
jdstrandcjwatson: re boot> yeah, that is consistent with what I saw just poking around after reboot. thanks for checking00:04
jdstrandcjwatson: re click auto-uploads> oh nice, thanks :)00:05
jdstrandok, seems like click-apparmor got a lot farther along00:38
jdstrand2014-03-13 00:38:14,523 INFO Source available in ppa00:38
jdstrand2014-03-13 00:38:15,199 INFO arch: ppc64el, status: building00:38
jdstrand2014-03-13 00:38:15,200 INFO arch: i386, status: building00:38
jdstrand2014-03-13 00:38:15,200 INFO arch: powerpc, status: building00:38
jdstrand2014-03-13 00:38:15,200 INFO arch: amd64, status: building00:38
jdstrand2014-03-13 00:38:15,200 INFO arch: armhf, status: building00:38
jdstrandso that is good. I didn't talk to stgraber, but saw the commit he made to click (and the next one). I don't claim to know exactly why it is working, but am happy that it is00:39
robrujdstrand, excellent. need any help with anything?00:46
jdstrandrobru: so... it built, but the changelog is nuts: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-001/+packages00:46
jdstrandI think it is every commit ever made00:46
robrujdstrand, oh crap00:46
robrujdstrand, you're right, it's every commit ever made. there's a way to fix that, let me try to remember what it is00:47
jdstrandthat is weird. granted, I forgot to add the debian/control updates I made to make it work at all to the merge commit message...00:47
* jdstrand adds that to the merge since it is clear he will rebuild the package00:48
robrujdstrand, yeah, normally once you've been in ci train for a while, it knows when it's last release was and only grabs new commits. there's a way for new projects to say "don't grab old commits" but I forget00:48
robru"for a while" = at least one release with ci train00:49
jdstrandmaybe that click merge request has it00:49
=== jasoncwarner___ is now known as jasoncwarner
jdstrandI wonder it I need a tag00:54
jdstrandno, I have a tag00:55
robrujdstrand, yeah just poking at the changelog code directly. i know i was told how to do this but i'm really struggling to remember here :-(00:59
robrujdstrand, it looks like it does scan for tags. perhaps the tag you have doesn't match the tag it expects00:59
jdstrandI didn't tag the new version-- I just have 0.1.1401:00
jdstrandI'm reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/FAQ01:00
robrujdstrand, no no, it'll make the new tag for you. but it scans for old tags to figure out how many commits go in the changelog01:00
jdstrandbut I think that doesn't quite apply to what I'm doing since I have a native version01:01
jdstrandI see01:01
robrujdstrand, yeah, that documentation is for the old daily_release system which was discontinued in january. ci train inherits some of that code but not all, so documentation is a bit stale01:01
robrujdstrand, yeah, I found the part in the code where it tries to look for a tag, and then if it fails it literally just says "ok, grab the most recent 100 commits" and it uses that01:02
jdstrandheh, I only have 97 commits atm01:02
jdstrandwhat is the format of the tag?01:02
jdstrandcurrently, the tags I have are things like:01:03
jdstrand0.1.12               9201:03
jdstrand0.1.13               9501:03
jdstrand0.1.14               9601:03
jdstrandr97 has my citrain commit01:04
jdstrandso I can tag it differently if needed01:04
jdstrandor I guess I can rename the 0.1.14 one01:04
robrujdstrand, just checking on that right now01:05
robrujdstrand, buh, this might be another native vs non-native bug. Here's lp:unity's tags: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/unity/changes01:06
robrujdstrand, maybe just try renaming the 0.1.14 tag to something like 0.1.14+14.04.20140312-0ubuntu1 to see if that appeases the changelog maker.01:07
jdstrandheh, ok01:08
robrujdstrand, I dunno, this code is a bit obtuse, but it seems to be checking the version number as it exists in distro and then looking for a tag with that exact value. given that ubuntu archive has '0.1.14' I have no idea why it failed to find '0.1.14' tag. I don't have super high hopes for a phony version tag, but I have no idea at this point.01:10
robrujdstrand, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cupstream2distro-maintainers/cupstream2distro/trunk/view/head:/citrain/build#L233 if you want to try to make sense of this with me01:11
robrujdstrand, also http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cupstream2distro-maintainers/cupstream2distro/trunk/view/head:/cupstream2distro/branchhandling.py#L18001:12
robrujdstrand, oh, duh. I think if you just write your own debian/changelog entry, citrain will preserve that.01:15
jdstrandhmm, I did that. let me try that then. do I need to delete the built packages from the ppa or will things just be ok?01:16
robrujdstrand, should just be ok as far as I know. i've only had to delete packages manually when a whole project gets dropped from the MP list.01:17
jdstrandhmm, no01:38
jdstrandhttps://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-001/+packages shows the previous build01:38
* jdstrand revs the version01:38
robrujdstrand, oh yeah, ppa won't accept identical version uploads. that's not a problem with non-native packages because citrain just adds a .1 on the end of the date01:39
jdstrandit seems to be autogenerating 0.1.15 and not taking what I have in the changelog01:53
jdstrandoh, it only grabbed 9701:53
jdstrandmaybe I have to re-request the merge01:54
jdstrandwell, it is somewhat better02:02
robrujdstrand, that log you linked indicates that it grabbed revision 9902:10
robrujdstrand, grep for "at rev"02:11
robrujdstrand, where it says 'committed revision 97" that refers to the resulting trunk commit.02:11
jdstrandrobru: now what am I doing wrong? https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-001/+packages (see
jdstrandrobru: yeah, I figured that out later02:12
robrujdstrand, uhhh, probably "UNTRUSTED" ?02:12
jdstrandstill, I had the same changelog a minute ago, but with 'trusty'02:13
jdstrandI have been fiddling with this *way* too long02:13
robrujdstrand, oh i see that too02:13
robrujdstrand, the only other thing I can see that's even slightly different is 'urgency=medium'. Maybe citrain doesn't understand that (I've literally never seen it before).02:14
robrujdstrand, it seems like citrain just can't handle urgency so it's making a new entry that urgency=low, but it has no info to put there, so you get a blank bullet point02:14
jdstrandit is what dch gave me02:14
jdstrandI can adjust02:15
robrujdstrand, yeah, if you're willing to fiddle further, I'd recommend a .3 release with urgency=low just to see if it honors your changelog then. if you're out of patience, leave it for tomorrow and yell at didrocks ;-)02:15
* jdstrand attempts02:17
jdstrandwell, lookie there. a reasonable changelog02:33
robrujdstrand, EHRR. MAH. GERD.02:42
robrujdstrand, so you should mention the issues you faced to didrocks. ;-)02:42
jdstrandI will, though honestly I don't know why it worked now...02:44
jdstrandrobru: thanks for the urgency and UNTRUSTED tip :)02:44
jdstrandand the hand holding in general02:44
robrujdstrand, oh absolutely! I'm really excited about CI Train so I'm trying really hard to see it succeed.02:45
robrujdstrand, i mean, you're welcome02:46
bregmahey robru landing-002 is ready for publish when you are03:05
robrubregma, sweeet03:07
robrubregma, done03:09
robruI'm EOD 2.5 hours ago, anybody need anything before I sign off?03:36
jdstrandrobru: one easy question03:44
jdstrandrobru: on 'Testing done', I should fill in 'yes' when I'm done?03:44
robrujdstrand, yes! also it helps to ping me so I know to publish it, because I don't always monitor the spreadsheet extremely closely.03:45
jdstrandwell, I have the last test I am running03:45
jdstrandit takes a while though03:45
jdstrand~15 minutes03:46
robrujdstrand, like, more than an hour? i can wait a bit to publish it03:46
robrujdstrand, oh yeah, i'll publish that for you when it's done03:46
jdstrandok. I'm core-dev and iirc, I should have the necessary acls to do the publish myself03:47
robrujdstrand, oh right. well I'll hang around just in case that didn't get set up properly for you.03:47
jdstrandk, thanks03:47
robrujdstrand, or wait, are you going to sign & upload the package manually?03:48
jdstrandnot this time03:48
jdstrandI figure I'd use the process before I comment on it03:48
robrujdstrand, ok yeah. i've seen sometimes people have the wrong permissions even in spite of being core devs.03:48
jdstrandI was added to a citrain group too03:48
jdstrand(after training)03:48
robrujdstrand, yeah, the jenkins instance has it's own ACL I think, independent of lp groups...03:49
jdstrandwhile I'm not ready to press Build yet, I'm looking at
jdstrandI'm not sure what all I need except ACK_PACKAGING since I had the changes to debian/control03:52
jdstrandseems the others I shouldn't need to check03:52
robrujdstrand, yeah, should be just ACK_PACKAGING only. the rest of those are for recovery from various error states, which you aren't in, since it's the first publish03:54
jdstrandrobru: ok, tests done. I am attempting to publish04:06
robrujdstrand, great04:06
jdstrandFinished: SUCCESS04:07
robrujdstrand, so once that gets to the archive (usually ~45 minutes depending on how many autopkgtests there are in -proposed), you can hit merge & clean and then the process is really done04:08
jdstrandcool, that was in my notes-- thanks for the confirmation. thanks again for the hand-holding and have a good evening :)04:08
robrujdstrand, you're welcome! good night04:08
elopioping cihelp, is there anybody available? I need some help with the qt5.2 job.04:11
doanac`elopio: its super late for me, but I can try and take a token look for you.04:12
elopiodoanac`: I already got a good result earlier, and I just wanted to confirm it.04:12
elopiodoanac`: if it's so late for you, better keep resting :)04:13
doanac`elopio: i don't mind taking a quick look. otherwise you might have to wait about 5 hours04:13
elopiodoanac`: ok, if you insist04:14
elopioI'm getting things like this:04:14
elopioautopilot.introspection.ProcessSearchError: Search criteria (dbus bus = 'session', connection name = 'com.canonical.Shell.BottomBarVisibilityCommunicator', object path = '/com/canonical/Autopilot/Introspection') returned no results04:14
elopio+ log_error screen unlock failed, skipping shorts_app04:14
elopio+ echo ERROR: screen unlock failed, skipping shorts_app04:14
elopioI haven't seen that before, and have no idea how to debug further.04:14
doanac`elopio: ah the evil unlock-screen stuff04:15
doanac`i haven't been following those as closely lately, but that type error used to be somewhat flaky04:15
doanac`elopio: one thing to consider:04:16
doanac`lp:ubuntu-test-cases/touch (which runs this test) is broke on trunk for this job. So veebers is working off an older revno on our branch04:17
doanac`i think since that revno, we may have made some changes to the unlock_screen.py file.04:17
doanac`so its possible that branch doesn't have the best unlock_screen.py  logic.04:17
doanac`let me check version history04:18
elopiohum, I can try with latest touch.04:18
doanac`our trunk still won't work for this job :/04:18
elopiodoanac`: latest change on that project was on the 7th04:19
elopiotoday I got a successful run, and then two failed with those unlock screen errors.04:19
doanac`elopio: yeah. revno 200 backed out the unlock_screen change so it shouldn't have changed04:19
doanac`i suspect its just flaky04:19
elopiowell, failed 44 times. I suspect is something broken, or misconfigured.04:24
elopiobut anyway, I can wait.04:24
elopioMirv gets up in a few hours, and he can tell somebody from ci to take a look.04:25
jdstrandfyi, click-apparmor migrated to trusty04:49
jdstrandok, merged and cleaned (had to manually merge due to acls, but that's fine)04:55
jdstrandweird, jenkins told me to just free the silo, so I did, but now Status is 'Gave up this landing. Cleaning silo'04:57
jdstrandoh well, it is in the archive04:57
jdstrandoh, maybe that was just spurious05:01
Mirvelopio: right, interesting, good that we had at least that one good new run. indeed CI people will be awake only in ~3 hours or so05:02
jdstrandMirv: hey-- fyi, click-apparmor is migrated to trusty. the merge and clean just fininished05:02
Mirvjdstrand: \o/05:03
jdstrandMirv: the status on Pending is empty though05:03
jdstrandnot sure if that will right itself or not05:03
Mirvempty, interesting. well either it updates soon or something went funny, but at least merge and clean seems to have completed well indeed https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/click-apparmor/trunk05:04
jdstrand(I had to merge the branch manually-- maybe that had something to do with it)05:04
jdstrandI think the merge failed cause it didn't have access to ~ubuntu-security?05:05
Mirvah, only free silo05:05
* jdstrand guesses05:05
jdstrandI tried merge and clean. the merge failed. it said to free the silo, so I did05:05
Mirvoh, that'd be then a failure in setting up the project for CI Train usage, indeed ps-jenkins would need to be in correct teams05:05
jdstrandand here we are :)05:05
Mirvwell, that explains it, but at least we know that actually it succeeded05:05
Mirvyep, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+members05:06
jdstrandinteresting. well, ps-jenkins definitely can't be in ubuntu-security, so either they will always need to be manual or I need to think about it more05:06
Mirvgood point. or click-apparmor branch under some different team?05:06
jdstrandright, that is what I need to think about05:06
jdstrandalright, I'm going to call it a night. it is landed even if the spreadsheet doesn't think so05:07
jdstrandMirv: thanks05:07
Mirvgood night. I left a comment in the sheet and I'll let Didier decide if something else needs to be done05:08
didrockshey Mirv06:48
didrocksMirv: the click apparmor fix has landed, but not in night image, right?06:49
didrocksseems not06:49
* didrocks kicks a new image06:49
Mirvdidrocks: correct06:51
didrocksrsalveti: locked component list available (had to set it as a notes or the header in the CI Train spreadsheet would take the whole screen).07:42
