
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-plenary to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/plenary/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/03/12/%23ubuntu-uds-plenary.html
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JoshStroblHello everyone =)18:33
JoshStroblHey jono, there is an event upcoming, correct?18:45
jonoJoshStrobl, yes18:49
jonoin 10 mins18:49
JoshStrobljono: Thought so :) Mind if we get a topic change?18:49
jonoJoshStrobl, it will when we get there18:50
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-plenary to: Track: | Keynote | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/meeting/22220/keynote-mark-shuttleworth/
JoshStroblBy the way jono, never was able to get around to saying that last week's Ubuntu App Developer week keynote was very informative. Thanks for helping kick off the sessions.18:54
jonothanks JoshStrobl!18:55
spider623ok the new chat system is nice18:58
JoshStroblspider623: eh? Are you in IRC via the web-based Kiwi IRC or an IRC client?18:59
micah2I see you, Jono19:00
mhall119jono: we see you19:01
JoshStroblI can see you jono19:01
cgregan_udsaudio good...videio good19:01
dholbachyes, go go go19:01
mhall119uh oh, buffering...19:01
karnijono: loud and clear19:01
spider623i do see a green shirt19:01
t1mpjono: I see you19:01
fdelayenseeing you, jono :)19:01
nhainesNow I see you.  :)  (It didn't autostart).19:01
mrbrownstone3gi see u from nottingham19:01
kirkland__good here19:01
snwhall good, mr. lazy19:01
kereltisVideo and sound are good19:01
Schnookthat beard19:02
JoshStrobldat beard19:02
mhall119such facial hair, much wow19:03
jonoget your questions in19:03
spider623QUESTION: when is mir expected to hit officially as the display manager?19:03
CracknelQUESTION: What's up with the beard?19:03
jonotype in 'QUESTION' followed by your question19:03
tech_freakPlease Mark, please explore Ubuntu Touch19:03
rickspencer3arg ... video buffering!19:04
ogra_mr lazy !19:04
JoshStroblpoor people and their buffering :P19:04
karniall good19:04
ogra_rickspencer3, i have the same with all sessions today19:04
JoshStrobl14.04 is so solid already. seriously going to be a great release.19:04
jonoogra_, :-)19:04
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dobeyrickspencer3: drop the quality down to 360p19:05
sergiusensogra_, you should upgrade from that 14.4k modem19:05
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JoshStroblsergiusens: haha19:05
ogra_sergiusens, well, i'm watching the stream on an android phone now19:05
spider623there is quality lower than 720p?19:05
JoshStroblorga_ Oh man, I know how that feels.19:05
PokeyManQUESTION: We've recently seen a nice new lockscreen added into 14.04. Will they long needed quality finishes find a way into Unity 8 from the start?19:05
sergiusensspider623, you can choose 24019:06
balloonsset it to 240p if you need to :-)19:06
geddyQUESTION: is there still any interest in exploring the "rolling release" idea?19:06
ogra_JoshStrobl, well, at least it works ... doesnt in my desktop browser19:06
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MSkilledMyPuppyDamnit! Stream doesn't work!19:06
SpringbankWhat about the icon-theme? Suru will be the new icon theme?19:06
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dobeyyeah, i think youtube isn't dealing well with everyone trying to stream a live hangout at 720p19:06
MSkilledMyPuppy..running circle19:07
karniSpringbank: prefix your questions with "QUESTION"19:07
MSkilledMyPuppyWait for me, Mark!19:07
nhainesdobey: those beautiful 720p slides.  :)19:07
MicaelQuestion: When this planned out Ubuntu Phone in Europe?19:07
Springbankkami Thanx19:07
dobeynhaines: yeah, all that purple and text makes such a huge difference being in 720p19:07
SchnookQUESTION: what does Canonical to hit the mass market?19:07
dobeybut that's why i go for 4K19:07
JoshStroblQUESTION: Will there be any commitments to an improved Ubuntu One client across Ubuntu, Ubuntu Touch, Android etc. in a future cycle, possible 14.10 or 15.04?19:07
jonoif you have questions for Mark, type them in with 'QUESTION' followed by your question and I will add it to the list :-)19:08
nhainesdobey: wow much fonts.  such kerning.  :)19:08
karninhaines: hi! :)19:08
SpringbankQuestion: What about the icon-theme? Suru will be the new icon-theme?19:08
nhaineskarni: hiya!  :)19:08
JoshStroblSpringbank: Yes. Landing in UT first, potentially desktop later from what I hear.19:08
MSkilledMyPuppyQUESTION: How do I get that stream working?19:08
spider623QUESTION: what about the 22" sony tablets? are they going to display as a normal pc?19:08
