
basketballwhats up01:26
holsteinbasketball: you mean socially? whats up?.. this is not that kind of channel.. please use one of the offtopic channels.. #ubuntu-offtopic or maybe the defocus channel02:27
=== Fuchs_ is now known as Fuchs
Unit193AlanBell: Since it's not the council meeting, might want to change the fridge and wiki header.14:06
Unit193https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/MeetingAgenda <--- has council in it too.14:06
AlanBellUnit193: done some updates, will sort out the fridge with jose at some point14:45
Unit193Nice, danke.14:45
ibrahimcan anyone help me with tplink usb wireless card ??15:51
Unit193ibrahim: Hello!  You'll want to type  /join #ubuntu15:53
ibrahim /join #ubuntu15:54
emmaAlanBell: hey are you here?22:37
AlanBellhi emma23:46
AlanBellemma: feel free to say stuff, I will catch it in the morning, or /msg me if you prefer. night o/23:57

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