sil2100Mirv: are we landing 5.2 today?08:07
Mirvsil2100: good question. it'll get decided in the meeting in 5h (13:00 UTC) probably. if it's not today, then it's next week, was discussed yesterday.08:08
Mirvall the AP failures seem to be under control from what is currently seen08:08
Mirvrsalveti filed some new bugs, and I'm not then sure if those need some tinkering or will be sorted out later08:08
MirvI'm patch pilotting today for a bit08:09
sil2100Mirv: what about that font too small bug? I see some comments mentioning a fix working, is this done now? :)08:11
Mirvsil2100: yes, that's done and works. even though it's once again not the "real fix" but patching qtwebkit, while Kaleo continues to work with upstream for the real fix in future Qt versions.08:15
popeydidrocks: with #236 I'm seeing colours changed in calendar08:18
popeyhas new ui toolkit landed?08:18
didrockspopey: wasn't intential in your opinion?08:18
didrockspopey: nope08:18
popeyhow can I get screenshot from this now?08:18
didrockspopey: last one you tested was?08:18
popeywell, calendar didn't start previously08:19
popeyi haven't dogfooded properly for a few days08:19
didrockspopey: adb shell mirscreencast -m /tmp/mir_socket -n108:19
didrocksadb pull /tmp/mir_screencast_768x1280.rgba08:20
didrocksconvert -size 768x1280 -depth 8 mir_screencast_768x1280.rgba screenshot.png08:20
didrockspopey: it's… art :)08:21
didrocksminimalist was a thing I heard08:22
popeyotehr apps broken too08:22
popeybut differently08:22
popeyhas some theme component been dropped?08:23
didrockspopey: no, I see nothing related in the past 4 days :/08:23
didrocksjust checked the diff…08:23
didrocksin case I missed anything08:23
didrocksbut no :/08:23
didrockscan you try to revert just to #235?08:24
didrocksfirst to see if it's on the latest latest for you08:24
didrocksI think dave and others will have noticed this as well08:24
* didrocks finishes his upgrade08:25
popeyaha, i think i may know..08:25
* popey fiddles08:25
didrockspopey: user's issue, like due to you, you and only you? :)08:25
popeycould be ㋛08:25
popeyhey dude, if we're going to be on 200M phones, some of those users will be idiots08:26
popeyI am simulating that08:26
popey\o/ fixed08:26
popeylets not speak of this again08:26
didrockspopey: no no no08:26
didrocksyou told too much08:26
didrocksor not enough08:27
didrocksso, there is no way back :p08:27
popeyI backed up all my data the other day08:27
popeysick of setting everything up08:27
didrocksmaking sense…08:27
popeyrestored it last night08:27
popeyadb push phone_backup /home/phablet08:27
popeymeans most of /home/phablet now owned by root08:27
didrocksah :)08:27
popeychown fixed it08:27
popeySorry ☻08:28
didrocksok, let's not talk about it then :p08:28
didrocksok, confirmed I do not have that here :)08:28
popeyfancy that08:28
didrockspopey: ok, I hope that this new image will be next promoted one, so dogfooding will be important :)08:28
popeyscreenshot script updated08:36
didrockspopey: your clock is wrong, OMG YOU HAVE A BUG! :)08:37
popey /nick chicken_little08:38
didrocksah… 236 testing starts \o/08:38
didrockscjwatson: thanks for the click link system explanation :)08:53
=== psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: psivaa | CITrain support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone
sil2100didrocks: you have the meeting e-mail? :)09:30
didrockssil2100: no, I didn't get it again :/09:31
ogra_sigh, i knew it wasnt clever to use my normal account during UDS ... now i cant get into the meeting again09:31
didrocksogra_: try harder!09:32
didrocksno pressure, we are waiting for you :p09:32
didrocks(and of course, bitch about you as you're not around)09:33
davmor2ogra_: different browsers for different accounts ;)09:33
ogra_i use different browsers differently  :P09:33
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
davmor2didrocks: things are looking pretty good on 236 for me :)11:05
ogra_for me all input just died on flo11:07
ogra_hmm, no, just the webapp11:07
ogra_and not only this one11:11
ogra_seems all webapps are crashy after a while, some even right after startup11:12
sil2100I don't like the sound of that11:13
ogra_well, it kind of goes hand in hand with the webbrowser-app crashes i suspect11:13
davmor2ogra_: I see no crashers here on mako let me reflash flo and try there11:22
davmor2Morning all by the way :)11:27
=== cjohnston changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cjohnston | CITrain support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone
psivaasil2100: the tests on mako in the lab has finished. so we could continue on the unity8 investigation12:13
sil2100psivaa: give me a moment12:21
sil2100I will prepare everything12:21
didrockspsivaa: did you rerun the webbrowser-app ones?12:22
psivaadidrocks: sorry, not yet. will do that12:23
didrockspsivaa: and do you know what failed on music-app and dropping letters?12:23
didrockspsivaa: maybe do it before sil2100 is available :)12:23
didrocks(the settling thingy)12:23
psivaadidrocks: ack, doing it straight away12:23
sil2100Indeed ;) I need to modify some more parts of the test12:23
didrockspsivaa: thanks!12:23
Saviqdidrocks, hey, I didn't manage to point this out in the session yesterday - there's a bit too much monitoring involved during the landing process, do you think we could have a bot that would ping landers on IRC here when jobs complete?12:25
didrocksSaviq: please open a feature request. Would be nice to have feedback first on recent improvements I've introduced for the landers though12:26
didrocksSaviq: I'm afraid we're going to turn the intermediate train process in something long-lived if we start adding too much12:26
psivaadidrocks: unity-system-compositor  and /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/unity-scope-home/unity-scope-home are on top of music and dropping letters settle tests12:31
Saviqdidrocks, where should I open? ubuntu-ci-services-itself?12:31
didrocksSaviq: cupstream2distro12:31
didrockspsivaa: ok, none changed recently and are not linked to any test, so I'm happy to call that a non issue for now12:32
didrockspsivaa: let's hope the webbrowser-app rerun will give us good news12:32
Saviqdidrocks, re: adding too much... sure, but those ideas can hopefully live through CI Train and get on CI Airline when ready12:32
psivaadidrocks: ack, could rerun them if you'd like after the webbrowser tests12:32
didrockspsivaa: not really needed I guess12:33
didrocksjust let's focus and believe in webbrowser12:33
psivaadidrocks: ack, thank you :)12:33
didrockspsivaa: keep me posted, thanks!12:33
didrocksSaviq: maybe it will be time for me to practice some go…12:36
Saviqdidrocks, ;)12:37
Saviqdidrocks, https://bugs.launchpad.net/cupstream2distro/+bug/129196612:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1291966 in Canonical Upstream To Distro "Event-driven instead of polled interaction" [Wishlist,New]12:39
popeydidrocks: update manager seems broken in #236 - it keeps prompting for the same apps over and over12:42
jdstrandthat may not be a 236 thing12:42
popeythe mail from Roman Zonov on the phone list prompted me to look12:43
jdstrandI'm on 229 and saw that. that was the first with update-manager back iirc after being gone a while. I had some 10 apps that needed updating, so I did 'update all' (or whatever)12:43
popeyyeah, it has broken in the past12:44
jdstrandat the end, 2 were left as needing to still be updated, so I updated them manually12:44
popeybut it worked again, and now its broken again12:44
popeyyes, that was a package issue - calc and weather, right?12:44
jdstrandand they were still listed as not updated12:44
jdstrandhonestly, I'm not sure-- when I did it I wasn't at my computer or in a position to diagnose12:44
popeyfor a few days there were broken updates for calc and weather12:45
jdstrandpopey: but those sound about right, yes12:45
didrockspopey: jdstrand: yeah, not new at all12:46
didrocksSaviq: thanks. Question, how would you make then people caring if something is stuck in proposed or in NEW for hours then? As they expect to receive a ping and don't look back at the spreadsheet12:47
didrocksthanks for the debug & fix jdstrand btw :)12:47
jdstranddidrocks: you're welcome. btw, I had quite some issues using citrain for the first time yesterday12:47
Saviqdidrocks, not sure, but the publishing job could monitor it and time out?12:48
Saviqor maybe fork a proposed-monitoring job or something, that would time out and ping12:48
sil2100psivaa: let me send you a modified version of test_url_dispatcher.py12:48
didrocksSaviq: and so harass people like every 4h?12:48
sil2100psivaa: when re-running the AP test suite, are we forced to do a reinstall, or will it use the existing, pre-installed packages?12:49
didrocksjdstrand: seems the bot doesn't have commit access to trunk, right?12:49
didrocksjdstrand: that's something that needs to be done when people swith "in CI Train": True12:49
Saviqdidrocks, not sure about the details, as in how long can a proposed migration take, but I'd say pinging one time would be enough12:49
jdstranddidrocks: that was one thing-- that isn't a big deal12:49
didrocksSaviq: if the person isn't connected at that time?12:49
Saviqdidrocks, email12:49
Saviqdidrocks, it's not like it's worse than today12:50
didrocksSaviq: well, today people know they need to look at the spreadsheet/dashboard12:50
Saviqdidrocks, at that point either the user would have to act and/or restart the monitoring job to get another report12:50
didrocksSaviq: here, you are creating other expectation12:50
psivaasil2100: test_url_dispatcher.py wont be reinstalled if we have a version there12:51
Saviqdidrocks, sure, but if you say that if the migration monitoring fails, for whatever reason, there is action required, it would IMO be fine12:51
Saviqdidrocks, whether that action is fixing whatever issue caused the migration to get stuck, or just kicking the monitor again12:51
jdstranddidrocks: if you look at builds 59-74, you could do some archaeology, but basically, I didn't know how to setup the branch correctly to work with citrain. I didn't have a url in my notes and didn't come across it. if it exists and was in training and I missed it, that's on me12:53
didrocksSaviq: ? the monitoring is working, the question is if it's get stuck, today, you are excepted to look at the spreadsheet12:53
didrockson the other hand, you will just get pinged one12:53
jdstranddidrocks: but I have a native package, so I had to set up debian/control differently. I saw what stgraber did for click, so adjusted that12:54
didrocksjdstrand: do you have a link for me to look at?12:54
didrocksjdstrand: the only exceptation is that "bzr bd" works12:54
jdstranddidrocks: -
jdstrandjdstrand: really have no idea why what stgraber did worked, but it did12:54
jdstranddidrocks: then it was the changelog handling12:55
didrocksjdstrand: 59 has the info, didn't?12:55
jdstrandat first, it added the first 100 commits12:55
didrocks2014-03-12 21:30:42,404 ERROR There is no commit message in https://code.launchpad.net/~jdstrand/click-apparmor/click-apparmor.lstat. Please check that you set a commit message on all your MPs.12:55
didrocksjdstrand: yeah, you missed a release tag I guess12:55
jdstranddidrocks: I'm not asking that you look through all of it-- I'm just saying those have everything if you want to12:55
jdstrandso, I didn't know how changelog handling should be-- so, yes, I missed it in the MP12:56
didrocksjdstrand: ok, I think you just didn't setup it. We are doing that verification when in the bootcamp, we turn "in CI Train" to yes12:56
jdstrandI added it and got the last 100 commits, even though I had the 0.1.14 tag already12:56
didrocksjdstrand: hum, weird, it's getting the previous release, and tagging it12:56
didrocksthen, just collect since the previous release tag12:57
jdstrandI asked cyphermox to look at my wiki pages, but I didn't ask about my branch12:57
Saviqdidrocks, the "needs to look at..." is the bad part, I need to remember to look at it in between other tasks, and I often forget, missing the time when I could have already acted by minutes, or worse, hours12:57
jdstranddidrocks: yes, that didn't work12:57
didrocks(and it's the setup for the 300 projects we have)12:57
Saviqdidrocks, let's discuss on the bug?12:57
jdstrandbut then, all of a sudden, it did12:57
didrocksI'll try to have a look12:57
jdstrandand I don't know why12:57
didrocksSaviq: well, then, people don't look and complain as well they don't know about the image state12:57
didrocksbecause the landing email isn't enough12:57
didrocksand they don't look at the spreadsheet12:58
* didrocks is unsure about what to do12:58
didrocksjdstrand: I'll have a look and see, we should probably update as well the bootstrapping project wiki page12:58
jdstranddidrocks: the whole time, my MP branch had changes to debian/changelog. then, after it was working, I was getting weird duplicate entries in the autogenerated one12:58
didrocksjdstrand: do you have your final branch?12:59
didrocksjdstrand: the rule is pretty simple: it's taking the commit message if you didn't touch debian/changelog in that MP12:59
didrocksif you changed anything in debian/changelog in the MP, it won't add anything12:59
jdstrandfinally the combination seemed to be: have a commit message in the MP that exactly matches what is in the branch (minus the first and last lines (ie, no pkackage ..., and no committer), set the disrtibution name to UNRELEASED, increment the version to something not in the landing ppa, use urgency=low13:00
didrocksjdstrand: not really13:01
* cjwatson scans the Qt silo for successful builds in the primary archive without successful builds in the silo, finds none13:01
didrocksit's the rule I put above ^13:01
cjwatsonthat's a relief13:01
jdstrandI was told that if I had changes to debian/changelog, it would prefer those. I did the whole time, so I don't know why I had 100 commit messages at first-- but the debian/changelog wasn't set to UNRELEASED or urgency=low, so maybe it was that13:01
cjwatsonjdstrand: FWIW that isn't a combination I've needed to follow with click13:01
jdstranddidrocks: re not really> except, yes, really :) it may not suypposed to work that way, but that was the only combination that worked13:01