mhall119MSkilledMyPuppy: YouTube has been giving people problems all day, you can try a different browser or incognito window, but otherwise there's not much we can do19:09
mhall119MSkilledMyPuppy: if you can't get it working now, you can try coming back and watching the recording at a later time19:09
nhainesspider623: remember, no tech support questions. :)19:09
rickspencer3"co-opt" is the perfect word, I've been looking for a good way to describe that kind of convergence19:09
mhall11922" *tablet*?19:09
JoshStroblnhaines: I don't think that was a support question. I think he was curious how that large of a form factor "tablet" will react to Ubuntu (whether it'll show the tablet view or desktop).19:10
slangasekmhall119: Moses-approved19:10
spider623it's no tech support, just a question since 22" is a little big for the tablet ui of touch19:10
mhall119slangasek: lol19:10
jonoslangasek, lol19:10
SpringbankQuestion: UT will be released on Nexus 7 (2013)?19:10
MSkilledMyPuppygonnga watch video instead :-(19:10
ogra_Springbank, it is already there19:11
spider623Springbank: already is19:11
nhainesspider623: I'm sorry, I tab-completed your name by mistake.   I think your question was great.  :)19:11
dobeymhall119: panasonic has a 20" 4K tablet19:11
mhall119spider623: I think the plan is "the UI will adapt"19:11
harish_manutdwhen the ubuntu for mobile will be released ..Ubuntu OS for mobile ?19:11
dobeymhall119: ubuntu for tables19:11
ogra_harish_manutd, many people run it daily already on their nexus devices19:11
JoshStroblharish_manutd: It already exists. 1.0 was release w/ 13.10 release.19:11
JoshStroblRemember to use QUESTION: if you have a question directed at Mark.19:11
harish_manutdogra_ .never knew about that ...19:12
mhall119harish_manutd: I've been running it exclusively since August of last year19:12
ogra_harish_manutd, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install19:12
mhall119on a Nexus 419:12
nhainesharish_manutd: it's right there on http://www.ubuntu.com/phone/19:12
Xenon19Futur game compatible Ubuntu via Mantle (New API) ?19:12
sergiusenssame since june on a galaxy nexus19:12
spider623is that Jono's hand?19:12
JoshStroblWhat I'm waiting for is the day that UT is available officially for Nexus 5.19:12
jonothat hairy hand looks familiar19:12
nhainesJoshStrobl: it works great right now on the N5 as long as you hate sound.19:13
MicaelQuestion: When this planned out Ubuntu Phone in Europe?19:13
JoshStroblnhaines: Well, I like sound, so I don't think it'll be right for me yet :P19:13
jonoif you have questions for Mark, type them in with 'QUESTION' followed by your question and I will add it to the list :-)19:13
harish_manutdogra_ thanks for the link..looks like it will be compatible only with nexus devices...19:13
jezakwhen exactly Ubuntu 14.04 LTS will be available?19:13
nhainesJoshStrobl: in that case, MultiROM Manager is a great way to dual-boot.  :)19:13
mhall119harish_manutd: that's all we support right now19:13
nhainesjezak: 17 April 2014.19:13
JoshStroblnhaines: Yea I've been thinking about doing that.19:13
mhall119harish_manutd: there are community ports to non-Nexus devices19:13
jezakthanks :)19:14
ogra_yes, mostly nexus ... there are community ports for other devices but they are foten far behind in features19:14
Crackneljezak: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule19:14
spider623Micael: most probably at the end of the year19:14
spider623any one tried the new kernel?19:14
ogra_watch that smile !19:14
Xenon19Futur game compatible Ubuntu via Mantle (New API) ?19:15
JoshStroblspider623: you mean 3.13?19:15
spider623on ut19:15
JoshStroblorga_ It's the smile of genuine enthusiasm.19:15
nhainesOn the new landed code he's talking about, I got about 12 programs running on my Nexus 5 before it started getting creaky.  It was fun.  :)19:15
ivo_xavierwill ubuntu touch support Python?19:15
Steam4Lnuxhere jono19:15
spider623for now i will be happy if they add a download option on the browser19:15
nhainesivo_xavier: never.19:16
JoshStroblivo_xavier: Go, QML / C++,  JS19:16
JoshStroblRemember, if you have a question for Mark, append the question to "QUESTION:".19:16
rcainany plans to get Vodafone onboard?19:16
dobeyivo_xavier: it's ubuntu. you could install python if you want19:16
nhainesdobey: actually, python's already there.19:17
slangasekivo_xavier: python is not part of the supported platform for app development19:17
slangasek(but yes, there's some python under the hood)19:17
mhall119QUESTION: What's your favorite app on the phone? (not necessarily most used, but the one you like the most)19:17
