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sridhar_Ubuntu HTML5 app ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Tab05:06
sridhar_jplzzzz help me05:06
sridhar_this is a very simple bug in html5 app05:07
sridhar_ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Tab05:07
sridhar_any body there???05:07
sarnoldsridhar_: it's a bit early for europe and a bit late for americas..05:08
dholbachgood morning07:44
dpmpopey, I think I've asked this before, but I can't remember the answer. Do you happen to know the dir where preinstalled click packages live on a device?08:38
popey /usr/share/click/preinstalled/08:39
dpmok, thanks!08:39
* dpm now properly notes it down08:39
dpmpopey, so looking at the code, it seems the issue with calendar toolbar icons not loaded has been fixed, but it's not been pushed to the store. I'm waiting for this branch with the year view optimizations to land (there's some AP weirdness going on) and then we can discuss pushing a new version to the store08:52
popeydpm: has the key-nav branch been merged?08:52
dpmnot yet, no :/08:52
mihirpopey, ping !!09:12
mihirpopey,  could you give us your input while review following MR , ?? https://code.launchpad.net/~gang65/ubuntu-calculator-app/ubuntu-calculator-app-copypaste/+merge/21093209:12
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy Ask A Question Day! :-D09:13
mihirpopey, MR is for Copy Paste functionality in calculator09:24
popeymihir: sure09:30
randomcpp_popey: hi :), do you have any news on the mail client?09:33
popeyrandomcpp_: ah dammit, i missed you off an email09:33
popeyrandomcpp_: lemme forward you mail and invite you to meeting09:34
randomcpp_ahah ok ;)09:34
mihirpopey, i have already reviewed ,we have tried to use Textbox instead of Label09:34
popeyrandomcpp_: done09:36
randomcpp_popey: nice, the sad part is I have a lecture at the very same time on friday..09:39
popeyah bummer09:39
popeywell, if it turns out not to be a useful time for people we can move it of course ☻09:39
randomcpp_I may be able to be connected on irc from the phone09:40
popeyits easier to create a meeting and then move it than ask everyone when is a good time09:40
nik90dholbach, popey: Can one of you review https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/401/changerequest/09:58
popeynik90: sure09:59
popeynik90: done10:00
nik90popey: wow that was fast.10:00
randomcpp_nik90: thanks for mentioning me :)10:27
randomcpp_I need advice, for the picking the cook time and the prep time in the editRecipePage, should I use the dialer picker or the date picker?10:28
nik90randomcpp_: I think you would need the picker panel widget10:30
m-b-odpm: hi, are you around?10:30
dpmhi m-b-o, yes10:31
nik90randomcpp_: btw, I hope I didnt butcher your name while pronouncing it..I looked it up on the internet :D10:31
m-b-ospm: I guess, you know why I'm pinging you? :)10:31
randomcpp_nik90: it's correct don't worry :)10:32
dpmm-b-o, sorry, got disconnected, I guess you're pinging because of reviews? :)10:33
m-b-oright :)10:34
m-b-owouldbe cool, if you woudl find time for them today. So I won't have to branch on top of them, especially the one with the removed Flipable10:34
randomcpp_nik90: for picker panel you mean the plain one, right? not the dialer10:38
nik90randomcpp_: yeah the plain one10:47
nik90randomcpp_: the dialer is default pink color10:48
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randomcpp_why does the timepicker set to 01:00 instead of 00:00 when initialized with UNIX time? (which should be  01 Jan, 1970 00:00:00)11:29
sridhar_any html5 app developer here12:00
sridhar_i am getting this error ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Tab12:01
sridhar_please help12:02
sridhar_ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Tab12:03
randomcpp_nik90: http://imgur.com/Q2NWnlV12:06
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bzfHi! How long does it usually take for a application to be approved for the Ubuntu Software Center?13:33
dholbachpopey, regarding the oggcamp app: did you run the reviewers tools on the .click? :)14:00
popeydholbach: no, we're testing something14:00
popeyi will unpublish14:00
dholbachok, no worries14:00
popeygot problems with the new framework14:01
dholbachit looked like we should have a conversation about it :)14:01
mihirnik90, do you have link to launchpad EDS project ?14:35
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nik90mihir: https://launchpad.net/qtorganizer5-eds14:45
mihirnik90, thanks a lot :)14:52
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mihirrenato, ping15:09
mihiri have filed bug for EDS , https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/129255415:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 1292554 in qtorganizer5-eds (Ubuntu) "Date object is not getting converted in recurrence limit functionality. " [Undecided,New]15:09
renatomihir, ok thanks I will take a look on that later15:11
mihirokay no  problem :) , if there is other way to do this thing, let me know15:11
