
=== wolfger_ is now known as wolfger
mathomastechThe terminal program "screen" was updated on my Raspberry Pi arch a few days ago and now it's causing serious tearing issues. Weechat is entirely unreadable under screen, though perfectly fine if I run it normally. Anyone else notice this on their systems?00:55
rick_h_waf: man, you sure you're not ready to try some remote work time? :)01:41
wafhaha, rough time finding go-nuts?01:55
wafseems like "hey wanna program Go and work for canonical?" would be a hell of a hook01:56
rick_h_heh, well one guy on my team is going to another team in the company02:01
rick_h_so now I've got another hole to fill and I was trying to think of who I knew I'd love to work with. :P02:02
rick_h_all this interviewing a bunch of people wastes so much time02:02
rick_h_I'm sitting here at 10pm at night trying to setup first and second interviews. Wheeeeee02:02
wafugh, yeah. interviewing is a pain. does canonical do all interviews via hangouts/skype/whatever?02:03
rick_h_well it's up to whoever does them but yea. I'm pushing hangouts for everyone02:03
rick_h_we use them for our daily stand ups and such so might as well get started now :)02:04
cmaloneyHm. Wonder if I should take a look at Go. ;)10:44
cmaloneyAlso that link was because Open Metalcast is sponsoring Ken and Robin...10:46
cmaloneyAlso: Good morning12:39
rick_h_ugh, good because it's friday12:39
cmaloneyThat good eh?12:47
brouschrick_h_: How goes the army?12:48
rick_h_brousch: ugh12:48
rick_h_which one?12:48
brouschYour Indian Bookie Army12:49
rick_h_nothing like 14hr work days and getting behind on the Bookie updates12:49
rick_h_they're running out of stuff to do at the moment.12:49
cmaloneyrick_h_: Anything we can do to help out?12:49
rick_h_most of the other items are too vague for them to jump into and I don't have the time to flesh out every one of the items12:49
rick_h_they need some thought on design and architecture on 'how' to do what the issue says12:49
brouschNot enough papercuts to go around12:50
rick_h_the paper has been shredded12:50
rick_h_if you've got more issues with Bookie that annoy you file them :)12:50
cmaloneyWell, the install process drives me batty. It should be in Django using JQuery.  ;)12:50
rick_h_but yea, the small stuff is pretty much out. Anyone wants to QA and do code reviews have at it.12:50
rick_h_fork it and enjoy12:51
cmaloneyI've got 99 problems and Django ain't one of them.12:53
brouschOH yes, reporting a lack of django as an issue12:55
brouschcmaloney: That's because Django solves problems. It doesn't create them12:56
mrgoodcatrick_h_: do you want me to post my logs of the bookie channel?13:07
rick_h_mrgoodcat: if you'd like I'm all for it13:07
rick_h_let me know where and I'll add it to the /topic13:07
mrgoodcatwon't be until after the weekend. i want to change the bot's db driver from sqlite to mysql first13:08
rick_h_mrgoodcat: all good thanks13:09
brouschmrgoodcat: Postgres or go home!13:15
mrgoodcatbrousch: i'm making it accept multiple different options via config file13:18
mrgoodcatit's an excercise in learning python so i'm adding unnecessary features like it's my job13:19
cmaloneyIf you want something awesome use SQLAlchemy.13:20
cmaloneyTakes a little bit to learn but the ORM is amazing and the backend support is top-notch13:20
mrgoodcatgoogling now :)13:21
* cmaloney will play the part of the customer13:21
cmaloneyalso: please make it blue like the grass.13:21
cmaloneyI want it to feel like pizza.13:21
cmaloneygotta run13:21
mrgoodcatwell i'll just take that idea and roll with it13:22
mrgoodcatyou can change your mind later13:22
cmaloneyThat's the second law of customers13:22
cmaloney1) Customer is always right. 2) Customer is always changing their mind.13:22
cmaloneyIt's like having papal infallibility with none of the other messy bits like consistency.13:23
mrgoodcati've luckily not had a really bad experience with a client yet. but i haven't worked with very many either13:23
