
FuuuqUmiistbut i don't want to autostart all the time, i think people use hibernate when working on a session and having to leave abruptly like in a class00:00
FuuuqUmiistare you unable to connect to the internet via wifi when resuming from suspend or hibernation?00:02
phillwFuuuqUmiist: Not tried, but as I'm on a 3G usb dongle my attempting would be pointless. Give me a ping tomorrow evening when I'm back home and on WiFi.00:03
FuuuqUmiisti hope that bug is finally fixed in the LTS version00:05
phillwFuuuqUmiist: have a read of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing and get involved! The other testers are a also nice people :)00:06
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MikaelaMorning, what would you recommend as clipboard manager for Lubuntu?05:44
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BerylAnyone else running 14.04? Seems ok so far.08:04
EldinMorning all10:02
FuuqUmiistwhat is the PPA for audacious the current version uses high CPU usage when playing music compared to Mplayer12:19
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Berylhmm, lxmenu does not launch some things, but the things work fine is launched from pcmanfm or terminal20:46
Berylkmines, knetwalk, kpat20:47
smurfslovercheck which command is used in the appropriate .desktop files in /usr/share/applications/20:50
Berylcommand is kmines -caption %c which works fine20:53
Berylhmm, yup, all 3 are correct, launch in terminal, and pcmanfm, but not in lxde's menu, strange20:54
melodiesmurfslover !!!20:54
melodiesmurfslover from Belgium?20:55
smurfsloverhowdy melodie20:55
melodie\o/ !20:55
smurfsloveryes the real one :)20:55
melodiefantastic! I'm happy to see you!20:55
smurfsloverit's a small world after all20:56
melodiewhat are you doing now?20:56
melodieno more gtk/enlightment editions I guess?20:57
smurfsloverfull time daddy now only have time to do some testing for bodhi linux20:57
melodiehow old is the happy child?20:57
smurfsloverso still using enlightenment currently running e1920:57
smurfsloveri have 2 sons20:57
melodieyes I heard e19 has been published20:57
smurfslovermy oldest turns 8 tomorrow, the other one is 620:57
melodieI have 1, 14 years old these days20:58
melodieok :)20:58
smurfsloverJeff from bodhi builds from git20:58
smurfsloverthey grow up fast20:58
smurfsloverand you will be able to install bodhi packages on top of ubuntu or lubuntu20:58
melodieI never could get used to enlightment, I still use Openbox and now publish mostly the same recipe, just a bit enhanced, with Ubuntu20:58
melodieBento is Ubuntu Openbox Remix20:59
smurfsloveryou have a channel on Freenode?20:59
melodiesure, #linuxvillage :D20:59
BerylI was playing with openbox+kde lol20:59
melodieBeryl that works well!20:59
melodieI had done a Xmas edition with such a setup21:00
BerylKDE's compo is great but the old xrender is starting to fall behind21:00
melodieI had used xcompmgr21:00
Berylgnome-openbox is completely broken though :(21:00
Berylhell i can't evne theme gnome21:00
melodieno wonder21:00
BerylSomeone should make an LXDE/Openbox SteamOS spin lol21:01
melodiewhy not?21:01
BerylSteamOS is simply debian with valve repos for upto date kernel, X, drivers, etc21:02
BerylBy default it comes with gnome which is... uhh21:02
Berylonly thing is you'd want to put in gamepad-cursor emulation for people using it as console21:02
melodieBeryl come to linuxvillage and do it!21:03
melodieI have the perfect basis for you to work on21:03
BerylI'm soo busy right now ;_;21:04
melodieit's up to you to have a look and see if you want to give it a try next21:07
melodiewhen you will be less busy21:07
BerylI find it funny how everything on lubuntu 14.04 is working fine besides a couple menu entries... but an update of glib broke firefox21:17
Berylwhat other menus are there? in xfce i use whisker, lxde have something similiar?21:44
sydney_what program would i use to write a game that is similar to Supertux?22:18
holsteinsydney_: what program? most folks use a text editor, or soemthing like VIM, AFAIK22:20
sydney_ It is called Supertux,and it is found in the software center.22:21

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