nhainesrcain: http://www.ubuntu.com/phone/carrier-advisory-group19:17
dobeynhaines: yes. of course19:17
rcainQUESTION: any plans to get Vodafone onboard?19:17
ogra_there is a terminal app ... and you could write python scripts you run in it :)19:17
nhainesrcain: they're already onboard.19:18
dobeyrcain: vodafone is already part of the CAG: www.ubuntu.com/phone/carrier-advisory-group19:18
rcainthanks nhaines :)19:18
rcainLOVE Ubuntu! can't wait for a phone! :)19:18
Micaelme to19:18
JoshStroblThe HTML5 implementation is really solid for Ubuntu Touch at this point. If you want to develop an UT app in HTML5 / JS, it's totally doable at this point.19:18
Steam4LnuxQUESTION: As you move toward introducing unity 8 on the desktop, how have you been working on the present releases to make sure it is implemented the right way, and how you want it? & how has the phone design process affected the desktop portion of unity?19:19
candelibasBut we're waiting W3C API's support for HTML5 apps :/19:19
rcaingreat news about Vodafone. I'll request Ubuntu on my next upgrade, VERY soon i hope.19:19
spider623JoshStrobl: it is but also the browser on UT is missing many features, when you can't even download a picture ... well...19:20
mhall119spider623: that functionality is landing now, using the new download manager and content hub19:20
JoshStroblcandelibas: Not necessarily. You can use Cordova APIs, which tie into the hardware access you need, and since Oxide is based on Blink, the majority of things that'd work in Chrome will work in Oxide.19:20
harish_manutdGO GO GO \m/19:20
JoshStroblObviously Chrome-specific APIs (like Chrome extension stuff) won't work.19:21
spider623mhall119: great news, i may actually put it back on the phone!19:21
JoshStroblIf you are interested in UT development, join in at #ubuntu-app-devel after the keynote!19:21
bennybolivarQUESTION are the new Icons are coming to 14.04?19:21
fosstererQUESTION: UT Development? I missed something19:21
nhainesbennybolivar: only on the phone; not on the desktop.19:22
nhainesfossterer: that's not a question.19:22
fosstererWhat is this UT Development?19:22
dobeynhaines: exploooooooosions?19:22
nhainesdobey: giant exploooooooosions!19:22
ogra_fossterer, ubuntu touch app development19:22
t1mpfossterer: development of apps especially for Ubuntu Touch19:22
fosstererOK.. Thanks19:22
OtakWhy Ubuntu still stupid? I mean no automatic troubleshooting19:22
dertolleEvening all19:22
ogra_(not unreal tournament)19:22
mhall119s/Ubuntu Touch/Ubunu/19:23
vthompsonQUESTION: Which language (straight QML or Go), besides HTML5, do we expect/hope to be easiest to port to other devices such as Android/iOS?19:23
dobeyOtak: rudeness won't get you the attention you want19:23
nhainesvthompson: QML and javascript.19:23
Snack_Pocket88when is ubuntu??19:23
Diswardno sound?19:23
ogra_ubuntu is now :)19:23
nhainesOtak: if troubleshooting could be done automatically, the computer would just do it.19:23
nhainesogra_: +119:23
Ursinhaogra_: :)19:23
mhall119ogra_: best answer19:23
vthompsonnhaines, darn it. I wanted an excuse to start playing with Go19:23
Snack_Pocket88dont laugh at me was only asking19:23
mhall119vthompson: do it then19:23
mhall119Snack_Pocket88: we're laughing at ogra_, not you19:24
OtakUbuntu does not have automatic troubleshooting like Windows19:24
dobeynhaines: if troubleshooting could be done automatically, we'd have skynet19:24
t1mpvthompson: QML I would recommend for user interfaces, go for lower level stuff that you might do with c++/perl/bash/... now19:24
nhainesdobey: well work on Juju *is* still ongoing.  ;)19:24
Crackneldobey: LOL19:24
spider623btw any one tried Multirom Manager to install ubuntu?19:24
t1mpvthompson: and you can use GO+QML of course :) (qml for the GUI only)19:24
OtakPeople hate ubuntu because Ubuntu just mae like a tool19:24
Snack_Pocket88why is samsung galaxy y i install ubuntu?? i have livecd19:24
t1mp(backend in go)19:24
nhainesspider623: yeah, I used it at SCALE and ever since.  It's fantastic.19:25
dobeyOtak: if you hate ubuntu, why are you here?19:25
Cracknelspider623: unfortunately not. The support for my Nexus 7 (2012) has been dropped.19:25
OtakI said "people"19:25
candelibasJoshStrobl: That sounds good.So we won't need W3C APIs19:25
jonoOtak, give love a chance :-)19:25
rcainjuju -  cooll name :)19:25
mhall119Snack_Pocket88: you can't install on a phone with a LiveCD, you need to download an installable image specifically for your device19:25
JoshStroblcandelibas: A lot of the hardware-level JS APIs are W3C drafts, just fyi ;)19:25
