
ron__Hi, I was wondering if there was a system wide audio equalizer for Ubuntu 14.04. I did try PulseAudio Equalizer, added the PPA however when trying to install it I got a error saying package could not be found.00:11
RalithI just ran apt-get update && apt-get upgrade on my ubuntu 14 optimus laptop and nvidia-prime has ceased working. Specifically, the GLX extension is no longer available in X, and xrandr --listproviders only lists intel.03:25
Ralithhow do I fix this and prevent it from recurring?03:25
Raliththe prime-offload script prints an X11 BadValue error03:26
RalithXorg.0.log contains:03:33
Ralith[    33.127] (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)03:33
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lordievaderGood morning.08:54
BluesKajHey folks11:03
elfyhi BluesKaj11:04
BluesKajHi elfy11:05
elfyBluesKaj: so how's things in whatever you run?11:08
BluesKajelfy, quite good , a few graphics artifacts, but no freezing or segfaults on Kubuntu Trusty11:09
elfygot a few oddities in xubuntu - but nothing too nasty that's not pre trusty11:11
BluesKajnone on my nvidia gpu desktop pc, but this intel gpu laptop has a few11:11
* BluesKaj nods11:11
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gabmushello there17:10
gabmusanybody willing to help?17:10
penguin42only if you say what the problem is17:13
elfybest just to get on and ask17:13
gabmusgot helped on ubuntu17:22
gabmuson #ubuntu17:22
gabmusbasically i was using 14.04 gnome using the gnome-staging ppa, resulting in a s***load of bugs17:23
gabmusnow im purging this ppa, switching back to gnome 3.10. Everything should work fine17:24
Nothing_Muchgabmus: is it working fine?17:25
gabmuswhat's the subject17:26
gabmusgnome 3.10, gnome 3.11, the staging ppa or what17:26
gabmusgotta reboot17:28
STiKVery impressed with how 14.04 is currently.. Kudos to all involved :)17:31
miraiEI agree, STiK17:32
Beryl:~$ firefox21:13
Beryl(process:12940): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed21:13
BerylSegmentation fault (core dumped)21:13
BerylUgh an update broke firefox21:14
BerylAnyone unable to run firefox after updating recently?23:13
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