cmaloneymost are fine. It's the ones that don't know what they're doing that are problematic13:24
cmaloneyThat's when you get into serious discussions about semi-colons in the mockups.13:24
mrgoodcatthe ones that almost know what they're doing seem to be the worst to me13:24
cmaloneyafter which they want to know if you can have the final product within the week.13:24
mrgoodcatthe ones that don't have a clue defer to your expertise a lot more13:24
mrgoodcatat least in my limited experience13:25
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Looking back I think you're more correct.13:25
mrgoodcatwhile i've never had a really bad client though, i still have yet to have a really good one13:26
cmaloneyThe ones that feel they have to know everything are the worst.13:26
cmaloneyTHe really good ones are like Mana from Heaven.13:27
cmaloneyHah, I have one single from U2 on my machine13:29
cmaloneyforgot about this.13:29
cmaloneyAnyone care to guess?13:29
brouschSomething about a tree?13:32
brouschLive Aid?13:35
jrwrenalias pydoc="python -m pydoc"14:02
brouschcmaloney: My U2 knowledge is tapped out14:04
cmaloneybrousch: U2: The Fly14:09
jrwrenwhy did I never know about pydoc?14:11
jrwreni'll never forgive you pythonista for not sharing it with me.14:11
brouschjrwren: It's right there in the docs! Did you not RTFM?14:12
rick_h_jrwren: because it's ugly output and shpinx + autodoc works ok14:12
cmaloneyDon't tell him about help either14:12
rick_h_cmaloney: :P14:12
cmaloneyAnd dir? Fuggedaboudit.14:13
cmaloneyaka everything i use in order to navigate Python. ;)14:13
jrwrenwhat does shpinx and autodoc look like?14:15
cmaloneyThat's one of the themes for Sphinx14:16
cmaloneyhttp://sphinx-doc.org/ext/autodoc.html <- Here's autodoc documentation14:17
cmaloneyIt's like Javadocs in some ways (auto-generation of documentation)14:17
cmaloneybut you have to be more explicit since Python uses duck-typing.14:17
jrwreni'm having a bad python day.14:18
jrwrenits what I get for trying python3 :(14:19
jrwrenhow do themes work at a console?14:19
cmaloneyjrwren: I think rick_h_ is saying that he prefers to look at Sphinx docs rather than pydocs.14:20
rick_h_+1 and you get the rest of your docs in one place14:20
rick_h_vs two different sets of docs with different UI/etc14:20
jrwreni don't understand.14:21
jrwrendoes it display at a console?14:21
jrwrenwhat do I type at a bash prompt?14:21
mrgoodcatjrwren: don't feel bad. i'm trying to learn python right now and the differences between python 2 and 3 are going to give me an ulcer14:21
rick_h_jrwren: no, I was thinking just of pydoc html generation of docs14:22
jrwrenoh pydoc does that too?14:22
jrwreni'm thinking of pydoc as in perldoc.14:22
jrwrenwhen I did a lot of perl, I lived in perldoc.14:22
jrwrenwhen i moved to python, I always missed perldoc14:23
jrwrennow I know that pydoc was always there, calling me from a distant bash prompt, but I could not hear her.14:23
rick_h_jrwren: I'm sorry, very tired friday. I'm thinking of epydoc14:23
cmaloneymrgoodcat: What's the difficulty? A good number of things got backported afaik.14:23
jrwrenrick_h_: management got your brain fried?14:23
cmaloneyrick_h_: Yow, that takes me back to Javadocs.14:24
cmaloneyFrame hell.14:24
rick_h_I was emailing at 11pm last night setting up interviews and such14:24
mrgoodcatcmaloney: it has more to do with the fact that almost every tutorial/stackoverflow/documentation/etc was written for python 214:24
rick_h_jrwren: so if you know of any superstars that want to work on my team let me know :)14:24
jrwrenoh god, anytime I see docs styled like that, I want to kill.14:24
cmaloneymrgoodcat: So learn Python 2. :)14:24
mrgoodcatso for a  beginner who still needs those tutorials and such it's difficult to learn python 314:24
mrgoodcatmy bot is python 214:24
rick_h_jrwren: right, thus my confusion on how you found a wonderful thing this morning :)14:24
jrwrenrick_h_: good lord! every canonical team is hiring it seems :)14:24
