
brainwashbecause people might install light-locker on non xubuntu systems00:00
brainwashI would like to revert the "invalid" status, just not sure what your thoughts are00:05
ochosipersonally i'm not sure whether people really *need* the UI00:07
ochosithe settings are actually quite simple00:07
ochosiand anyway, that would be up to the ubuntu packagers who maintain light-locker00:07
brainwashso it's "whishlist"00:08
ochosii don't see any trouble in adding it as a recommend00:08
ochosiso if you want, re-assign it to light-locker as wishlist and comment on why you do it00:08
brainwashbecause of the initial bug description :D00:09
brainwashochosi: can you please remove light-locker-settings from the Affects list00:27
brainwashbluesabre: do you consider to fix bug 1280607 for trusty?00:38
ubottubug 1280607 in Catfish "Case insensitive search for non english file names doesn't work" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128060700:38
brainwashor are there some drawbacks when you switch to python3?00:38
bluesabrebrainwash: a lack of python3-zeitgeist00:39
bluesabrebut thats not a necessary item00:39
bluesabreso I am going to discuss that with Noskcaj00:39
brainwashno one likes zeitgeist anyway :)00:39
brainwashbut maybe the problem could be fixed in python200:40
bluesabremaybe, just need some investigation00:41
brainwashyeah, worth a try00:41
bluesabrelderan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-locker-settings/+bug/129169901:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1291699 in light-locker-settings (Ubuntu) "Please add python-psutil to Depends for light-locker-settings" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:11
jjfrv8knome, pushed the MP with screensaver removed from chapters 11 & 12. That latest MP includes the changes in my earlier one...01:40
jjfrv8so if they look good, I guess you only have to merge the latter one.01:41
jjfrv8slickymaster, I think all that's left to do is fix the settings manager references in the following chapters:01:42
jjfrv82, 7, 8, 9 & 1301:42
jjfrv8slickymaster, chapter 7 has an 'ndisgtk' entity for which I haven't yet created the 'wm-' counterpart.01:47
jjfrv8slickymaster, so if you get around to doing that chapter, you will have to create that entity.01:48
jjfrv8knome, all those ^^ changes should only be adding icons and shouldn't affect translations - unless I've overlooked something.01:50
knomei'll do a test build01:53
knomethe entities file messed up some of the translations earlier, but that's now fixed01:53
Unit193jjfrv8: See my ping?01:53
knomewas something easy to overlook, inheriting in multiple levels01:53
jjfrv8Unit193, yes, thanks for the offer. I haven't been running makes on the final versions before I push, though.01:59
Unit193jjfrv8: That'll be in the next proposal anyway, so some testing there might be good.02:22
jjfrv8ok, will check it out.02:23
micahghrm, sorry I miseed the meeting02:34
bluesabrehey micahg, are you terribly busy?02:39
bluesabreI've created the package for shimmer-themes-1.7.102:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1291739 in shimmer-themes (Ubuntu) "[needs-packaging] shimmer-themes-1.7.1" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:40
bluesabreI don't suppose you could upload it?02:40
micahgI think I have to reproduce that one to upload since it needs the orig tarballs02:43
micahghrm, that's an interesting branch02:44
micahgbluesabre: is there somewhere I can verify the tarballs?02:45
Unit193bluesabre: I just attached everything to the bug with those type of things.  Sometimes they'll work if you can  uscan  the orig.02:47
bluesabremicahg: what do you mean?02:48
bluesabrethis package has always been complicated, I had to do the same with shimmer-themes-1.6.202:48
micahgbluesabre: are the tarballs tagged somewhere like git?02:49
Unit193Oooh, there was a way to work with multi-origs, if I could just remember how...02:49
bluesabreoh yes, https://github.com/shimmerproject02:49
bluesabreeach tarball is based on the latest download02:49
micahgok, great02:50
bluesabrethe wallpapers one is carried from 1.7.002:51
Unit193create-empty-orig, that's the one.02:52
bluesabreyeah, that's what we've got there02:52
bluesabreand from the last time I had to do this, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shimmer-themes/+bug/122740202:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1227402 in shimmer-themes (Ubuntu) "Please update shimmer-themes to 1.6.2" [Undecided,Fix released]02:52
