[05:18] * Squirm looks around [05:37] More almal [05:53] morning all [06:15] Maaz: Coffee on [06:15] * Maaz washes some mugs [06:15] morning all [06:19] Coffee's ready for Spekko! [06:19] Maaz domo arigato [06:19] do- itashi mashite Spekko san [06:26] Maaz: coffee on [06:26] * Maaz starts grinding coffee [06:26] Maaz: massive [06:26] Squirm: What? [06:26] Maaz: largest [06:26] Whew do you want a bath full Squirm? [06:26] Maaz: botsnack [06:26] Thank you thank you, munch munch chomp chomp [06:30] Coffee's ready for Squirm! [06:56] good mornings [07:05] morning inetpro [07:29] alo [09:13] ! === somaunn is now known as somaunn_ [09:40] hello guys [09:40] hi nuvolari [09:40] hi drubin [09:40] hi inetpro [09:40] hi superfly [09:48] hi somaunn_ [09:51] what's new here [10:03] hi somaunn_ [10:04] Hi sakhi [10:05] what's new here ? [10:16] surp [10:16] same dizl [10:34] greetings superfly somaunn_ jabberwocky93 Spekko ThatGraemeGuy Vince-0 and others toooo [10:34] being unorthodox helps at times [10:34] Sup Kilos [10:34] inetpro ping [10:35] hi Kilos [10:35] * Squirm pops his head in [10:35] my d-link is working, but in a roundabout way [10:35] hi squirm [10:35] inetpro you wont believe [10:36] oh and hi Squirm, somaunn_ [10:36] i know whats wrong with the DWM-156 but dunno how to fix it [10:36] Kilos: tell us [10:36] but i have it online [10:36] hi [10:36] it isnt triggering usb-modeswitch [10:36] Kilos: tell the world [10:36] ThatGraemeGuy: hi [10:37] so the unorthodox way around that prov is to use another modem as well that triggers modeswitch and then the d-link goes online [10:37] s/prov/prob [10:38] good afternoon Kilos [10:38] do you use this link with 8ta for balances and recharging? [10:38] https://kya.8ta.com/onnet/public/mobileData?sid=7163386960404486479 [10:39] that link shows my d-links info only even though nm sees zte and dlink as being online [10:40] does all of this make sense to you guys [10:40] Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the kings horses and all the kings men, couldn't put humpty together again [10:41] Squirm ? [10:41] am i gonna crash? [10:42] I don't know [10:42] I think I need to go to sleep [10:42] I was playing with espeak [10:42] lol [10:42] I'm too tired for this [10:42] work, I mean [10:42] actually I'm not too bad, just in a really good mood [10:43] the joys of sleep deprivation ^^ [10:43] hehe then work out what i do next man [10:45] sorry kilos, very difficult to help during working hours but maybe someone else can try [10:46] no man i dont need help [10:46] its online [10:47] inetpro just tell me if using one modem with no data on to trigger modeswitch to use the second modems data is crazy or not [10:47] hi Kilos [10:47] now i can tell the telkom device section that their 156 dont trigger modeswitch [10:48] i dont know if trigger is the right word [10:48] then ill tell the world how to fix things [10:56] inetpro vandag se reen kom van natal [10:57] http://www.php.net/manual/en/security.magicquotes.what.php [10:57] oops [10:57] my bad [11:00] hehe [11:00] btw we had no power since 8am and i hope its not just on while the power peeps are having lunch [11:01] bye bye all [11:01] coming in few hours [11:10] good afternoon [11:10] Maaz: coffee on [11:10] * Maaz puts the kettle on [11:11] Spekko: really good to see they deprecated and later removed that feature - it was long overdue [11:14] Coffee's ready for charl! [11:17] Maaz: thanks [11:17] charl: Okay :-) [11:26] hi charl [11:28] charl, yeah agreed, but I'm running 5.4, and my content is still being escaped. Starting to think someone is mucking around in the DB Class. [11:36] Kilos: when I say help I also mean to include respond [11:38] ok [11:48] * Kilos in dog box again [11:56] hi Kilos [11:56] Spekko: you can disable it, can't you? [12:07] hi nlsthzn [12:08] alo [13:16] what does dmesg do [13:29] man dmesg [13:30] it explains it very clearly [13:31] ok maybe not so clearly as the FreeBSD man page but you should get a good idea [13:32] Kilos: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmesg [13:33] ty [13:43] 45min [15:43] eish how does one get cutecom to see usb modems [15:44] mine shows /dev/ttyS1 to 