mrgoodcati decided it's easier to learn python2 then learn the changes for 3 later14:25
rick_h_jrwren: yes, I'm trying to fill a team of 5 plus replace someone on my own team right now14:25
mrgoodcatit will be a good excercise to port my bot to 3 anyways14:25
cmaloneymrgoodcat: yeah, I wouldn't worry too much about Python 3 at the moment. Get the foundations first.14:25
jrwrenrick_h_: all juju gui?14:25
cmaloneyYeah, agreed14:25
cmaloneymrgoodcat: ^14:25
rick_h_jrwren: juju ui engineering14:25
rick_h_jrwren: new team is mostly go, little python and js front end14:25
jrwrenrick_h_: how many people work for canonical? how many engineers?14:25
rick_h_jrwren: hmm, most juju sprints are 150ish? probably around 180 on juju ish stuff. Say 400 maybe?14:26
rick_h_I dont' honestly know right now and it's hard to define outside of my own folks I work with14:26
rick_h_sales engineers count? on site client engineers?14:26
jrwrenrick_h_: 150 people on juju?!?14:27
rick_h_well that was the sprint, so sales folks and server folks and...14:27
jrwrenso... that is all of canonical then, not just juju?14:27
mrgoodcatjrwren: it can hardly be a surprise. juju is a major piece of the ubuntu cloud market which is where the money is14:27
rick_h_well it's the non-phone/etc side of canonical?14:28
jrwrensounds sized very similar to Arbor :)14:28
jrwrenmrgoodcat: if you say so. we aren't privy to the private companies financials.14:28
mrgoodcatno we aren't. but it seems obvious to me that the best way to monetize ubuntu is through server/enterprise14:29
jrwrenmrgoodcat: that didn't work very well for anyone, cept maybe redhat.14:29
mrgoodcatunless i'm missing some part of the big picture on the desktop which could make money14:29
jrwrenmrgoodcat: i'm not interested in speculation of revenue source.14:30
jrwrenIf anyone has real numbers they can share, then I'm very interested :)14:30
cmaloneyqq: Wht is the new hotness for Ruby RVM?14:32
mrgoodcati doubt any will be forthcoming. i noticed our in channel canonical employee has been silent and i think that's probably not an accident14:32
jrwrenmrgoodcat: hint: there are often more than 1. :)14:32
mrgoodcatrvm isn't new hotness14:32
cmaloneydesktop is pretty much dead14:32
cmaloneyI mean what replaced rvm14:33
mrgoodcatchruby and rbenv14:33
cmaloneymrgoodcat: tx.14:33
mrgoodcatchruby is the cool kid right now14:33
mrgoodcatall my ruby friends use chruby on their MBPs while sipping 20$ lattes14:33
jrwrenwell said.14:34
mrgoodcati saw a really funny piece of satire about ruby people that advertised chruby as having better retina support than rbenv and rvm14:34
mrgoodcatmy google fu is failing me right now though14:35
cmaloneychruby looks like a winner14:36
cmaloneynot a fan of something messing with my .profile14:36
mrgoodcatspeaking of trendy software anybody that hasn't seen http://html9responsiveboilerstrapjs.com/ is really missing out14:36
brouschHow do I install this? Um... are you stupid or something? Just attackclone the grit repo pushmerge, then rubygem the lymphnode js shawarma module – and presto!14:37
mrgoodcat"It's also cross-universe compatible"14:37
brouschlymphnode js must exist14:38
mrgoodcatthe best part is that there is actually a github repo. the issues reported are great14:45
mrgoodcatIf you do not rollback commit c07825d I will kill myself and everybody in my workplace.14:45
brouschHeh, the js is checked in minified14:46
mrgoodcatsupport for monochrome atm displays14:46
mrgoodcatjust laughed out loud at work. now everybody know's i'm not doing real work.14:51
brouschmrgoodcat: Claim you were checking someone's code14:52
rick_h_and they used a goto14:52
mrgoodcatit was so bad i laughed?14:52
rick_h_see ^14:52
mrgoodcati was doing a code review for class last week and my "peer" used a "while(false)" to make a section of code not run because he didn't know how to multiline comment14:53
