
=== stgraber_ is now known as stgraber
=== Kyle____ is now known as Eliz
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK
MikaelaHi, when I login to Launchpad and get the page asking you to give full name and email address to Launchpad, it's showing my old name and email address. Where can I change it? I have already changed it at launchpad.net, but that doesn't seem to affect it.07:08
Peng_That's part of the OpenID service.07:09
MikaelaWhere do I change the name which it shows?07:10
tsimpsonlogin at https://login.ubuntu.com/07:10
Peng_tsimpson: you saved me from admitting I didn't know \o/07:10
MikaelaThanks :)07:11
MikaelaYes, the name is correct now. Thank you for your help :)07:15
mgzhttps://launchpad.net/mosquitto has ~registry as the bug supervisor, can we change that?12:00
wgrantmgz: That's not a problem.12:03
wgrantmgz: The single piece of bugmail was being generated when the team was deleted, so it ended up being directed to ~registry.12:03
wgrantThe subscription was deleted as part of the merge, but the email had already been requested but not yet sent.12:04
mgzwgrant: thanks12:05
mgzI didn't think it was usual for registry admins to be a bug supervisor, but I guess it's okay then?12:06
wgrantIt's not hugely usual, but all it does is grant us extra privs -- hardly worth invoking IS over.12:07
Saviqhi all, I noticed a new user (registered 2 weeks ago, no other activity) accepting a whole lot of bugs (like 5 a minute) https://launchpad.net/~eddiedog988/+karma12:20
Saviqwhat're the steps for dealing with that?12:20
cjwatsonYou should probably start by talking to the user and explaining why their behaviour is problematic12:24
cjwatsonIt's usually best to start with that before invoking higher authority12:24
cjwatsonhttps://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad would be the next step after that12:24
platoucheMaybe he's new and he doesn't know how it's work ?12:24
cjwatsonRight, that's why it's worth talking to them first.12:25
cjwatsonI've had this happen in the past and sometimes it just turns out to be an excess of enthusiasm, and the contributor later becomes useful.12:25
cjwatson(Which probably won't happen if we go straight to locking their account.)12:26
wgranthttps://launchpad.net/~eddiedog988/+karma suggests it's rather less innocent than that.12:26
wgrantThough they seem to have stopped for now.12:26
wgrantGiven the volume of damage so far, I think suspension will be in order if they resume...12:26
wgrantBut also contacting them would be nice :)12:27
wgrantThey may just be clueless, but we also need to minimise damage.12:27
wgrantAnd there we go.12:29
* wgrant suspends and emails.12:29
platouchewgrant: is it possible he already delete is account ? Seem the url to his account doesn't work anymore12:38
wgrantThat's a side-effect of me suspending him.12:38
platoucheOh I see. Sorry first time I see this. I taught it would be written somewhere suspended or something else next to his account name12:40
=== aboudreault_ is now known as aboudreault
=== TheDrums is now known as DalekSec

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