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dpmballoons, do the latest comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/qmlfile-param/+merge/210891 answer your question to give it a +1?16:13
dpmI'd like to get the AP tests running as soon as possible16:13
balloonsdpm, i simply need to ensure it works, heh. I/m sure it does16:16
dpmballoons, it should be easy to test. You can open the CMakeLists.txt file from Qt Creator, press Build and then you can manually execute the resulting binary giving it a parameter16:17
dpmballoons, is this something you could have a look at today?16:18
balloonsdpm, i'm sure it works from qtcreator16:18
dpmI'm sure too, I'm just trying to figure out how to move things forward16:20
balloonsI'm having a look at calendar now.. then i'll work on reminders. need to tweak things to launch the app properly16:20
dpmgreat, thanks balloons!16:20
balloonsinside the testsuite, that was the trouble carla had16:20
balloonsi just want to confirm tweaking the testsuite as suggested will launch things properly16:20
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PaoloRotoloHi nik90 :)17:36
PaoloRotolonik90, I'm looking at this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/129150217:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 1291502 in Ubuntu Clock App "Cannot see where recorded laps are saved" [Low,Confirmed]17:37
PaoloRotoloWhat about having a classic stopwatch shape like this: http://goo.gl/rNxJzZ17:39
nik90PaoloRotolo: how would that solve the bug?17:41
nik90PaoloRotolo: since the user is unable to see the laps list17:41
PaoloRotolonik90, something like this: http://imagebin.org/29936117:46
PaoloRotolothe first long one moves on start, stop and reset. The little one only on new lap17:47
nik90PaoloRotolo: yeah that's fine. But the bug is about the user not being able to see the lap list17:47
nik90PaoloRotolo: Because currently there is already an indication when you create a lap17:48
nik90PaoloRotolo: the white bubble that appears17:48
PaoloRotolonik90, IHMO, in this mode, the action of create a lap will be more correspond to reality. Next we've to find a way to point out the lap list, like moving the white bubble or something else just above the lap list17:54
nik90PaoloRotolo: ok. Can you coordinate with Lucas or Andrea on Google plus17:55
nik90They are the designers for clock app17:55
PaoloRotolonik90, cool :)17:56
nik90PaoloRotolo: thnx17:56
PaoloRotolonik90, you're welcome17:56
halohi, anyone ran into this error while starting ubuntu-sdk (or qtcreator): ubuntu-sdk: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdbusmenu-qt5.so.2: undefined symbol: _ZN9QMetaType30hasRegisteredConverterFunctionEii18:03
popeyhey randomcpp18:22
popeyhope my email made sense.18:22
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randomcpppopey, yes thanks for everything :)18:29
randomcppI hadn't had time to read the complete log, just the summary18:29
popeyrandomcpp: cool, is 14:00 a better time for you?18:34
popeyrandomcpp: I mean, we can chat in #trojita any time of course ☻18:34
popeyjust wanted to make sure you're not left out18:34
randomcppit's perfect for me, thanks a lot :)18:34
randomcpp<popey> We landed qt5.2 in the archive *today* -- wow!18:36
popeyyeah ⍨18:36
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popeymight be a tiny bit of fall out from that18:37
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dkesselhalo... i even have to remove ubuntu-sdk in order to upgrade packages at the moment18:53
dkesseloh he's gone18:53
dkesselpopey: that does sound like a dependency problem somehow?18:54
popeydkessel: what version of ubuntu are you running?18:54
dkesselpopey: trusty18:54
popeyapt-cache policy ubuntu-sdk18:55
dkesselpopey: this is how apt-get dist-upgrade looks now before upgrading: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7091748/18:56
popeyi have 1.111 of ubuntu-sdk installed, and it wants to get 1.11318:56
dkesselapt-cache show policy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7091754/18:57
popeyyou probably dont want that saucy ppa on trusty18:57
popeysudo apt-get install ppa-purge18:57
randomcpppopey, is there a mailing list already?18:57
popeyrandomcpp: we're using the trojita list18:57
dkesselpopey: oh yeah i see....18:57
popeyppa-purge ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa18:58
popeyi think thats the right incantation (plus sudo)18:58
randomcpppopey, I can't find the link for the subscription18:58
popeyrandomcpp: one moment...18:58
randomcppthanks :)18:58
popeyrandomcpp: at the bottom of http://trojita.flaska.net/18:58
popey To subscribe, write a mail to trojita+subscribe@lists.flaska.net18:58
popey(I subscribed today too)18:58
randomcppyeah I'm doing that, FYI I'm subscribing with giulio.collura@.. email in few days I'll change all the email addresses and irc nicknames19:00
popeyrandomcpp: k19:16
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