=== e11bits_ is now known as e11bits === jackson is now known as Guest1184 === knome_ is now known as knome === slickyma1ter is now known as slickymaster === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha [05:16] Good morning === salem_ is now known as _salem === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha [06:50] good morning pitti [06:50] hey dkessel_, wie gehts? [06:52] gut. Ich hoffe dir auch. [06:55] dkessel_: ja, danke === yofel_ is now known as yofel === Guest1184 is now known as Noskcaj [07:35] good morning all [07:38] morning DanChapman [07:43] morning elfy , morning DanChapman [07:44] hi dkessel_ [07:59] hey elfy, dkessel_ o/ [08:00] DanChapman: still battling the lurgy at home? [08:00] * elfy is SO pleased those days are gone lol [09:56] pitti, I restarted upgrade tests on wazn, the machine was feeling a bit sick this morning [09:56] jibel: ah, I just looked at them [09:56] was about to ask [09:56] AttributeError: 'UpgradeTestBackendLXC' object has no attribute 'ssh_port' [09:56] that looks odd [09:57] jibel: some fail due to irqbalance not running any more, checking.. [09:57] pitti, the machine was in a really bad state [09:57] pitti, I'd wait for next run [09:57] okk [09:58] jibel: irqbalance is supposed to run all the time AFAICS, so I dont' just want to blacklist it [09:58] like you type 'ls' and wait 30s === vrruiz_ is now known as rvr === dkessel_ is now known as dkessel [11:03] hi [11:03] is there anyone here who has a Lubuntu 12.04 64bits ? With devel packages installed in it? [11:55] never mind, solved === _salem is now known as salem_ [13:33] pitti, Q->S failed again on 'whoopsie', it sounds like a real bug. [13:34] jibel: agreed [13:34] pitti, I'll have a look [13:40] jibel: the tests also take rather long today, is the machine still super-busy? [13:40] (not by the looks of jenkins) [13:41] pitti, it is not really busy, I suspect a disk is dying but we cannot see the status of the raid array from userspace. [18:25] pitti, so, I confirm that after upgrade from q->s whoopsie is not running [18:26] pitti, and start whoopsie doesn't start it [18:28] pitti, this is because /usr/bin/ubiquity-dm is present [18:30] pitti, it sounds like a bad test environment, I don't see why ubiquity is installed there [18:30] I'll delete the container and recreate it [18:32] it's been installed as a dep of ubuntu-desktop on quantal, that sounds wrong [18:33] pitti: mpt got bug #1290856 upon 13.10 -> 14.04 upgrade. [18:33] bug 1290856 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "Conf file prompt upgrading 13.10 to Trusty change for /etc/init.d/networking" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1290856 [18:34] pitti: are confpromts tracked anywhere? and e.g. left-over unremoved conffiles. [18:35] jibel_: indeed, ubuntu-desktop _must not_ depend on any ubiquity components. As by design, they are in separate seeds and ubiquity components are auto-removed, whilst ubuntu-desktop is left fully installed. === salem_ is now known as _salem [21:33] xnox, there is a test to capture debconf prompts but it is disabled because it changes the behavior of debconf and produced false positives. I'll re-enable it temporarily === jibel_ is now known as jibel [21:38] jibel: ideally, we'd run with a special debconf frontend which simply keeps / count captures queries, but otherwise is a "noninteractive". [21:38] jibel: if you could do a run with it enabled for all upgrade paths to 14.04, i'd love to analyse the results. [21:39] xnox, I don't remember the details but that's basically what I did, a 'cat' frontend that redirects prompts to a file and a post-upgrade test that analyzed the content [21:41] xnox, 'export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=editor EDITOR="cat>>%s";' % debconf_log [21:41] * xnox /o\ i <3 it! === pgraner` is now known as pgraner === plars is now known as plars-away