader: thanks [22:46] kyfella: ahaa.... [22:46] kubuntu can make pannel for adds and marketing compannies so when they want to make adds it will be on desktop with option for users to choese branch , section and to remove or show up MARKETING PANNEL [22:46] http://pastebin.com/ftz329tv <-- that is the fstab that kubuntu 14.04 install generated [22:46] kyfella: ^^^^^^^^ [22:46] btrfs looks like a management utility for volumes. I checked man btrfs and it speaks about how to defragment, create, delete subvolumes [22:46] now: do I have to set noatime manually for TRIM support? Is there any other BTRFS adjustment I can make for SSD drives? [22:47] btrfs the filesystem I mean [22:47] not the utility [22:47] hello to all. Which are the settings to set when you right click on the terminal icon and go to konsole.dektop icon settings, Application-> Command? [22:47] hit alt+f2 and then type the command name [22:47] it's quicker [22:47] falsobuio: ^^ [22:47] I will see what I can find Roey, hang a min [22:47] thanks so much kyfella [22:48] The reason why is because I want to make other subvolumes, like /arch [22:48] and I don't know the convention for doing this in btrfs. [22:48] no sweat, gimmie a min and let me see if I can find any intel for you on the trim ssd stuff [22:48] ok, thanks so much [22:48] kubuntu should have how to section for users and most common problems like BLUR newbeeeeee will throw it when that happen to HIM [22:49] roey, true story [22:49] how can i find the path though? [22:49] and app like for thz files or not deb files just with short option move and install it for newbee no compiling will help [22:49] https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/FAQ [22:50] Roey, check that out and doa search for trim [22:50] kyfella: I did [22:50] thanks [22:50] no sweat [22:50] that should at least point you in the right direction I believe [22:51] and there is also a way to get moreinformation abuot btrfs [22:51] just do a man btrfs from the terminal and it will show you the manual page with all of the command line switches that you may be able to find your answer as well [22:51] ok [22:51] thank you so much [22:52] your welcome [22:52] Hey, ya'll, anyone here ever try to take a clone of an encrypted linux volume, or windows volume? How did that turn out for you and what did you use to do it? I am trying to use Clonezilla right now. [22:52] Apparently it can' [22:52] uggg typo [22:54] apparently it can't use partclone, or ntfs clone to do it with Clonezilla, but rather uses a dd (diskdump) which means its going to clone the WHOLE drive, bit for bit, sector per sector. That can lead to a really really large clone image, insted of just grabbing the used space in the volumes [22:54] hello can somebody let me know where terminal can be found (under which path) in order to add it in the icon settings? [22:56] Oh, also, does anyone know about this: [22:56] # /arch was on /dev/sdc1 during installation [22:56] UUID=5fba2edb-daf9-48fa-bb32-6d7821c12d0d /arch btrfs,noatime,ssd,defaults,subvol=@arch 0 2 [22:57] does BTRFS create a virtual / that is grounded to @ ? [22:57] and a virtual /arch that is grounded to @arch ? [22:57] kyfella: ^ [22:57] DarthFrog: ^ [22:57] Riddell: ^ [22:58] I am looking at your fstab paste right now [23:00] Roey: nope, I've never used btrfs [23:00] ok [23:00] btw Riddell you *rock*, keep rocking [23:01] :) [23:01] UUID=5fba2edb-daf9-48fa-bb32-6d7821c12d0d = File system...... /home = Mount Point ......btrfs = type .... in your case with home, it shows UUID=5fba2edb-daf9-48fa-bb32-6d7821c12d0d /home btrfs defaults,subvol=@home 0 where it is indicating to me that /home is a subvolume of / or root [23:02] i would say that you could create a subvolume named arch which would thereinturn be /arch [23:02] or your fstab would then look something like UUID=5fba2edb-daf9-48fa-bb32-6d7821c12d0d /arch btrfs defaults,subvol=@arch 0 [23:02] that it would be a 3rd entry [23:03] all subvolumes being on the main UUID, in different subvolumes [23:03] does what I am saying make any sense? === JeffVader is now known as valorie [23:10] falsobuio, what do you mean ? hello can somebody let me know where terminal can be found (under which path) in order to add it in the icon settings? [23:10] kyfella: it does [23:10] yes [23:10] are you just wanting to change your terminal icon? [23:10] and that's what I did [23:10] did it work Roey? [23:12] I am just guessing at that since I have never directly worked with SSD volumes on Linux before, but according to what I am seeing in Man pages and what your showing me in fstab, it seems to make sense [23:12] kyfella: I'll find out I guess :) [23:12] I'm copying things over now [23:12] lol, cool [23:12] kyfella: then I will disconnect the HDs, reboot and hope it boots fine off the SSD [23:12] kyfella: your nick reminds me of my previous nick, JelliedMisery [23:12] I know SSD's are a totally different animal than SATA [23:12] and the account I used at work, CongealedHappiness [23:13] yeahh [23:13] I should have shakytriggerfinger lol [23:14] oh [23:14] heh [23:15] I just got done fixing a strange issue on Kubuntu 13.10 where dolphin was hanging up and the app would just time out. Had to click close like 10 times and terminate the app [23:15] found tha there was some rogue directory in home with like 315,000 blank files in it [23:16] it was just hosing up the ability to open dolphin correctly [23:21] kyfella: I ended up doing sudo rsync -avzh --progress /home/roey . [23:21] pwd is /mnt/@home/ [23:21] s/is/says [23:25] why is rsync showing me transfer speeds of 10 MB/s from HD -> SSD? [23:25] only 10 MB/s === rysiekpl is now known as rysiek|pl