
bazhangemma, did you need some assistance05:30
rwwthe 1h5m idle time implies not05:45
null\value\errorwhy am i banned in #ubuntu05:57
null\value\errori want to ask a few questions05:57
bazhangyou're in the channel05:57
null\value\errorplease unban me05:57
null\value\errorbut i cant speak05:57
bazhangthats a quiet05:58
null\value\errorplease unquiet me05:58
null\value\errorim having a major ubuntu networking problems05:58
bazhang <nullv4lue> may i have the @ thingy in here06:04
bazhangand lots more like that06:04
bazhangnull\value\error, you appear to be using debian06:06
bazhangtry #debian06:06
null\value\errorwhat baz i never asked fro a @06:18
null\value\errori would never want tht06:18
bazhanglogs of the channel indicate otherwise06:18
null\value\errorbaz i didnt06:18
null\value\errorshow me proof06:19
null\value\errorthis was not me06:19
bazhangat any rate you are using debian, so ask for help in #debian06:19
rwwhttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/12/31/%23ubuntu.txt , grep for the relevant line06:19
null\value\errori was drunk06:52
null\value\errorcummon dont hold tht gainst me06:52
null\value\errori wanna help06:52
null\value\erroratleast  a +06:52
null\value\errorive never had a @ or + SIGN FOR A VERY VERY LONG TIME06:53
null\value\errorI PROMISE TO BEHAVE06:53
null\value\errornad help06:53
null\value\errori just want to show this nice girl tht i am voice in ubuntu06:53
null\value\errorjust for 3 minutes thts all i ask06:53
* null\value\error cries06:54
Tm_Tnull\value\error: sorry but that's not what #ubuntu is for07:03
null\value\errori want to help ubuntu09:09
null\value\errori have problems and such09:09
null\value\errorotherwise my boss will be pissed09:10
null\value\errorcould some one link me a read or a bb pls09:10
null\value\errorreddit link perhaps09:10
null\value\errori even treid siurceforge09:11
null\value\erroreven a forum might help09:12
null\value\errorplease i got 13 child proccess tp be fed09:12
null\value\errorthey need to feed09:15
null\value\errorplease they belong to my boss09:15
null\value\errorshe will kil me if  i dont find them09:15
null\value\errorhave mercy09:16
Tm_Tnull\value\error: you make no sense, could you please just state what you need?09:16
null\value\errori have this ill paste09:17
null\value\errorhang on a sec09:18
Tm_Tnull\value\error: so you need help with ubuntu issue, is that it?09:18
Tm_Tand no please don't paste to here if it's more than one line09:18
freax 2281 pts/3    Ss     0:00 bash09:21
freax 2296 pts/3    S      0:00 usr/sbin/poise_app/titkits/killer_watchdog.milo09:21
freax 2297 pts/3    R+     0:00 ps x09:21
freaxthere us ps x09:21
freaxout put09:21
freaxwhat is that09:21
Tm_Tsorry, but there's no way to know what you have installed to your environment but you09:24
Tm_Tthat said, you really should try some support place for this09:24
Tm_Tfreax null\value\error see above please09:28
freax cant shut down tht process09:29
freax:~# sudo - Permission Denied09:29
freax 2296 pts/3    S      0:00 usr/sbin/poise_app/titkits/killer_watchdog.milo09:30
Tm_Tfreax: you're not reading, please see what I just wrote few lines above09:30
null\value\errorwhoami : noidearootedtoor09:31
null\value\errortht is not what i tyyped09:31
null\value\errorsome one changed that username or something09:32
null\value\errorhave i been hacked09:32
null\value\errorim worried09:32
Tm_TI cannot know, I cannot help with that, I can help you to right direction if you begin reading/listening what I'm trying to tell you09:33
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.12:43
knome^ somebody might want to update that.12:44
phunyguyfreax: have you tried posting in the Ubuntu Forums, or Ubuntu-users mailing list?  Both are valid options for support if you are not able to ask in IRC.13:35
h00kfreax, emma: anything we can help you with?15:29
h00kfreax, emma: Feel free to come back if you have any questions for the ops, otherwise I'll /part you now15:31
h00kaha, forgot /ar can't take multiple people at once in arguments.15:32
Unit193See: amr15:33
DJonesSo freax is now wondering whether you were calling them Emma, or whether you were calling yourself Emma :)15:33
h00kSometimes you need a good something to ponder15:33
h00koh look, /amr.15:34
bazhangI suggest seahorse for gnupg and get called down for "forcing a user", yet the actual cli is still being explained 5m later16:28
bazhangfor creating/exporting a public key16:42
knomemy opinion is that you can't really force anything on anybody16:43
bazhanghe'd have been done by now16:43
knomei mean, there is no such thing as "forcing user to use app X" in IRC16:43
knomeyou can just give ideas16:43
bazhangit was a suggestion only16:43
knomei don't understand how it could be anything else16:43
bazhangbut the seednote "dont force it"16:44
knomeyeah... but that's silly.16:44
bazhangand eventually told the user to join #gnupg16:44
Unit193Yeah, that'll help.16:56
bazhangseahorse takes about 2mins16:57
Unit193That long?16:57
bazhangI read the manual :)16:57
phunyguy@mark #ubuntu-offtopic Exquisite baiting and being confrontational for no reason.16:58
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:58
bazhang<dupingping> What is the version of LSB for Ubuntu12.04 LTS?16:58
phunyguylol yep16:59
PiciI don't get it.16:59
phunyguyhe doesn't speak english very well /at all/16:59
phunyguyPici: lsb_release -a16:59
Picithats not the same as the LSB version17:00
Unit193!info lsb-core precise17:03
ubottulsb-core (source: lsb): Linux Standard Base 4.0 core support package. In component main, is extra. Version 4.0-0ubuntu20.3 (precise), package size 26 kB, installed size 132 kB17:03
bazhangwho was it that was writing a translation of all thing ubuntu? was that alabd?17:05
h00kphunyguy: dat u?17:44
phunyguyh00k: ^17:44
h00kphunyguy: ¯\(°_o)/¯17:50
phunyguydats me17:51
bazhang<invincible> hey ne1 here has tried wallpaper clocks in ubuntu?? they don seem ti work with ubuntu 12.04.3?? ne1 knws y??18:06
=== TheDrums is now known as DalekSec
PriceyHow dare they.18:43
Unit193rooom: Hello, may Pricey assist you today?18:43
h00kguys I choked on my coffee, lol18:43
Unit193I need more coffee too.18:44
bazhang17th is fixed Pici ?19:16
bazhangok my bad19:16
PiciIts always the 3rd thursday :)19:17
bazhangbarring a royal wedding19:17
Picior usually at least19:17
bazhangor 6.0419:18
DJonesbazhang: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule Confirms 17th19:18
bazhangDJones, thanks!19:18
DJonesNot that Pici isn't believable anywayt19:18

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