4 and nothing else and they all cant open modems [17:27] hmm... [17:32] o/ [17:33] o/ [17:34] \o/ [17:34] how you doing uncle Kilos [17:35] very good ty and you Golynx [17:35] d-link working inna manner [17:36] How did you get it to work? [17:36] lekker fast [17:36] i'm okay ty [17:36] using 2 modems [17:36] one with no data to trigger modeswitch and the new one to do the work [17:37] That shouldn't work Oo [17:37] lol [17:38] As I understand it - the modem is already switched when it's plugged in on linux - it just doesn't have ports assigned [17:38] or something like that [17:38] :P [17:39] nm doesnt even see it is there [17:39] but with the zte and the dlink it works [17:39] Weird [17:39] I have a ZTE one too [17:39] nm shows 2 connections [17:40] an old K3570-Z [17:40] i still cant get sakis3g working though [17:40] So I haven't tested sakis3g with too many of them [17:40] My sister has one of the new d-link ones [17:40] and got latest ppa for nm and modeswitch [17:41] my zte is a mf190 but it keeps disconnecting when it feels like it [17:41] There might be a fix for it in the latest usb_modeswitch [17:41] what is the version number of the dlink again [17:41] so when I'm back on Linux I can check [17:41] if i unplug the zte connection dies [17:41] dwm-156 version 7 [17:42] sakis tell me i need libusb and or usb-compact === jabberwocky93__ is now known as jabberwocky93 [17:43] i have lotsa lib-usb and usb-dev but still sakis dont work [17:43] The older usb_modeswitch needs the older libusb [17:43] Like I said, I have to upgrade it [17:43] And the device database while I'm at it [17:43] oh its not here [17:44] I can only imagine how many extra ones they add [17:44] added* [17:44] i thought you said i must get the latest modeswitch so i got the ppa [17:44] hehe [17:45] Technically sakis3g should be able to use the system usb_modeswitch, but since it's not compatible with the new database format [17:45] ... it can't really do anything [17:46] can it be because ive gone 64bit? [17:46] Unlikely [17:47] Sakis3g just can't read the new device database and use it [17:47] That's the biggest problem [17:47] anyway using 2 modems ive been connected all afternoon since about lunch time [17:47] It's also why I make my own custom one using the old file syntax [17:47] you got some savvy with modems [17:47] You should test the newest sakis3g when I finally make it [17:48] :P [17:48] what can be missing in the dlink that lets the pc see it needs to modeswitch [17:48] Kind of getting impatient, so I might just install something like Debian so I can fix it [17:49] its like its boot sector is missing [17:50] lemme know when you have done with new sakis and ill test it [17:50] Let me see about downloading a install disc :P [17:54] Well that's ironic [17:54] Debian XFCE's iso is smaller than Debian LXDE's iso [17:55] hi nlsthzn [17:55] good evening ZA channel and uncle Kilos [17:55] hehe [17:55] Anyway, bbl - going to go download thing thing quick :P [17:56] this* [17:56] ok [17:57] can't believe after four days of hopping hell I ended up using Ubuntu Gnome Edition 14.04 :p [18:00] why cant you believe it [18:01] * jabberwocky93 slaps spekko__ with a large trout [18:02] * jabberwocky93 can't wait for stable weston on his raspberry pi! [18:02] using omx player just isn't fun [18:04] because I am running Gnome 3 on purpose :p [18:04] just heads up - http://youtu.be/Gi9CXi1fBw8 - I have a few beta keys so if someone is really interested in trying out a new moba... [18:04] * Golynx wonder if Debian XFCE is better than Ubuntu Xfce [18:04] Right - should be an hour download [18:04] doubt it Golynx [18:05] <--- back on 3G [18:05] nlsthzn does the later have too much added on [18:05] nlsthzn: I have my own tastes [18:06] I like XFCE, but I hate it's parts (same with LXDE actually) [18:06] So I just use my own favorites like VLC, Deadbeef and gnome-mplayer [18:06] I think Xubuntu has a sane mix of applications... [18:07] and just that little bit of polish and preconfiguration making it awesome [18:08] My Windows and Linux settings should also be interchangeable [18:08] nlsthzn yeah sounds good [18:08] was playing with xubuntu 14.04 