
dukoi just installed ubuntu touch on a nexus 4 and at reboot I see a spinning ubuntu logo00:44
dukoits been there for about 10 minutes00:44
dukoshould I hard reboot?00:45
dukonow it is stuck at the google logo at boot :(00:49
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dukoI'm would like to know how to troubleshoot my failed ubuntu touch installations02:58
dukoI've followed this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install02:58
dukoand I've tried installing 'stable' (saucy) and 'devel' (trusty) on a nexus 402:59
dukobut I'm unable to get to boot to the unity shell03:00
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ParkerRI just installed devel-proposed onto my 2012 nexus 7 wifi. It's been at the spinning bootlogo for a while now. Is this normal?05:35
ParkerRHmm just came up to a "root access may have been lost screen" I selected restore and now its just at the google logo. I guess I'll try installing again05:37
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dukoI've installed devel-proposed and devel with the same result for both05:46
dukoI've reinstalled several times after and i always get the permanent google logo05:47
ParkerRduko, Yeah Im trying the stable install atm05:50
ParkerRduko, Stable just seems to be sitting here too :|05:53
ParkerRIm using the binary ubuntu binary from the trusty package05:53
ParkerRBooted finally lol05:55
ParkerRduko, What I really miss is the full desktop image :|05:56
ParkerR:|Why does Ubuntu Touch still feel so unpolished. I mean how long has this been developed06:15
ParkerROk now this is more like it... http://i.imgur.com/rMg9FkY.jpg06:37
cwayneParkerR: you installing desktop on an n7?06:50
ParkerRYeah its the old raring build06:50
ParkerRI wish I could get an updated desktop build with updated kernel06:50
cwayneParkerR: well, i suppose you could try and apt-get dist-upgrade06:52
ParkerRYeah that sorta works but Im still locked to the kernel06:53
cwaynebut that project in itself was more about getting core components better-suited for mobile06:54
ParkerRUnderstandable. I just oddly like the idea of the desktop image on a mobile device. I can throw e17 on it and have a fairly capabale machine06:55
cwayneyeah i hear ya06:58
rwwhowdy. I'm running Ubuntu on a Nexus 7 2013 wifi (flo) using the devel channel. I'm trying to run Ubuntu One, and I get to the "One account to log in to everything on ubuntu" page, but I can't get a keyboard to come up to type my credentials07:59
rww... and I just closed it and re-opened it for the third time and now it works.08:00
nhainesrww: you're welcome.08:16
rwwand as far as I can see it's just the Ubuntu One website and not an app, so that's a bit disappointing :P08:17
nhainesrww: Canonical has frozen all U1 development for whatever reason.  :P08:17
rwwahahahahahaha "Flappy Popey"08:25
rwwaww, it doesn't work. i am sad :c08:31
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nhainesrww: might need a rebuild for QT 5.208:43
rwwit pops up a web browser type thing and asks for a username and password :c08:43
nhainesThat's exciting!08:46
popeynhaines: rww the author shut the site down10:20
popeynhaines: rww because it was a free digital ocean droplet and he didn't want to pay to keep it running10:20
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Zerocool_hi is there any one who can tall how to install ubunbtu in samsung galaxy ace12:19
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dansufCould anyone help me with porting ubuntu? Currently my kernel panics when surfaceflinger is run and last_kmesg shows that graphic driver fails to get firmware file. I found this file in /system/etc/firmware.13:08
dansufHere's full last_kmesg: http://pastebin.com/VZykmupx13:08
dansufline 55013:09
anilHii ,, On nexus 10.. I want to see console log..how to achieve that13:30
anilI am able to extract boot.img and modify bootimg.cfg .. but to see console logging on nexus 10 .. I am not sure which command line parameter I should pass13:31
dansufanil: You could run dmesg in adb shell13:34
anildansuf.. dmesg in adb shell ..will help if system comes up properly13:45
dansufanil: is it rebooting or not?13:47
