
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/servercloud-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/03/12/%23ubuntu-uds-servercloud-1.html
astronfestmonQUESTION: Can we use lts kernel for juju local bundle? In 14.0413:50
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-1 to: Track: Cloud & Server | Juju Core Update for 14.04 | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/meeting/22208/juju-core-update-for-1404/
astronfestmonMore specific13:51
astronfestmonjuju local bundle at 14.04 wich kernel lts we must use?13:51
beisnergood morning!14:00
jcastrook, let's get started!14:03
jamespagehey jcastro14:03
* hatch waves14:05
sparkiegeekcan I use constraints with the HA bootstrap setup?14:14
sparkiegeekso at the moment to constrain bootstrap node I have to temporarily have to set environment-wide constraints? Will that get easier?14:17
sparkiegeekI think you just covered my question jcastro :)14:17
sparkiegeekjcastro: will do, thanks14:18
bloodearnestjcastro: lucky guy ;P14:25
bloodearnestwill the lxc cloning be into 14.04?14:26
sparkiegeekI heard a rumour that the features of the "manual/null" provider can be used with other providers. Is that right? I can juju add-machine ssh:W.X.Y.Z with say, MAAS?14:27
sparkiegeekjcastro: right, sorry.14:29
sparkiegeekmindblowing right?14:29
LocalHerowhat about people who have no "professional" experience, but know golang?14:31
LocalHeroas in "developers in the wild"14:31
LocalHerogreat answer! That gives me hope :)14:35
arosalesthanks for the updates14:35
sparkiegeekthanks guys14:37
jamespagehey otto14:53
jamespagegaughen will get things started in about 7 mins14:53
jamespagehey mattgriffin14:53
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-1 to: Track: Cloud & Server | Server Databases Update | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/meeting/22152/server-databases-update/
jamespagemattgriffin, otto_: ^^ hangout above15:00
rbasakLive now15:02
ryengotto_: MariaDB 10 is still just a release candidate, right?15:25
jrwrenis postgresql off topic?15:46
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-1 to: Track: Cloud & Server | uvtool demo | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/meeting/22193/uvtool-demo/
otto_ryeng: yes16:01
otto_jamespage: when you review the mariadb-5.5 and upload it, and we get feedback on control file stuff (dependencies) etc much of that feedback also applies to how mysql-5.6 is made16:02
otto_my packaging of MariaDB is based on mysql-5.6 as it was in git last summer (and I was told how it is done was the bleeding edge and future of all packages)16:03
jamespageotto_, ack16:03
otto_packaging work and feedback collection for mariadb-5.5 and mysql-5.6 go hand in hand. So when you upload new revision of mariadb-5.5 and if fixes the current bugs it helps prevent them from mysql-5.6 in the first place16:05
rbasakLive now16:05
otto_jamespage: (if your mysql-5.6 packaging is still based on the git stuff Nicholas Bamber did)16:06
smoseruse eatmydata !16:06
jamespageotto_, no idea but I'll keep that in mind16:07
otto_jamespage: Also I'd like to point out that the contents of debian/* in mariadb-10.0 is 99% same as in mariadb-5.5. If you review now mariadb-5.5 5.5.36 you can after that compare the stuff you just reviewed with the contents of debian/* in mariadb-10.0 10.0.9 with ease16:08
pitti_udsrbasak: clearly not tmpfs backed :-)16:08
pitti_uds(dpkg being slow)16:08
otto_jamespage: http://i.imgur.com/OmGS4Kh.png16:08
smoserperformance there is embarrasing16:09
otto_the changes in 10 vs 5.5 are: strings 5.5 -> 10.0; line numbers in patches changed, two new packages in control file, two new build depends in control file, and a few new files in the file lists16:09
otto_nothing controversial from packaging point of view, I think16:09
jamespageotto_, can we leave this channel clear for the next session please (-> #debian-mysql)16:09
otto_oh, sorry16:10
pitti_udsaudio just got really bad i the live stream16:14
pitti_udsat all yes, but lots of stuttering16:15
smoser$ uvt-simplestreams-libvirt --verbose sync release=precise arch=amd6416:15
smoserAdding: com.ubuntu.cloud:server:12.04:amd64 2014022716:15
smoserrbasak if you want to change, will let you in.16:16
smoserit seems more performant than you rinstance.16:16
bjfis there a wiki page that covers all of this?16:16
smoserbjf, this is , right now, about the best doc available. man page there too.16:21
caribouyou mentionned Juju : is there a uvtool provider for juju ?16:28
jrwrendo you have default user-data/cloud-config as a starting point so I can have same starting point as the default?16:28
jrwrencan I specify a specific build? e.g. precise amd64 20130813 ?16:29
jrwreni see, you are just going to extract cloud-config from /var/lib/cloud-init/instance that makes sense.16:31
jrwrensmoser: cool feature. excellent.16:33
jrwreni made up a number.16:36
jrwren20130909 is real :)16:36
jrwrenmaybe a sync versus a get. I'd want sync to warn before deleting or along with a force option16:40
jrwrenunderstood. this is great.16:42
pitti_udsrbasak: uvt-lxc could wrap (or just use) stgraber's "download" template, he builds daily images for a lot of OSes16:44
pitti_udsrbasak: https://images.linuxcontainers.org/16:45
seruedoesn't have to share the disk either :)16:46
smoserserue, how would you not share disk?16:46
smoserloopback mount is non-ideal. (and non-possible as non-root).16:47
seruefor now16:47
seruelvm also not possible as non-root, but very nice for containers16:47
smoserserue, for now?16:50
smoserthere is nothing that i'm aware of that would limit disk usage by a container16:50
serueloopback namespaces is being looked into (we can talk elsewhere)16:51
caribourbasak: that would also replace the section I wrote about using cloud-images in the server guide16:55
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caribougreat presentation rbasak !16:56
pitti_udsthanks rbasak16:56
jrwrenrbasak: excellent work. ty16:56
rbasakjrwren: thanks!17:11
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-1 to: Track: Cloud & Server | Openstack Charms for 14.04 | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/meeting/22189/openstack-charms-for-1404/
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/servercloud-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/03/12/%23ubuntu-uds-servercloud-1.html

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