bluesabreI'll work at getting developer/upload rights before 14.10 :)02:53
micahgwell, to prevent issues of mismatched tarballs, I have to verify the signatures against the originals02:53
bluesabremakes sense02:54
micahgactually, let me do this in the morning, I need to be up early anyways03:12
Unit193Good rest, micahg.03:14
bluesabrethanks micahg, have a good night03:15
Mirvonce again it's my patch pilot turn and there'a bunch of Xubuntu stuff here :)06:17
Unit193I didn't do it this time!06:18
Unit193Mirv: Anything I can assist with, sir?06:18
Mirvat the rate pitti is doing what I believed to be preparing, no :)06:26
MirvUnit193: maybe tell if you've checked throuh lp:~smd-seandavis/xubuntu-artwork/shimmer-themes-1.7.1 ? I'll be building and smoke-testing it, but I'm unfamiliar with it otherwise06:27
Mirvthunar and xfce4-places-plugin seem clear enough, I'll try to test the claimed fix somehow too06:27
Unit193Mirv: I am not, but could glance at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/03/13/%23xubuntu-devel.html#t02:43 for a little background.06:32
Unit193Wow, that's an amazingly small queue.06:33
MirvUnit193: thanks for the background link, that should be enough06:40
Unit193Great!  (Mica may not have time, he's been under time constraints at work all this cycle.)06:41
Mirvok, the tarballs match bit for bit the git upstream sources, check.07:01
* Unit193 slips something else in. :P07:04
elfyochosi: I posted in the testing forum re the keyboard thing - try and get more eyes on it07:36
Unit193elfy: See the short note about ibus and your issue?07:37
elfyyea fleetingly07:37
elfywhich is great - but if it is ibus causing it - then that needs fixing 07:38
Unit193Good to find out first, though.07:43
elfyno idea how we could do that07:44
brainwashelfy: purge it07:50
elfyyes - but ... 07:51
elfywill the damage have already been caused07:51
elfyand you could purge the world and still be left with US layout07:51
elfyconspiracy theorists ... 07:51
brainwashwell, it's ibus.. you know, ipad, itunes,... 07:52
brainwashso it has to be bad :D07:52
elfydidn't think of that iHype side to it :p07:53
Unit193Hah. :P07:55
elfypurging ihype works 08:09
elfyI should have guessed at this poor attempt at world domination08:09
elfynot sure how to change what package the bug should be against08:11
elfytoo early 08:12
elfywhat I meant was - I can't change the package that the bug is filed against :p08:12
brainwashwhich package is it?08:13
elfyat the moment console-setup08:13
brainwashmmh, isn't that used primary for the console..08:14
elfycouldn't tell you - I asked people at the time - best guess was that08:15
brainwashdoes your keyboard layout problem also affect the login greeter?08:15
elfyso - how to change the package? or is it because I'm not in some lp group that I can't08:17
brainwashor simply add ibus to the list08:18
elfywhich I don't know how to do08:18
brainwashfirst time lp user? :D08:18
elfyyou know what - sod it08:18
brainwashcan you please link the report, so I can read it08:18
ochosibrainwash_: it's this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/console-setup/+bug/128463509:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1284635 in console-setup (Ubuntu) "Keyboard layout changes after login" [High,Incomplete]09:24
ochosiyay, we really got a lot of stuff sponsored, we seem to be doing ok for UIF09:25
bluesabreyup, it's been moving pretty smoothly here lately :)09:50
bluesabremicahg, looks like you're off the hook :)09:51
brainwash_oh snap, greeter screen remained visible for some additional seconds after login.. now I got 2 window entries in my windowlist10:04
brainwash_^ ochosi10:10
bluesabrebrainwash_, I think the release I am working on should fix that, no?10:11
brainwash_well, I thought that it was caused by the indicator stack not exiting properly10:16
brainwash_checking logs now, noticed that lightdm runs this command: lightdm-unity8-session startxfce410:17
bluesabreoh, that might be a fancy new regression10:17
brainwash_and unity-compositor is running too10:18
brainwash_I don't recall switching to mir/xmir10:19
brainwash_so it's xmir, on top of that the indicator stuff did not terminate properly10:20
brainwash_what a mess10:20
brainwash_bluesabre: so we maybe need to re-assign bug 129057510:37
ubottubug 1290575 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu) "lightdm-gtk-greeter does not exit cleanly when logging in" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129057510:37
