=== Guest25821 is now known as jrgifford [02:35] Unit193: hah! [02:36] That pic describes me whenever I'm doing any sort of embedded programming. [02:39] Not like I like bzr, but yes, that's what I'm thinking when using git. [02:40] jrgifford: Fast with email replies, you are. [02:50] He managed to catch me when I was inside my inbox. [02:50] If I'm not there, good luck if it isn't urgent. [02:51] I get too much email. I keep unsubscribing but it keeps getting longer and longer. :p [02:54] * Unit193 makes a note, always email with weird subject lines. :P [03:09] http://www.arcamax.com/newspics/cache/lw600/98/9802/980298.jpg Can anyone say Ohio? [04:05] Unit193: lol so true