mrgoodcati use the term "peer" in the absolutely loosest possible definition of the term14:54
mathomastechI was just cleaning up some python code and noticed several global variables left over from when I was experimenting. I feel so dirty :(14:59
mrgoodcatis there a utility to automatically check for imports you no longer need?15:19
brouschmrgoodcat: Some IDEs do it, like KomodoEdit15:24
mrgoodcati'm not really interested in IDEs in general...15:24
mrgoodcatespecially when i'm learning a new language. it's amazing to me how many people in my classes can't even write a proper main method declaration in java without an IDE15:25
mrgoodcatpeople in my class will debate the advantages of binary search trees but can't make a simple hello world program without their precious eclipse15:27
brouschJava without an IDE?! You ask the impossible!15:31
mrgoodcati code my assignments in vim or sublime depending on my mood at the time15:37
brouschI'm going to be sick15:38
mrgoodcati'm half rubyish so tools that are pretty will always seem attractive to me regardless of their functionality15:39
greg-gat least you admit it15:40
mrgoodcatyea. i sometimes have to actively evaluate my thought process when making such descisions to make sure i'm not using something purely because its "cool"15:40
greg-ggood on ya15:40
greg-gluckily, my immediate coworkers are pretty good about that... the rest of the WMF? sometimes not :)15:41
greg-g(WMF == Wikimedia Foundation, if that isn't clear)15:41
greg-g'course, my coworkers are basically the sepcial ops team of the org.15:42
mrgoodcati use vim for most things but sublime does have some OOTB features that make it useful in some situations. in java specifically i particularly enjoy it's ability to immediately jump to the function declaration even if it is in another file15:42
greg-gyou break something you can't fix? we get called in.15:42
mrgoodcatyou work for wikimedia?15:42
greg-ghttps://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Greg_%28WMF%29 == me15:43
mrgoodcatthats even cooler than working for canonical. sry rick_h_15:43
mrgoodcatmediawiki is php tho...15:44
mrgoodcatnot to say it's impossible to write php code, but i havent seen a hell of a lot of good php code15:45
greg-git was started in 200115:45
mrgoodcats/write/write\ good/15:45
greg-gwe need to do some re-architecting (it's a bit 'ball of mud' right now)15:45
greg-gwe're moving to a service oriented arch15:45
mrgoodcatthe lanugage itself seems to actively promote spaghetti code15:45
greg-gthe new parsing backend is a nodejs thing15:46
mrgoodcatnot sure if it's the language itself or just the fact that every newb thinks they are a php coder15:46
greg-git's probably historical15:47
greg-gI mean, one of our devs (been here since near the beginning) is a php committer, I believe, and he writes good code15:47
mrgoodcatpeople like this kid http://www.michaelbromley.co.uk/blog/65/confessions-of-an-intermediate-programmer15:47
mrgoodcatbit of a long article but i think he represents a large subset of new programmers15:48
mrgoodcatwhen i read that article it made me look back at my own history and laugh at the similarities15:49
mrgoodcati'm sure in 5 years if i look back at right now i'll say the same thing too15:49
mrgoodcatprogramming is sort of "the more you know, the more you realize how little you actually know"15:50
cmaloneyVery rarely does anyone who self-appoints themselves as a magnificent programmer really pan out15:52
mrgoodcati'm always hoping for the eureka moment where i realise all of the missing pieces and graduate to "master programmer" status. but in the back of my mind I think the people i consider to be "master" class probably have the same problem.15:52
cmaloneyI find programming to be close to enlightenment15:53
cmaloneythe only time you truly find enlightenment is when you stop trying to attain it15:53
cmaloney(thinking more of a Zen Buddhism perspective as I'm not familiar with most of the other paths)15:54