anilActually, I want to modify android system.img (stripped version ) with full version of ASOP system.img13:48
anilI have replaced /var/lib/lxc/android/system.img with full ASOP system.img13:49
anilafter that device is just rebooting13:49
anilI need to figure out what is going wrong13:49
dansufanil: theres a way to get the log13:50
dansufyou have to have connected it to the somputer through usb13:50
dansufand when its constantly rebooting you have to keep clicking the button you click when you connect it into fastboot13:50
dansufuntil you get into fastboot mode13:51
dansufits important not to turn it off13:51
dansufwhen you are in fastboot you flash a normal android kernel and 'fastboot reboot'13:51
dansufyou can then go into recovery and get /proc/last_kmsg13:52
dansufthis worked for me13:52
dansufbut i dont have nexus 1013:52
anilI can give that a try13:58
ogra_anil, a *full* AOSP image ? you mean with dalvik and all ?13:59
ogra_(and withoout all the ubuntu modifications)13:59
dansufCould anyone help me with porting ubuntu? Currently my kernel panics when surfaceflinger is run and last_kmesg shows that graphic driver fails to get firmware file. I found this file in /system/etc/firmware. Here's full last_kmesg: http://pastebin.com/VZykmupx14:01
ogra_dansuf, your system.img doesnt seem to be mounted14:02
dansufthe fact is that theres no system.img14:02
ogra_well, what do you expect then :)14:02
dansufi just modified pre-start.sh to mount another location14:02
ogra_the android system.img contains surfaceflinger14:03
dansufI mean,m system is mounted but not through system.img14:03
dansufjust as a normal partition14:03
ogra_and line 476 of your pase aabove shows that init.rc doesnt get along14:03
ogra_*paste above14:03
dansuf467 is caused by my modification to the init.rc to run surfaceflinger14:04
* ogra_ doubts that 14:05
ogra_[   17.838562] init: /init.rc: 560: invalid option './system/bin/sensorservice'14:05
dansufAnyways, I see now that I have to include this system.img14:06
dansufnot flinger, sensroservice14:06
ogra_use rootstock-ng to do the install ...14:06
ogra_that should pout the android system.img in the right place for you14:06
dansufIt's the first time I see this command, I'll have to see it14:07
ogra_bzr branch lp:rootstock-ng ...14:07
ogra_cd rootstock-ng14:08
ogra_./rootstock-touch-install <path to rootfs tarball> <path to android system.img>14:09
ogra_needs the rootfs tarball from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/trusty-preinstalled-touch-armhf.tar.gz14:09
ogra_(see README.rootstock-touch-install for more info)14:10
lenzeorWhat phone do I need to buy when I am planning to use ubuntu phone?14:16
ogra_lenzeor, nexus 414:17
lenzeorHow well does it work for everyday use?14:18
anilyes ogra ..its full images with dalvik and all14:18
ogra_depends on your expectations :)14:18
anilyes, .it does not have ubuntu modification14:18
Rienzillayou can, ehm. call :)14:18
ogra_anil, that wont work14:18
Rienzillaand ehm... browse the web14:18
lenzeor1) Phone calls, SMS, Social Networks14:18
RienzillaI actually wasn't too disappointed about the status14:18
lenzeor2) listening to music14:18
lenzeor3) good apps (recipes, pedometer, ...)14:19
ogra_lenzeor, calls, SMS, webapps all work ... you can play music, take photos and such stuff ... but there are only a few 100 apps yet and not all features are implemented yet14:19
lenzeorHow can I contribute?14:19
ogra_writing apps ?14:20
ogra_see developer.ubuntu.com :)14:20
lenzeorUbuntu Desktop is "there"; compared to Win 7 and OSX14:20
lenzeorhow long until ubuntu phone will be there?14:21
ogra_beyond that, file bugs ... and fix bugs indeed ... patches are always gratefully accepted (if they are not to insane)14:21
ogra_the first phones with ubuntu preinstalled will come out this year14:21
lenzeorAh thats great14:21
lenzeorare they coming to europe?14:21
ogra_bq and meizu are building them14:21
ogra_they should, yes14:21
lenzeorHmmm I will probably wait for one of these14:22
ogra_well, you can order in europe through the canonical shop14:22
anilogra .. May I have your inputs that why it will not work14:22
lenzeorAndroid is kind of horrible these days... riddled with bloat, ads and locked down14:22