harish_manutdjuju ..COOL names they come up with :)19:26
mhall119Snack_Pocket88: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices has a list of supported and semi-supported devices19:26
spider623installing 234 proposed from there now, i hope my wifi will not be slow like a snail again today19:26
OtakPeople hate it because every time trubleshooting the only way is do command line a.k. a MNUAL19:26
who_meI've seen that someone was working on adding Digital Ocean support to juju. Is that going to be mainlined at some point?19:26
mhall119Otak: if you know of a good way to built automated troubleshooting, please document it somewhere and propose it in the next UDS19:27
spider623you got to love juju19:27
CracknelQUESTION: Any plans to reintroduce Ubuntu certifications? Especially in the area of cloud computing this would really useful.19:27
ogra_Otak, so help making it better and people do not need to troubleshoot at all :)19:27
mhall119Cracknel: certification of people or of hardware?19:27
Snack_Pocket88i dont lke this ubuntu i like the old one unity19:27
dobeyOtak: troubleshooting cannot be autoamted. if you have problems with some errors that happen not being good enough, please file bugs19:27
Cracknelmhall119: people19:27
nhainesCracknel: people.19:27
mhall119ah, nvm then, was going to point you to the hardware certifications page :)19:27
nhainesAlso I meant mhall119: people.19:27
digitaldefectorMy mom's been using 12.04LTS based disrto. I explained to her Ubuntu's licensing news.with Linux Mint. She agrees with your decision, so that users don't get lesser quality experience using the Ubuntu name.19:27
OtakAuto trobleshooting in Windows helped many people19:28
ogra_digitaldefector, thanks !19:28
jonoOtak, this is not a good time to discuss this19:28
OtakUbuntu is not smart as Windows19:28
ogra_Otak, so feel free to help making something like this work on Ubuntu too19:28
jonoI recommend you raise this another time in a better venue19:28
who_meQUESTION: I've seen that someone was working on adding Digital Ocean support to juju. Is that going to be mainlined at some point?19:28
mhall119Otak: if you know how it should work, propose it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS/Create19:28
nhainesYay, it's question time!19:29
OtakAs long as Ubuntu devs cant create auto troubleshooting I cant confirm people arounf me to use ubuntu19:30
dertolleOtak my wifi isnt working on my vista laptop. Any thoughts?19:30
mhall119QUESTION: because I've been curious for a while, what's the story behind your dragon avatar?19:30
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=== Guest74043 is now known as Armand990
MicaelQuestion: When it is planned out Ubuntu Phone in Europe?19:30
nhainesmhall119: ooh, good question.19:30
dobeyOtak: this isn't the place to complain about it19:30
vthompsonmhall119, +119:30
ogra_mhall119, google: here be dragons19:30
Snack_Pocket88meer? what is?19:30
nhainesMicael: you keep asking but the answer is always going to be "later this year from BQ"19:30
iBelieveQUESTION: Mark, would you share you top 5 favorite apps for Ubuntu Touch (other than packaged websites like Google+)?19:30
OtakUbuntu must be smart to gain popularity19:30
rcainQUESTION: any chance of a further attempt at the Edge?19:31
Armand990awesome development with the Ubuntu phone!, can't wait to have mine19:31
SGB1Hi mark!19:31
mhall119ogra_: I'm familiar with the maritime history of the phrase, just not sure why Mark adopted it19:31
mhall119Snack_Pocket88: "Mir", it's the software that displays things on the screen19:31
JoshStroblQUESTION: In what release cycle do you expect systemd to replace Upstart?19:31
slangasekmhall119: because historically South Africa was a dragon stronghold19:31
bobsamQuestion: Has anyone officially spoke with Will Wheaton about his comments on Ubuntu going in a direction that displeases him, and why?19:32
mhall119JoshStrobl: there was a session about that yesterday19:32
JoshStroblmhall119: Oh...19:32
JoshStroblwell damn, missed it :D19:32
mhall119JoshStrobl: it's recorded :)19:32
d0odbobsam: lol19:32
ogra_mhall119, http://www.markshuttleworth.com/biography ;)19:32
dobeybobsam: it's Wil with one l :)19:32
OtakQUESTION: When Ubuntu devs would make UBuntu smart as Windows?19:32
bobsamdobey: ty19:32
ogra_mhall119, HBD = "here be dragons"19:32
dobeybac: hahahaha19:32
nooberminOtak: When will ubuntu devs make Ubuntu as dumb* as windows? fixed19:33
dertolleOtak keep trolling its funny. You from india?19:33
nhainesOtak: could you please stop being disruptive to this developer summit?  There are other good places to discuss your concerns if you wish to be constructive.19:33
