
advx_Hi all, Good Morning02:00
advx_I m connected via HDMI to TV, how can I enable audio?02:01
holsteinadvx_: you may not be able to02:02
holsteinadvx_: i have found that tied in to the graphics drivers.. though, i have also found it easily able to be enabled as well with pavucontrol using pulseaudio. but, lubuntu doesnt ship with pulse audio02:03
holsteini would refer to...02:03
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:03
holsteini would consider a standard ubuntu live CD, or xubuntu live CD, and test using pulse audio with the pavucontrol tool if necessary02:04
advx_should I install pulseaudio?02:04
holsteinadvx_: i didnt say that02:04
holsteinadvx_: i suggest testing with pulse live and see if it makes a difference02:05
advx_whats pulse live02:05
holsteinadvx_: as i suggested, by downloading a distro that uses pulse, such as xubuntu or the main ubuntu distro.. and just dont install it.. just run it live, and test the HDMI audio02:06
holsteinif it works, then, you can easily add pulse to lubuntu02:06
advx_I m on Intel NUC, DN282002:06
advx_ubuntu 13.10 worked, but xbmc didnt02:06
holsteinadvx_: xbmc is not ubuntu02:06
advx_so I m trying lubuntu, xbmc works smoothly02:06
holsteinadvx_: the xbmc package will be the same in ubuntu and lubuntu02:07
advx_also audio out on analog 3.5mm is great02:07
advx_now I m trying HDMI02:07
holsteinadvx_: so you can get an analog cable, and route it, and not worry with the hdmi audio02:07
holsteinadvx_: you can install pulse in lubuntu02:07
holsteinadvx_: you can try live CD's to test if pluse helps02:07
advx_lspci show audio device Intel corp. valleyview02:25
advx_o sorry02:25
advx_Audio device: Intel Corporation ValleyView High Definition Audio Controller (rev 0c)02:25
holsteinadvx_: ok02:25
holsteinadvx_: it may or may not be able to support hdmi output02:25
holsteinadvx_: did pulseaudio help?02:26
advx_added pulse audio and pavcontrol too02:26
advx_may b a reboot is required02:26
holsteinadvx_: ok... then, you can try routing with pavucontrol02:26
holsteinadvx_: you run the application, friend, and route the output of something to the device you are trying to support02:27
holsteinadvx_: you stated you had hdmi audio working in linux?02:28
advx_ok let me reboot02:29
advx_bye 4 now, thanks for your help02:30
FuuqUmiistwhat are the main differnces between 13.10 and 14.04?06:10
FuuqUmiistand is it possible to upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 without issues06:10
wxlFuuqUmiist: it'll be released mid april with all the official features and potential problems06:14
wxlFuuqUmiist: meanwhile feel free to test!06:15
BlitzHereSo, I've got this weird issue on my laptop. I have a USB mouse which works just fine when the laptop is plugged into a power source. However, when the laptop's running off battery power, the mouse switches off in 3 seconds. It works fine when I'm moving it around, but if stop moving it around, it switches off (i.e. the laser goes out). It is possible to wake the mouse back up by clicking one of the buttons though it's still annoying06:53
jiridoIm back with a new Q. How do i make links in terminal clickable? I use bash in guake.10:10
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holsteinjirido: i just click on them.. control click usually gets picked up for links in any emulator14:23
jiridoHi. Its just that.. it hapens nothing when i click links in my terminal14:24
holsteinjirido: what i would do is right click, and see that the link works14:25
holsteinlet me link a few here and we can exeriment14:25
holsteinhttps://www.google.com/ is clickable for me.. control click opens it.. from terminator14:26
holsteincontrol double click it seems14:26
holsteinsame in quake14:27
jiridowell control click opens it but not the link but a new tab  with the start page..14:27
jiridoI would like to set it to open with normal left click14:27
holsteinjirido: so, they open, but you would like to open them using a different method? correct?14:29
jiridoI had the same in thunderbird before i set it to warn on open http in pref.js. There i was able to choose firerfox14:29
holsteinjirido: they are opening in firefox, correct?14:30
jiridoyes. no :) It opens in FF but always as start page.. the url gets lost14:30
jiridoAND i would like it to work with Left click!14:31
holsteinjirido: the url doesnt get lost here14:31
