
=== lag is now known as lag`
melodiehi, I would like to ask for an information and advice about setting up an custom remix in 64bits : are there specific packages needed if we want to install to a I7 machine with Intel 64bits inside?18:56
melodieI ask because I have done this custom Ubuntu inside a machine with AMD Athlon and on a machine (Alienware core i7 intel 64 in vbox it yells about the 64bits arch missing)18:57
melodieshould I install ia32 packages in the distro, or the kind?18:58
infinitymelodie: You should install amd64, not i386...19:12
melodieinfinity is "amd64" the name of a package?19:36
melodiebecause you see, I am the person who is trying to create a custom x86_64 version, and it happens to need something special to work on that system19:40
melodieso if you tell me advice, could you try to provide it in a way that it can be indeed used?19:41
melodiemy custom install works for me, in an amd64bits machine ; it does not work properly in a machine Alienware with i7 64bits : what is missing?19:42
infinitymelodie: amd64 is the architecture.  As in ubuntu-*-amd64.iso versus ubuntu-*-i386.iso20:16
infinitymelodie: The first is for 64-bit machines, the second is for 32-bit (but also runs on 64-bit).20:16
melodieinfinity I think you are mistaking somewhere : I thank you and I am perfectly aware what goes where!20:46
=== lfaraone_ is now known as lfaraone
melodieinfinity please read here:20:46
melodieand here:20:47
melodie(please stop thinking I am a moron... )20:48
miseria"los derechos humanos, se escribieron para proteger al pueblo y no para incrementar la burguesia y su tirania" bienvenidos: http://castroruben.com *temo_a_un_ser_sin_rival*23:33

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