
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/community-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/03/13/%23ubuntu-uds-community-1.html
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Autopilot Roundtable | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/meeting/22175/autopilot-roundtable/
thomiAnyone wants to join us for the autopilot round table: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYefvyhwZkYh6Bj1VOERupZlRMs8Ed65ToX6KaLeueMdVduAVA?authuser=1&hl=en18:00
thomibarry-uds: you may want to join us?18:01
sergiusensmzanetti is the only person that ever used it18:14
sergiusensuse the app developer list18:14
sergiusenselopio, thomi there's an app developer list18:15
sergiusenswhere the app guys are18:15
sergiusensnot all of them are on the phone list18:15
barrysergiusens: different than ubuntu-phone?18:15
balloonssergiusens, the core apps list or something else?18:15
sergiusensyeah, that one18:15
sergiusensperhaps both; wo get btoh halves18:16
* sergiusens should of just rewritten the whole sentence18:16
* balloons 's dog says hi18:17
alesage"feature coverage", e.g.18:17
sergiusensthomi, do you want coverage for stories or code? and if code; is it supposed to aggregate with unit tests et.al.18:19
alesagethe concept of "experiences" has come to the fore, maybe that'd be a more useful mapping18:19
thomisergiusens: yup, we want coverage for workflow, not code18:19
thomiand you shoul d*never* aggregate coverage for different test levels :)18:19
sergiusensthomi, well; my next point was aggregating wasn't useful unless you like looking at colors :-P18:20
sergiusensbut nothing else from a dev perspective18:21
thomiright :)18:21
sergiusensso good :-)18:21
sergiusensthomi, elopio you will need to do it through envvars and intervene with upstart app launch18:35
sergiusensu-a-l only allows APP_ID and _APP_URI18:35
elopiosergiusens: which are the envvars that decide the window size?18:36
sergiusensyes; you need to change qmlscene perhaps; but you can't pass arguments easily in that contained environment18:36
sergiusenselopio, oh, no envvars for that; but bill was talking about full sceen/non fullscreen for launching apps in a seesion from yesterday or the day before18:37
alesageOT but I'm enjoying watching the kiwi dawn breaking through thomi's window :)18:37
thomialesage: it's nice out there18:38
alesageis there a blueprint for vis or some such (even if old)?18:39
thomialesage: nope18:39
DanChapman_udsballoons: I don't use it anymore :-) it's too awkward with the amount of trees18:40
balloonsoO hey DanChapman_uds :-) Anything else you want to comment on?18:41
balloonswant to hop in to chat ?18:41
alesageconcerning querying, I know that XPath-type selections are possible with autopilot but maybe someone do a mini-tutorial on that at some point18:41
DanChapman_udscan't jump in, unless the sounds of screaming children is welcomed :-)18:42
elopioDanChapman_uds: I always have a barking dog, you and your children are welcome :)18:43
balloonsDanChapman_uds, any comments on using autopilot, feedback, features, etc, all welcome :)18:43
balloonsand yes, background noise is fine, hah18:43
alesagemaybe people just have to learn that, if they need the power, e.g.18:44
DanChapman_udsballoons: i'm  a happy man with autopilot since thomi implemented the delayed assertions. That's the only feature i've really wanted :-)18:45
alesagelazy evaluation18:54
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1403/community-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/03/13/%23ubuntu-uds-community-1.html
alesagemakes sense :) thanks gents18:55
veebersballoons: I see your dog made a background  appearance in the last  5 seconds :-)18:56
balloonsveebers, :-) yes18:56

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