
Unit193miseria (~miseria@CPEc8d3a35a59fe-CM000f9fa607d2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) in #Ubuntu-es01:04
basketballllllAlanBell ypu on14:50
basketballllllYou should add unopaste to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots14:51
=== ClumsyFairyQueen is now known as CeleneTheAfk
lubotu3In lubotu3, bigcalm said: rat-#ubuntu-uk is The Real Ale Train. A yearly Ubuntu UK loco event to celebrate friends, trains and ale. Saturday 2nd Augurt 2014 Hampshire, UK: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/2745-real-ale-train-2014/18:42
* bigcalm tickles AlanBell18:42
* Unit193 hands bigcalm a stick to use.18:43
* AlanBell wonders why that didn't hilight me18:45
AlanBellrat-#ubuntu-uk is The Real Ale Train. A yearly Ubuntu UK loco event to celebrate friends, trains and ale. Saturday 2nd Augurt 2014 Hampshire, UK: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/2745-real-ale-train-2014/18:45
AlanBell!no rat-#ubuntu-uk is The Real Ale Train. A yearly Ubuntu UK loco event to celebrate friends, trains and ale. Saturday 2nd Augurt 2014 Hampshire, UK: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/2745-real-ale-train-2014/18:45
ubottuI'll remember that AlanBell18:45
bigcalmAlanBell: thank you :)18:46
AlanBellnow that did hilight me18:46
AlanBellI wonder if AlanBell: highlights me18:47
* bigcalm thinks that actions won't highlight AlanBell 18:47
Unit193AlanBell: Is your client smart enough to know when you are logged into your account? :P18:47
AlanBellodd, I will try some stuff in another channel I think :) something isn't right18:47
AlanBellUnit193: interesting question18:47
AlanBellit is  irssi18:47
bigcalmNow I need to make sure that I don't move house before my RAT tickets arrive18:48
* bigcalm ponders ordering 2 tickets, just in case18:48
IdleOneAlanBell: 2nd of Augurt?18:49
bigcalmHumm, that'll be my typo18:49
IdleOne!no rat-#ubuntu-uk is The Real Ale Train. A yearly Ubuntu UK loco event to celebrate friends, trains and ale. Saturday 2nd August 2014 Hampshire, UK: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/2745-real-ale-train-2014/18:49
ubottuI'll remember that IdleOne18:49
bigcalmThank you, IdleOne :)18:50
IdleOnesure thing18:50
IdleOnehave an extra beer for me on that day :)18:50
AlanBellbonus points for including the word chuff in the description18:52
AlanBellour friends on the other side of the pond seem to think that is a funny word, so I make a point of using it as much as possible over there :)18:52
bigcalmHeh, perfect18:52
Unit193AlanBell: I don't think any client is that "smart" really.18:52
Unit193Does this ping AlanBell?18:53
AlanBellUnit193: the first one did, second didn't18:55
Unit193AlanBell: Right,  /highlight AlanBell   then.18:56
AlanBellchoo choo, I bought my ticket bigcalm18:56
bigcalmThe booking system could do with fixing: Fatal error: Call to undefined function configureURL() in /home/mhr2013/public_html/gateways/response/paypalpro_return.php on line 4318:56
bigcalmAlanBell: yay!18:56
AlanBellI paid with paypal, didn't see any error18:56
bigcalmAlanBell: beer and burger at the The Mulberry before hand?18:57
AlanBellfine plan18:57
bigcalmAlanBell: lucky you :P18:57
bigcalmHayley won't be joining us this year :( But I've bought 2 tickets, just in case18:57
MooDooevening all19:31
popey\o/ ordered RAT ticket19:32
popeywell i think i have19:33
popeythere is no button19:33
popeygot an email from them though, so must have worked. stupid website19:33
Fuchswrong channel, perhaps?19:35
Unit193Fuchs: Related to the new factoid, thus last channel they read it in, thus the target, but wrong target yes. :)19:39
Unit193Fuchs: Hello.19:39
Fuchsah :)19:39
Fuchshi, yes, this is fox19:39
MooDooWhat did the fox say?19:42
Unit193AlanBell: Perhaps s/notice channel/msg user/21:23
AlanBellUnit193: sure, can do that21:43
AlanBellUnit193: noticing the channel was actually suggested by someone as a better thing for it to do, so that the user themselves sees it and everyone else does too22:12
IdleOneAlanBell: I think it would be better if it sent a message to the channel instead of a notice. New users to irc could get confused.22:19
AlanBelljust a regular talky message?22:20
IdleOneAlanBell: like this one22:20

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