
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/client-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/03/12/%23ubuntu-uds-client-1.html
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Track: Client | Using the Devportal API website for hosting Unity API docs | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/meeting/22199/client-1403-api-website-for-unity/
seb128mhall119, do you host that one or do you need me to do it?13:59
mhall119seb128: which one?14:01
seb128"Using the Devportal API website for hosting Unity API docs"14:01
seb128seems you are on it14:01
mhall119want to join?14:01
seb128(I'm asking because it's in client 1)14:01
seb128I'm going to follow the stream14:02
mhall119seb128: thostr is asking me if I can move the smart scopes session14:23
mhall119because it conflicts with a scopes session in appdev-214:24
seb128mhall119, client-2 is didrocks', check with him14:24
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Track: Client | Supporting touch apps on Ubuntu desktop | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/meeting/22179/client-1311-apps-convergence/
cjwatsondo we have a hangout url?15:02
seb128cjwatson, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfbMgisdYZtcTSgeJImyw1TtOVbj_fwoCZ30BfDz5rOd2ItGw?authuser=015:02
seb128(sorry I was watch the core-1 session and it overrun15:02
loolseb128: same here  :-)15:02
bfillerhangout link for anyone who wants on: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYe22T7EUVt357g3zk4OxS9o_I09puJxm7cqmFGU5w1K8WAO_w?authuser=0&hl=en15:03
loolbfiller: seb128 just posted a different one15:04
lool16:02 < seb128> cjwatson,  https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfbMgisdYZtcTSgeJImyw1TtOVbj_fwoCZ30BfDz5rOd2ItGw?authuser=015:04
seb128bfiller, sorry, I'm still used to "track lead hosting", I had one started15:04
bfillerseb128: shoudl we use yours?15:05
seb128bfiller, do you have people in yours? if not, join mine15:05
seb128cjwatson and pmcgowan are there15:05
bfillerseb128: we'll join yours15:05
araseb128, youtube link?15:06
balloonsdo we have what's needed to start this hangout?15:07
balloonsbfiller, ^^? popey?15:08
pmcgowantechnical difficulties15:09
loolnot getting the yt stream15:09
bfillerballoons: stand by15:09
balloonskk, :-) Just wanted to make sure you were set15:09
karni"Supporting touch apps on U desktop" session not started yet?15:11
seb128ok, good this time15:11
seb128karni, we had issue, starting in a sec15:11
karniack, thanks15:11
karnilooking forward! :)15:11
pmcgowancan folks see us now15:12
vthompsonSorry, Yep15:12
mdeslauroh, people!15:12
cjwatsonbfiller: Could you paste the google doc here?15:13
sergiusensdisabling is removing the icon?15:19
sergiusensit wouldn't work anyways15:19
tedgIt can be set with an upstart job.15:21
tedgBut we really want to ask Unity for it.15:21
arabfiller, can we have an action item for that? default for DESKTOP_MODE15:21
tedgBecause it could be per screen.15:22
tedgbfiller, You can put something in /usr/share/upstart/sessions15:22
tedgI've been told saviq is going to have magic desktop detection someday :-)15:23
arapmcgowan, your input volume is a bit low15:23
tedgI think that for 14.10 we should have a session on that. We don't need to focus on that today, but it's a huge issue that we should discuss.15:24
tedg(that == figuring out if this machine is a desktop)15:24
tedgbfiller, Just to make sure it's on your list, people always ask me about URLs. How should we handle that?15:28
tedgOkay, that works for me.15:30
tedgDo we think that's for 14.04? Do we want the apps working for 14.04?15:30
bfillertedg: would be nice if we could for 14.04 but don't know if possible15:31
bfilleryou guys tell me :)15:31
tedgI think that we're not setting grid units automatically, talking with bregma about that yesterday.15:31
tedgThere's an issue with needing manual configuration because apparently the KMS data is not reliable.15:31
cjwatsonI'll drop out, since it doesn't sound like anyone's threatening to make me do click support on the desktop for 14.04 so I don't have to explain why we shouldn't :-)15:31
tedgMonitors lie apparently fairly regularly.15:32
tedgbfiller, It's a Qt plugin thing, right?. Not sure who handles that.15:32
bfillertedg: ricmm maybe15:32
pmcgowancjwatson, nope ;)15:33
tedgbfiller, He doesn't test all of his stuff on the desktop :-)15:34
tedgbfiller, HUD should "just work"15:35
tedgAnd it does, web browser shows up in the HUD for me.15:35
tedgbfiller, Good reason to switch to VI ;-)15:36
pmcgowanoh man too late for that15:36
* tedg is good15:40
vthompsonThe weather app is very nice in desktop mode. Perhaps that could be added to the list?15:40
arabfiller, who is taking the decision on whether to put DESKTOP_MODE=1 on 14.04 Desktop?15:40
bfillerara: I will15:40
araOK, let us know when you know, thanks15:41
bfillerara: I think we will set it by default, just need to figure out the best mechansim for making that happen15:41
araI think the PPA is a better solution, and leave SRUs just for critical/high issues15:45
jdstrandwe can't support click on the 14.04 desktop15:46
pmcgowanara, ok good15:46
pmcgowanjdstrand, ack15:46
cjwatsonjdstrand: oh, I should have stayed on to refute that idea after all? :)15:48
araI think keeping the current version in the archive make sense15:48
arabfiller, +115:49
araI like that15:49
tedgcjwatson, Meetings are like staring contests, first person to leave gets all the work items.15:49
jdstrandcjwatson: no-- they said you said we wouldn't, but I typed that as they were saying it :)15:49
cjwatsonheh, ok15:49
cjwatsonI still have a work item for that, I should probably can it15:50
* jdstrand had an itchy trigger finger15:50
cjwatsonor explicitly defer15:50
jdstrandcjwatson: I think so-- I looked into the nested X session (still haven't written it up) and it just isn't feasible at this point15:51
cjwatsonthere was a work item to have aa-exec-click refuse on non-Mir, and then maybe some kinds of click package (webapps?) could work15:51
cjwatsonbut it seems to be cutting it a bit fine now anyway, and I could productively be working on image building improvements instead15:51
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/client-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/03/12/%23ubuntu-uds-client-1.html
=== jibel_ is now known as jibel

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