yesterday... they do multi-monitor support really well [18:09] or at least xfce 4.10 does :[ [18:09] :p [18:09] but a bit of gnome added in wont hurt [18:09] I've made an effort to use multi-platform software like Hexchat and Claws-mail [18:09] I'm just waiting for rubuntu [18:09] As in razorQt Ubuntu [18:09] :P [18:10] well... it is just an apt-get away ;) [18:10] True... :P [18:12] hi psydroid [18:12] nlsthzn is 14.04 unity worse than 12.04 [18:13] i like unity if i hasnt got all the eye candy in [18:14] new unity much much faster [18:14] since 13.10 much better [18:14] hi Kilos [18:15] hi nlsthzn [18:15] hi Trixar_za [18:15] hey psydroid [18:15] * psydroid is waiting for 14.04 to be released before he upgrades [18:15] I have now run Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Gnome edition 14.04 :p [18:16] with the new automated testing breakage is almost non existant [18:17] :D [18:17] that's awesome [18:18] and much needed as well [18:18] still a rough edge or two as you can imagine [18:18] unity didn't get much attention... still unity 7, some new scopes ... [18:22] night all :) [18:22] Night nlsthzn [18:22] night nlsthzn [18:22] sleep tight [18:24] bot time again [18:24] Kilos: Sorry... [18:24] hi bereavement [18:25] hmm... [18:26] night nlsthzn [18:29] :O [18:29] hi Golynx [18:29] bye bereavement [18:29] hi psydroid [18:30] forever ... [18:30] lol [18:31] ya good [18:31] that was done by freenode hey [18:32] just got a mail from sourceforge resources that talks about the bot threat [18:33] Some of the most serious threats networks face today are "bots," [18:34] ya, and "AI" gets better everyday [18:34] smart bots is not good, in the wrong hands [18:34] had another one about nsa jacking bots and using them to spy [18:35] You know [18:35] I just realized that Liam backwards is mail [18:35] lol [18:35] so liamT is tmail [18:36] That's how I noticed it [18:36] but he chats here sometimes [18:36] lol [18:36] It's more fun if it was LiamG [18:36] liamT you not a bot hey? [18:36] lol [18:36] i dont like peeps craqshing freenode [18:37] wish they could auto kline them on entry [18:37] this was the 9th one in a week and a bit here [18:38] I wouldn't worry if it was just one or two at a time [18:38] they planning another big ddos i think [18:38] It's when you get a flood of like 10 or more that you should be worried about line or part flooding [18:38] they mustnt even be allowed to enter [18:38] Anyway - bbl - going to install now [18:38] ok [18:38] and if I don't see you - goodnight :P [18:39] enjoy and ty Trixar_za [18:39] * Trixar_za downloads his own sakis3g just in case [18:39] hehe [18:39] where is the package [18:39] i like the just in case [18:39] hi superfly [18:40] wb psydroid_ [18:41] ty Kilos [18:42] hi Kilos [18:44] inetpro praat gou voor jy te moeg is [18:54] hi superfly [18:55] hi [18:55] hey superfly [18:58] superfly did you use flask with apache or nginx [18:59] Golynx: it depends [18:59] Golynx: at CareerJunction they use Apache with mod_wsgi, it's probably the most technically mature solution [19:00] I've used Flask with nginx and Phusion Passenger [19:01] i used a old mod_wsgi file i had already but gave out errors. So i just installed a new one [19:01] ah thanks , i will use apache then [19:04] Hi all [19:04] hi Kilos [19:04] wb somaunn_ [19:04] thanks Kilos [19:04] guess what ? [19:05] what? [19:05] i'm installing Ubuntu on my close friend Laptop [19:06] she gave up with Windows today [19:06] too much of nonsens she said [19:06] \o/ [19:06] it will be fun they said [19:06] hi somaunn_ [19:06] the install process is quite good now but still i found it a bit slow [19:06] hi Golynx [19:08] i found it more friendly than 12.10 (where i actually stop using ubuntu) [19:08] lol [19:10] sooner or later everyone will be sick up and fed with windows [19:10] yeah you right [19:10] just taking a long time [19:10] but still there is a need for us to brign with sort of order in the linux world [19:11] but everyone that gets converted converts a couple more once they understand ubuntu [19:12] i dont think one can do much about order in the linux world because there are too many systems and everyone is