holsteinjirido: it open.. control double click.. opens.. no lost url14:31
jiridohere it does14:31
holsteinjirido: so, try as a different user, try a different url and default browser.. try with a live cd14:32
holsteinjirido: then, you can refer to the guake documentation on opening urls14:32
jiridoAs i said it was the same with thunderbird before14:32
holsteinjirido: thunderbird is not the same14:33
holsteinjirido: you wont address this in guake with a java script fix14:33
jiridoBut its the exact same behavior. it opens a new tab, but always with start page.. /no no javascript fix.. rather setting something in bash i would guess14:36
holsteinjirido: rather something where i suggested.. in the guake documentation14:36
holsteinjirido: its not a lubuntu or lxde application, so, you may address it better in #ubuntu14:37
jiridoGuake dont have any settings for default browser as i have looked14:37
jiridoI will.14:38
holsteinjirido: guake doesnt have any "settings" like that AFAIK.. it will be in its config file *if* they provide that functionality14:43
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohi
Brutusi have a problem with autostart applications (the same specified here: https://www.mail-archive.com/lubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com/msg03158.html); i tried with disable_autostart=false and noticed that update-manager started; now how can i get update-manager running without disable_autostart=false (or how can i check if it's starting)?15:31
holsteinBrutus: you could always just script an update as you please15:51
utzAnyone in here ever successful with getting AMD's Catalyst 13.12 on Lubuntu? I was following the directions found here: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Quantal_Installation_Guide#Installing_Catalyst_Manually_.28from_AMD.2FATI.27s_site.29 but always got hung up at the "dpkg -i fglrx*.deb" command. It just wouldn't install.16:03
holsteinutz: 13.10?16:04
holsteinutz: as them if it works.. if it does, it'll work fine16:05
holsteinutz: nothing about linux/ubuntu/lubuntu is preventing them from making that aviable to work on it16:05
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto16:05
holstein^ thats what i always refer to16:05
utzYeah 13.1016:05
utzK I didn't think so.16:06
utzI wish I copied the log file, let me see if I can find the error code that was in the log file.  I was trying installation for a couple hours last night.16:06
utzTrying to get oclhashcat working.16:06
utzOtherwise I would just stick with the opensource drivers, but hashcat requires fglrx (boo!)16:08
utzI'll try the link that you sent me, it looks more promising. Thanks a tons guys!16:08
utzJust out of curiosity, what are the reasons you guys use Lubuntu?16:14
holsteinutz: its light.. its open.. the ubuntu base has a large community for support and compatibility.. the core ubuntu and debian are well supported and large in scope in many ways16:16
utzCool. Pretty much the same reasons I do. I like its lightness, even though the machine I am running is fully capable of running Ubuntu, I choose Lubuntu because I like the DE and it's super light apps.16:27
holsteinlubuntu *is* ubuntu16:28
utzYes you are correct.  What I meant was fully capable of running the Ubuntu Unity DE and it's apps.16:31
tobyjones8I have a small problem with Audacious17:30
ianorlincan you explainn what the problem is?17:31
tobyjones8There seems to be no seek bar17:32
tobyjones8Gnome MPlayer seems to have one, but I'd prefer to use Audacious because it has the equaliser function17:32
tobyjones8Is it the case that Audacious has no seek bar anyway and that I'm just being naive, or is there a problem here?17:33
ianorlinare you playing anything on it17:34
tobyjones8a playlist with about 1k songs in it17:34
ianorlinwhat does a seek bar look like again?17:34
tobyjones8the thing you use to skip through a song17:35
tobyjones8btw: excuse the noobiness, I've always used ubuntu in the past but moved to lubuntu a few days back17:35
tobyjones8I'm on saucy, if it makes a difference, and I also installed pulseaudio17:36
ianorlinDo you see a button with a triangle with a with a | to the left of it17:37
ianorlinthat will let you skip songs17:37
tobyjones8I'm not trying to skip entire songs17:37
ianorlinoh just parts?17:37
tobyjones8I want to skip to a certain position in the song17:37