didrocksjdstrand: urgency=low has nothing to do for sure :)13:01
cjwatsonI use UNRELEASED as a matter of course; but urgency=medium has been fine for me and I haven't needed to be at all careful about the commit message13:02
didrocksso, as told:13:02
didrocks(please read this :p)13:02
didrocks1. we collect and merge the branches13:02
jdstrandwhat can I say-- robru suggested I change it, then it started working. maybe there was another change that went with it. I don't know13:02
didrocks2. then, we start from previous released version available in debian/changelog13:02
didrockslook for the tag13:02
didrocksbzr log --diff -r tag:<that version>13:03
didrocksand on each commit on the mainline13:03
didrocksè we take the commit message if debian/changelog wasn't touched in that commit13:03
didrocks- we don't do anything if debian/changelog has changed13:03
didrocksand that's what is filing the changelog13:03
jdstranddidrocks: right, so I thought I had done what was needed for '2'-- I had a tag and I changed the changelog, and I got 100 commits. I can say that I didn't use UNRELEASED at this point13:05
jdstranddidrocks: but, I'm not trying to waste your time here. this isn't a proper bug report-- I don't have all the exact steps to repeat. I am more describing how it all played out and it took hours to finally get it sorted13:06
didrocksjdstrand: weird, this code has been there for almost 2 years, I'm sure we're missing something in the boostrap process13:06
cjwatsonUNRELEASED sounds like a plausible candidate, if dch -r is being used13:07
jdstrandif I had been pointed to a wiki page in training that said "here is how you set up your branches. here is how autocommits work. here is how the changelog is generated. ps-jenkins needs to have commit access. here is what you do differently for a native packag. etc" then I would have been better off13:07
didrocksjdstrand: we had that for daily releases13:07
jdstrandif I was pointed to that and missed it, again, that's on me13:07
didrocksjdstrand: remember I was tasked for 2 days for CI Train13:07
didrocksand I'm already at 12h+ a day, so if someone can either take that off me or help here…13:08
cjwatsonI dunno about you but that argument never works for me ;-)13:08
didrockscjwatson: yeah, I keep being hopeful :p13:08
dobeyare native versions not working in CI train? does it not use the same code as the older daily-release stuff?13:09
didrocksdobey: it's the same code13:09
didrocksdobey: so your change is in13:09
didrocksand click is native IIRC13:09
dobeyoh ok, good13:09
cjwatsonit is13:09
jdstranddidrocks: well, also, note, I am not being critical of the process or of you. I was asked last night to let you know the issues I had. I am only suggesting that if I or others had been pointed at wiki documentation, then I (and/or others-- maybe I'm the only one) would've had an easier time coming online13:10
jdstranddidrocks: so, don't feel you have to be an archaeologist, just saying, if you want to dive in, you know where to look13:11
Saviqfginther, hey, so we've reached one more instance where we need to land unity8 and unity-mir together, but -ci jobs obviously don't know about that, is there any short-term plan to improve that situation or do we need to wait for CI Airline for that?13:11
didrocksjdstrand: I agree that's needed, I'll try to get some people documenting that, we need a good bootstrap story rather than "ask us"13:11
didrockspsivaa: webbrowser-app is fine now13:11
dobeyideally the bootstrap story would be "convert your package to native"13:11
jdstranddidrocks: re ask us> I did ask-- I had a note to ask if I was setup properly, but I didn't think to ask if the branch was setup right, so my questions were leading13:12
didrocksdobey: not the case for everyone, a lot of people are opinionated in different ways13:12
psivaadidrocks: yep, just running once more to confirm13:12
cjwatsonwell, ultimately our CI needs to be able to handle a variety of package types13:12
didrockscjwatson: yeah, but if you have a branch with 100 without any tag for previous releases, no way to get that info reliably13:13
dobeydidrocks: yes, well, there is no "for everyone" case. but "make it native" is a) simple b) well understood by people who make packages13:13
cjwatsonif it can only handle things we're upstream for, that limits its usefulness13:13
jdstranddidrocks: I think maybe it was assumed in training that people coming online were already doing daily releases in the past. this was my first time setting up a branch in this manner...13:13
didrocksto generate a changelog13:13
cjwatsondidrocks: sure13:13
didrocksjdstrand: probably yeah, we had no change for most of projects13:13
didrocksbasically it's:13:13
didrocks- getting the bot commit rights to access the project13:13
didrocks- ensure bzr bd is working (for bzr branch)13:14
jdstranddidrocks: so I didn't really understand the technical implications of doing the automerge and autochangelog.13:14
didrocks- get the previous release tagged13:14
jdstranddidrocks: so I didn't ask more questions. that is probably on me too13:14
cjwatsonwith click we have a separate thing under ~ubuntu-managed-branches that the bot commits to, which I then merge back13:14
jdstrandcjwatson: yeah, I noticed that13:14
didrocksyeah, I know, and you have a special tag in debian/control which tells "don't do anything to the changelog about from dch -r it"13:15
jdstrandI still need to work out the autocommit bits, but I understand how to do that13:15
cjwatsondidrocks: I know you know :)  but suspected jdstrand didn't have all the details13:15
elopiocjohnston: I need some help understanding why the clock tests are not being run here: http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/autopilot-release-gatekeeper/75/label=mako-06/testReport/%28root%29/ubuntu_clock_app/phablet_test_run/?13:16
didrocksdavmor2: so, dogfooding == +1? :)13:16
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fgintherSaviq, We don't have an intermediate plan for that use case. It's probably worth a discussion with didrocks if there is a reasonable short term fix for that13:17
davmor2didrocks: yeah I said it looked good hours ago dude ;)  I just need to fill out a million and one forms now13:17
jdstranddidrocks: there are a few bona-fide bugs though: 1) when I click 'build' in jenkins it takes me to 2fa. noscript thinks it is an XSS. 2) if I change debian/changelog, jenkins tells me I still need to have a commit message in the MP, even though it is (apparently) discarded. 3) cause the autocommit failed, I was told to free the silo. I did, but the spreadsheet didn't notice that the changes actually migrated to trusty-- it seemed it could hav13:17
didrocksfginther: no idea, as it's clearly the airline for that13:18
davmor2[11:05 ]<davmor2> didrocks: things are looking pretty good on 236 for me :)13:18
cjohnstonelopio: looking13:18
didrocksdavmor2: just confirming it was a clera +1 from you :)13:18
fgintherSaviq, A lot of it will have to do with the timeline for rolling out the ci-airline. If we can continue to make good progress on it, it may not be that painful for long13:18
jdstranddidrocks: regarding debian/control> X-Auto-Uploader. and now I know what it does based on your comment :)13:19
Saviqfginther, mhm13:19
didrocksjdstrand: I guess 1) is a general jenkins + online account integration?13:19
didrockssorry sso13:19
davmor2didrocks: yeah seems no better or worse than 226 or 22913:19
jdstranddidrocks: re 1> perhaps, just passing it along13:19
didrocksjdstrand: for 2), yeah, I need to work on that13:19
didrocksjdstrand: on 3) -> well, I would say it's complicated to do in the timeframe I'm given for it13:20
didrocksjdstrand: can't do with 2 days all functionalities that are in a month project, and this one would be a special case hard to track TBH13:21
didrocksogra_: let's promote #236 then!13:21
cjohnstonelopio: it looks like things are being run, at 08:4113:21
jdstranddidrocks: there seems to be a 4) autochangelog didn't dtrt wrt tag -- I don't know the exact symptoms though. it magically went away. perhaps it was related to the distribution name... I really don't know. the bug is probably that I didn't format things correctly (ie, a docs bug)13:22
ogra_didrocks, ok13:22
jdstranddidrocks: again, this isn't me being critical. I'm only giving feedback as a first time user. feel free to add it to a TODO list or delegate, or whatever13:22
elopiocjohnston: on the logs I see (process:3131): dconf-CRITICAL **: unable to create file '/run/user/32011/dconf/user': Permission denied.  dconf will not work properly.13:23
didrocksjdstrand: I'm really puzzled on the 4) though, and hard to see after the fact (because of the rerun) why it didn't pick up the tag13:23
elopiocould that be related? It says critical.13:23
cjohnstonelopio: no idea.. fginther ^13:23
fginthercjohnston, elopio reading backlog13:24
jdstranddidrocks: fwiw, robru poured through the code and couldn't see it either. I wouldn't necessarily waste too much time on it if we are going to have docs for the bzr branches13:24
didrocksjdstrand: yeah, I think it's the best approach to get13:24
jdstrandit would take too long to recreate-- there were commits to trunk, to the MP, changes to the MP in LP, re-requests to merge, incrementing versions, distribution name changes, etc, etc13:25
jdstrandthere was a lot going on trying to get it to work :)13:25
jdstrandok, enough about all that13:26
didrocksjdstrand: ah, on the commit message though13:26
didrocksjdstrand: as the bot bzr merge in your branch13:26
didrocksit needs to have a commit message13:26
jdstrandnow that click-apparmor is all set up (except the autocommit, which I may need today) I'd like to request a landing for 2.0. this is for supporting the 14.04 frameworks. it can come after qt5.2. I am off tomorrow and there is no landings meeting today13:26
didrocksit can maybe debcommit if there are changes in debian/changelog13:27
jdstranddidrocks: in the docs, it might be worthwhile to mention that commits to debian/changelog need to happen in a certain matter13:27
didrockswhat do you mean?13:27
jdstrandwhoa, not click-apparmor 2.0, but 0.213:27
didrocksah, no that far :)13:28
jdstranddidrocks: I sometimes commit to debian/changelog with the code commits. a couple of times in this conversation, it sounds like maybe it needs to happen differently. perhaps I misunderstood13:28
elopiocjohnston, fginther: I can get it on my phone. Test starts to run, then gets stuck showing NaN on some timer rows, and finally the terminal prints killed.13:28
didrocksjdstrand: I'm not sure as well you got the support you needed TBH13:28
elopioand now my phone doesn't want to turn the screen on :/13:29
didrocksjdstrand: some people operating the engine have misconception, and even repeating the same things, it doesn't seem to stick13:29
* sil2100 has to jump out on an emergency right now ;/13:29
jdstrandwell, people are busy. I haven't done autolandings before13:29
jdstrandnote> people were not too busy to help me13:29
jdstrandrobru and cyphermox were very helpful and responsive13:29
didrocksjdstrand: basically, the rule is simple: if you change debian/changelog, it won't touch it for that MP. If you didn't, it will take the commit message on the mainline13:30
cjwatsonjdstrand: for click, I more or less always commit to debian/changelog with the code commits, FWIW13:30
jdstrandyes, that is my understanding and what I've documented for myself13:30
jdstrandcjwatson: ok, good to know13:30
didrocksjdstrand: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/StackPublish#The_prepare_phase (5th bullet)13:30
didrocks6th sorry13:30
didrocks"Then, we prepare the changelog content.13:31
fgintherelopio, that sounds a bit like the behavior in the test. I see "killed" on the log13:31
fgintherelopio, "Killed" to be precise13:31
jdstrandI might chalk it all up to that trunk didn't have X-Auto-Uploader and did do UNRELEASED (though it did have a tag)13:31
jdstrands/did do/didn't do/13:31
jdstranddidrocks: ack> I didn't have the page in my notes. like I said, if it was given, that's on me13:32
elopiofginther: I suppose it's autopilot being killed, because if it's just the clock, then on the following test autopilot would open it again.13:32
didrocksjdstrand: well, this is the special case for core-devs/people who want to control themselves the changelog (only click and system-image are using that)13:32
didrocksjdstrand: you enter that category, so you can use it :)13:32
Saviqfginther, didrocks, I think the simplest short-term thing we could do would be to allow providing a ppa: parameter to be added for -ci jobs - would obviously require manual intervention, but once a dependant silo is built, we could use it in -ci jobs for additional verification13:32
didrocksin that case, it will never try to generate the changelog13:33
jdstranddidrocks: I see13:33
didrocksSaviq: agreed13:33
didrocksjdstrand: let me check what it does if you don't set it to UNRELEASED though13:33
jdstrandas for click-apparmor 0.2, may I have a slot in Pending?13:33
didrocksjdstrand: sure, sil2100 ^13:34
elopiowell, it's like everything gets stuck13:34
jdstrandI don't really care if it lands today or anything-- I just want it to be all built so we can land after qt5.2 lands. cause once that lands, we are going to add the 14.04 click frameworks13:34
fgintherelopio, any crash files?13:35
Mirvrsalveti: your 5.1.1-1ubuntu5 in qtwebkit-c looks great! meaning, that can be used as is without recompilation if need be. I was looking to get your changes into my branch but there's nothing to change really from yours.13:35
rsalvetiMirv: you're fast13:36
rsalvetiwas upgrading it here13:36
fgintherSaviq, that's not an impossible idea.  I have some changes coming for the touch testing in a couple weeks. I think that might be an easy add13:36
jdstranddidrocks: one last thing, and it is more of a heads up. I'm going to ask for a landing for apparmor first thing next week. apparmor is controlled by us, but for historical reasons, we have orig.tar.gz and treat it like an upstream. I imagine I'll want to upload packages to the silo ppa. we don't need to discuss this all now, but just fyi, I'll need more hand-holding next week13:36
