
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/appdev-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/03/12/%23ubuntu-uds-appdev-1.html
=== nik90_ is now known as nik90
=== kornbluth.freenode.net changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/appdev-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/03/11/%23ubuntu-uds-appdev-1.html
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master_super wacky inflatable waving arm man!01:32
=== ssweeny` is now known as ssweeny
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Track: App Development | Ubuntu SDK Integrated Development Environment | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/meeting/22163/appdev-1403-ide/
dpmFor the SDK IDE session13:57
dpmfeel free to use that hangout link to join the live session in the hangout13:58
dholbachgo go go :)14:00
dpmhey all14:03
dpmlet us know if you can hear us and feel free to ping us if you've got feedback or questions14:03
nik90dpm: we can hear you14:03
dpmcool, thanks for confirming14:04
nik90vthompson: hey14:06
vthompsonnik90: morning!14:06
nik90morning :)14:06
nik90dpm: QUESTION: Can we expect Qtcreator 3.0 and Qt 5.2 to be seamlessly updated in saucy and trusty? Or do we need a PPA for it?14:09
dpmnik90, will forward the question in a minute, once we've covered the cmake plugin explanation14:10
dholbachQUESTION: can we do anything to land newer versions of stuff like click/click-reviewers-tools in the release ppa more often?14:10
nik90dpm: np14:10
bzoltannik90: I will answer after zbenjamin finished14:12
dbarthbzoltan: QUESTION: we're considering adding cmake support in html5 projects, for things like build docs or run a test suite14:14
dbarthdo you think the cmake plugin could support that project type for ex. ?14:14
* dholbach hugs bzoltan14:14
dbarthbzoltan: this would be optional, but if a cmake file exists, we'd like to take it into account14:16
dbarthbzoltan: ok, cool14:16
satorisWill the SDK have native support for SDL2 game development?14:34
pmcgowansatoris, that will be considered part of the overall platform API, somewhat separated from the apps sdk I would say, but will be available14:37
satorisOk, good. There are lots of SDL devs out there.14:37
pmcgowanin fact let me check on that14:38
nik90thnx for the session14:47
vthompsonDoes a VM running 14.04 with the SDK on a Mac qualify for the case of beer?14:48
zbenjaminbzoltan: ^^14:49
bzoltanvthompson:  it qualifys you for pint :)  My offer is a more native port14:50
bzoltanvthompson: The QtCreator and our plugins are portable, the challenge I believe is the emulator and clict tools14:51
vthompsonbzoltan: perhaps the x86 emulator will be easier to port, as well. I know nothing about it however.14:52
bzoltanvthompson: once we have a functional QtC+plugins on OSX and a click chroot + ubuntu emulator we will have a sustainable and usefull offering for OSX folks14:52
bzoltanvthompson:  it is a whole new domain to discover14:53
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Track: App Development | Ubuntu UI Toolkit | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/meeting/22165/appdev-1403-uitk/
nik90mhall119: we can see you15:04
nik90IDEA: Provide a way for notifications15:07
nik90mhall119: Clipping of items inside a Ubuntu Shape. At the moment it only clips images. But perhaps it should also clip other shapes like rectangles and so on?15:08
mhall119nik90: can you put it in the etherpad?15:09
nik90mhall119: sure15:09
t1mpnik90: here is the bug for it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/108959515:13
udsbotuLaunchpad bug 1089595 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[shape] UbuntuShape should shape more general Item-based components" [Wishlist,Triaged] - Assigned to Loïc Molinari (loic.molinari)15:13
nik90t1mp: ah yes I have seen that bug before.15:14
iBelievemhall119: something that would be nice to have is a standard input dialog that has a textfield and ok/cancel buttons15:15
t1mpnik90: try to get a good use case to give it a higher importance, I see that is categorized as "wishlist" for now15:16
nik90t1mp: will try..I have already seen 3-4 apps using workarounds at the moment.15:16
t1mpnik90: cool. Just add it as a comment to the MR15:19
mhall119iBelieve: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.04/Ubuntu.Components.Popups.ComposerSheet/15:20
iBelievemhall119: problem is the Sheet looks ugly. I've made my own style for it, but it's not in the SDK15:21
t1mpiBelieve: yes, it does look ugly. There is no good design for it yet15:22
iBelievet1mp: I submitted it as a merge proposal to the SDK yesterday. Is there a chance that it will be accepted or are you waiting for better designs from the design team?15:23
iBelievet1mp: https://code.launchpad.net/~mdspencer/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/themeImprovements/+merge/21050815:23
nik90mhall119: I added two points to the pad15:25
mhall119nik90: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.04/Ubuntu.Components.OptionSelector/#multiSelection-prop15:27
nik90mhall119: the issue with the current multi-selection option selector is that it is difficult to find out which items have been selected. I remember talking to the developer about this15:28
iBelievemhall119, Here is the screenshot: t1mp: http://i.imgur.com/33rOPE3.png15:28
iBelievet1mp: ^^^15:28
nik90mhall119: yes I just saw iBelieve comment on the sheets visual design15:28
mhall119iBelieve: please put the URL in the comments for your MP15:29
iBelievemhall119: will do15:29
vthompsoniBelieve, I like your sheet design! Is the sheet background fixed? Perhaps it could be exposed?15:44
iBelievevthompson: Do you mean being able to easily change the background color of the sheet from within the sheet?15:45
vthompsoniBelieve, yep or even something more elaborate than a simple background color15:46