bluesabred'awwww I just marked it as fixed10:37
brainwash_rebooted my system and now everything looks fine10:37
brainwash_partially fixed :)10:38
brainwash_the greeter is not the main target now (hopefully)10:39
ochosihaha, fun10:39
brainwash_no way.. I did not even notice that xmir is now activated on my system10:42
brainwash_but it may be unrelated and there is something wrong in lightdm itself10:43
brainwash_ochosi: do you have xmir activated?10:44
ochosinope, i can't imagine10:44
brainwash_because you've also confirmed this problem with the 2 empty windows10:44
ochosiyeah, but i don't have xmir installed10:45
ochosiso how would i have it activated10:45
ochosibut yeah, it does seem like a lightdm regression10:45
brainwash_finding the culprit is not that easy in this case :)10:46
ochosianyhoo, please report your findings on the bugreport and then let's ask robert about it10:50
knomeforestpiskie, commented on bug 127715411:19
ubottubug 1277154 in xfce4-notes-plugin (Ubuntu) "Ctrl+W does not ask for confirmation on note delete" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127715411:19
brainwash_maybe we could drop bug 1271883 from the blueprint list11:21
ubottubug 1271883 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "Workspace Settings number keys do not work" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127188311:21
knomebug 1271979 too11:22
ubottubug 1271979 in xfce4-sensors-plugin (Ubuntu) "Wrong color in xfce4-sensors panel bar" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127197911:22
brainwash_yeah, that's minor stuff and upstream needs to decide11:22
knomebug 1271883 would be nice to get fixed though11:23
ubottubug 1271883 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "Workspace Settings number keys do not work" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127188311:23
knomeit's minor too, but it's still... annoying11:24
brainwash_it has been always like this11:24
knomedoes it mean it's not a bug?11:24
brainwash_I think it's not editable to prevent the user to add like 100 workspaces at once and crash the whole thing11:25
knomemaybe it should be a different kind of widget then11:25
brainwash_I don't expect any change11:27
knomei don't expect either, but it's not an invalid bug either11:27
brainwash_no, more like "wishlist" :)11:27
brainwash_the context menu of xfdesktop also only allows the user to add/remove workspaces one by one11:28
brainwash_that's fine for 99.9% of all users11:29
knomethat's not the point11:30
brainwash_I know11:30
knomethe point is that if there is a widget that normally allows inserting numbers, people would expect it to allow it now11:30
brainwash_I mean that no one will complain about this bug11:30
knomeand if it doesn't...11:30
brainwash_it's not a deal breaker11:31
brainwash_Unit193: xmir is now enabled by default here, lightdm does not seems to respect the 10-unity-blabla.conf file12:00
brainwash_I've installed it manually ofc12:02
brainwash_and disabled it via the conf file long time ago12:03
Unit193#type=unity no longer works?  Hah, either bug or #ubuntu-mir12:39
MirvI noticed there was recently an update to move the unity conf file to a location from where it actually gets removed when the package gets removed12:41
Mirvright, this one https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/trusty-changes/2014-March/011557.html12:41
wickzafter install autoresize the system won't restart.  Vm seems to freeze.  Happens intermittently on i386 test.12:42
Unit193brainwash_: ^12:42
Unit193Needs a better disable method, that way moving the file wouldn't matter. :/  (not that it'll likely happen again, but every upgrade in theory will override if it's not marked as a conffile.)12:44
slickymasterWorkhey Unit193 12:45
Unit193slickymasterWork: Howdy.12:45
Unit193Mirv: Thanks for linking.12:45
brainwash_ah, thanks12:46
Unit193(I only checked the mir package, not that one. >_>)12:46
Unit193Uhh, it's not marked as a conffile, I'd purge it.12:49
Unit193Mirv: Because it's in /usr/share, and not otherwise marked as a conffile, that means any changes to it are ignored as the file is "reset" with any updates, right?  Or, is that any updates where the file is different?12:51
Unit193(sorry for bugging.)12:51
knomeanybody who can explain thoroughly what you need to do in order to be able to translate our docs?12:55
MirvUnit193: your understanding is as good as mine, the conffiles always require some pondering :) maybe that particular conf file is thought to always remain constant12:57
