
KekaiIs there a keyboard shortcut in Xubuntu 13.10 to lock the screen?01:31
krytarikKekai: Ctrl+Alt+Delete01:39
Kekaianyway to change it?01:39
KekaiSome of my indicators are now showing a box with red marks in them01:40
krytarikKekai: Sure, in "Settings Manager -> Keyboard -> Application Shortcuts".01:40
krytarikKekai: That's probably because your chosen icon them doesn't have icons included for those.01:42
Kekaiive never changed them01:42
krytarikKekai: Well, them you have indicators running that aren't covered by Xubuntu's default icon theme.01:43
Kekaithey were running earlier01:44
Kekaiwifi indicator, sound and skype01:44
krytarikKekai: Check if "elementary Xfce dark" is still selected in "Settings Manager -> Appearance -> Icons".01:47
krytarikKekai: And rather?01:48
Kekaielementary dark01:48
krytarikKekai: That's what I just said though? :P01:49
KekaiJust "Elementary xcfe01:49
Kekaiyou said ElementaryXCFE dark01:49
* krytarik facepalms01:49
krytarikKekai: And when exactly did those icons disappear?01:50
Kekaia few minutes ago but came back after refreshing them01:51
krytarikKekai: Oki doki. :)01:51
Kekailike doing something where they needed to change01:51
Kekaisorry for being a pain02:20
Kekaibut I have another question02:20
KekaiI have a mouspad on my machine and every once in a while I touch it and it does something weird.02:21
Kekaianyway in xubuntu to disable this POS02:21
krytarikKekai: You mean touchpad?02:21
KekaiI got it02:22
KekaiUnder setting, I choose mouse then click my pointer and select Touchpad02:23
Kekaithen uncheck enable this device.02:23
krytarikCool, even easier than I thought then. :)02:23
krytarikKekai: I was gonna point you there: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad02:24
arrithsince if you happens to be in a virtual console, ctrl-alt-del gives you a reboot surprise03:19
arriththat lockscreen thing is one of the first things i change03:19
rawfodoghow can I tell what version of ubuntu my xubuntu is based off of ?03:56
rawfodogI installed it a while ago, i forget what version it03:56
RobertJDohnertcat /etc/os-release03:56
Unit193They use the same base, but lsb_release -a03:56
Unit193Same base, repos, kernels, etc.  Just different DE and default settings (and applications.)03:56
Kostasanyone around?12:02
slickymasterWork!hi | Kostas12:10
ubottuKostas: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!12:10
slickymasterWork!ask | Kostas12:10
ubottuKostas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:11
Kostasok, I'm checking out xubuntu 14.04 beta (live) and see that the memory usage is ~250MB, (1) is that normal? (2) is it higher than the FINAL is expected to be?12:14
slickymasterWorkKostas: that'a an expected value12:19
KostasslickymasterWork: what about (2)? Is that due to some extra devel/troubleshooting bits? I'm completely unfamiliar with Xubuntu but some googling suggested mem usage should be below 200MB12:20
slickymasterWorkKostas: that always depend on the amount of burden you're putting on your system12:24
KostasslickymasterWork: I'm checking the live image straight after boot on both a VM and a laptop12:25
slickymasterWorkKostas: presently I'm on a VM box with Chrome, evince and PyCharm opened and I'm with an average memory usage of approximately 275 MB12:29
KostasslickymasterWork: with this one http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/trusty/beta-1/ ?12:31
slickymasterWorknot exactly bet 1 Kostas. this a box that has been facing upgrades since precise :)12:33
slickymasterWorkbut in terms of the core system, packages and applications it's pretty much the same thing12:33
slickymasterWorkKostas: please check this out -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GridCube/rationales/new_ram12:36
KostasslickymasterWork: hmm, I read somewhere that the min was 256 and the recommended was 512. Since the machine I'm planning to install has exactly 1GB would you suggest looking somewhere else?12:39
slickymasterWorkKostas: not particularly. This VM I'm in now, has 1 GB of RAM and works very smoothly. I don't have any complaints12:41
slickymasterWorkbut you can always try Lubuntu, it's lighter than Xubuntu12:43
slickymasterWork!lubuntu | Kostas12:43
ubottuKostas: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.12:43
starrats5morning GridCube13:08
TigcexHello i can't start installation of xUbuntu, it stays on loading screen. Im waiting about 5 minutes and still nothing. Here is image about what i am talking http://i.imgur.com/q8Y0VOv.jpg13:48
GridCubeTigcex, this happens everytime you try to boot?13:50
TigcexHmm i'll try reset laptop and see maybe it will work.13:50
TigcexIt's my first time installing xUbuntu13:51
TigcexStill loading like before :/13:52
GridCubeTigcex, the load screen can hang because you have too little ram for it to load the desktop13:53
GridCubemaybe less than 1GB?13:53
TigcexMy laptop got 2gb13:53
GridCubethats should be more than enough13:53
GridCubeTigcex, if you reboot and press a key in the grub stage, you can choose it to start as an installer, that should be quicker than letting it load all the desktop, care to try that?13:54
TigcexHmm when i reset laptop it shows me for while a little keyboard and a "man" in circle or something like that and after this shows that what i posted on image13:56
GridCubeTigcex, exactly, the keyboard means that if you press a key you get to a menu manually13:57
TigcexOk choosed installation it get me to this loading again.13:59
GridCubeyes, that, check that the image you have is the proper one14:00
elfyTigcex: use those wiki pages - check the download is good, then you can also from the menu GridCube pointed you at check that the thing you are installing from is good as well14:00