digitaldefectorQUESTION: Other DE like LXDE will be transitioning to QT, like Unity is going to do. I've been a GTK centric user. Will we get the same KISS for QT like we do with GTK?19:33
nhainesdertolle: please be respectful.19:33
JoshStroblOtak: Please stop being disruptive.19:33
dertolleDont feed the troll19:33
nhainessabdfl: *waves*19:33
spider623arrest someone for his beard?19:33
ogra_MANDY ?!?19:33
bobsamquestion: with Apple TV 4 rumors and their work to sign service providers to provide live tv shows 4 days after they air, and roku releasing devices faster than ever, where is Ubuntu TV and has any efforts been put to work with content providers to offer these services ?19:34
who_mespider623, if he's got a beard he must be a terrorist, d'oh! :/19:34
OtakGoogle only make Linux is just to run a Chrome browser. It seems Linux is just a tool19:34
* rickspencer3 braces19:34
dobeybobsam: use QUESTION in all caps if you have a question19:34
ogra_rolling FTW !!!19:34
dertolleKeep it comming19:35
bobsamQUESTION: with Apple TV 4 rumors and their work to sign service providers to provide live tv shows 4 days after they air, and roku releasing devices faster than ever, where is Ubuntu TV and has any efforts been put to work with content providers to offer these services ?19:35
nhainesOtak: all operating systems are just tools.  That's practically their reason for being.19:35
sergiusensOtak, computers are just a tool19:35
bobsamQUESTION: Has anyone officially spoke with Will Wheaton about his comments on Ubuntu going in a direction that displeases him, and why?19:35
dobeyOtak: Linux is just a kernel, yes19:35
sergiusensnhaines, beat me :-P19:35
dobeyandroid runs on top of linux too19:35
Armand990will ubuntu phone support "portable PC" mode with bluetooth keyb+mouse and a screen with mhl/hdmi?19:35
nhainessergiusens: being fast at typing lets me be lazier at writing.  ;)19:35
ogra_bobsam, Ubuntu TV will most likely be based on Ubuntu for Phones ... we need to get that one rock solid first before moving on to other HW19:35
nhainesArmand990: yes, but not for another year.19:35
rsalvetiogra_: we just need external monitor support :P19:36
ogra_rsalveti, DOIT !19:36
nhainesrsalveti: details, details.  :)19:36
rsalvetiso I can plug my nexus 4 and watch movies with it19:36
Armand990nhaines, thanks for quick answer, hope we get it soon, it's a really impressive feature if available :)19:36
mhall119rsalveti: make it happen19:36
sergiusensrsalveti, just use your 30" tablet19:36
rsalvetiogra_: it's actually not that complicated, but got better things to do :P19:36
kutevaQUESTION: What happened to the notification icons (Skype, Dropbox, etc.) in the Unity panel?19:36
nhainesArmand990: they already have it running in concept with Ubuntu for Android.  So I think when it's just Ubuntu all the way down it's going to be super impressive.  :)19:36
ogra_rsalveti, you will work on it after you have been moved to the TV team ;)19:37
rcainQUESTION: any plans for 'docability' with wide-screen/Digtal TVS's,19:37
Armand990rhaines, agreed! :))19:37
dobeykuteva: nothing? skype appears in the top panel for me19:37
nhainesrcain: no plans.  That's a hardware vendor problem.19:37
kutevaNot in 13.1019:37
rsalvetiogra_: ;-)19:37
dobeykuteva: does here. but this isn't the forum to ask for tech support19:38
OtakUbuntu phone will be fail product becaue it's not smart as android19:38
JoshStroblkuteva: Yes it does. In 13.10 the notification icon works for Skype, as well as 14.04.19:38
spider623don't compare with the Asus TF series, more than 30% have hardware issues :/19:38
dobeyOtak: please leave if you're just going to troll19:38
mhall119Otak: alright already, you've said your piece19:38
rcain@dobey: thanks. need to lobby them. i WANT it :)19:38
nooberminQUESTION: Not sure this will make it as it's late, but what is your strategy with regards to the lack of an established app market for ubuntu?19:38
JoshStroblOtak: "Study: Internet Trolls Are Also Terrible In Real Life" - http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2453609,00.asp19:39
dertolleIrc rule #1 : dont feed the troll19:39
kereltisI'd love to see ASUS make Ubuntu products19:39
nooberminJoshStrobl: pretty much19:39
nhainesnoobermin: the strategy is to make the SDK awesome, make QML and HTML5 compelling, support Cordova/PhoneGap to make a port beautiful but painless, and make the platform so compelling that everyone wants to be on it.19:39
mhall119noobermin: in case he can't answer, we're going to make a phone OS that's desirable and a developer platform that's easy, betweent he two the apps should come to us19:39
