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Roeyhey all01:50
Roeyusing atop I see that for a large btrfs replication I am getting a read rate from the SSD of only 21 MB/s.  Why is this so slow??01:50
Beryloh jesus why is X using 14.3GB of memory03:02
=== manuel is now known as Daguydatpwnz
BerylAnyone have an idea why kwin blows up to tens of GB of ram and crashes X when I run some opengl programs but not others?04:07
BerylI'm almost certain it's my graphics drivers... latest nvidia, I don't have this happen on fglrx04:08
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abirvalgirc is live?05:58
abirvalgrusskie sushestvuyut?:)05:59
BerylHahaha, I'm running kubuntu with openbox instead of kwin, I have no clue why I have done this.07:30
rwwi've done that a few times. works pretty well, though i prefer kwin07:33
BerylRuns quick, a lot of quirks though, no major issues07:33
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lordievaderGood morning.08:54
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BluesKajHey folks11:03
FlowRiserHey, BluesKaj ^^ How are you?11:04
BluesKajhi FlowRiser, fine thanks, and you?11:04
FlowRiserAwesome, checking out Kde Gsoc Ideas11:04
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BluesKajhi Shaarad12:55
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ShaaradDoes anyone know how to make command line interface like cmus music player?13:20
ShaaradI downloaded the cmus source from git hub but I couldn't find precise documentation about the code13:21
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BluesKajShaarad, you could have just installed with muon, it's in the repos13:28
ShaaradBluesKaj I actually want to modify the code so as to use it for different purpose.. But I wanted the similar interface13:29
BluesKajShaarad, perhaps searching for cmus documentation in the 'buntu forums might help you13:39
ShaaradOkay BluesKaj, because the wiki on git hub wasn't sufficient13:40
lordievaderShaarad: Isn't the documentation IN the code? Usually programmers use inline comments (if they don't use the excuse of "my code doesn't need commenting").13:43
ShaaradNo lordievader, there aren't in line comments13:45
lordievaderHmm, I see. main.c doesn't contain a lot of comments. I guess they found the code too straight-forward to comment on.13:48
ShaaradSo how will the Ubuntu forums help as suggested by BluesKaj?13:50
BluesKajguess you have to search thru them to find out13:52
ShaaradOkay, thanks all :)13:52
lordievaderHey ari__14:12
douglmorning ladies and gents :)14:14
lordievaderHey dougl14:14
BluesKajhey dougl14:17
=== Shaarad is now known as tigerden
douglwhat are we learning today... if I plan on being distracted maybe I wont be and not be late for church :)14:18
ari__hello everybody14:20
ari__i waan talk about bohdi14:20
BluesKajwe wouldn't want you to be late for church dougl, God forbid :)14:20
douglcli music player = mpg123? but I don't really know what you need...14:20
ari__noone wants to talk to me14:24
donixbrand new to linux on pc, have updated to latest version of kubuntu, and upgrades14:24
ari__i am a ggod girl though14:24
douglari__, i got 10 min14:24
zzzqqqggganyone here?14:24
donixkde plasma app doesnt load on lgin, and crashes when i try to load from taskbar14:24
BluesKajari__, try #bodhilinux14:24
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daumhey guys -i'm trying to setup raid1 on my machine however i don't see the option to say us as raid for the file system14:58
daumi have the 13.10 kubuntu burned to my usb drive14:59
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daumanyone around that can help with getting raid 1 setup?17:02
BluesKaj!raid | daum17:03
ubottudaum: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto17:03
daumBluesKaj, so i was trying to use kubuntu but it doesn't seem to have the raid option when you do manual like most of those guides say.  so then i tried to do just automatic then followed http://foivos.zakkak.net/tuts/ubuntu_1304_raid1_setup however now when i reboot to the temp grub profile i get that it can't find the md\1 device17:06
daumand can't load the kernel17:06
BluesKajdaum, maybe the ppl at #ubuntu can help, since the type of desktop shouldn't affect the raid setup17:10
daumok will try there too17:10
daumis it easy to switch from ubuntu to kubuntu?17:47
BluesKajyes, install kubuntu-desktop, then you can switch between ubuntu and kubuntu at login17:49
daumah perfect, ubuntu seems to have raid built into their installer now days17:49