Unit193It's in the instructions for how to disable it, but perhaps.12:59
brainwash_knome: bug 1260341 is a high priority one, is this really appropriate?13:34
ubottubug 1260341 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "Tapping lower-right corner of touchpad causes a right-click" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126034113:34
brainwash_we can fix it easily in ubuntu, not sure what upstream thinks about it and how long it will take to get it approved13:36
brainwash_and it's not a regression or something like that13:38
Unit193Hmmm, got  xfdesktop crashed with SIGSEGV in xfce_desktop_refresh()  on login last night.13:42
brainwash_Unit193: create a report13:45
Unit193Could, but can't report to LP, PPA'd.13:45
brainwash_update your ppa13:46
elfyknome: yes - saw that13:51
Mirvok, thanks folks, see you again probably during my next patch pilot or so ;)13:53
Unit193Plan is to stick with .10 appfinder, right?13:54
Unit193http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-appfinder/commit/?id=8ef194e8fbf1652b27cf26c0a519c9be08631964 needless to say, this interests me.13:58
Unit193Debugging. \o/14:23
Unit193brainwash_: Have a beginners guide to debugging, or anything else written on the subject.14:23
schproodle bug 126034115:10
ubottubug 1260341 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "Tapping lower-right corner of touchpad causes a right-click" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126034115:10
schproodletesting ristretto: http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/306/builds/55995/testcases/1600/results15:11
schproodleseveral problems:  do I file a bug for the testcase or for ristretto?15:12
GridCubedid you had a problem with the testcase? 15:13
schproodlewell what fo you mean by "testcase".  The instructions seem OK but there were many progblems with ristretto according to the instructions15:14
schproodleI am here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+filebug15:14
GridCubethen the bug should be on ristretto15:15
schproodlelooks like the place to list problems15:15
GridCubeif you find a typo on the testcase, or it makes a reference to something that you can't find, or makes no sense, then thats a testcase bug, if you find a bug in the program the testcase asked you to test, then the bug is in the program and should be reported accordingly15:16
slickymasterWorkschproodle: what GridCube was asking you is if you think the issue concerns the testcas per si or oth the problem is specific to ristretto15:16
schproodleboth, probably 15:17
schproodleBug 129202515:17
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 1292025 could not be found15:17
GridCubeexactly, if the testcase says "click on the + icon" but the plus icon is not there, then the bug can be in either, now if the + icon is there and the program fails, then the bug is on the program15:18
schproodleoh, status new15:18
GridCubeschproodle, you have to give it a time to process15:18
schproodlegotta do both then eh15:19
schproodleI will try to sort that.15:20
schproodleOK 'Ubuntu Manual Tests" bug AND ristretto bug with ubuntu-bug15:22
schproodlethat it?15:22
GridCubei would guess, remember to add those numbers to your report on the tracker15:23
schproodleOK will do.  Thanks :)15:24
schproodleBug #129207316:02
ubottubug 1292073 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "mouse wheel does not zoom image rather it goes back and forth through image list" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129207316:02
schproodleBug #129207316:03
ubottubug 1292073 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "ristretto: mouse wheel does not zoom image rather it goes back and forth through image list" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129207316:03
slickymasterWorkschproodle: updated https://bugs.launchpad.net/ristretto/+bug/129207316:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1292073 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "ristretto: mouse wheel does NOT zoom image rather it goes back and forth through image list" [Undecided,In progress]16:42
slickymasterWorkelfy: ^^^16:45
elfyslickymasterWork: see pm windows16:53
knomewindows 8 prime minister edition?16:54
elfybrainwash_: I see you're aware of which bug I was talking about16:55
brainwash_so lets blame ibus?16:59
schproodleBug 129207016:59
ubottubug 1292070 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Ristretto online documentation does NOT start browser and display help" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129207016:59