iBelievevthompson: I only changed the style, not the Sheet component at all. It's already possible to change the background, but only by using Component.onCompleted to access internal objects to get the style instance and then set the background color15:48
zyga-udsin the hw certification team we implemented a "tree widget"15:52
zyga-udswe use it in our testing app15:53
zyga-udsit works quite well15:53
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Track: App Development | Software Store roadmap | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/meeting/22173/appdev-1403-software-store-roadmap/
beunoso, what'sthe HO link?15:57
mhall119beuno: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYcW7DSikEAJMCn6ixrGkbmF5Kmt02nnMWHgnoATvjuNEBnsOQ?authuser=1&hl=en15:59
mhall119if you have any questions, ask them here with "QUESTION"16:02
t1mpmhall119: /wc16:04
t1mpclosing window :) not something pervert ;)16:04
mhall119t1mp: you can't leave16:04
nessitaI keep getting "An error ocurred, please try again" when browsing http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/meeting/22173/appdev-1403-software-store-roadmap/16:05
nessitaany ideas?16:05
mhall119nessita: try http://youtu.be/qDiyuojPjSc directly16:05
nessitamhall119, same error, after clikcing on the play button16:05
mhall119nessita: hmm, it will play for me....16:06
mhall119must be YouTube acting up16:06
dobeyyeah, it's youtube i think16:07
nessitawhat I get: http://ubuntuone.com/4Dkn0f0zyLS9TUTGGblrLq16:07
kenvandinenessita, same for me16:07
dobeyi've found force-reloading without cache helps when i get that16:08
dobeyyou can also try in a private/incognito session in the browser16:08
mhall119kenvandine: nessita ^^ try that16:08
kenvandinei did... now summit isn't loading16:08
kenvandineoh well... eventually it'll work :)16:09
mhall119kenvandine: you need better internet there in the backwoods of NC16:09
kenvandineincognito worked16:09
kenvandinei have a 50/20 connection!16:10
kenvandinei didn't say please though...16:10
kenvandinei keep forgetting that16:10
dholbachnotes taken here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-1403-appdev-1403-software-store-roadmap16:10
* nessita tries16:10
dobeykenvandine: cable?16:10
nessitamhall119, same error16:10
kenvandinei blame chrome16:11
nessitaI tried a private FF window16:11
dobeykenvandine: oh, could just be comcst/tw/cox/whateveritisthere squeezing bandwidth to youtube (yay net neutrality!)16:11
nessitaand amy regular session FF16:11
iBelieveQUESTION: when can I start selling apps, and will I be able to convert an existing free app to paid (since I've got existing apps that I couldn't make paid)?16:14
dobeymhall119: we also have to deal with how to uninstall those and such16:20
kenvandinethe click hook will do that16:20
kenvandinei think it'll just be symlinks16:20
dobeykenvandine: i mean how in the UI does the user uninstall the package16:20
kenvandineah, true16:21
kenvandinethe apps scope won't show that16:21
kenvandinemhall119, ^^16:21
mhall119hadn't thought of that16:21
dobeyi also don't know if the updater will show updates for non-apps as it currently stands16:21
iBelieveQUESTION: Will it be possible to install apps remotely to your device from the website app store, like Google Play? Or has this been considered? I really liked that feature about Google Play16:22
mhall119dobey: probably not, but that's all going into system-settings isn't it?16:22
dobeymhall119: yes, but it's the same code16:22
dobeymaybe we can just also have a "Remove" button in there, and things can be uninstalled from there16:23
mhall119would make sense I suppose16:23
dobeyyeah, purchase shouldn't be a problem16:25
dobeymaybe some special magic if you want to purcahse from the web and pay for the app on your phone bill16:25
dholbachdoes anyone want to join the hangout?16:27
dholbachany more questions?16:27
dobeyi have to leave in 10-15 min to go to an appointment16:28
mhall119#ubuntu-app-devel channel16:29
* dholbach hugs you all16:30
dholbachkeep up the good work everyone!16:30
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/appdev-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/03/12/%23ubuntu-uds-appdev-1.html
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Track: App Development | Community Design Team showcase and plans | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/meeting/22168/community-design-team-showcase-and-plans/
nik90dpm: ?18:01
dpmon it18:01
dpmsetting the hangout now :)18:02
nik90ok :)18:02
dpmfor anyone wanting to join the live hangout: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYf4ZVlAu3k8tYKEEoNyV_BCTsEKn8XaJ-qP5-D0m2jgWEMPFA18:03
pikapika131there should be a way to use android apps on ubuntu18:03
pikapika131considering ubuntu touch is realy just CM it shouldnt be that hard.18:04
nik90vthompson: you should join the hangout if you can18:08
nik90same goes to snwh ^^18:08
nik90michelR: want to join the hangout?18:09
michelRnik90: not possible, still busy at my work, just IRC, sorry18:10
nik90michelR: np :)18:11
snwhnik90, i'm a bit too preoccupied at the moment to join the hangout18:11
nik90snwh: ok18:11
vthompsonnik90: I might in a bit. I'm a bit busy at the moment18:12
nik90vthompson: ok18:12
fdelayenHi everyone, there is a little thing i'm finding a bit weird. The Gallery app has a light background, same thing for the settings app. You are presenting apps with dark backgrounds, don't you think it can be quite disturbing for users ?18:38
fdelayen(Those designs are really impressive though)18:39
nhainesDavid's screen is frozen for me.18:47
nhainesI have the screen back and live now.18:48
nik90nhaines: fixed it18:52
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/appdev-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/03/12/%23ubuntu-uds-appdev-1.html
fdelayenOk, thank you for your answer !18:56
nhainesThank you for the presentation!  :)18:57

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