daumso will install with that then make the switch17:49
BluesKajdaum,  your appls menu will have alot of duplication, apps that do the same thing on both desktopstho17:51
daumah ok will try to find a guide to remove all the dupe appes17:51
tigerdenBut isn't KDE a bit slower than unity??17:52
daumi've always liked kde way better (am actually switching from gentoo now)17:52
BluesKajtigerden, I found the opposite17:54
tigerdenUI wise KDE is always better, no doubt17:54
BluesKajtigerden, I get rid of or disable apps that I never use17:54
tigerdenOkay BluesKaj nice idea17:55
BluesKajnepomuk and akonadi server for example, if you don't use the PIM apps17:55
tigerdenMaybe adding ghost theme and enabling all UI effects has slowed my machine down a bit ;)17:55
tigerdenBut for real speed I have arch with LXDE17:58
BluesKajnepomuk and akonadi can't be uninstalled without removing kubuntu-desktop, unfortunately, altho when I was testing opensuse 13.1I was able to remove them without losing the kde desktop17:59
tigerdenI think there should be a minimalistic version with same UI but only bare minimum apps18:00
BluesKajstill didn't make me an opensuse convert tho...not real impressed with their package management18:00
tigerdenI have no idea about suse.. Never used18:01
Roeynever sused suse?18:01
BluesKajtigerden, agreed , I've been lobbying for soething similar, but it's fallen on deaf ears18:01
Roeyoh hi BluesKaj18:01
BluesKajhi Roey18:01
tigerdenNope.. I have used Ubuntu variants and arch.. Also raspbian18:02
BluesKajthought arch would be an interesting OS, the most interesting part was the install. Using it didn't do much for me18:04
tigerdenYup.. That feeling when you finally see the desktop :D18:04
tigerdenI have installed it on a 32gig flash drive which contains other OS isos for emergency18:05
RoeyThough I understand this portmanteau, "Raspbian" sounds to me like an operating system for Soviet researchers18:09
Roeyjust wanted to put that out there.18:09
Roeytigerden:  ^18:09
tigerdenHaha why so??18:10
Roeybecause it reminds me of Rasputin?18:11
Roeythat, probably18:11
tigerdenOh yeah! True!18:11
RoeyraspBIAn <=> raspUTIn18:11
Roeyor not Soviet, Czarist Russia, rather18:11
BluesKajbeen thinking about a raspberry pi setup once my old HTPC dies, but the HP desktop just keeps chugging along18:12
RoeyBluesKaj:  for what purposes do you see using raspbian?18:12
Roeyspecifically your usage of it18:12
Roeyi.e. whatcha gonna do with it?18:12
ikoniachaps, maybe #kubuntu-offtopic for this conversation would be best please ?18:12
BluesKajnot raspian per se, Roey , just a simple setup as a media center18:13
BluesKajright now kubuntu 13.10 does the job nicely18:13
RoeyBluesKaj:  aha18:21
Roeyikonia:  aye18:21
RoeyBluesKaj:  do you have experience with btrfs?18:22
BluesKajRoey, nope18:24
douglI do raspian18:24
Roeyah ok18:25
ubottuBtrfs is a new filesystem available for Ubuntu. It is currently marked as experimental, and should not be used for important data. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs18:26
Roeywell yes18:27
douglI want raspbuntu for my dog's pi...18:28
* dougl <grins>18:29
* BluesKaj wonders if mixed file systems can be used on a sib=ngle install btrfs for / and ext4 for /home and swap18:38
BluesKajsingle install18:38
BluesKajswap isn't ext, my mistake18:47
RGeeHi guys! Just ported to Kubuntu. Just wanted to know how different is kubuntu from ubuntu expect for the fact that this uses kde?18:47
BluesKajRGee, both use the ubuntu core, the desktops and apps are different altho gtk and kde apps can run either one18:49
RGeeHmm.. but the config files for both will be same, right? (the one not depending on kde)18:51
=== kent is now known as blurkis
BluesKajeach app has it's own config file, and some are common to both desktops like pulseaudio for example18:52
BluesKajRGee, did you have a particular app in mind ?18:55
RGeeBluesKaj: Not really. Suppose, I want to modify something in lightdm.conf... So, I look up for a solution which is based on ubuntu. So, I just wanted to clarify that will it be the same for kubuntu?18:57
RGeeBluesKaj: Pardon me. I'm pretty new to Linux.18:57
BluesKajRGee, well i guess that depends on what you want to mod in the conf file since both OSs use a different default page for lightdm and I'm guessing that the ubuntu lightdm login page will remain the default if you installed ubuntu first19:01
RGeeBluesKaj: Hmm... My main concern was the forum support for ubuntu is much better than that for kubuntu. So, basically wanted to ask whether they would work blindly in kubuntu or not. But I guess, it would work, but not blindly.19:03