cmaloney(and more the soto school, and my mishmashed reading of other texts)15:58
rick_h_mrgoodcat: hah, no apologies needed on my account :P16:41
mrgoodcatrelevant xkcd > https://xkcd.com/1238/17:13
jrwrenmrgoodcat: what they said. A true master programmers knows nothing.17:21
jrwrena true master programmer questions everything.17:21
mrgoodcatstupid character encodings crashed my bot at 9 am and i didn't notice17:24
mrgoodcatcmalone pasted \xe2\x80\x9317:25
mrgoodcatanybody know how to make it so sqlite can handle unicode strings?17:32
rick_h_mrgoodcat: check out bookie, it does it17:33
mrgoodcatrick_h_: by bookie does it do you mean sqlalchemy does it?17:35
mrgoodcator is there code specifically for this in bookie?17:35
rick_h_yea, SqlA and it's column defs17:36
mrgoodcatyou talking about this? https://github.com/bookieio/Bookie/blob/develop/bookie/models/__init__.py#L25917:38
rick_h_mrgoodcat: yea17:38
rick_h_SqlAlchemy handles it for me17:38
rick_h_but you can query the db for the table definitions in your local bookie.db and see what it's doing17:39
rick_h_maybe compare, etc17:39
rick_h_was more my point17:39
mrgoodcatthis is the hack i came up with http://hastebin.com/bakotafusi.py17:39
mrgoodcati'm switching to sqlalchemy though17:39
mrgoodcattest ��18:04
jrwrenyup, having a bad python day... after python3 challenges, I ran into python2 challenges when apple changed clang and now the flags that ptyhon was built with don't work, so compiling extensions fails. :(18:04
mrgoodcataha working unicode18:05
mrgoodcatwell. working stupid characters i don't care about anyways18:05
mrgoodcatjrwren: on a mac?18:05
jrwrenyup, a mac.18:09
jrwrensomeday, I'll learn python3 :)18:09
cmaloneymrgoodcat: If Unicode crashes your stuff you have bigger problems. ;)18:12
mrgoodcatnot unicode18:13
mrgoodcatthat's not what i meant18:13
cmaloneyI might accidentally post that you need to check out Последняя песнь твоей мечты by Grey Heaven Fall from Grey Heaven Fall – Серые небеса осени 2008 (Demo)18:13
mrgoodcatworked fine18:14
mrgoodcat.reflect Последняя песнь твоей мечты18:14
mrgoodcathrm... well it didn't crash18:14
mrgoodcat.reflect still on18:14
slevinstill on18:14
cmaloney.reflect http://www.jamendo.com/album/124706/18:15
cmaloney.reflect  Escondida en ti by Sadai from 6DÍAS18:15
mrgoodcatreflect is a useless command18:16
greg-gslevin hi18:16
mrgoodcatareflect test18:16
greg-gslevin: help18:16
mrgoodcatlol help18:16
mrgoodcatyou think i document shit?18:16
slevinfunc list pull reflect relist sleep18:17
greg-g.sleep 1018:17
slevinslept ten seconds18:17
greg-g.sleep what the ef18:17
slevinslept ten seconds18:17
mrgoodcatsleep always goes 10 seconds18:17
slevinslept ten seconds18:17
greg-g.pull my finger18:17
mrgoodcati wrote that to test multithreading18:17
mrgoodcat.reflect still listening18:17
slevinstill listening18:17
slevinslept ten seconds18:17
greg-gso, what's it do? ;)18:18
mrgoodcatpull updates his local copy of bookie18:18
mrgoodcat.func auth18:18
slevin./tests/test_webviews/test_webviews.py:59 - def test_import_auth_failed(self):18:18
slevin./tests/test_api/test_base_api.py:260 - def test_bookmark_diff_user_authed(self):18:18
slevin./tests/test_api/test_base_api.py:569 - def user_bookmark_count_authorization(self):18:18
slevin./models/auth.py:178 - def auth_groupfinder(userid, request):18:18
slevin./lib/access.py:245 - def is_json_auth_request(request):18:18
mrgoodcat.func ^auth18:18
slevin./models/auth.py:178 - def auth_groupfinder(userid, request):18:18
mrgoodcatsearches for function definitions18:18
mrgoodcati didn't feel like scrolling up to find the import statements and grepping files to find the function definitions18:19
mrgoodcatits like the only useful thing he does18:19
mrgoodcatalso he'll check on an issue for you #23418:20
slevinopen - non-activated accounts should be cleaned up occassionally - https://github.com/bookieio/Bookie/issues/23418:20
mrgoodcatthere isn't a 666 yet18:20
* cmaloney delights in trying to crash things.18:20