dertolleAll newbies?19:39
spider623QUESTION: any chance of a united market along with google in order to have common purchases with Google play? If you guys merge your services it will be great19:40
rcainlots of good quotablel stuff there Mark. anyone making a transcript?19:40
nhainesspider623: Google doesn't care about that.19:40
OtakUbuntu designer are soulless19:40
mhall119rcain: the video is being recorded19:40
nooberminnhaines: mhall119: god speed!19:40
ogra_rcain, it is recorded19:40
nhainesNor does Apple.  And probably neither does Canonical.  :)19:40
JoshStroblOtak: Obvious troll is obvious.19:41
ogra_Otak, you are tiring ...19:41
mhall119just ignore Otak19:41
spider623nhaines: actually getting money from more than one platform is in her plans19:41
rcain@mhall119: thanks19:41
dertolleKeep feeding....19:41
dobeyogra_: can't we get someone to kick/ban/kline him?19:41
Otaklook at the wallpaper. No art at all19:41
ogra_dertolle, trying hard not to :)19:41
ogra_dobey, no idea, i guess we have OPs here19:41
dertolleIts kind of funny actually19:42
rickspencer3pick up the new icons in a point release?19:42
dobeydertolle: yeah. so was "Dumb & Dumber" :)19:42
nhainesrickspencer3: can't: UI Freeze.19:42
nhainesAlthough I really, really like sabdfl angling for an optional package with the Suru icons!  :D19:42
rickspencer314.1, 14.2 with new icons?19:42
OtakThe souless Ubuntu designers should be fired for goodness19:43
rickspencer3why not? it wold be sweet19:43
nhainesrickspencer3: it would break the Documenation team.19:43
t1mpOtak: who still believes in souls these days?19:43
* rickspencer3 kick Otak19:43
slangasekt1mp: dude, no need to escalate19:43
nhainesrww: welcome!19:43
JoshStrobl"Oh hell yea" - I liked that version of "yes".19:44
OtakUbuntu wallpaper just made people in my country laughing so loud when ubuntu designer claim it has art on it19:44
bobsamQUESTION: canonicals business model to profit share with developers on application sales, has that shown promising results and interests from big players?19:44
kutevaQUESTION: Why was the gear (System settings, Shut down, ...) removed from the HUD search in 13.10?19:44
HermanssonHas FairPhone been mentioned?19:45
CracknelHermansson: nope19:45
t1mpdual sim ++++ :)19:45
ukbeastwow, the legend is on live :)19:46
spider623we need an oem that will release a phone with no os and you will be able to choose what os you like just like a normal pc19:46
ogra_ukbeast, nope, we rented an imposter19:46
rickspencer3lol sudoku19:46
ogra_ukbeast, but he isnt bad, is he ?19:46
balloonslol, look out dinko!19:47
* xnox feels under pressure now to update g+ app.19:47
ukbeasthe's real, look at that beard19:47
nhainesI do like the Sudoku stuff, but nothing's ever beat Brain Age in terms of best digital Sudoku.  :)19:47
slangasekOtak: do you understand that your comments here are not constructive, and no one is going to change what they're doing on Ubuntu when a person we don't know shows up on IRC and tells us we're doing it all wrong?19:47
mhall119xnox: aquarius tells me there's a "better web version" of Google+ available that we could be using19:47
dobeyslangasek: he was +q'd :)19:47
xnoxmhall119: i'm open to any improvements.19:48
mhall119aquarius: ^^19:48
ogra_dobey, so he can still listen ;)19:48
nhainesQUESTION: What is the function of the Mobile Carrier Advisory Group right now?  What do the members do?19:48
karnixnox: g+ app? you wrote one?19:48
xnoxkarni: i packaged it as a webapp.19:48
ogra_karni, he maintains the webapp19:48
slangasekdobey: oh, missed that, the relationship between the +q and the speaker was non-obvious :)  thanks19:48
sergiusensxnox, can you check the notes on the store for g+?19:48
xnoxsergiusens: yeah.19:48
sergiusensxnox, can I also ask you to add plus to the tags as well :-)19:49
ogra_and the plus sign  ?19:49
* sergiusens tries to stay on topic19:49
rcainQUESTION: but many/most of your (UK) developers them selves will be on Vodafone (or other mainline carrier)19:49
JoshStroblQUESTION: Ok, not a real question. Just want to say "thank you Mark" for financially backing the amazing endeavor that is Ubuntu.19:49
dobeyrcain: that's not a question19:50
who_meJoshStrobl, hear hear!19:50
ogra_rcain, we only have a few people in the UK ... canonical spreads around the globe19:50
dobeyrcain: but you can run it on your phone, regardless of carrier19:50
rcain@dobey: rhetorical question.19:50
dobeyrcain: if you have a nexus4, you can go flash it right now, and run ubuntu19:50
nhainesrcain: it wasn't a rhetorical question either!19:51