BluesKajwhat are you trying to change in the conf file and why ?19:04
BluesKajubuntu also consists of 3 desktops, kubuntu just one19:06
RGeeBluesKaj: Nothing particularly at the moment. But in the morning I wanted to disable guest login. So, I figured that works for *buntu19:06
BluesKajsupported desktops that is19:06
RGeeBluesKaj: desktops as in?19:06
BluesKajunity, gnome, and cinnamon19:07
BluesKajafaik at least, I haven't spent much time there in the last few months since kubuntu is now supported officially by blue systems19:08
BluesKajI'm talking about the ubuntu support channel19:11
RGeeBluesKaj: Hmm... What do you use on your system, if you don't mind?19:12
BluesKajwhat do i use ? , I installed kubuntu which uses the kde desktop19:13
RGeeBluesKaj: Oh.. Pardon me, I'm new to all this.19:14
ubottu!Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.19:14
RGeeBluesKaj: This I knew. :)19:16
RGeeBluesKaj: Have you used Debian?19:16
BluesKajok good19:16
BluesKajyes, i started with debian as my first serious linux install about 11 yrs ago, a yr or so later switched to kubuntu, never cared for the debian root permission setup19:18
RGeeBluesKaj: I hear ubuntu is based on debian. Is it correct?19:19
BluesKajbeing an old windows guy I was attracted to the kde desktop and layout19:20
RGeeBluesKaj: Oh yeah. I started using ubuntu about 2 years ago. Was on unity for a while. Switched to gnome. Used that for quite some time. I loved that. But then it was too simple. And now on kubuntu.19:22
RGeeBluesKaj: So, how is ubuntu different from debian?19:22
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!19:24
douglgood chat!19:25
BluesKajdougl, some of that monitors might disagree :)19:27
dougl... if I could but in, as you learn what is kde and what is gnome you will know what source to use generally.... and now we know why I have those wild problems19:27
dougldebian is off topic!19:28
douglRGee, how long on linux?19:29
RGeeBluesKaj: I'm sorry if I did something which I'm not supposed to do.19:29
douglI do that19:29
douglyou are all good19:30
RGeedougl: around 2 years.19:30
BluesKajmost gnome stuff will run on kde and vice versa, at least it used to do so...and debian is the father of all 'buntus19:30
RGeeBluesKaj: Yeah, I read that link. Good read :)19:31
BluesKajbut the debian apps aren't written for any ubuntu flavours19:31
douglthe support for ubuntu is awesome... I have even used debian packages in ubuntu installs.19:31
RGeeBluesKaj: Instead Ubuntu takes the debian packages forward and supply to the main crowd?19:31
BluesKajthat can cause problems19:32
BluesKajany debian app has an ubuntu/flavour equivalent afaik19:33
BluesKajI haven't tried debian in very long time19:34
douglthe one I am thinking of was synergy...19:34
RGeeHow long does it generally take for a new kubuntu release after an new ubuntu release?19:34
BluesKajand have no desire to, think the permissions are wierd and I got frustarated having to constantly enter my pw, probly because I didn't understand how to use kwallet , which I stll avoid :)19:36
RGeeWhat exactly is kwallet?19:36
BluesKajRGee, usually the same schedule19:36
ubottukwallet is a subsystem that provides a convenient and secure way to manage all your passwords. More information is available at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/kwallet19:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:37
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/19:38
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines19:38
ubottufirefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins19:38
BluesKajok RGee so you've learned how to invoke the infobot ...enough already19:39
RGeeThis bot is awesome!19:39
RGeeHaha! :D19:39
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:39
BluesKajyou can look the info up for various apps on the muon package manager search19:39
BluesKajthanks Unit19319:40
RGeeWhat all kinds of bots do we have here?19:41
BluesKajjust one bot  that has access to the info19:41
BluesKajok, these old eyes need a rest... laters19:45
mhumm2I need some help20:00
mark____hello test20:09
mark____Okay.  I need some help...20:10
mark____is anybody here?20:11
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mhumm61I need some help with kubuntuforums.net20:27
mhumm61I need a good email address for one of the moderators.20:27
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