
=== beisner- is now known as beisner
sarnoldhrm, we still have samba4 source package in trusty/universe .. I thought that was going to be replaced by some small stubs to point to the samba package instead?00:15
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NoskcajCan someone please look into syncing widelands? My internet is too bad to even ppa build it. Many packaging fixes, enables parallel build, manpage fixes01:42
=== NCommand` is now known as NCommander
=== NCommander is now known as Guest72853
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zequenceHi. I need some help figuring out debian/templates and debconf12:08
zequenceNot clear about how that works at all right now12:08
zequencesource lp:ubuntustudio-live12:08
zequenceI based that package on edubuntu-live12:11
zequencestgraber: Perhaps I could ask you for hints on that?12:11
zequenceI'm reading a tutorial about debconf and templates right now, so hopefully I'll get it right sooner or later on my own :)12:12
zequenceI get lintian warnings..12:26
zequenceE: ubuntustudio-live: no-template-description ubiquity/text/ubuntustudio-packages_heading_label12:26
zequenceE: ubuntustudio-live: unknown-field-in-templates ubiquity/text/ubuntustudio-packages_heading_label _description12:26
zequenceSeems to me there might be something odd about the templates file in itself. I can't seem to figure out what though12:26
xnoxzequence: can you pastebin the whole templates file?12:27
xnoxoh, lp:ubuntustudio-live, let me check.12:27
zequencexnox: I think I figured it out, but I'm still puzzled12:29
zequencexnox: I changed "_Description:" to "Description", and now it seems to work12:29
xnoxzequence: sure, but you don't get translations, do you?12:29
xnox_ means that debconf-po will work to translate those fields.12:30
zequencexnox: Thanks for that info :)12:30
zequencexnox: I'm just about finished with this package now. Just need to test it before I push changes. You think you could help out in getting it uploaded (all though it's really late for that)?12:32
xnoxzequence: so, i did mkdir debian/po, echo "[type: gettext/rfc822deb] templates] > debian/po/POTFILES.in; then I did debconf-updatepo pot from ./debian/ that generated templates.pot.12:33
xnoxand hopefully this will now work with translations.12:34
zequencexnox: Ok, thanks12:34
xnoxzequence: https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/ubuntustudio-live/debconf-updatepo/+merge/21117412:36
xnoxzequence: not sure if you already removed "_" or not.12:36
zequencexnox: only locally12:37
xnoxzequence: templates.po is generated file, but one typically commits it.12:37
zequencexnox: Alright. No bad lintian warning I think. So, you think I could get it uploaded?12:51
zequencebug 94659112:51
ubottubug 946591 in ubuntustudio-live "Add ubuntustudio-live to trusty repositories" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94659112:51
zequenceI still need to fix our seeds after, and also update our meta - which hasn't been updated at all for trusty yet :P12:53
cjwatsonTrying to debug the dee-qt build on ppc64el is making me hallucinate13:34
cjwatson62              connect(&model_qt, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsInserted, [&num_insertions] (const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end) {13:34
cjwatson63                  num_insertions++;13:34
cjwatsonstep into that and I get:13:34
cjwatson64              });13:34
cjwatson(gdb) p signal13:34
cjwatson$5 = (void (QAbstractItemModel::*)(QAbstractItemModel * const, const QModelIndex &, int, int, QAbstractItemModel::QPrivateSignal)) 0x10016bf0 <QMapDataBase::createData()@plt+64>13:34
cjwatsonwhere on earth did it get that function from?13:35
cjwatsonpowerpc has the same test failure; and there's actually not *that* much similar between powerpc and ppc64el, they're different word length and different endianness13:35
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Guest72853 is now known as NCommander
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ScottKWould it be possible for someone who has ppc64el to look at libktorrent installability.  It's been built for sometime, but libktorrent5 is apparently not installable.  It's blocking migration of some packages from proposed.  See https://launchpadlibrarian.net/169618637/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-ppc64el.kget_4%3A4.12.3-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz for an example.16:58
cjwatsonIt's blocked on libgcrypt20 building16:59
ScottKIs that likely to happen soon?17:01
ScottKI'm wondering if we should do something specific to get kget and ktorrent to migrate.17:01
cjwatsonIf the test suite didn't spew its log output to syslog (FFS) then I might be able to see the details17:11
cjwatsonI might try to look on Monday.17:18
infinitycjwatson: Err, it is?17:26
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:~$ reverse-depends libgcrypt11 | grep ktorrent17:31
infinity* libktorrent5 [amd64 arm64 armhf i386 powerpc]17:31
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:~$ reverse-depends libgcrypt20 | grep ktorrent17:31
infinity* libktorrent5 [ppc64el]17:31
infinitySo, that looks like it would be easy to fix. :P17:31
infinityI'm very tempted to remove libgcrypt20 from trusty, actually.  Every time a libgcrypt-depending package is rebuilt, it magically switches (which has only happens once so far on all arches, and 3 times on ppc64el).17:42
infinityI don't think this is a desirable outcome for SRU/security.17:42
infinitycjwatson: ^-- Opinion?17:43
infinityslangasek: ^-- Or you?17:46
cjwatsoninfinity: haha seriously17:51
cjwatsoninfinity: there are a few rdeps, but maybe they're not too bad.  I can see your point ...17:51
infinitycjwatson: I've just rebuilt all the things that have deps on 20, by forcing build-deps, but I think we're shooting ourselves in the foot post-release if we don't just yank 20 now.17:51
cjwatsonYeah, not a terrible argument17:52
infinityRight, I'll JFDI as soon as the rdep list is clean.17:54
infinityAnd we can bring it back in U, promote it to main, and do a more coordinated transition instead of an accidental one. :P17:55
Unit193When it comes to https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1060543, should I just presume I'm close enough in the desktop file, request a merge, then subscribing someone to that merge request?18:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1060543 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "Additional Drivers is not discoverable in Quantal" [Critical,In progress]18:02
juliankbdmurray: Hey, I'm about to upload the python-apt changes from{1,2} to Debian as (And I feel bad about forgetting that bug after my comment, but launchpad is far too noisy, so I delete many emails directly, mostly if I can't keep up with other emails)18:26
juliankJust wanted to let you know.18:27
* juliank merges patches / fixing bugs in less than a day currently. No university!18:28
bdmurrayjuliank: thanks18:31
* juliank should request per-package upload rights19:26
infinityAlright, libgcrypt20 completely purged from trusty.19:38
infinityScottK: Your ktorrent woes should be solved.19:39
ScottKinfinity: Thanks.20:10
infinityHrmph, that lftp Bus Error seems to be back.20:18
infinitycjwatson: ^-- Have you noticed that on snakefruit?  Or mailbox seems to be full of it.20:18
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
cjwatsoninfinity: I read that mailbox *cough* infrequently20:57
cjwatsonI recently found >8000 cronmail entries in cjwatson@nusakan - possibly should arrange for that to be forwarded somewhere useful20:57
infinitycjwatson: Yeah, I only read it when the shell reminds me that new mail just happened.20:58
ogra_shoulld probably become an IS default practice to set up mail forwarders for user accoounts they create :=20:59
* ogra_ has no idea if any machine in the datacenter has any cron mails for him, i honestly *never* checked21:00

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