Patr10tQuestion;i have Xiaomi Phone.Will it work with ubuntu that works now on nexus phone?or would work with other phone?lets say Meizu,Lenovo,which now run on android19:51
nhainesrcain: I'm running Ubuntu on a Nexus 5 (and used to be on a Galaxy Nexus) on T-Mobile.  It's all just working.  :)19:51
rcain@dobey: yes, but don't have a Nexus 4. also really need 'some' level of technical/warranty support from Vodafone to make it 'safe'19:51
mhall119Patr10t: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices has a list of devices and their levels of support19:51
dobeyPatr10t: questions about specific models are not really appropriate for this session19:51
BlinQUESTION: In my opinion, the problem is that the OSX user can not fully customize their environment. Ubuntu also has little opportunity to change the desktop. Many options can be configured in the console, not everyone likes to do it or it's hurd. Do we wait for change?19:51
mhall119Patr10t: anything with a CyanogenMod port can get an Ubuntu port if someone does the work19:52
NivexCM port above a certain version I bet. I imagine I can't get Ubuntu on my Nexus One.19:52
dobeyBlin: you can change ubuntu to look however you want. you aren't required to use Unity19:52
who_meBlin, there is a *ubuntu for pretty much all of the major DEs... OS X has only one DE and that's that19:53
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rcain@nhaines. don't be pedantic. it was an 'implied' rhetorical question. (ie. could be argued or refuted - to b pedantic)19:54
Armand990QUESTION: (kinda again), what will be the focus on making ubuntu phone as "mobile-on-a-go-pocket-pc" with the connectivity possibilities to everything possible (bt+hdmi etc...)?19:54
rsalvetisergiusens: everybody is suffering from the lack of auto 'adb reboot bootloader'19:54
marlincQUESTION: How can a company become a official Canonical support partner?19:54
nhainesrcain: it's not.19:55
mhall119marlinc: http://www.ubuntu.com/partners/19:55
rcain@nhaines: lol! now go away :)19:55
ogra_rsalveti, was that to help sergiusens to stay on topic ?19:55
JoshStroblOk you two, calm down. Geez...19:55
Nivexbah! Linode > DO (IMHO)19:55
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marlincWell its not very clear that's why I wanted to ask here (with Jono and Mark himself)19:55
nhainesrcain: these panels aren't for rhetorical questions anyway.  But not even asking a question is going to get your question skipped by the moderator.19:56
snwh"on my plane" you don't hear that often19:56
riffaCloudsCan you please shed some light on, if the nexus 5 will eventually be oficially supported?19:56
nhainesrcain: so feel free to apply that feedback or not in hopes to increase your chances of having your question asked.  That's all I was saying and I'm not ashamed of it.19:57
thelionroarsunless you're at a carpenter convention19:57
ogra_riffaClouds, no plans for that, but there is a great community port for it19:57
karnijono: QUESTION from riffaClouds: Can you please shed some light on, if the nexus 5 will eventually be oficially supported?19:57
sergiusensrsalveti, should I add that? it's for bootstrapping though; so you will be taken there and be wiped with no query19:57
karnijono: well, just answered by ogra_ , I suppose :)19:57
rsalvetisergiusens: that was the previous behavior anyway, right?19:57
nhainesriffaClouds: Ubuntu Engineering team spreadsheet says end of June.19:58
aquariusxnox, try g+ web on ios or android. There's a better version; we're getting the "basic html" version I think19:58
sergiusensrsalveti, yeah, it doesn't make it right though19:58
rsalvetisergiusens: or just ask the user to confirm19:58
xnoxaquarius: ack.19:58
* ogra_ waits for sergiusens and rsalveti to start code reviews in here 19:58
dobeyxnox, aquarius: that's probably due to the User-Agent19:58
rcain@nhaines: it was in fact a 'serious' observation in apparent flaw in Mark's argument that somehow Vodafone (& ilk) didn't matter so much - my point being I/WE use them & we are useres/early uptakers/devellopers/Ubuntu lovers - hence catch22 -- u savy?19:58
NickedynickQUESTION: Some news broke recently that the CryEngine game engine is going to be demoed on Linux at GDC this year, probably initiated by the fact that Valve are planning to launch Linux-based Steam Machines this year too. What (if anything) is going on within Ubuntu which could take advantage of the developments being made as a result of Valve's de19:59
Nickedynickcision to back Linux for its gaming platform?19:59
dobeyi think it's too late to ask more questions :)19:59