ianorlinI am on the beta version now and have that it appears in blue to the right of the skip entire song button17:39
tobyjones8I don't seem to have that17:39
tobyjones8Hm, oh well17:43
tobyjones8I could install VLC, but I want to avoid doing so because I wanna keep my install as light as poss17:43
ianorlinthat is true17:43
smurfsloverhi, can anyone tell me where lxde stores the suspend command?18:24
vn151502510dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="org.freedesktop.UPower" /org/freedesktop/UPower org.freedesktop.UPower.Suspend18:27
vn151502510just tested18:27
Unit193pm-suspend, or the dbus logind call.18:29
smurfslovervn151502510, thanks18:30
Unit193dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.login1 /org/freedesktop/login1 org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.Suspend boolean:true18:30
smurfslovermy e19 uses pm-suspend and doesn't wake up properly will try dbus command18:30
smurfsloverso which one is the right dbus command?18:31
Unit193Try both.  If one doesn't work, try the other.  How does it not come back properly?18:31
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smurfsloverUnit193, can be e19 bug trying to pin it down i can file a bugreport18:35
Unit193smurfslover: Did you disabe apport?  Normally it comes up with a problem dialog...18:36
Unit193smurfslover: You are using Ubuntu, not bodhi or something, right?18:36
smurfsloverUnit193, seems like it is e19 bug i all commands work under lxde but not under e1918:51
smurfsloverthanks for your help18:51
FuuqUmiisthello friends19:23
smurfsloverseems like desksanity causes sigsev only when i have chrome running19:30
MrSavageI'm having troubles installing guest additions on lubuntu20:11
phillwMrSavage: do you mean virtual box guest additions?21:05
MrSavage@ phillw21:10
phillwonly add them to the virtual machines, never to your actual machine... It is a guaranteed bork the machine!21:11
MrSavagei am adding it to my virtual machine21:12
MrSavagelubuntu is my virtual machine21:12
phillwMrSavage: you may want to look at kvm which is on your kernel and the gui virt-manager. It has all the functionallity of vbox with the additions, but is totally f/oss.21:13
MrSavagekvm? gui virt-manager?21:14
phillwit is a different system of running virtual machines, but it is built into the kernel. This means it does not require 'guest additions' to get full functionality21:15
MrSavagei want to keep using virtual box21:16
phillwMrSavage: have a look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/22743/how-do-i-install-guest-additions-in-virtualbox21:16
phillwthen, the above link should answer your questions21:16
phillwMrSavage: you may wish to bookmark https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox21:17
MrSavagei think i already checked that out21:17
MrSavagei'm trying to link the display together21:18
MrSavageso i can resize the vm on will21:18
MrSavagephillw: I'm not installing virtualbox in ubuntu21:28
MrSavagei'm installing guest additions in ubuntu21:28
phillwMrSavage: on the 2nd comment I assume you missed the letter 'l'. To save any further confusion for you, any instructions you find for virtual box that say ubuntu will work on lubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu etc. etc. The hint is in the buntu part of the name :)21:30
MrSavagewhy are ubuntu users not as helpful as gentoo users?21:31
MrSavagein-fact i think i recieved a deliberate hate PM as well21:31
MrSavagei tried asking #ubuntu but they just pointed out random links that didn't solve the issue21:31
phillwMrSavage: if you have a complaint against someone, raise it with a channel moderator, after that you can ask the community council to get involved. Bad behaviour can result in a ban.21:32
phillwI'm not a fan of #ubuntu - it is too popular for its own good and has too many people asking questions, which makes it hard to keep track of things21:34
phillwMrSavage: sadly, I do not use virtual box any longer as day to day. I do keep it installed so as to be able to test on it. As I was told a couple of years ago... people learn on vBox and then move onto virsh and virt-manager :)21:38
calimero_82where's the screensaver? i've lubu 13.1022:42
ianorlinthere isn't one really installed by default you could install xscreensaver22:43
calimero_82thanks ianorlin22:47
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