Mirvrsalveti: you don't have that many PPAs to browse through to find possible treats :)13:36
rsalvetiMirv: :-) but cool, still testing, but can indeed be used without recompilation13:36
didrocksjdstrand: hum, seems sil2100 isn't there…13:36
didrocksjdstrand: let me asssign it to you, but I don't see a line13:37
Saviqfginther, awesome, btw, do you know who do I talk to to make sure smokeng does the same changes to unlock you guys did for touch testrunner?13:37
elopiofginther: I get almost the same as http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/autopilot-release-gatekeeper/label=mako-06/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/clientlogs/ubuntu_clock_app/application-click-com.ubuntu.clock_clock_1.0.373.log13:37
didrocksjdstrand: sure no worry :)13:37
jdstranddidrocks: that is a question in the process. should I add a line to Pending and then request a silo or do I ask first?13:37
didrocksjdstrand: no, just add a line, then turn the "Ready" to Yes13:38
* jdstrand does that13:38
didrocksjdstrand: we are looking regularly at the spreadsheet, so if you are not in a hurry, no real need to ping us13:38
didrocksyou can always ping us if needed of course :)13:38
jdstrandI'll add the line, then prepare it all today. I won't mark to Ready until later today13:38
jdstranddidrocks: thanks again! and thanks for listening to my whining :)13:39
didrocksjdstrand: ok, we'll assign it once you set it to Ready ;)13:39
fgintherSaviq, that would normally be doanac` and plars-away, but I can check to see what it's doing... give me a moment please13:39
rsalvetidavmor2: mind trying webkit from https://launchpad.net/~rsalveti/+archive/qtwebkit-c/+packages ?13:39
didrocksjdstrand: no worry13:39
jdstrandmy tone was not intended to be of complaint, but of information13:39
didrocksyeah, I know, no worry13:39
Saviqfginther, thanks13:39
rsalvetidavmor2: add the ppa, run apt-get update, then: apt-get install libqt5webkit5=5.1.1-1ubuntu5 libqt5webkit5-qmlwebkitplugin=5.1.1-1ubuntu513:40
fgintherelopio, but nothing in /var/crash?13:40
rsalvetiMirv: but yeah, I can play fruity pops again :-)13:41
jdstrandcjwatson: thanks for your help too. the pointers on what stgraber did and the info on your click/citrain experience was/is very helpful13:41
rsalvetiogra_: ^13:41
Mirvdavmor2: popey: ^ if you have time to test rsalveti's special qtwebkit (to see if it works good for us, also for the OpenGL webapps), see http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7084694/ on how to install on your Qt 5.2 enabled device13:41
fgintherSaviq, it's using the 'old' method. The process helpers method was added on march 6, but backed out the next day13:42
davmor2Mirv, rsalveti: I can after lunch yes13:42
popeyMirv: unsure I'll have time. I'm solid with UDS sessions today13:42
ogra_rsalveti, yay13:42
ogra_most important !13:42
elopiofginther: no, nothing there.13:43
Saviqfginther, hmm so sounds about the same time you guys were doing the changes for touch testrunner13:43
elopiooh, there's one file now.13:43
Saviqfginther, thanks, I'll pick it up with the guys13:43
fgintherSaviq, you're welcome13:43
Saviqdoanac`, plars-away, hey guys, wanted to ask about the unity8 unlock script used in smoke tests, we're removing the thing you're relying on soon, fginther and om26er already implemented the new method using unity8's helpers that we maintain, apparently you tried it and backed out around a week ago, can we help making the switch somehow?13:45
fgintherSaviq, who soon before the thing you going to remove gets removed?13:46
elopiofginther: http://ubuntuone.com/5jruFMGVY7ueXemsPhxndI13:47
didrocksjdstrand: I think I've an evil idea on how to do 3) (the wrong gave up when you didn't really gave up)13:47
didrocksin a cheap way13:47
Saviqfginther, we already have the branch ack'ed, just waiting for Qt 5.2 to land, and then - asap13:47
fgintherSaviq, thanks for the timeline13:47
Saviqfginther, but obviously only after we resolve this testing situation13:48
jdstranddidrocks: neat :)13:55
sergiusensfginther, I'd just move that to phablet-test-run with an option to have 'whatever component we need' reloaded with the testability driver13:57
fginthersergiusens, ack, there's also an unlock_unity() method in this case. But I agree, there's no reason this can't be done as part of ptr.14:01
sergiusensfginther, just so we are all on the same page14:02
* sergiusens needs the FFe approved though14:02
didrockssergiusens: I saw the status changing14:03
didrocksI guess it was on your bug14:03
sergiusensdidrocks, yeah, someone marked it confirmed; not sure that's from the release team though14:04
didrockssergiusens: yeah, I don't know14:05
didrocksdidn't click on the name, but doesn't ring a bell14:05
rsalvetiMirv: I'd guess we also need to rebuild webbrowser-app?14:06
rsalvetiI can rebuild it as well14:06
fgintherelopio, now that you have a crash, do you have what you need to make progress on it? At the moment, I don't know why the job didn't record any logs or the crash, I can create a bug for it.14:08
didrocksjdstrand: ok, 3) fixed (even if it's a rare corner case where you can't merge your branch but components are in destination)14:08
elopiofginther: well, I need to decipher it. When I try to report it with apport-cli, I get:14:09
elopioI'm not really sure what I'm looking for.14:09
jdstranddidrocks: nice! (that was fast :)14:09
Mirvrsalveti: maybe, but at least it doesn't fail to find any symbols or such14:09
rsalvetiMirv: yeah14:09
rsalvetibut it's always good anyway14:09
Mirvsure it is14:10
rsalvetiMirv: problem is that to rebuild on the ppa, we first need to drop the 5.2 based qtwebkit packages14:10
rsalvetiand copy the 5.1 ones14:10
rsalvetiMirv: do we have the 5.2 qtwebkit packages available at another ppa?14:10
Mirvrsalveti: yeah, I was wondering whether it would be best to do already (first making a backup of the 5.2.1 debs somewhere)14:10
rsalvetiif so we can probably drop it already from landing 6, and copy the 5.1.1 on top14:11
rsalvetiMirv: yeah14:11
Mirvrsalveti: ok, let me handle it14:11
rsalvetiMirv: thanks14:11
fgintherelopio, try '/usr/share/apport/whoopsie-upload-all -t 0'. it might do enough to get a stack trace14:11
fgintherelopio, if so, it'll update the crash file in place14:12
sergiusenselopio, send me the crash14:12
elopiosergiusens: http://ubuntuone.com/5jruFMGVY7ueXemsPhxndI14:12
elopiofginther: running that...14:12
elopiofginther: after running whoopsie: http://ubuntuone.com/2j253XGeiTTh0GSZKubHQ314:17
elopionot a lot more, it added the dependencies.14:17
sergiusenselopio, I think that's a bogus error because there's no core in your crash file14:18
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sergiusenselopio, looking by the loaded symbols; and if this only happens in autopilot testing; I'd look at /usr/lib/libautopilot_driver_qt5.so.1.0.0 and probably /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/PerformanceMetrics/libUbuntuPerformanceMetrics.so14:19
elopiosergiusens: it doesn't happen only with autopilot testing.14:20
elopiowhen I open the clock manually, and go to the timer tab, I see the same as autopilot, and after a while it crashes.14:20
elopioanyway, I still don't know what should I look on those libs :). Mirv, something about this makes sense to you?14:22
sergiusenselopio, I suggest to load the clock app and attach gdb to qmlscene14:22
elopiook, I'll try to do that.14:24
mhr3sil2100, can i get a ignore conflicts silo for line 37?14:36
didrocksjdstrand: the vUDS session was boring. So 2/ -> fixed. We try to fallback to debcommit if there is no commit message available14:42
didrocksjdstrand: it's in preprod now, I'll put that in prod if everything's fine tomorrow morning14:42
mhr3didrocks, to kill your boredom ^^ :)14:43
didrocksjdstrand: I'm passing 1/ to webops, but I guess nobody is maintaining the jenkins sso plugin I'm afraid :/ on 4/ -> I have no idea on the tag14:43
didrocksmhr3: I'm sad sil2100 is again not around :/14:43
silDroidmhr3: I think so, yes, although I'm not in front of my pc right bow14:44
silDroidI'm around around, I can try doing it now ;)14:44
didrockssilDroid: hum, it's been some hours I'm asking you and it happens quite often you are not around :/14:44
silDroidMight take a bit longer, through the phibe14:44
didrocksmhr3: I'm doing it… you are not going to publish click-scope before 5.2?14:45
mhr3didrocks, probably not, unless 5.2 takes few more days14:45
didrocksmhr3: should be today or tomorrow14:46
Mirvelopio: I'm not sure, but the .crash files don't have a CoreDump so it's not the sort of crasher that a backtrace can be gotten for14:46
rsalvetididrocks: thanks for the locked component list14:47
didrocksrsalveti: yw14:47
silDroidpsivaa: any progress? How far is it?14:47
jdstranddidrocks: re 2> again, nice! :)14:47
psivaasilDroid: the tests finished.. let me find the logs after this meeting that i am in .. in about 20 mins14:48
jdstranddidrocks: as for '1', yeah-- I haven't see that sso XSS anywhere else besides jenkins, so thought it was odd14:48
didrocksjdstrand: I think it's a plugin canonical contributed (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/OpenID+plugin)14:48
didrocksjdstrand: we have it installed on most of our jenkins instance AFAIK14:49
silDroidpsivaa: thanks, as the time of test execution made me wonder if those got ran ;) It still says something 2 hours ago14:49
ogra_=== Image 236 Promoted ===14:49
* jdstrand is not a big jenkins user until recently, if you hadn't guessed :)14:49
didrocksogra_: sweet!14:49
didrocksjdstrand: heh, I won't blame you for that :p14:50
ogra_sorry that it took so long14:50
didrocksogra_: well, it's ok, the image isn't going to change by itself :p14:50
psivaasilDroid: those runs can not be seen in the dashboard. but: http://q-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/psivaa-trusty-touch-mako-smoke-unity8/27/14:50
didrocksmhr3: assigned14:51
silDroidpsivaa: ah, right, looking! Thanks14:51
silDroidpsivaa: give me a poke once you're after the meeting14:54
pmcgowanrsalveti,Mirv  anything I can help with landings wise14:54
pmcgowanI saw we reverted webkit to last version14:55
psivaasilDroid: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7085028/ *.qml14:55
Mirvpmcgowan: schedule a meeting in two hours so we can catch up again?14:55
Mirvyes, the webkit reversion seems to help with the OpenGL games14:55
psivaasilDroid: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7085032/ test_results.xml14:55
Mirvso it could be the solution until oxide arrives14:56
davmor2rsalveti, Mirv: that fix seems to let all three play again14:56
psivaasilDroid: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7085034/ tmp*.desktop14:56
rsalvetipmcgowan: yeah, let's talk during the uds lunch break14:56
pmcgowanrsalveti, Mirv scheduled14:57
elopiosergiusens, Mirv: does this give more information? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7085037/14:57
rsalvetipmcgowan: but it seems that the qtwebkit revert helps fixing the webgl games14:57
rsalvetidavmor2: great14:57
pmcgowanrsalveti, odd, but who knows14:57
pmcgowanoxide will help fer sure14:57
rsalvetipmcgowan: it's fine, we don't need to care much anyway14:57
silDroidpsivaa: thanks, but it seems the first pastebin (the one with qml) is the same as the result pastebin here14:58
rsalvetiall we needed is a working webkit until we're able to land oxide14:58
silDroidAnyway, magic14:58
sergiusenselopio, v4 was the new qml engine, right?14:58
sergiusensrsalveti, ^^?14:58
rsalvetipmcgowan: there's just one remaining issue that tsdgeos is investigating (qmlscene crash)14:59
davmor2rsalveti: is that the next big land after 5.2.1 or is the next one scopes?14:59
rsalvetisergiusens: yes14:59
sergiusenselopio, so it's v414:59
pmcgowanrsalveti, did the sudoku issue get fixed?14:59
Mirvelopio: it might be related to the one that was given to tsdgeos rsalveti filed about14:59
rsalvetidavmor2: not sure what is next, but oxide will take a few days at least to be ready14:59
rsalvetipmcgowan: there's a mr already, didn't test it though14:59
davmor2rsalveti: man days :'(14:59
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
pmcgowanrsalveti, hah, he just deleted the line that failed15:00
pmcgowanprobably was not needed anyway15:00
rsalvetipmcgowan: right :-)15:01
rsalvetielopio: sergiusens: looks like a different crash, is that qt5.2 related? also, what crashed exactly?15:02
sergiusensrsalveti, clock app15:02
sergiusensrsalveti, qt5.215:02
elopiorsalveti: if you have your phone with qt5.2, just open the clock and go to the timer tab15:02
rsalvetisergiusens: when running autopilot?15:02
elopioyou might need to click a preset.15:02
rsalvetioh, ok15:02
rsalvetilet me try15:02
davmor2pmcgowan: after hearing that the phone is sabdfl's sudoku machine now we have to make sure that it works it's critical right :)15:02
pmcgowandavmor2, super critical, defcon 515:03
elopioogra_: btw, thanks for the screenshooter. It was really hard to report bugs taking photos to the phone with my webcam :)15:03
pmcgowandavmor2, balloons so can we get that mr landed for sudoku?15:04
balloonshaha davmor215:04
davmor2pmcgowan: nothing I can do about it,  I think it is one for balloons and popey maybe?15:04
rsalvetielopio: not sure if crashed, but my flo is now dead15:05
rsalvetieven ssh was dropped15:05
davmor2rsalveti: ran out of battery?15:05
rsalvetino, screen is still on ;-)15:05
rsalvetibut it seems cpu is on fire in here15:05
elopiorsalveti: give it some time, then the clock app will be closed, your device will be again usable, and the crash will appear on /var/crash15:05
rsalvetiand eating all the memory15:06
elopio https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/129204715:09
psivaasilDroid: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7085119/ sorry about it earlier15:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1292047 in Ubuntu Clock App "Timer tab doesn't show the preset labels and shows NaN on the time" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:09
rsalvetiyeah, this is a serious bug15:10
