
lazyPowerjose: you know what I didnt do? I didn't set a domain name, then I re-ran the hook after it initially enabled the site00:00
lazyPowerso there are some idempotency issues with the install hook as well.00:00
joselazyPower: so, even if not setting a domain name, it did run successfully before00:01
josejust failed here, I'm checking00:01
jose2014-03-15 00:00:00 INFO juju.worker.uniter context.go:255 HOOK /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-mailman-0/charm/hooks/install: line 150: warning: here-document at line 126 delimited by end-of-file (wanted `EOL')00:01
jose2014-03-15 00:00:00 INFO juju.worker.uniter context.go:255 HOOK /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-mailman-0/charm/hooks/install: line 151: syntax error: unexpected end of file00:01
joselazyPower: ^00:01
josethat's the error preventing it from finish00:02
lazyPoweryeah. Give it s'more TLC and I'll recheck. I'm going to log out for the day.00:02
lazyPowerits 8:00pm here local - long day00:02
josehave a nice weekend! :)00:03
joseand thanks again!00:03
lazyPowerbut if you need anything, email me, ping me, whatever :)00:03
lazyPoweri'm happy to help00:03
lazyPowertc o/ have a good weekend00:03
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bodie_anyone know how to build the juju binary from source?  mine's getting hung up on the gwacl error03:04
bodie_I asked in dev but it's quiet tonight03:05
sarnoldbodie_: you could check out the build logs, they may have some guidance about what you've overlooked: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/168405383/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-amd64.juju-core_1.17.4-0ubuntu2_UPLOADING.txt.gz03:06
bodie_ah, I see the problem03:08
bodie_I need more cores03:08
bodie_that's very, very different from all the lit I've seen saying to simply "go get launchpad.net/juju-core"...03:18
bodie_but, I guess if it builds it builds03:18
onreahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7093712/ ==> status: pending ?!04:55
sarnold"", heh, the version looks like an ip..05:10
lazyPoweronrea: is your instance stuck in the pending state?05:29
lazyPowersarnold: wish me luck, i just applied for charmer status05:30
* lazyPower crosses fingers05:30
sarnoldlazyPower: ooh! cool!05:31
onrealazyPower: When I run "watch juju status", nothings happens05:51
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hazmatgeekmush1, ping18:06
geekmush1hey!  still haven't circled back to juju yet … had a webserver get compromised, so have been doing that fire drill18:07
geekmush1(wasn't my fault!  WP bad install, I think)18:07
geekmush1any updated for me to grab, tho?18:08
hazmatgeekmush1, no worries.18:08
hazmatgeekmush1, so i wanted to double check the version of juju you were using18:08
hazmatgeekmush1, afaics juju hadn't been initialized on that machine.. or your using something older than 1.1718:09
hazmatand 1.17 +  is a pre-req for docean provider18:09
geekmush1I don't have the juju server up right now, but as I recall, it was the juju development apt repo18:09
hazmatgeekmush1, no worries.. i still see somethings i can fix up which i'll work on.18:09
hazmattrying to play around with openstack dev in containers atm18:10
geekmush1cool … let me know!  :)18:10
bodie_wait, is there an actual docean provider now?18:16
bodie_I thought it was manual provider18:16
hazmatbodie_, its a plugin that automates digital ocean via manual provider18:16
bodie_but you still have to have already created the VM nodes right?18:17
hazmatbodie_, ie.. bootstrap/add-machine/terminate-machine/destroy-environment  via the plugin do the right thing wrt to do18:17
hazmatbodie_, no.. it creates them for you using the do api18:17
bodie_oh...  I misread the docean walkthrough then, or i'm confused in some other way18:17
hazmatbodie_, its not an actual provider.. its a client side provider18:17
hazmatbodie_, ie.. you have to juju docean add-machine before doing juju deploy/add-unit18:18
bodie_I misunderstood that as actually adding the machine yourself on digitalocean18:18
bodie_which really seemed to defeat the purpose, heh18:18
hazmathmm.. maybe i should clear up the docs there18:18
bodie_oh, is that yours?18:18
bodie_nice work if so18:18
hazmatbodie_, yeah18:18
hazmatthe lxc plugin is the one i'm using on a daily basis.. manual provider + lxc-clone w/ snapshot.18:19
bodie_why not make juju deploy do an add-machine first, if it's not there already?18:19
bodie_yeah, that's pretty cool for sure18:19
bodie_I use DigitalOcean a lot on my own, so I got really excited when I realized how simple juju would make that, until I thought I still had to make the VMs myself :S18:19
hazmatbodie_, deploy relies on the provider on the state server to allocate the actual machine if one is not already available18:20
hazmatbodie_, give it a whirl then.. feedback always welcome18:20
bodie_I see18:20
bodie_and since it's manual, it wouldn't know how18:20
hazmatin fact it throws an error on deploy now w/ manual18:20
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