mrgoodcatfeel free18:20
mrgoodcati'm doing it as a learning excercise anyways18:20
mrgoodcatthe regex is a little more robust than that18:21
mrgoodcatcome on18:21
slevinclosed - add the ?text=XXX for the logo font - https://github.com/bookieio/Bookie/issues/6618:21
slevinopen - update api to provide stats information - https://github.com/bookieio/Bookie/issues/8818:22
mrgoodcati was playing with the github api trying to make it notify the bot when commits happen or issues change status18:22
mrgoodcatso i could store function definitions in a key value store instead of regexing the raw files every time .func is called18:23
greg-g.func *18:24
slevinMore than 5 matches.18:24
mrgoodcatits such a simple regex. you won't beat it. it splits the string by " " then uses re.match(r".*(\d+)", str)18:24
greg-gjust give us time18:25
cmaloney# 8818:25
mrgoodcatre.match(r"#(\d+)", str)18:25
greg-g#8 8 818:25
slevinclosed - Add footer with links to bmark.us, etc - https://github.com/bookieio/Bookie/issues/818:25
greg-g#8 #8 #818:25
slevinclosed - Add footer with links to bmark.us, etc - https://github.com/bookieio/Bookie/issues/818:25
cmaloney#8 818:25
slevinclosed - Add footer with links to bmark.us, etc - https://github.com/bookieio/Bookie/issues/818:25
greg-g#8 #8 #918:26
slevinclosed - Add footer with links to bmark.us, etc - https://github.com/bookieio/Bookie/issues/818:26
greg-g#8 #10 #918:26
slevinclosed - Add footer with links to bmark.us, etc - https://github.com/bookieio/Bookie/issues/818:26
mrgoodcatinteresting idea for a feature...18:26
mrgoodcat#8 #918:26
slevinclosed - Add footer with links to bmark.us, etc - https://github.com/bookieio/Bookie/issues/818:26
greg-g#8,9 would be easier18:26
greg-gor do both18:26
greg-g# # #818:26
slevinclosed - Add footer with links to bmark.us, etc - https://github.com/bookieio/Bookie/issues/818:26
mrgoodcatthe idea is #8 can be mentioned anywhere in the string18:26
slevinclosed - Add footer with links to bmark.us, etc - https://github.com/bookieio/Bookie/issues/818:26
mrgoodcatprefix: cmaloney!~snap-l@sourceforge/alumni/cmaloney18:27
mrgoodcatcommand: PRIVMSG18:27
mrgoodcatargs: [u'#ubuntu-us-mi', u'#\\x32\r\n']18:27
mrgoodcatthats what he saw18:27
cmaloneyBah, OK, time to go back to real work.18:28
mrgoodcathe escapes everything18:28
mrgoodcat.reflect Последняя песнь твоей мечты18:29
cmaloney#\ \ \ \ \  \  \ \ \  \ \  \\ \\ \  \  \\ \18:29
mrgoodcatim going to restart him real quick18:31
mrgoodcat.reflect Последняя песнь твоей мечты18:31
slevinПоследняя песнь твоей мечты18:31
cmaloney.reflect �18:31
widoxwhat the heck, its like a cat sitting on a keyboard in here18:31
greg-gwidox: missed you too18:31
cmaloney.reflect \/quit18:32
mrgoodcatthey're trying to break slevin18:32
greg-g.relect \quit18:32
greg-g.relect /quit18:32
cmaloney.reflect �/quit18:32
greg-g.relect "/"quit18:33
cmaloneymissing f18:33
greg-g.reflect "/"quit18:33
greg-g.reflect //quit18:33
greg-g.reflect /quit18:33
greg-g.reflect \quit18:33
cmaloneyreflect \n/quit18:33
greg-g /quit18:34
greg-ghow did 14:33 <    slevin> /quit not quit?18:35
greg-g.reflect /part18:35
greg-g.reflect /join #test18:35
slevin/join #test18:35
greg-gslevin: empty char in front?18:36
mrgoodcat.reflect �/quit18:38
mrgoodcatif you'd like to try an sql injection i'll even tell you the table he stores in is called ircfreenodenet and the fields are (datetime utc, string chan, string nick, string msg)18:39
mrgoodcati don't really care if you wipe the db18:39
brouschWhat are you idgits doing?18:46
mrgoodcatthey're trying to break the bot i wrote18:47
mrgoodcatit's my first python project ever so i'd say it's holding up like a champ18:47
brouschDid they delete your HD yet?18:47
mrgoodcat7 days ago i'd never used a line of python18:47
mrgoodcatlol no18:47
mrgoodcatthe bot runs in a docker container anyways so good luck with that18:48
mrgoodcatthey could dump the db but i doubt its possible without a 0 day in sqlite3; in which case, it isn't my problem.18:48