rsalvetiit makes the device useless basically15:10
rsalveticonsuming 76% of my ram15:11
rsalvetiand oom already killed a bunch of other guys15:11
=== doanac` changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: doanac | CITrain support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone
davmor2rsalveti: do you get video for unity8 vuds session15:13
rsalvetifollowing oem customizations atm15:13
ogra_same here15:14
sil2100psivaa: thanks!15:18
psivaasil2100: is that enough. i need to enable some devices in the lab if we are done with it for the next tests to picke the right devices15:20
sil2100psivaa: could you double check if there still is no url-dispatcher?15:21
psivaasil2100: not under /home/phablet/.cache/upstart15:22
sil2100What madness is that, eh15:22
sil2100psivaa: last question - the *.desktop file you got from /home/phablet/.local/share/applications/tmp1I0Vwc.desktop, right?15:23
psivaasil2100: yeas15:24
sil2100Too bad we can't really see what's happening on screen15:26
pmcgowanjdstrand, my calculator works again15:26
jdstrandpmcgowan: now you can calculate the tip for cjwatson and me :)15:27
pmcgowanjdstrand, hang on there15:27
jdstrandwhat is 20% of 0?15:27
pmcgowanbut you have to split it15:27
jdstrandbetter make it 25% then15:28
jdstrandI'll only take 7% for my bit. I didn't do nearly the heavy lifting15:28
sil2100psivaa: are you still around for a different test for a different issue ;p ?15:39
psivaasil2100: could do.. :)15:39
sil2100psivaa: so, I would need any mako device that just ran all the tests (and had the _usr_sbin_system-image-dbus.32011.crash crash)15:43
sil2100psivaa: could you log into that device and do a simple `ls -l /var/log/system-image`?15:44
sil2100We want to see if the perms are alright15:44
psivaasil2100: the device that ran all the tests has been used for some other installation. i'll run ubuntu_system_settings test which i think produces this crash15:49
sil2100psivaa: ok, thanks :)15:50
=== awe__ is now known as awe
rsalvetiMirv: it seems you already updated everyone that depends on qtwebkit15:54
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
psivaasil2100: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7085394/ is the client.log under /var/log/system-image/16:03
psivaaon the device that saw _usr_sbin_system-image-dbus.32011.cras crash16:03
sil2100psivaa: can you check the permissions of files there?16:03
sil2100Like, the permission of /var/log/system-image and the files there (so like ls -l /var/log/system-image)16:04
psivaasil2100: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7085411/16:05
sil2100psivaa: thanks! :)16:07
psivaasil2100: yw :). can i release the device?16:07
psivaabefore forgetting :)16:07
sil2100psivaa: yes, thanks ;) But I don't guarantee I won't poke you or someone else in the nearest time again ;p Sorry about that!16:08
psivaasil2100: ok :)16:08
Mirvrsalveti: yeah, most, some manual uploads building in another PPA but CI Train ones were rebuilt already16:24
balloonspmcgowan, davmor2 the fix for sudoku has been pushed to the store, popey will have a review and it'll land16:27
rsalvetiMirv: great16:29
rsalvetipmcgowan: just concerned now with the 2 qmlscene crashes we have16:29
davmor2balloons: \o/ sabdfl will be happy to hear that :)16:29
pmcgowanrsalveti, I saw the bug for stackbrowser, is there another?16:31
rsalvetipmcgowan: for clock-app, which is more critical for me16:32
rsalvetipmcgowan: as that will trash your device16:32
pmcgowanrsalveti, is that a cpu lockup thing?16:32
rsalvetipmcgowan: it just gets killed when it gets most of the system memory16:32
rsalveticpu and memory16:32
rsalvetiand it's also probably a bug in our app lifecycle16:32
pmcgowanbug #?16:33
rsalvetias we shouldn't allow an app to trash the system like that16:33
rsalvetipmcgowan: bug 129204716:33
ubot5bug 1292047 in Ubuntu Clock App "Timer tab doesn't show the preset labels and shows NaN on the time" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129204716:33
pmcgowanI dont think we implemented any memory controls per se, just default OOM right16:33
rsalvetibut don't know if the app has lower prio than system services16:34
rsalvetiI saw NM was killed here16:34
rsalvetisuch as ssh16:34
pmcgowanthats odd16:34
pmcgowanhow is it doing the timer16:34
rsalvetinot sure yet16:39
rsalvetiMirv: just updated from landing 6 and can't start gallery-app16:39
Mirvrsalveti: it never worked since last Friday when it changed to be a click app, since it needs a rebuild. if you do apt-get install gallery-app you get a second, rebuilt gallery-app icon that works. elopio also tested that the AP:s pass.16:41
rsalvetiMirv: oh, great then16:41
rsalvetiwas scared for a second16:41
rsalvetipmcgowan: you just need to go to timer, and click at a preset16:46
rsalvetiwe first need to understand why we're getting nan:nan as a preset label16:46
rsalvetionce you click that, it crashes hard16:46
pmcgowanthat could be a javascript change16:46
pmcgowanoh weird16:47
balloonsping doanac`16:48
rsalvetipmcgowan: who knows clock-app enough to help us?16:49
doanac`balloons: hey16:49
pmcgowanrsalveti, maybe nik90 is around16:49
balloonsdoanac`, :-) So, just curious why http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/calculator-app-click/ builder seems to be failing.16:49
nik90rsalveti, pmcgowan: I am here ;)16:49
balloonsdoanac`, log says click-buddy can't be found16:50
pmcgowannik90, see the bug report above ^^16:50
pmcgowannik90, related to qt 5.2 testing16:50
balloonsdoanac`, seems the builder is using saucy, should be using trusyt methinks16:50
nik90pmcgowan: elopio already told me about the error16:50
nik90pmcgowan: How can I help?16:50
doanac`balloons: but click-buddy shouldn't have gone away16:51
pmcgowannik90, could you try to reproduce it? or any suggestions how to debug16:51
balloonsdoanac`, mm.. I wonder if it didn't get converted to use click-buddy like the other builders16:51
pmcgowannik90, I was assuming you wrote this app is that correct?16:51
doanac`balloons: i wonder if phablet-tools got installed: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).16:51
nik90pmcgowan: yes I wrote the code16:52
doanac`balloons: that's the problem we can't install phablet-tools in that job16:52
nik90pmcgowan: I don't have qt 5.2 installed yet since this is my primary machine for university16:52
doanac`let me see if i can see why that would happen16:52
nik90pmcgowan: what puzzles me is that the code around the timer list is quite similar to other parts of the app.16:52
balloonsdoanac`, kk16:52
cyphermoxseb128: re: line 38, any of this should be covered by an FFe, given that there are "changes to match design"16:56
cyphermoxit's unclear whether it's bugfix or what16:56
pmcgowannik90, how is that model getting loaded, is it from a u1db doc?16:56
cyphermoxheh, but then I guess there is the lp in the merge anyway16:56
nik90pmcgowan: yes it is basic list view which gets the data from u1db.documen.16:57
pmcgowannik90, seems thats not working somehow16:57
nik90pmcgowan: Can someone test if commenting out the u1db document code resolves the crash? It is defined in the TimerPage.qml file right at the begining16:58
nik90kalikiana: ping16:58
pmcgowannik90, yes we can try that16:58
pmcgowanrsalveti, ^^16:58
nik90rsalveti: after commenting the code, you will need to delete the locally saved u1db file in the clock folder16:59
nik90rsalveti: on the desktop, it is stored at .local/share/com.ubuntu.clock/16:59
rsalveticool, let me try16:59
pmcgowanrsalveti, Mirv landing call17:00
nik90pmcgowan: here is my theory, when I save the time, it is saved as a integer in u1db. I have a feeling this is not supported by u1db which could be causing the issue. But I need to confirm with the u1db developers about this.17:01
pmcgowankalikiana, ?^17:02
Mirvrsalveti: you're keeping us at suspense :)17:02
rsalvetilet me join the meeting17:03
rsalvetiif I remove the u1db part it'll indeed not crash17:03
sil2100There is a landing call? Or only a landing call for qt5.2?17:05
doanac`balloons: i think the issue might be that we have an old version of phablet-tools for arm. it seems to be on 1.0+13.10.20131016.3-0ubuntu1 which doesn't have click buddy17:06
balloonsdoanac`, right.. I wonder if the saucy build has trailed behind, or is failing, etc17:06
doanac`balloons: no. its up-to-date on my x86 saucy laptop17:07
robruseb128, remember how I was complaining about my screens not blanking some months ago? well now the new lockscreen is really preventing my screens from blanking. last two days I woke up to find my screens on bright, and then after I unlocked them, they powered down, then powered back up. has nobody else experienced this? how can I troubleshoot this?17:07
davmor2popey: can you try the new update for g+ for me I get the unknown browser all the time now17:07
ogra_davmor2, seems that depends on the screen size17:07
doanac`balloons: here's the issue: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/armhf/phablet-tools17:08
ogra_i get that on desktop, flo and manta17:08
balloonsdoanac`, well for x86 sure, but17:08
davmor2ogra_: this is no mako and was working17:08
ogra_works on mako17:08
ogra_hmm, i updated it today ... still works here17:08
balloonsouch, no new builds!17:08
ogra_(only the click package though)17:08
cjwatson/ubuntu/saucy/armhf/phablet-tools is specifically the primary archive, i.e. SRUs17:09
cjwatsonif you're talking about some regular daily build or something then that isn't what you want17:09
popeydavmor2: works on mako here17:09
doanac`balloons: oh - i see. i'm using the phablet-tools ppa on saucy17:09
doanac`its up-to-date17:09
balloonsyes.. nothing has been pushed to saucy itself since release that sort of shows that17:10
davmor2popey, rsalveti: ^ might be the revert of qtwebkit or qt 5.2.1 then the last version worked fine17:11
doanac`balloons: let me chat with fginther about how we should fix this. shouldn't be too bad17:15
balloonsdoanac`, great thanks! I just need a new click for calc from trunk :-)17:15
rsalvetidavmor2: hm, I just flashed and updated from landing 6 (all packages), and can open it successfully17:17
rsalvetiwe also rebuilt a few more things, like webbrowser-app17:17
* sil2100 sighs17:18
kalikiananik90: there's a qt bug that can garble numeric values which you could be hitting17:18
kalikianamore specifically in the way the javascript engine stores numbers17:18
kalikiananik90: if that's the one, converting to and from string should solve it17:19
kalikianaI can have a look if you point me to the code17:19
=== doanac` changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CITrain support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone
fgintherdoanac`, balloons calculator just needs to converted to using cmak17:25
balloonsfginther, you mean the builder or ? the app uses it17:26
doanac`fginther: isn't "click-buddy --dir ." going to fail though? that's not in the saucy phablet-tools17:26
fgintherballoons, the builder (at least that's what I'm assuming)17:26
popeyballoons: fginther calc uses cmake..17:26
balloonsfginther, right that was my guesstimate.. ok, I agree :-)17:27
fgintherdoanac`, the solution is to use a trusty chroot17:28
fgintherdoanac`, I've been in the slow process of converting the build process for all the click apps, but it can't be done until the app is ready17:29
popeyballoons: sudoku still has https://bugs.launchpad.net/sudoku-app/+bug/1285279 failing17:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1285279 in Sudoku App "Autopilot test failure" [Undecided,New]17:29
popeyis that something we can quickly fixup?17:29
pmcgowankalikiana, did you get a pointer to the clock code?17:29
nik90pmcgowan: just back from dinner.  I will help kalikiana17:30
pmcgowannik90, great17:30
doanac`fginther: ack. you need me to try and do fix this?17:31
nik90kalikiana: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/trunk/view/head:/timer/TimerPage.qml#L4517:31
balloonspopey, i've been re-running the landing jobs.. however, my quick prognosis i think might be wrong. The same tests seem to be failing (when it's not bit by launching issues)17:31
balloonsso it appears additionally there might be an issue with the tests17:31
fgintherdoanac`, already done, it's just a copy and paste from one of the other jobs (it's setup to templated once all the projects have been updated)17:32
popeyballoons: ☹17:32
fgintherballoons, http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/calculator-app-click/112/ passed17:32
balloonsfginther, brillant ty17:33
balloonspopey, ok so i'll push calc17:33
fgintherdoanac`, it's a bit of a minefield right now as things are in flux and there hasn't been enough time to tie all the piece together properly17:34
doanac`fginther: i was hoping to not have to touch it :)17:34
balloonsfginther, one sidebar since we're on it.. http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/weather-app-click-build/ is kind of cool. A generic builder for cmake enabled branches could be useful17:35
didrocksrobru: around?17:38
robrudidrocks, hi17:38
didrocksrobru: hey, mind coming to https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/qt-5-2-landing?17:39
didrockscyphermox: you as well if possible? ^17:39
robrudidrocks, ok, can't promise i have anything to say.17:39
rsalvetikalikiana: nik90: the database itself looks fine it seems17:39
rsalvetijust removed the other items, let it just with one17:40
kalikianathat looks normal17:40
rsalvetimaybe the query is breaking it?17:40
kalikianaI'm just going through the code, the number issue I was mentioning wouldn't apply to these small amounts17:41
nik90kalikiana: ok17:41
kalikianano obviously wrong stuff there17:41
fgintherballoons, that's actually part of the work in progress to build click packages while testing MPs17:41
nik90kalikiana: could something be wrongn with http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/trunk/view/head:/timer/PresetList.qml#L4817:41
nik90kalikiana: that's the code which gets the time from the database and converts it into hours and minutes17:42
sil2100Mirv: any decision on the qt5.2 landing?17:44
rsalvetinik90: yeah, want to get just the string to see if that would work at least17:44