free to do his own thing [19:13] its like trying to get a pack of untrained dogw to pull a sled [19:13] dogs [19:14] or even untrained oxen to pull a plow [19:14] Kilos: ek praat [19:14] maar waaroor? [19:14] good evening [19:14] naand inetpro hoe gaan dit [19:15] baie goed en daar? [19:15] sorry that I'm late [19:15] * inetpro was at lent service [19:17] * inetpro now reading through the backlogs [19:18] Kilos: to be free doesn't mean the Chaos must reign [19:18] anper wonderlik [19:18] amper ook [19:18] die modem is vinnig [19:18] lol elke keer wat ek nog iets probeer het het ek telkom laat weet dit en dit doen dat [19:18] en hulle het gese dankie [19:18] nou met die twee modems antwoord hulle nie [19:18] np inetpro [19:18] you here now [19:18] sjoe [19:18] Linux is doing better and even more than what we hope [19:18] i agree somaunn_ but it peeps are rahter a different breed [19:18] but i think it's time to come with more order and even well organized stuffs [19:19] you try getting 2 million peeps to pull together [19:20] somaunn_: what do you suggest we do? [19:20] Kilos: possible ... very possible ... look what governement are doing all arround the world [19:21] thats going into politics but all govts are controlled [19:21] didn't Mark Shuttleworth try to bring order to linux with Unity or even Ubuntu [19:22] Golynx remember when you strated here how hardegat you were [19:22] somaunn_: do you work for government? [19:22] most it peeps are like that [19:22] Kilos lol yeah :p [19:22] you lucky i have mellowed with age [19:23] for me it was hard to switch from windows, but now i'm comfortable with linux. [19:23] Windows not even on my brain anymore lol [19:23] i had the same prob with my daughter [19:24] now she has no choice but to use windows for her work but now she loves ubuntu [19:24] and see how you have mellowed [19:25] old saying "lead by example" [19:25] the fly is a pro at that [19:25] hehe ya true [19:26] Kilos: oh wow, is your daughter now back on Ubuntu again? [19:27] she has it still on her old pc but the one that was donated for her art stuff and the tablet drawing thing is windows [19:27] if she hadda bought a wacom tablet before going ubuntu she would still be using ubuntu [19:29] I dual-booted for a while. then some error cropped up in Windows with my sound (worked perfectly in Linux, so it wasn't my hardware) and I stopped booting into Windows. 6 months later I removed my windows partition because it was just taking up space [19:29] somaunn_: there are some very good examples of government OSS initiatives out there indeed [19:33] somaunn_ where you went?? [19:44] an international conference where all LINUX dev will sit together and work with others to bring such solide and reliable solutions [19:45] inetpro: no i don't but i'm close to those peoples from few countries in africa (not really an example) but still it's the same concept [19:45] Kilos: i'm here [19:45] busy fixing few stuffs [19:45] my ubuntu install just causing problem [19:45] ah thought you went to sleep [19:45] look like the DVD is scac [19:45] oh my [19:46] usb usbs for installing [19:46] use [19:46] get unetbootin and make bootable usb sticks for ubuntu [19:47] inetpro: these gov OSS are just a pretext for those folks to 1st drop their cost down (good thing if they redistribute to populations) 2nd to also try and control the majority by using the same tools [19:48] what the minority really like is to control the majority [19:48] and we are the majority [19:48] Bill Gates is probably spreading the "Windows way" while spraying his cash all over Africa [19:50] africa is the last block that MS want to control [19:51] Kilos: nope not a bot [19:51] lol cool wb [19:52] weve had a run of bots here [19:52] inetpro did you see last bot was klined [19:52] sommer gou ook [19:53] no [19:53] [20:29] <-- bereavement has left this server (K-Lined). [19:53] maybe freenode is also watching them now [19:54] they talked about the bot problem in ##freenode last week [19:54] so your right Kilos [19:55] yay [19:56] :) [20:00] * Kilos falling asleep here [20:00] night ll. sleep tight [20:00] see ya tomorrow [20:00] night all as well [20:04] bye bye