TigcexOkay, thanks for help i'll try something :D14:01
GridCubeunless you are using an usb image, in that case the md5 can be different, but the iso should be the same14:01
TigcexI trying to install this from USB.14:02
GridCubeTigcex, i would try to make the boot usb again, i particularly never had any problems using unetbootin14:03
elfyyou still need to check the image - but I've not had an issue with unetbootin once that's ok14:04
Tigcexmd5sum test gave me that they are different14:07
TigcexI have this 99fddea7d86b29059c854968e3be38c3 and i need to use which ubuntu hashes? Same as this or which one? Because i see multiple same file names14:08
TigcexOh nvm. i readed it wrong :D14:09
TigcexI copied hash from ubuntu ._.14:09
TigcexThey are same14:10
GridCubeTigcex, i would try to re-do the usb14:24
TigcexI tried but still loading14:24
TigcexEh.. i don't have idea.14:31
TigcexBrb 10-15 mins i go buy food for dog.14:36
TigcexOh it showed (initramfs) stdin: I/O error mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed:no such device can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs14:39
Tigcexi go to shop now14:39
Tigcexim back15:03
TigcexAny idea GridCube?15:04
GridCubeTigcex, have you googled the error code?15:05
TigcexYes, i will try download xubuntu from mirror, maybe it will help.15:07
TigcexStill that error :/15:45
delliottHi. I have an entry in my XFCE menu in the Other category that I cannot view in the Other category of the Edit Menu pane of the Settings Manager. What might be the cause of this problem? Xubuntu 13.10.15:55
Peyamhi guys16:01
Peyamneed quick help16:01
Peyamwhat s the name of network plugin?16:01
=== GTB3NW_AWAY is now known as GTB3NW
TigcexEh i think i will surrender with installing this16:05
GridCubeTigcex, :(16:08
Peyamare you sure?16:09
Peyamsudo apt-get install xfce4-nm-applet?16:10
Peyamnot found16:10
Peyami dont know what i did16:10
GridCubePeyam, why xfce4?16:11
Peyamnot that one16:12
Peyami saw wrong16:12
PeyamI mean not notifyd pluggin16:12
Peyamthe other one16:12
PeyamI forgot the name of it16:12
GridCubeno idea16:12
Peyamnot notification, there is an other one just before it16:12
Peyamwhat do you have on ur panel? can you please tell me the name of them?16:13
GridCubethe indicator that shows the connections is inside the plugin indicators applet16:13
GridCubethe one that contais the sound and other indicators16:14
GridCubethats what you want to know?16:14
TigcexLOL it work's i used another pendrive.17:11
dbsantoshello, I need change my keyboard layout. How to do this: I'm using Xfce17:46
baizondbsantos: http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-xkb-plugin17:46
krytarikdbsantos: Or just in "Settings Manager -> Keyboard -> Layout", of course.17:54
=== TheDrums is now known as DalekSec
NorbertosHi there !19:06
NorbertosWhy is this happen ? :S http://imagebin.org/index.php?mode=image&id=299170 (It's XFCE4 Terminal. I get normal colors with uxterm and on virtual consoles too)19:13
holsteinNorbertos: whats the question?19:14
NorbertosSorry, the link is bad: http://photo1.ask.fm/001/649/684/150003005-1rbqstg-85tiejenpqp25t5/original/terminal.png19:15
holsteinNorbertos: i see the shot.. whats the question?19:15
NorbertosSorry. I just tried to open it and I thought it's bad ... nevermind. :) Er, these are not the intended colors. They shouldn't be plum-ish19:16
NorbertosWhen I open alsamixer, I get the same plum-ish colors, with xfce4-terminal only, of course.19:17
holsteinNorbertos: try resettings/removing the config for the terminal emulator.. or try some other emulator if you prefer it19:17
Norbertosholstein: Well, uxterm will be good, thanks for suggestion ! :) See you. ;)19:18
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ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!21:01
altaltCan anyone tell me what's the name of the pdf reader in 13.10?21:01
altaltI mean other than simply "document viewer"21:01
altaltWhat version?21:02
altaltI'm asking because it has a smooth scroll I need compared to the one in Mint 16 (here,  now)21:06
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xubuntu116Buona sera a tutti22:43
xubuntu116avrei un problema di installazione22:43
xubuntu116Sto cercando di installare UBUNTU  sul PC un p4 3ghz con 1,46 di ram da ieri sera. Alla fine grazie ad alcuni consigli ho capito che la macchina è troppo datata e sono passato a Xbuntu22:44
xubuntu116ma anche in questo caso, dopo essere arrivati ad un certo punto...22:45
xubuntu116compare la freccina del cursore ed uno sfondo grigio.... si perde tutto22:45
xubuntu116adesso il monitor sta lampeggiando come il cielo in un temporale notturno...22:46
xubuntu116cosa devo fare ?22:46
xubuntu116Qualcuno mi ppuò aiutare ?22:46
krytarik!it | xubuntu11622:48
ubottuxubuntu116: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:48
xubuntu116 /join #ubuntu-it22:48
alketdoes xubuntu 13.10 come with firewall ?22:57
krytarik!firewall | alket23:01
ubottualket: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo23:01
HypothesisFrogJust installed 14.04 and having problems with the networking.23:31
HypothesisFrogsamba doesn't seem to be working as it did before23:32
HypothesisFrogcan't connect to any of the windows shares, and my other systems can't see my xubuntu box on the network.23:33
HypnotoadAre they on the same workgroup?  What version of Xubuntu?23:35
HypothesisFrogoh now it's working23:35
HypothesisFrogsorry. ignore me.23:35
HypothesisFroghey Hypnotoad23:35
HypnotoadHowdy HypothesisFrog.23:35
HypothesisFrogproblem solved23:35
HypothesisFrogby itself, mysteriously23:35
HypnotoadOh that's nice.23:36

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