rsalvetiignoring the time17:44
kalikiananik90: there's no error check… not sure what would happen if timer is something other than a number17:44
kalikianaI don't know if eg. undefined % 60 could crash17:45
nik90kalikiana: well the time is something that the user cannot just enter in a textfield. It is inputted through the dialer. So we can guarantee it is within the limits <60 and is a number.17:45
sil2100Mirv, didrocks: mind if I join your call as a spectator?17:47
didrockssil2100: sure17:47
robrusil2100, please do17:47
kalikiananik90: yes but if there's a bug anywhere between changing/adding and that function you can still have undefined17:48
kalikianaI'd just play it safe rather than having faith in code17:49
nik90kalikiana: +117:50
pmcgowankalikiana, can we determine if this bug will affect any other users of the API17:56
pmcgowanor is it app specific? seems odd it changed behavior when qt changed17:56
pmcgowanalthough V* changed17:56
kalikianapmcgowan: I'm still unsure where exactly the bug lies. it wouldn't be the first breaking change in javascript from 5.0 to 5.*17:59
kalikianathere were also changes in the Date type17:59
kalikianabut that's not used here I think17:59
pmcgowankalikiana, yep, please let me know when you do understand then17:59
nik90kalikiana: but what about the timer names? Currently they seem missing according to the bug report. They are just normal strings.18:00
pmcgowanseems the entire doc did not load correctly18:00
rsalvetinik90: yeah, seems model is busted at ./timer/PresetList.qml18:01
rsalvetithe crash seems to be happening here: analogTimer.ssToTime(model.contents.duration)18:01
kalikianathis one would plausibly  happen if contents is just empty https://launchpadlibrarian.net/169369228/screenshot-20140313-090202.png18:01
kalikianajust judging from the screenie18:01
nik90rsalveti: so if you change that to model.contents.duration is everything fine?18:01
rsalvetiif I put a fixed time instead of using model.contents.duration it doesn't crash, but still can't get the string18:02
kalikiananik90: if that's the one you mean by missing names18:02
rsalvetiand can't get the value18:02
nik90kalikiana: yes that's what I meant by missing names18:02
rsalvetiyeah, that's why I believe model is busted18:02
rsalvetieven the string is not there18:02
kalikianarsalveti: try throwing JSON.stringify(contents) in there18:02
rsalvetitext: model.contents.name returns me null18:02
nik90rsalveti: try text: JSON.stringify(contents) as kalikiana said18:03
nik90that should output the entire model element18:03
rsalvetiwhat will that do?18:03
* rsalveti is kind of new to qml18:03
kalikianait should give you the document the same why it was typed as json in qml18:04
kalikianawith any changes18:04
kalikianathe default output of qml errors isn't smart enough to do it out of the box18:04
pete-woodsMirv: hi, don't know if you need this from me, but I see the qt5.2 status says packaging changes need manual verification for some of my packages18:05
pete-woodsbut I looked at the changes and they are indeed what I expected18:05
rsalvetitext: JSON.stringify(model.contents)18:06
rsalvetijust gave me: {"time":{"duration:911,"n...18:06
rsalvetiduration seems fine18:07
kalikianaand name is in there?18:07
rsalvetiin there, but can't get the entire dump18:08
rsalvetias it tries to display at the preset name18:08
rsalvetiis there a way to dump this to a file or similar?18:08
Mirvpete-woods: hi! we're in hangout pushing buttons. thanks for rechecking, it's happening now and we get to collect the pieces then :)18:08
Mirvpete-woods: thanks again for the fixes you did18:09
pete-woodsMirv: no problem, thankyou for all the effort getting this thing landed!18:09
kalikianarsalveti: you can do sth like: var docs=db.listDocs();for(var doc in docs)console.log(JSON.stringify(db.getDoc))18:09
kalikianaer pass the doc to getDoc of course, sorry18:10
rsalveti{"timer":{"duration":180,"name":"Soft-boiled egg"}}18:10
nik90rsalveti, kalikiana: If it seems that the model.contents seems intact, then the crash must be occuring due to analogTimer.ssToTime(model.contents.duration) and getstringTimer(model.contents.duration)18:10
rsalvetitext: JSON.stringify(model.contents)18:11
nik90rsalveti: can you replace getstringTimer(model.contents.duration) with just model.contents.duration18:11
rsalvetiright, for some reason it's not extracting the data correctly from the model18:11
nik90rsalveti: and comment out  analogTimer.ssToTime(model.contents.duration)18:11
nik90rsalveti: this should stop the crash18:11
nik90rsalveti: I can figure out how to improve those 2 functions18:11
nik90if I get a confirmation that stops the crash18:12
rsalvetibut why text: model.contents.name returns nothing?18:12
nik90rsalveti: it could be that by calling  getstringTimer(model.contents.duration), it causes the model to be corrupted in the listview? Not sure18:13
rsalvetihm, right18:13
rsalvetibut in my current code I hardcoded that with 1018:13
rsalvetiso not calling getstringTimer anyway18:14
didrocksrsalveti: 90/11718:14
didrocksFYI :)18:14
kalikianarsalveti: should it be mode.contents.timer.name?18:15
nik90kalikiana: that doesn't work on qt 5.0.218:16
nik90kalikiana: the index is defined as expression: ["timer.name", "timer.duration"]18:16
rsalvetiright, why would that change?18:16
nik90kalikiana: query is query: ["*", "*"]18:16
popeydidrocks: what's the deadline for getting packages in the default image before 14.04?18:16
nik90kalikiana: so the index already gathers only the timer documents18:17
didrockspopey: no particular deadline, if the FFe is accepted18:17
didrocksand you find some available archive admin :)18:17
rsalvetikalikiana: nik90: but yeah, works after adding custom.timer instead of just using as custom18:17
kalikiananik90: the qt shouldn't matter for that but rsalveti said above that he got {"timer":{"duration":180,"name":"Soft-boiled egg"}} in contents18:17
popeydidrocks: what if it's a click?18:17
rsalvetithought I tried that, maybe got a typo18:17
popeydidrocks: e.g. reminders-app18:17
nik90rsalveti: wait, so what worked?18:18
rsalvetinik90: yup18:18
rsalvetitext: model.contents.timer.name18:18
rsalvetitext: getstringTimer(model.contents.timer.duration);18:18
didrocksrsalveti: failed on the 117th :p18:18
rsalvetididrocks: oh18:19
rsalvetioverflow? maybe started counting on 0 :P18:19
nik90kalikiana: did you read what rsalveti said...it worked with model.contents.timer.name18:19
nik90rsalveti, kalikiana: With Qt 5.0, http://imgur.com/SKOmuix18:20
didrocksrsalveti: no no, someone sneaked in a conflict :p18:20
rsalvetinik90: that's weird18:20
nik90rsalveti, kalikiana: That's the output of JSON.stringify(model.contents)18:20
nik90kalikiana: so that's what changed!18:20
rsalvetipmcgowan: so u1db is fine18:20
* pmcgowan dances18:20
nik90rsalveti: well why do we need that change in the first place when moving from 5.0 to 5.2?18:21
nik90rsalveti: I mean when I try your method, it fails on my computer18:21
rsalvetithat's what I'm trying to understand18:21
pmcgowanrsalveti, what happened? the syntax for the model elemtns changed?18:21
rsalvetipmcgowan: yes18:22
pmcgowanthey probably fixed a bug18:22
rsalvetibefore we could use model.contents.duration18:22
rsalvetinow we need to call model.contents.timer.duration18:22
rsalvetias timer is indeed an entry in the db18:22
pmcgowanright seems to make sense18:22
rsalvetimaybe we'd need to query timer.* or similar?18:22
nik90rsalveti: well that's done in the index expression: ["timer.name", "timer.duration"]18:23
nik90kalikiana: what do you think?18:23
nik90rsalveti: but does this solve all the crash issues?18:23
rsalvetiwith qt5.2, yes18:23
nik90rsalveti: also did you uncomment all the u1db document code I asked before in the TimerPage.qml file?18:23
rsalvetiproblem is that the number was null in there18:23
rsalvetiso analogTimer.ssToTime caused the crash18:24
rsalvetionce I moved it to use model.contents.timer.duration, it worked18:24
nik90rsalveti: but now it no longer causes the crash with the correct input to it18:24
rsalvetiall good18:25
nik90rsalveti: I will do better error detection once qt 5.2 lands in trusty since it is hard to fix a function when I cannot test if I fixed it or not :)18:25
nik90rsalveti: awesome...18:25
* nik90 is relieved18:25
rsalvetibut still, what should we do?18:25
rsalvetipropose this fix once we land qt 5.2?18:25
rsalvetior try to find a way to be compatible with both cases18:25
pmcgowanrsalveti, does the change not work on 5.0?18:25
pmcgowanthats nasty18:26
rsalvetiyeah, breaks 5.018:26
nik90pmcgowan, rsalveti: I can get a MP ready so that it is good to go the moment you give the go ahead18:26
kalikiananik90: rsalveti I'm doubtful this is 5.0/.2 I rather suspect the u1db-qt version is higher and everyone has a different one installed here18:26
didrocksrsalveti: I'm doing so bad things to cheat and win time because of this failure, you have no idea…18:27
* didrocks should get drunk18:27
pmcgowandidrocks, no not yet!18:27
kalikianathere were some bug fixes going on as nik90 is aware and we didn't know when they would land18:27
rsalvetididrocks: lol18:27
nik90kalikiana: I think so..I am using the core apps daily PPA which has a more recent u1db version while the phone could be lagging behind on that18:27
rsalvetiget drunk, always good18:27
pmcgowankalikiana, fixes at what level18:28
nik90rsalveti: can you find out the u1db-qt version18:28
nik90rsalveti: apt-cache policy qtdeclarative5-u1db1.018:28
didrockspmcgowan: ahah, my hand is away from a beer for now :p18:28
kalikianapmcgowan: u1db-qt trunk has bug fixes, but with all the withheld images and ci etc. I have no idea when what lands18:28
nik90that's mine18:28
rsalvetiyeah, they are quite different it seems18:28
pmcgowanman thats old18:29
kalikianaapplause for our rock solid ci :-]18:29
pmcgowanfrom sept? or is the tag wrong18:29
rsalvetigrab the source18:29
rsalveticheck changelog18:29
rsalvetilast upload was on saucy18:30
rsalvetican someone try to replicate this bug with qt 5.0 + qtdeclarative5-u1db1.0 0.1.5+14.04.20140306-0ubuntu1?18:30
rsalvetilet me reflash18:31
pmcgowanwhere can I get the new deb18:31
pmcgowankalikiana, how can that not have landed with all the other  uitk landings18:32
rsalvetiI guess you'd need to rebuild the deb anyway18:32
didrocksrsalveti: oh, I hate you for qtwebkit as well, nobody rewatched ppa18:33
pmcgowanwhats in the sdk ppa18:33
* didrocks adds more faking18:33
didrocksI'll need a second beer :p18:33
rsalvetididrocks: haha, I can pay the second one, sorry ;-)18:33
pmcgowanyou will need a 6 pack before you are done18:33
didrockspmcgowan: possible!18:33
* didrocks adds more hacks now so that the 3rd publish is fast18:34
didrocksrsalveti: you are annoying, stop fixing bugs and rocking!18:34
kalikianapmcgowan: it's a separate package, the uitk is a different branch entirely lp:u1db-qt versus lp:ubuntu-ui-toolkit18:34
pmcgowankalikiana, ok, then we needed to request a landing it seems18:34
popeyDEBUG   18:33:56: rnrclient.vala:113: Getting reviews from URL: https://reviews.ubuntu.com/reviews/api/1.0/reviews/filter/en_US/(null)/click/1.0.5/(null)/18:34
popeywell that looks broken18:35
kalikianapmcgowan: nothing has formally changed in the process for ages but I guess somebody might have pulled a cable that nobody noticed18:35
pmcgowankalikiana, did not follow18:35
rsalvetiyeah, things are still getting merged in trunk but not released in the distro18:35
rsalvetiso we basically didn't add it as part of our CI18:36
kalikianapmcgowan: for u1db-qt there was no change, train or anything, it still uses (or should be using) the same merge→publish cycle18:36
pmcgowankalikiana, how can that be?18:36
pmcgowaneverything is through ci train18:36
pmcgowanexcept what isnt I guess18:36
pmcgowanmoot now18:36
kalikianathere's a number of packages in that group afair, not just u1db18:36
pmcgowannot ones we are upstream for I would think18:37
pmcgowanor that get on the phone I guess18:37
pmcgowankalikiana, nik90, popey do you know which other apps use u1db?18:37
nik90pmcgowan: I believe file-manager is using it18:37
nik90pmcgowan: others are using LocalStorage afaik18:37
kalikianathen there's the recipe ape, I forget the name18:37
pmcgowanrecipe ape would e a nice app name18:38
nik90kalikiana: 3rd party apps like saucybacon, Flashback, UbuntuTasks also use it18:38
nik90and finally Geldliste also uses it18:38
popeypmcgowan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7086260/18:39
popeyevery occurrance of U1db on my phone18:40
nik90popey: what's the magic command for that18:40
kalikianadidrocks: would you be able to check what the current landing process is for u1db-qt? if it changed/ disabled unbeknownst to me or something18:40
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7086263/ less verbose18:40
popey adb shell "grep -R 'import U1db' /opt/click.ubuntu.com/*/current/*.qml" | pastebinit18:40
pmcgowanstackbrowser is on there too btw18:40
popeyso may not be 100% accurate18:40
nik90pmcgowan: was that also crashing?18:41
pmcgowankalikiana, so do we need to check each of those apps usage of the api18:41
didrockskalikiana: it's in CI Train18:41
pmcgowannik90, yes it is18:41
kalikianadidrocks: ha. good that I asked then :-D so I guess I should start requesting silos18:42
seb128cyphermox, UIF is tonight, that's not a FFE, just tweaks18:42
rsalvetipmcgowan: kalikiana: can we then not land u1db-qt now if that is indeed the one causing the issue?18:42
didrockskalikiana: it's in the Qt5 silos for now18:42
didrockskalikiana: but you can just add a branch with the fix18:42
kalikianadidrocks: hmm what does that mean?18:42
didrocksand ask robru to reconfigure it18:42
cyphermoxseb128: got you your silo already..18:42
didrockskalikiana: just do a MP against your trunk :)18:42
seb128cyphermox, thanks, I'm just back and catching up with backlog18:43
cyphermoxgotta look at webbrowser app and whether it's really closing bugs now18:43
pmcgowanrsalveti, seems we should verify it is the u1db-qt difference, but seems it must be18:44
rsalvetiI'm flashing latest and will check that with qt 5.018:44