schproodlewhere does this report belong as it is not a testcase problem per se17:00
schproodleseems to involve several systems let alone ristretto 17:00
elfybrainwash_: seems to be the case 17:02
elfypurging ibus - then keyboard layout works fine without an mucking about with keyboard settings17:03
brainwash_bug 1291587 seems to be a similar case17:03
ubottubug 1291587 in ibus (Ubuntu) "Cant change keyboard layout in live mode xubuntu 14.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129158717:03
brainwash_ibus acting weird17:04
elfyyea I saw that one this morning - japanese one?17:04
elfyok - sure I saw it - also saw a similar one but japanese17:08
slickymasterWorkelfy: I'll have a MP for you to review, about what we were talking, by tomorrow17:09
elfyit'll be the weekend17:10
slickymasterWorkthank god ;)17:10
slickymasterWorkbbl ->17:16
elfybrainwash_: mmm - I'll boot todays daily and see if that's occuring - it definitely wasn't previously occuring17:19
elfyand I still have no idea how to change affected package in a bug17:19
elfywhen I was fiddling about yesterday with that - I never actually saw the GB option - just the US one17:21
brainwash_so GB could not be added via "Add"?17:27
elfynot seeing that here17:27
brainwash_what about other variants of "en"?17:28
elfybrainwash_: no - you can add it fine via keyboard settings - and it works17:28
elfybut doesn't show in that ibus notification 17:28
brainwash_so we need to discuss the pros and cons of ibus in xubuntu17:29
brainwash_and why it is enabled by default17:29
elfyI've just added GB and Belgian - neither show - looks like it's trying to 17:30
brainwash_run "ibus-setup"17:30
elfysee above the US - looks like an odd area of white above a seperator 17:31
brainwash_but the settings dialog is from Xfce, the tray icon from ibus17:31
brainwash_both are not in sync17:31
brainwash_so please run "ibus-setup"17:31
elfyand do what?17:32
brainwash_try to add another kb layout17:32
elfyok that works17:32
elfybut that's a side issue in my opinion - my issue is that I install xubuntu or the other 2 - and the system then completely ignores what I've set it to17:33
elfyI don't care what ibus says - I want my installed system to be how I installed it - as would anyone else :)17:34
brainwash_because ibus knows better and ignores the user17:34
elfythis has got indicator-sound-gtk2 for saucy written all over it :(17:35
elfyso how do you change the package affecting a bug then?17:36
brainwash_so it needs be discussed in the next meeting17:36
brainwash_you click on the little arrow next to the package name17:36
brainwash_now you can edit the package name17:37
elfyI guess so - not sure what other languages it affects17:37
elfyI can't click on arrows - only the text17:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1284635 in ibus (Ubuntu) "Keyboard layout changes after login" [High,Confirmed]17:39
elfyyea - can see that 17:39
brainwash_so the arrow is filtered in your browser?17:39
brainwash_well, triangle pointing east17:40
brainwash_it's missing in your browser, or?17:40
elfyno triangle - I see for instance ibus>>Bugs>>blah17:40
elfyhover over the >> and nothing :) hover over ibus or Bugs and it's selectable17:41
brainwash_no clue17:41
elfyhttp://imagebin.org/299153 http://imagebin.org/29915417:42
brainwash_not there17:43
brainwash_the yellow line17:43
elfyoooh 17:43
elfyI see that now lol17:43
brainwash_the little triangle17:43
elfyyep - ok got it :)17:43
brainwash_but I already changed it some minutes ago :P17:44
elfyyea I saw that :)17:44
elfyadded it to the agenda 17:48
elfybrainwash_: what I'm unsure of is whether we had ibus and everything was fine and then we got it in notification area 18:04
elfyall I know is I remember it going wrong when it showed up :)18:04
knomebrainwash_, you at all familiar with ristretto?18:07
knomebug 1270894 sounds like just a redraw in the sidebar might be good18:09
ubottubug 1270894 in ristretto (Ubuntu) "Sorting by date or name not working properly in thumbnail bar" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127089418:09
knomethe bug is nasty because when you scroll after changing the sort more (== advance to next image), the next image is shown correctly in the main area, but the sidebar has a wrong image highlighted18:10
=== TheDrums is now known as DalekSec
ochosisergio-br2: hey!22:37
sergio-br2hey! hello22:37