nhainesrcain: the 'question' prompt is only for direct questions, not for observerations--that's what this channel here is for.19:59
karnircain: FWIW, I didn't udnerstand your question. I think you guys can stop now.19:59
ogra_WHEATON !!!20:00
dobeykarni: it wasn't a question. it was a complaint :)20:00
riffaClouds@nhaines, tnx after the many months of checking for updates, i stopped looking. I´m gladd it will be supported, because i have an nexus 5. :D20:00
karnidobey: I suppose that prefix was confusing then.20:00
karniriffaClouds: :)20:00
nhainesriffaClouds: if you hate sound, it's working perfectly now!  :D  Check out MultiROM Manager.20:00
rcainthanks for the answer on Edge Mark. ears to the ground :)20:00
mhall119nhaines: dobey: rcain: either way it's going to be asked as stated, so let's drop it20:00
rootdzvery good talk20:00
nhainesmhall119: I think it's much more likely to be skipped due to lack of question.20:00
rcainvery good talk. congrats  guys.20:01
karniindeed, very good talk20:01
mhall119nhaines: also because time's run out20:01
spider623anyone knows how to restart ubuntu touch?20:01
nhainesspider623: there are several ways.20:02
mhall119none of them good20:02
karnispider623: adb shell reboot20:02
nhainesspider623: long-hold the power button turns them off.20:02
rickspencer3I heard everything from sabdfl20:02
nhainesspider623: adb shell reboot if your phone is connected to your computer.20:02
thelionroarsit's the android team...20:02
pmcgowanwe can see you all20:02
mrjazzcatjono:  mostly good20:02
spider623i will go with the adb20:02
thelionroarswe can hear you20:02
nhainesTerminal, then 'sudo reboot -p' if not.  :)20:02
rcainclear from heere - occassional stutter20:02
calcoccasional glitch but pretty good20:02
karnisabdfl: yes we can :)20:02
slangasekjono: bandwidth problem between you and sabdfl, but the actual feed from you was good20:02
sergiusensjono, sabdfl both of you froze for me in different moments for a second20:03
karnisabdfl: jono: thank you!20:03
who_methanks to you folks for sharing with us and answering our questions20:03
bennybolivarthank you too20:03
JoshStroblthanks jono and sabdfl20:03
janneke1sabdfl:jono: thanks!20:03
riffaCloudsthis was the first time i got to join live. this was awesome!20:03
MikeWasouskithank you too20:03
ogra_thanks for investing the time !20:03
karniriffaClouds: :)20:03
nik90sabdfl: thnx20:03
mhall119don't forget there's another day of UDS tomorrow!20:03
spider623it was a good session20:03
rcainthanks to you all :) parise Ubuntu!20:03
nhainesThanks jono and sabdfl!  :)20:03
candelibasThank you too20:03
thelionroarsso excited about ubuntu mobile!20:03
rootdzThank you :)20:03
kereltisThanks guys, great keynote!20:03
sabdflyou guys rock, thank you for your questions and contributions!20:04
riffaClouds@sabdfl, thank you for leading awesome innovation!20:05
FK_nerohi is this still going  ??20:10
CracknelFK_nero: you've just missed it20:10
FK_nerodammit    any thing  new20:11
Cracknelyou can watch the recording20:11
nhainesCracknel: we learned more about the beard.  :)20:11
FK_nerowill do thx cracknell20:11
nhainesAlso I'm just mistelling constantly today. Maybe I should take a nap to compensate for getting up so early.  :)20:12
sean_patrickfinished up now?20:12
nhainessean_patrick: about 10 minutes ago.\20:13
Cracknelsean_patrick: everything is recorded on Youtube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWTVe5Mdv0Y20:14
Cracknelwe should set this as the topic for the channel or something :)20:14
sean_patrickok. Thanks20:15
eoeogdocs rulez, i use it @school20:22
eoeoMate DE please20:26
nhainessabdfl: What did your lower-third say?  I couldn't read the title.  :)  "Chairman & B@lllmasher" it seems to say.  :)20:32
heldemanHi i am more than new. Hope i can figure out what to do. I wonder with the Ubuntu phone docked will somebody be able to put a SSD and or graphic card in it. Is this to fare fetched?20:33
nhainesheldeman: that sounds pretty unlikely based on what phones today can do.20:33
nhainesSSD wouldn't be so hard, but graphics via USB is not good.20:33
heldemanCould in future phones have a port in to the dock maybe to have a graphic card in the dock. It would be cool if it ever could be designed.20:36
nhainesheldeman: anything's possible, but graphics rendering requires moving such massive amounts of data around with little latency, I can't imagine anyone would.20:37
heldemanPity it would then have been able to do 3D cad when docked.20:38
heldemanCould some one tel me how this work. What is this writing in the right and box. Is it something to use20:41
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