robrukalikiana, yeah, just propose a merge against your trunk with a fix for whatever issue you see, then give me the branch. I can walk you through the process18:45
pmcgowanrsalveti, is there a 5.0 based deb of u1db-qt in some ppa?18:45
rsalvetinot that I know18:46
Mirva lot happening at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/trusty-changes/2014-March/thread.html18:48
kalikianahmm so what I'm still wondering is, at which revision did the current trunk stop, and where did it start waiting for the silo18:48
pmcgowanwell the last package is from sept18:49
kalikianathat is the thing, that is long before train18:49
ogra_Mirv, yeah, looks like some crazy person updated all of Qt to 5.2 :)18:49
robrukalikiana, yeah, just look at the last release commit. both citrain and the old daily_release will make a trunk commit to indicate they did a release.18:50
cjwatsonMirv: ooh, you pulled the trigger?18:50
kalikianarobru: okay so then there definitely was no release from the train18:51
robrukalikiana, yep18:51
didrockscjwatson: we did, but blocked on proposed18:51
didrockswe miss 7 of them, only 110 on 11718:51
robrukalikiana, well there's about to be because we're doing a qt5.2 rebuild thing right now. but yeah, if you need to fix something, just give me the MP and I can include it18:51
cjwatsondidrocks: just waiting for publication, or is there anything I can help with?18:52
cjwatson(although this is almost the worst time for me, I have to go shortly)18:52
didrockscjwatson: no worry, I have no error on my side though18:53
cjwatsonit's certainly still publishing, anyway18:54
didrocks2 were NEW packages18:54
kalikianarobru: rsalveti: nik90: so if I see it correctly I suspect rsalveti has an image with the latest trunk changes now which includes bug fixes but changes the model.contents in this case and thus indirectly causes the crash; so 5.2 being here is incidental18:55
didrocksso 5 are missing18:55
rsalvetikalikiana: that's what I'm trying to confirm18:55
cjwatsonit triggered a bunch of builds, but I think that's just stuff that will dep-wait or fail, trying again18:55
rsalvetibuilding latest u1db-qt on top of qt 5.0 to see18:55
didrockscjwatson: yeah, I'm looking at -changes though18:55
didrocksthis is where the 5 are missing18:55
didrocks(trying to locate those)18:56
robrukalikiana, sorry i don't know any details about your project. all I know is that your trunk is about to get released, so if there's something wrong in your trunk, please make an MP that fixes it18:56
cjwatsondidrocks: do you have package names?18:56
robrukalikiana, but don't commit to trunk, specifically please give us an MP18:56
cjwatsonI can check the copy logs18:56
didrockscjwatson: I'm taking the list one by one18:56
rsalvetiso qt 5.2 is happening18:57
ogra_already gone18:57
ChickenCutlassrsalveti: ship it18:58
didrockscjwatson: Mirv built http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7086347/18:58
didrocksthose are the 5 missing18:58
cjwatson[2014-03-13 18:48:58,274: INFO/PoolWorker-3] Job:18:58
cjwatson<PlainPackageCopyJob to copy package qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu from ubuntu/landing-006, RELEASE pocket, in ubuntu trusty to ubuntu/primary, PROPOSED pocket, in ubuntu trusty, including binaries>18:58
cjwatsonraised CannotCopy:18:58
nik90kalikiana: ok18:58
cjwatsonqtcreator-plugin-ubuntu 3.0.1-0ubuntu2 in trusty (Cannot copy DDEBs to a primary archive)18:58
didrockswhy do we have ddebs18:59
cjwatsonthose must have been initially built in a misconfigured PPA18:59
didrocksweird, the ppa didn't change though18:59
cjwatsonI bet they were copied-with-binaries from there18:59
nik90pmcgowan, rsalveti, kalikiana: So what is the immediate plan? Are we pushing an update to u1db-qt with the Qt 5.2 transition (in which case I need to update clock app as well) ? Or are we postponing the u1db landing?18:59
didrocksso I guess it's the same for the 518:59
cjwatsonyeah, you can't copy-with-binaries into a landing PPA from something that isn't specially configured for builds aimed at the distro18:59
didrocksyeah, I didn't know it before now…19:00
cjwatsonI suggest just rebuilding those five and recopying19:00
rsalvetinik90: let me just confirm it first19:00
nik90rsalveti: ok19:00
Mirvcjwatson: didrocks: doh, that's correct19:00
rsalvetias this will probably affect a bunch of other packages as well if indeed caused by u1db19:00
cjwatsonyeah, all the same cause19:01
rsalvetididrocks: Mirv: just trigger a rebuild and I can copy them later today19:01
cjwatsonpokerth 1.1.1-2ubuntu1 in trusty (Cannot copy DDEBs to a primary archive)19:01
cjwatsonqtwebkit-opensource-src 5.2.1+dfsg-0ubuntu2 in trusty (Cannot copy DDEBs to a primary archive)19:01
cjwatsonqtcreator 3.0.1-0ubuntu2 in trusty (Cannot copy DDEBs to a primary archive)19:01
cjwatsonpeg-e 1.1.2-1ubuntu1 in trusty (Cannot copy DDEBs to a primary archive)19:01
Mirvrsalveti: didrocks: doing19:01
cjwatsonqtcreator-plugin-ubuntu 3.0.1-0ubuntu2 in trusty (Cannot copy DDEBs to a primary archive)19:01
didrocksrsalveti: yeah, we are doing that. However, I need to do a quick fix in cu2d or you will have another issue doing the publish on publish (with source packages)19:01
didrockscjwatson: ok, all have the same source, thanks for looking19:01
kalikianarobru: nik90: it may be related to http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~uonedb-qt/u1db-qt/trunk/revision/113 if that's the case I can propose a revert for it so we get the other fixes at least19:01
rsalvetiyeah, looks like19:02
cjwatsonoff for a while, please sms me if you have other obscure publication failures or whatever that need investigation19:02
rsalvetisure, thanks19:02
kalikianarsalveti: "looks like" as in: should I make a revert branch if that would solve it for now?19:03
rsalvetikalikiana: building it as we speak, let me just confirm the issue19:04
rsalvetibuild-dep is huge19:04
davmor2popey, rsalveti: so fresh install of 236 fresh install of g+, first run is triggered correctly I get to login, I get the install the app page or click here to goto the website, and the stream opens correctly.  I open it a second time and now I get unsupported browser19:07
didrocksrsalveti: ok, you should be able to republish once ready19:07
didrocksI hot fixed the production19:07
* didrocks crosses fingers19:07
kalikianaaaaarrrrgggg one of the days I'll glue the yubikey to my finger, why does it have to ask so often19:07
didrocksrsalveti: anyway, keep us posted, not a lot we can do now until the packages are rebuilt19:07
rsalvetididrocks: yeah, thanks a lot19:08
didrocksMirv finishes his reupload19:08
didrocksand we rerun build with "watch ppa only"19:08
popeydavmor2: what device?19:09
rsalvetidavmor2: will try to reproduce19:09
davmor2popey: mako19:09
rsalvetibut that is with qt 5.0, right?19:09
rsalvetiyou said fresh 23619:09
davmor2rsalveti: yeap completely fresh standard 23619:10
rsalvetikalikiana: pmcgowan: yeah, got nan:nan with latest u1db and qt 5.019:12
rsalvetiso not related with qt 5.219:12
pmcgowandavmor2, I dont see any relevant package changes for that19:12
pmcgowanrsalveti, great19:12
pmcgowankalikiana, so you think 113 did this? or 112?19:13
davmor2rsalveti: yes not qt5.2 related it's broken on 5.0 too :)19:13
kalikianarsalveti: pmcgowan: my guess would be 113, I'll prepare an MR for testing in a moment19:14
pmcgowanat least thats a one liner19:14
davmor2pmcgowan: the google+ app was updated today to use webcontainer by the look of it19:14
pmcgowandavmor2, oh, what was it using?19:14
pmcgowanand whose app is it?19:15
davmor2pmcgowan: xnox's iirc and it was using a bastardise au on qtwebkit direct iirc19:15
rsalvetikalikiana: yeah, reverted 113 and it's now working again19:15
davmor2pmcgowan: ua even19:15
pmcgowandavmor2, he may need better config, I can ask alex to check it19:16
sil2100Damn, this is stressing19:17
davmor2sil2100: what in particular?19:17
sil2100davmor2: landing qt 5.2 in -proposed, watching those publish and build jobs is as exciting as the olympics!19:18
ogra_who wins ?19:18
rsalvetisil2100: lol19:18
davmor2ogra_: passes hopefully19:19
nik90kalikiana: once the qt 5.2 dust settles, we can propose rev 113 in u1db along with necessary fixes in other apps as well19:19
Mirvrsalveti: so reuploaded qtcreator qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu pokerth peg-e qtwebkit-opensource-src which were the ones that were built in another PPA. now building.19:19
davmor2ogra_: after all this we don't wont the failed to builds to win19:19
rsalvetipmcgowan: so, only remaining issue is bug 129160219:19
ubot5bug 1291602 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "com.ubuntu.developer.andrewsomething.stackbrowser_stackbrowser_0.2.2 causes qmlscene to segfault under Qt5.2" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129160219:19
rsalvetiMirv: great, thanks!19:20
ogra_davmor2, dont put the bar so high ... else tears are involved in the end19:20
pmcgowanrsalveti, did you see that stackbrowser uses u1db? any chance it can be related?19:20
rsalvetipmcgowan: hm19:20
rsalvetiwill check again later today19:20
rsalvetionce we get stuff in proposed, and a new u1db as well19:21
kalikiananik90: I'm pondering a slightly different change for that; if it's that disruptive; I'll elaborate in a bit19:21
kalikianafirst I'm changing the unit test for the revert19:21
didrocksrsalveti: pmcgowan: ok, all done on my side, good luck guys!19:23
rsalvetididrocks: thanks!19:23
sil2100robru: let's be in touch19:23
pmcgowanoh no didrocks is leaving :019:23
sil2100robru: for now I'll keep on monitoring and re-building19:23
Mirvrsalveti: pmcgowan: ok, all done on my side, good luck guys!19:23
didrockspmcgowan: yeah, but I checked everything is cleaned! ;)19:23
sil2100Mirv, didrocks: good work, goodnight!19:23
pmcgowanthanks guys19:23
didrockscjwatson: should be good now, we can rerun things and republish partially ;)19:23
didrockssee you tomorrow!19:23
didrocks(with good news please ;))19:24
nik90kalikiana: ok..I should have caught this issue earlier if only I tested the latest u1db with clock-app. But that said, atleast a lesson learnt about versioning and release19:24
sil2100We'll *try* making sure all the rest goes through ;p19:24
kalikianapeopel are leaving, now to see who stays when the hard liquor gets opened19:24
* pmcgowan crosses fingers, legs, everything19:24
rsalvetinik90: but that u1db change probably broke some other apps as well19:24
rsalvetiso if we indeed want to push that forward, we need a better solution to avoid breaking other clients19:24
pmcgowanyeah needs to work both ways19:25
robrusil2100, ok sorry about that, i'm totally starving. just ping me when you need something.19:25
nik90rsalveti: agreed. but sometimes the new fixes coming into u1db might require possible changes in the clients. The rev 113 was an important fix actually.19:25
nik90rsalveti: So I will be looking forward to working with kalikiana on that after qt 5.219:26
rsalvetisure, just need to be better coordinated I guess19:26
Mirvrsalveti: sil2100: one more thing that can wait until my morning but in case it becomes a topic: three remaining manual rebuilds of qtwebkit reverse dependencies at https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-beta-proper/+packages - pyqt5 , qtquick1, qtwebkit-examples. there are no dependency errors, but rebuilds nice to have anyway since we changed qtwebkit and pyqt5 needed a patch to build19:27
Mirvlike said, those can wait, but you can also dget them and dput to landing-006 if you want (as we just found out, binary copy will no tdo)19:27
popeypmcgowan: fyi https://bugs.launchpad.net/sudoku-app/+bug/1285279 is currently blocking sudoku19:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1285279 in Sudoku App "Autopilot test failure" [Undecided,New]19:31
popeyballoons: bounced calc back19:32
pmcgowanpopey, but why failing now? is there a new test?19:32
popeypmcgowan: look at the date on the bug. it was already failing19:33
popeynot new.19:33
pmcgowanso why is it blocking anything19:33
popeybecause it fails so i dont put it in the store19:33
pmcgowanbut the app in the store is broken, seems like madness19:33
popeyright, so broken and broken differently19:34
kalikiananik90: rsalveti: https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/u1db-qt/revertResultFields/+merge/21089019:34
rsalvetigreat, let me test that19:35
pmcgowanpopey, can you try the one liner balloons suggested in the test?19:36
popeyi think balloons re-thought that19:36
* balloons pops in19:37
balloonsso we talking calc or sudoku?19:37
popeysudoku, calc is just version issue, easy for you to fix ㋛19:37
balloonsi hate the interface.. since I can't back it out, i've screwed myself19:38
balloonsok so soduku has failures.. i remember the bug19:39
popeyonly one failure19:39
balloonswell, i suppose i can give a few mins to looking at it19:43
barryfginther: i think you should replace xnox's gallery_app branch with mine19:43
barryinstead of https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/gallery-app/fix-sample-dir/+merge/21051719:43
sil2100Mirv: ACK19:43
barry(the latter passes ci)19:43
fgintherbarry, seeing as xnox has approved your branch and rejected his original, I say that's effectively been replaced19:47
barryfginther: sounds good!19:47
rsalvetisil2100: can you add https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/u1db-qt/revertResultFields/+merge/210890 to the landing 6? (qt 5.2)19:55
popeyballoons: I'll hang around for updates.19:55
rsalvetipmcgowan: kalikiana: tested the mr with qt 5.0 and qt 5.2, works fine19:56
balloonspopey, mp is trying to land19:56
balloonspopey, for calc tho, can you somehow delete or remove the pending upload?19:56
balloonsit's an ardous and annoying process involving committing a change otherwise19:56
sil2100rsalveti: uuh, hm, I'll add it in a moment19:56
rsalvetisil2100: sure19:57
pmcgowanrsalveti, thanks, now you are a qml guru too19:58
rsalvetipmcgowan: lol19:58
sil2100robru: did Didier mention to set anything else besides the explicit list of packages to build?19:58
robrusil2100, .... no19:59
rsalvetisil2100: they triggered a rebuild for a few packages http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7086347/19:59