ochosisaw you're working on some stuff again :)22:38
sergio-br2a little :)22:38
ochosithe file-roller icon is really not a prime concern of mine22:38
ochosibut i think it's just too much work if the icon is going to be more or less the same22:38
ochosii talked to jimmac today about how they're maintaining the gnome-icon-theme22:38
ochosiit's a really interesting system22:39
ochosithey have all icons from one app in one file22:39
ochosiand then a script cuts them apart and puts them in the right place22:39
ochosii think it'd be pretty neat, cause you always see the sizes next to each other22:39
ochosionly problem is migrating there22:39
sergio-br2is it possible do this with svg? or it's other type of file?22:39
ochosiit's all svg22:39
ochosibut i have to look into it a bit more before i can tell whether we can do it22:40
sergio-br2inside a tar or like that?22:40
sergio-br2ah, ok22:40
ochosiit's one svg per icon-type22:40
ochosie.g. one svg for all sizes of web-browser.svg22:40
ochosiand then the script chops them apart and puts them into the correct place as png22:42
sergio-br2are they in github?22:43
sergio-br2found it22:44
ochosialso need to clone it22:44
ochosihaven't had time yet22:45
bluesabrebrainwash_, Unit193: is there an existing bug for xscreensaver still being installed in trusty?22:45
brainwashbluesabre: bug 129101922:47
ubottubug 1291019 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "xflock4 still uses xscreensaver by default" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129101922:47
brainwash2 issues, 1 report22:47
bluesabrefair enough22:48
bluesabresuppose I can try to fix both at once22:48
sergio-br2dowloaded it, very interesting ochosi22:48
ochosisergio-br2: yeah, i think it'd make maintenance a lot easier22:48
ochosibut we have to see whether we can get a hold of the migration script22:48
ochosicause converting elementary-xfce to this format by hand would take ages...22:49
bluesabretime to make light-locker #1 :)22:49
Unit193Eh. :/22:49
brainwashbluesabre: but calling light-locker-command also launches it, so I'm not sure if we should change the order22:49
bluesabregoing to change it to light-locker-command, xscreensaver, gnome-screensaver22:51
bluesabrethat should make it work more as expected, even with alternative environments22:51
Unit193bluesabre: See above, please.22:52
brainwashsergio-br2: I've uploaded a patched version of xfce4-settings to https://launchpad.net/~thad-fisch/+archive/test22:52
bluesabrebrainwash: what do you mean by that?22:53
brainwashsergio-br2: it "should" fix bug 126034122:53
ubottubug 1260341 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "Tapping lower-right corner of touchpad causes a right-click" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126034122:53
sergio-br2need help to test?22:54
brainwashsergio-br2: please test, you might need to toggle tap to click once, so the new settings take effect22:54
sergio-br2is it in repo?22:55
brainwashin my PPA22:55
brainwashbluesabre: I meant that if you run light-locker-command, it will start the light-locker process and use it to lock the screen22:56
ochosidoes xscreensaver do the same?22:57
bluesabreok... is that somehow a problem?22:57
ochosi(i personally think it's desirable that it starts the process btw)22:57
brainwashnot sure, if it's a serious problem22:58
Unit193xscreensaver-command -lock22:59
Unit193xscreensaver-command: no screensaver is running on display :0.022:59
Unit193So, xscreensaver first.22:59
brainwashxubuntu user A prefers xscreensaver and enabled the autostart launcher, but xflock4 will call light-locker22:59
Unit193brainwash: Thanks for pointing this out, I was unaware ll did this.23:00
bluesabreso, clicking the "lock screen" button should do nothing if the daemon is, for some reason, not running?23:01
bluesabreI prefer gnome and light-locker's aggressive, "if somebody tells me to lock, I am going to do it"23:02
ochosiyeah, i mean if ppl really wanna stick to xscreensaver they should uninstall light-locker anyway23:02
ochosiit's either: break light-locker if xscreensaver is installed as well23:03
ochosior: break xscreensaver if light-locker is installed as well23:03
Unit193bluesabre: Perhaps, but then xscreensaver should be tried first, or else you may easily get stuck with light-locker (which was disabled), and xscreensaver running, and double locking.23:03
ochosidepending on whatever you put first in xflock23:03
Unit193Not precisely, if xscreensaver isn't running, it'll move on to light-locker.23:04