mrgoodcat.reflect hi18:58
mrgoodcatareflect hi18:58
brouschslevin: Welcome!19:05
mrgoodcatyou do realize he is the bot right?...19:09
brouschHe needs a more botlike name19:25
greg-glike "brousch"19:27
greg-gthat's a good one19:28
=== mrgoodcat is now known as mrgoodbot
=== mrgoodbot is now known as mrgoodcat
=== mrgoodcat is now known as mrgoodbot
=== mrgoodbot is now known as mrgoodcat
mrgoodcat.reflect test19:40
greg-gthat's not going to get confusing ;)19:44
brousch.reflect bite me greg-g19:46
mrgoodbotbite me greg-g19:46
mrgoodcat.reflect hi19:47
greg-gmore clear on purpose, yeah ;)19:47
mrgoodcatmostly i just pm him when i need him19:48
brouschIt should be .echo, not .reflect19:51
mrgoodcat.echo hi19:51
mrgoodcat.echo hi19:51
mrgoodcathave to be careful because function names cannot be already defined functions in python19:52
mrgoodcati'm thinking about giving function names cmd prefixes to make sure they don't pollute the namespace19:52
mrgoodcatworkin on it19:55
brouschgreg-g is winter http://i.imgur.com/MbsUrAz.jpg19:55
brouschin winter19:55
greg-gbrousch: I wore these while in Michigan 2 weeks ago: http://www.softstarshoes.com/adult-shoes/adult-dash-runamoc-chocolate-burgundy-with-bullhide-sole.html19:57
greg-gbetter than vibrams. SoftStar are made in the USA by people being paid a fair wage ;)19:58
bookiebotecho func list pull relist sleep19:58
cmaloneyToo bad they're not made by people who aren't colorblind. ;)19:58
brouschNeeds a help19:58
greg-gcmaloney: I designed my own, not those colors ;)19:59
cmaloneyhttp://www.softstarshoes.com/dyo-adult-dash-runamoc.html <- so muuch better.19:59
brousch$109?! There's only half a shoe there!19:59
brouschcmaloney: That's a bowling shoe20:00
greg-git pains americans to pay for things not made by slaves20:00
cmaloneyI don't have a problem paying for shoes.20:00
cmaloneyI usually do so every so often20:00
brouschIt is painful when I can go to Meijer and get a nice pair of shoes for $5020:00
greg-gright, ethics and morals aren't easy20:01
greg-gs/easy/always cheaper/20:01
brouschI don't even shop at Walmart!20:02
cmaloneyProblem is they don't make my shoes anymore20:03
greg-gbrousch: good first step20:03
cmaloneyused to get the Bass Earth shoes20:03
greg-gnow look at what you buy20:03
brouschI'm not going to pay $20 for a pair of artisinal undies20:03
mrgoodcatwhat you buy is more important than where you buy it20:04
greg-gthat ^20:04
brouschI buy New Balance because they fit well and last long20:04
greg-gbut are bad for your feet :P20:05
mrgoodcatif you ignore where products are sourced, wal-mart still destroys mom and pop shops though20:05
brouschMy feet don't hurt when I wear them20:05
brouschPArt of the fit well20:06
mrgoodcati wear keen hiking boots as my regular shoes20:06
mrgoodcatand vibram 5 fingers for running20:06
brouschI feel like I'm in Portlandia20:08
brouschWhat can you tell me about the cow those artisinal running shows came from? Was it free range? Did it live a good, fulfilling life?20:08
cmaloneySpeaking of labor.20:09
greg-gwanting the world to be a better place is obviously unamerican20:09
greg-gor maybe talking with strawmen isn't helpful?20:10
brouschI really did lol at strawfolk20:11
greg-gI giggled20:12
greg-gmore than a heh, less than a real laugh20:12
jrwrengreg-g: zomg! vibrams are slave shoes?!?20:14
greg-gjrwren: :P20:14
greg-gwhere are they made?20:15
greg-gI assumed China or similar20:15
mrgoodcattime to go home20:16
mrgoodcatvibram has production in italy, japan, north america, china, and brazil20:17
brouschmrgoodcat: Go home and think about how your shoes are killing chinese children20:17
greg-gmrgoodcat: interesting mix20:17
mrgoodcati'm going to go running in them right now20:18
mrgoodcatactually not right now20:18
mrgoodcatbecause i'm going up north20:18
mrgoodcatbut later20:18
wolfgerWho's got the func? Gotta have that func!21:32
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