
=== Adri2000_ is now known as Adri2000
ESphynxhey guys, how could characters get mixed up when my app uses X input contexts ? (XIC) /04:47
ESphynxso what's the default input method on Trusty? it was doing realy annoying things... I've selected 'xim' specifically in my .inputrc and things are fine again.05:45
ESphynxOK 'ibus' seems to be the default input method and is buggy.05:56
ESphynxSee issue https://code.google.com/p/ibus/issues/detail?id=169706:06
ESphynxAlso im-config has got like a 20 pixels wide dialog to select from radio buttons :P06:06
ESphynx20 pixels high* sorry06:07
=== tsmithe_` is now known as tsmithe
=== tsmithe is now known as tsmithe_away
=== tsmithe_away is now known as tsmithe
=== tsmithe is now known as tsmithe_away
=== tsmithe_away is now known as tsmithe

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