brainwashthe user can disable xscreensaver easily23:04
brainwashstartup apps23:04
ochosibrainwash: the same is true for light-locker23:04
Unit193Whereas lightlocker will just launch, later after unlocking and walking away, the computer now will lock twice.23:04
Unit193ochosi: Clearly not.23:05
ochosiUnit193: there's a simple settings dialog for it, i don't know what else you'd want23:05
ochosithe same is true for xscreensaver23:05
brainwashlight-locker-command -l launches light-locker23:05
ochosiin that sense they're on par23:05
Unit193ochosi: But if I disable it there, it won't disable then.23:05
ochosiwho would have both installed? mostly upgraders i'd say23:06
Unit193killall light-locker;killall xscreensaver; light-locker-command -l && xscreensaver-command -l23:06
sergio-br2brainwash, even without your ppa, it now works. I'll try after, without virtualbox23:08
brainwashsergio-br2: ok, I'll wait for your test results then23:09
Unit193brainwash: hoho!  It's not quite as terrible as it sounds, light-locker-command -l doesn't seem to launch light-locker, just lock.23:11
ochosioh great, so brainwash has been bullshitting us again ;)23:12
bluesabregoes to vt8, with session unprotected if light-locker is not running23:12
Unit193ochosi: No, he's still right, but just not terrible.23:12
Unit193bluesabre: Right.23:12
brainwashthis whole screen locking discussion :D23:13
bluesabreochosi: can you and cavalier try to detect if light-locker is running, and not kick to vt8 if it is not?23:13
bluesabrethen return error exit(1)23:13
Unit193bluesabre, brainwash, ochosi: Therefore, found a security bug before release, I'd call it a plus!23:14
* bluesabre will see if its easy to add23:15
brainwashUnit193: security bug? the lubuntu guys don't agree23:15
Unit193brainwash: Err, not sure if that's right, the actual dev did switch back to xscreensaver. :P23:16
brainwashUnit193: had to deal with xmir earlier today and it did not work properly with light-locker23:19
sergio-br2ochosi, the git repo from gnome-icon has the png too, did you see?23:20
Unit193Meh.  One thing though, must have gotten better since it took you a bit to notice.  Not that it matters in the least, but updated the xmir isos since .6 is out. :P23:20
Unit193brainwash: Did you see my chat with Mirv?23:20
brainwashabout the conf file?23:20
Unit193And it being reverted on upgrade, yeah.23:21
brainwashxmir does indeed work better now, but I've noticed some strange screen flickering too23:21
brainwashso I was like "go away xmir!"23:22
Unit193Oooooh!  Can you try something for me with that? :D23:23
brainwashyou are looking for test results?23:23
brainwashyou want me to test the shell command?23:25
Unit193Well, more the conky output, should be quite clear.23:26
brainwashit will take some time until I can give you some feedback23:29
brainwashtest system is currently being abused for "linux" gaming23:29
Unit193Hah, nice.  (Also, the idea is displaying red and text for no mir, green and text for xmir.)23:30
brainwashI like the idea23:31
ochosibluesabre: will have to check how or gnome-screensaver handled this23:31
bluesabregnome-screensaver launches itself23:32
ochosiyeah, but *how* ;)23:33
ochosii didn't consciously bump that part out23:33
bluesabregood question23:33
bluesabrethe lazy solution, use a singleton23:34
bluesabrethats probably how they do it :)23:34
ochosia singleton?23:34
ochosioh meh, lotsa reading23:36
* ochosi goes back to snacking23:36
Unit193Snack, food, good plan.23:37
* Unit193 ->23:37
bluesabreugh, attempting to do this without boost looks like a beast23:40
ochosii don't seem to understand what you're saying well tonight :)23:40
bluesabreshort version, I'd much rather do this in python23:41
brainwashUnit193: http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/xmir.php23:43
brainwashand red when it's not running23:43
ochosiso where do you have this label?23:44
Unit193Just how it should be. :D23:44
brainwashochosi: on the desktop23:46
ochosiis it that hard to tell initially whether XMir is running?23:51
ochosi(it lead to such disturbing behavior here last time i tried that i'm sure i'd notice)23:52
brainwashnotice visually?23:57
ochositwo cursors, laaaaags, this sort of stuff23:57
brainwashnot anymore23:57
ochosialso with nvidia propr drivers?23:58
brainwashbut there is some screen flickering23:58
brainwashonly KMS drivers are supported23:58
ochosihmyeah, nouveau doesn't work well for me23:59

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