rsalvetiand then he told me to do a build with watch-only19:59
rsalvetionce the builds are done19:59
rsalvetithat was all :-)19:59
sil2100rsalveti: I know I know, it's just that we published most of the stuff already, so I'm just making double sure about everything20:01
sil2100rsalveti: right now the build job is running20:01
sil2100rsalveti: so I need to wait for that to finish20:01
sil2100rsalveti: then I'll re-trigger20:01
rsalvetisil2100: great, thanks20:02
rsalvetipmcgowan: so we should be good now20:02
rsalvetipmcgowan: did we have any missing fix for notes-app as well?20:02
pmcgowanrsalveti, bfiller or elopio may know20:03
pmcgowanI kept hearing of a workaround20:03
bfillerrsalveti: I'm looking at it now20:03
popeyballoons: maybe bueno can?20:03
pmcgowanrsalveti, although I think we agreed to ignore it, I still asked bfiller if he could look20:04
bfillerpmcgowan: yup, we should skip the test for now until we figure it out20:04
pmcgowanrsalveti, and need to land sudoku ;)20:04
rsalvetithat's high prio20:04
davmor2rsalveti: google + and sudoku are critical20:06
kenvandineMirv, i see your rebuild of qml-box2d was rejected because of the version20:06
davmor2rsalveti: did you not see sabdfl's keynote last night ;)20:06
kenvandineMirv, i actually have a new upstream snapshot prepared to upload, mind if i just upload that?20:06
sergiusenspopey, balloons did you screw up the versions?20:08
balloonssergiusens, yea, left off a zero.. which makes it hard to upload now20:08
sergiusenspopey, balloons if so, bump it in the manifest (versions are obsolete these days anyways)20:08
balloonsi don't get why i can't back out an upload20:08
rsalvetidavmor2: well, I didn't help breaking google + at least20:09
balloonssergiusens, yes, but i have to commit the manifest then, etc20:09
balloonsit's just annoyingly silly20:09
sergiusensballoons, just like you can't back out a deb, to avoid replay attacks20:09
davmor2rsalveti: :)20:09
sergiusensballoons, popey the proper solution is for the version to be read from the manifest and not have you type it in yourself; I've been told that was already ready20:10
rsalvetikenvandine: it seems it wasn't reject20:10
rsalvetikenvandine: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qml-box2d20:10
balloonssergiusens, I agree with that.. there's some leftovers from debian packaging in the upload process tho20:10
balloonsit still is lint checked20:10
kenvandinersalveti, it was rejected in the promotion20:11
kenvandinestill in proposed20:11
kenvandineqtdeclarative5-box2d1.0_0.1~git20131115_arm64.deb: Version older than that in the archive. 0.1~git20131115 <= 0.1~git20131115ubuntu120:11
rsalvetioh, but every package will be reject in promotion20:11
rsalvetihm, ok20:11
kenvandinethe version number is wrong20:11
rsalvetimight be a wrong error though20:11
kenvandinebut i have a new snapshot i had wanted to upload today anyway20:12
kenvandineand we have nothing in the image depending on it20:12
rsalvetiI know did blocked the promotion for all that packages20:12
kenvandineso that'll get built20:12
rsalvetikenvandine: ok20:12
kenvandineagainst the right qt20:12
* kenvandine uploads20:12
rsalvetibut afaik it'll be blocked as well20:12
sil2100rsalveti: it's still building if anything, so I guess we need a bit more time20:14
rsalvetiwill take at least ~2h I guess20:14
kenvandineok, uploaded20:15
robrusil2100, didier said something about "getting an archive admin to reenable the cron job", is that still relevant? or did he do that himself already?20:24
sil2100robru: it's enabled from what he said20:28
sil2100robru: so he did it himself already20:28
robrusil2100, ok thanks20:28
sil2100(from what I understood!)20:28
sil2100robru: those missing packages are still building... could you also keep a lookout for those? I will have to EOD soon20:29
robrusil2100, ok20:29
sil2100robru: rsalveti asked for an additional merge to be added - we'll have to rebuild then and publish20:29
robrusil2100, ok, I can add that, but it has to wait for the current build to finish, right?20:30
thomifginther: got a second? There's soemthing odd happening with an AP branch test run - looks like bzr conflicts, but I can't see why it would be merging anything.. should just be a 'bzr branch' as far as I can tell: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-trusty-amd64-ci/300/console20:57
thomido the jobs try and merge in trunk or something?20:57
fgintherthomi, yes, all jobs start with a merge to trunk20:58
thomiok, is that new?20:59
sil2100robru: it's still building...20:59
fgintherthomi, no, that's always been the case20:59
sil2100I have to go now so good luck!20:59
thomioh.. well, ok then :)20:59
sil2100Remember to publish everything later ;)20:59
robrursalveti, ok, i guess it's just you and me now... still waiting on that build to finish21:00
rsalvetirobru: :-)21:01
rsalvetiwill take at least more one hour21:01
pmcgowanthis is like waiting for xmas21:03
thomirobru: cyphermox: I wonder if I could ask one of you fine gentlemen to allocate me a silo, so I can do a silo build & test on my Monday (which is USA Sunday)?21:04
thomi(spreadsheet row 42)21:04
robruthomi, ok21:06
thomirobru: thanks!21:06
robruthomi, ok, you got silo 321:07
thomirobru: awesome - talk to you Monday about landing it :)21:08
robruthomi, for sure21:10
thominow I get to spend the weekend testing :)21:11
robrursalveti, i gotta step out for about 20 minutes, will be right back though.21:19
cyphermoxrobru: assigning line 40.21:23
robruwow, still building21:46
cyphermoxrobru: I'm going to go get dinner, bbl21:57
robrucyphermox, enjoy21:57
robrursalveti, good god, it's done. now what? publish first, or add your mp first?22:10
robrui guess publish...22:10
rsalvetirobru: yeah, please22:11
robrubah, not working22:12
robrursalveti, do you have any idea what is going wrong with qtwebkit-opensource-src22:13
robruI guess I have to re-prepare that one22:14
rsalvetiI remember we also had to run build with watch-only22:14
robrursalveti, ok i'll try some stuff22:14
robruthis is a fustercluck of the highest order22:16
robrursalveti, I don't know what to do with qtwebkit-opensource-src. There's a phantom version in the PPA that citrain is puking on22:32
rsalvetirobru: hm, do you know which version is it?22:32
robrursalveti, the error suggest re-preparing, so I did, and rebuilt (watch only), same error22:32
rsalveti2014-03-13 22:31:33,951 ERROR Version in ci-train-ppa-service/landing-006 (5.2.1+dfsg-0ubuntu2) is not the last one prepared (5.1.1-1ubuntu6) (direct upload?).22:32
rsalvetiwhen it was prepared, the version was 5.2.1+dfsg-0ubuntu222:33
rsalvetithe new one is 5.1.1-1ubuntu622:33
robrursalveti, yeah, so the ppa looks to me like it has 5.1.1-1ubuntu6, and that's what citrain expects, but it fails because it finds 5.2.1+dfsg-0ubuntu2 which I don't see in the PPA22:33
robrursalveti, yeah but Mirv just uploaded that 5.1 one 3 hours ago22:33
robrursalveti, no, I *just* prepared it like 2 minutes ago, and rebuilt, 5.2 is nowhere, it was not there when I prepared it22:34
rsalvetiright, but it was at some point22:34
rsalvetimaybe it got confused now somehow22:34
robrursalveti, I dunno, i also saw this error much earlier, when didrocks was still around. it's been confused for a while22:35
robrursalveti, do you have any idea how to fix this? I tried everything I know22:35
rsalvetiso how did he manage to publish it a few hours ago?22:35
robrursalveti, i have no idea22:35
robrursalveti, didrocks was live-editing production code, it's all black magic to me, i have no idea what he did22:36
rsalvetimaybe he published it manually22:36
rsalvetias the old job is still looking for latest version of qtwebkit22:36
robrursalveti, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtwebkit-opensource-src there is no 5.2 in distro or even -proposed! This is really weird.22:37
rsalvetiI believe he thought that running build with watch only would be enough22:37
rsalvetibut maybe the landing code is still not handling the case when you need to downgrade a package22:37
rsalvetirobru: it was in this ppa yesterday22:38
rsalvetibut got downgraded22:38
rsalvetimaybe that is what is confusing landing now22:38
robrursalveti, so what then, abandon the silo and start totally over? i have no idea how to fix this22:38
rsalvetimaybe cyphermox can give us a hand?22:39
robruwhen he gets back from dinner.22:39
rsalvetirobru: can you add the one for u1db-qt?22:40
rsalvetithen we can get it published once we know how to proceed22:40
robrursalveti, where's the mp for that22:41
rsalvetirobru: https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/u1db-qt/revertResultFields/+merge/21089022:41
robrursalveti, ok, preparing new mp22:43
robrursalveti, ok, got u1db-qt rebuilding here:
robrursalveti, merge failed because u1db-qt was already published, but hasn't been merged, so changelogs conflict.22:54
rsalvetihow to fix this one?22:55
robrursalveti, ugh, well basically I have to make a new MP that resolves the changelog, but then after *that* gets built & publish it'll probably fail the merge & clean step. total disaster22:56
robrursalveti, ok, got the mp, re-preparing23:06
rsalvetigreat, thanks23:07
robruno worries.23:07
bregmarobru!! Unity7 daily landing in line 44!!23:11
robrursalveti, ok this is building: lets see what the next problem is23:13
robrubregma, ok, you got silo 723:13
bregmathak a lot eh!!!23:13
robruyou are welcome23:14
robrursalveti, http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain/landing-006 this is the backend state that citrain uses to remember what it's doing. note there's no version numbers associated with the packages. so I have *no idea* why citrain is so insistent on this 5.2 version thing. it's not in the ppa! how can it know this?23:18
rsalvetino idea either23:18
rsalvetiok, will grab dinner, be back later23:19
robrursalveti, yeah me too23:21
cjwatsonI expect it's looking for the most recent source pub and forgetting to limit to published/pending23:23
cjwatsonsuggest you familiarise yourself with the lp apidoc for an archive23:25
cjwatsonMirv: fyi, you can safely copy without including binaries, no need to dget/dput23:28
cjwatsons/most recent source pub/highest-versioned source pub/23:29
rsalveticjwatson: in this case the archive still has an older version (5.1.1-1ubuntu4), and 5.2 was published in the ppa yesterday, but got removed and replaced with a new package based on the 5.1 series (5.1.1-1ubuntu6)23:31
rsalvetiso we believe the older version (5.2) is stored somewhere in the CI publishing logic23:31
cjwatsonyou don't need to invoke that; it's quite possible it's getting it from LP23:32
cjwatsonthere are patterns of incorrect api invocation that would lead to this23:32
rsalvetiwouldn't it complain if we tried to published a minor version?23:32
cjwatsonif anyone can point me at the source I can have a look23:32
cjwatsonand stop trying to guess23:32
rsalvetirobru might know, don't know where the code is23:33
cjwatsonah, cupstream2distro maybe23:34
cjwatsonhm, that's seen a fix from me, it should be right23:35
cjwatsondouble hm23:37
cjwatsonI wonder if LP's sorting logic changed, or if I analysed it wrongly before23:37
cjwatsonIn [7]: for source in sources:23:37
cjwatson   ...:     print source.source_package_name, source.source_package_version23:37
cjwatson   ...:23:37
cjwatsonqtwebkit-opensource-src 5.2.1+dfsg-0ubuntu223:38
cjwatsonqtwebkit-opensource-src 5.2.1+dfsg-0ubuntu123:38
cjwatsonqtwebkit-opensource-src 5.1.1-1ubuntu623:38
cjwatsonqtwebkit-opensource-src 5.1.1-1ubuntu523:38
cjwatsonI would have expected the getPublishedSources to give me answers in reverse publication order23:38
cjwatsonbut the LP code that prefers sorting by version dates back to at least 201123:41
cjwatsonI think we probably need to sort by date_created23:42
cjwatsonIn [8]: for source in sorted(sources, key=attrgetter("date_created"), reverse=True):23:45
cjwatson    print source.source_package_version, source.status, source.date_created23:45
cjwatson   ...:23:45
cjwatson5.1.1-1ubuntu6 Published 2014-03-13 19:06:16.211082+00:0023:45
cjwatson5.1.1-1ubuntu5 Superseded 2014-03-13 14:53:49.380706+00:0023:45
cjwatson5.2.1+dfsg-0ubuntu2 Deleted 2014-03-11 13:26:12.714869+00:0023:46
cjwatson5.2.1+dfsg-0ubuntu1 Superseded 2014-02-28 11:12:12.219638+00:0023:46
robrucjwatson, sorry just got back. did you find the code? it is indeed lp:cupstream2distro (look under citrain/)23:53
cjwatsongod this test suite requires root!23:53
robrucjwatson, anything we can do about this for now? keep in mind I don't have permissions to push that code to production, so basically unless you can fix it on the LP side, our hands are tied until didrocks wakes up23:54
cjwatsonit's not broken on the LP side23:54
cjwatsonrather, I apparently misunderstood the API four months ago23:54
robrucjwatson, I mean like "can you erase that version number out of existence"23:54
cjwatsonand hence misadvised didrocks23:54
robrursalveti, oh, u1db-qt built. kalikiana are you around to test this? get the package from silo 6 and make sure it doesn't explode23:55
cjwatsonhow am I supposed to run the cupstream2distro test suite?  it blows up with a bazillion errors starting with23:56
cjwatsonOSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/cjwatson/src/ubuntu/cupstream2distro/trunk/tests/tests/data/branches/multiple_symbols_with_changelog'23:56
cjwatsonwhich rather suggests it's lost its mind about its base directory23:56
robrucjwatson, i have no idea i've never run it. you'd have to ask didrocks.23:57
cjwatsonsod it, ln -s . tests/tests23:57
cjwatsonthe only possible hotfix I can think of is to do this in a different silo23:58
robrucjwatson, yeah, it occurred to me to jettison the silo and start over, but the thought terrifies me23:59
cjwatsonwell, you'd probably just copy rather than jettisoning as such23:59
cjwatsonwhat actual changes are needed here?23:59
cjwatsonis it literally just package rebuilds or is it source changes?23:59
robrucjwatson, especially considering we already published the silo so most of the packages require a merge & clean, but there's just a small handful that need to be republished23:59

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