lenzeorThe firefox phones are underspecced14:23
lenzeorand I am not touching anything by apple anymore14:23
ogra_anil, there are plenty of changes that the lxc container expects to be in place to make it work at all ... like the android initrd needs to be in /system/boot/ ... the modules need to be in the right place etc etc ...14:24
anilmy biggest concern is that whatever changes if I do in system.img and due to that device starts reboot then how to debug it further14:24
ogra_anil, why are you itrying to get an AOSP system.img to run ?14:25
ogra_(well, a plain one ... the Ubuntu one is AOSP with a lot of changes too)14:26
anilOk .. I am willing to put that much effort .. could you provide that it takes to get boot logs on device screen14:27
anil*provide inputs14:27
ogra_you would have to patch the kernel a lot14:28
ogra_the N10 kernel does not support fbcon by default, patching to enable it will most likely break the capability of using surfaceflinger or Mir14:28
ogra_(fbcon ... the framebuffer console is needed to get boot logs on screen during boot)14:29
ogra_note that Ubuntu copies the console output after boot into /var/log/dmesg, you should be able to just read that file14:30
Tassadarand there's /proc/last_kmesg, if it isn't disabled in ubuntu kernel14:31
TassadarN10 might have serial console output in headphones jack too, like other nexus things14:31
ogra_/proc/last_kmesg will only give you the log of the last boot, not of the current one14:32
anilogra_  looks like I have missed your last messages...due to connection issue on my side14:35
anilcould you plz resend your replies14:36
ogra_<ogra_> you would have to patch the kernel a lot14:36
ogra_<ogra_> the N10 kernel does not support fbcon by default, patching to enable it will most likely break the capability of using surfaceflinger or Mir14:36
ogra_<ogra_> (fbcon ... the framebuffer console is needed to get boot logs on screen during boot)14:36
ogra_<ogra_> note that Ubuntu copies the console output after boot into /var/log/dmesg, you should be able to just read that file14:36
ogra_<Tassadar> and there's /proc/last_kmesg, if it isn't disabled in ubuntu kernel14:36
ogra_<ogra_> right14:36
ogra_<Tassadar> N10 might have serial console output in headphones jack too, like other nexus things14:36
ogra_<ogra_> /proc/last_kmesg will only give you the log of the last boot, not of the current one14:36
anilsorry ogra_, I am using webchat first time .. I am not sure its network connection issue on my end ..or there is some other issue14:47
anilI am getting webchat updates very late on my end14:47
anilogra_ .. could you help me in understanding ..what it takes to disable lxc at boot time14:48
anilby detault, android lxc is started at boot time.. I want to disable it at boot time then start it manual ..once the ubuntu is up and running14:49
ogra_that is what happens by default :)14:49
ogra_(teh container is started by ubuntu during the boot process ... )14:50
ogra_to disable tteh container start you can put a file callled /etc/init/lxc-android-config.override in place ... containing only the word manual14:51
ogra_note that this will also disable adb14:51
anilok .. i will start adb by modifying its init script .. i.e start on filesystem  in abd init script14:53
aniltherefore adb will start even though lxc is not up14:53
ogra_not sure that will still work, you might have to do the sysfs configuration too14:54
ogra_(look at androids init.manta.usb.rc)14:54
* ogra_ is still curious why you are trying this14:56
anilI want to start full android inside lxc14:56
ogra_what for ?14:56
anilI want run full android on top of ubuntu kernel14:57
anilthen switch between ubuntu and android GUI14:57
anildepending on some key option14:57
ogra_i doubt that will work ... the kernel is changed a lot14:57
ogra_you should take a look at Tassadar's multirom instead :)14:58
ogra_or use the dualboot app from ubuntu14:58
anilbut as per documentation .. there are not much changes14:58
Tassadarit isn't available for n10, dualboot app is probably a better bet14:58
anilI have tried dualboot app ..its works fine14:58
anilbut I have to reboot my device to switch to other operating system14:58
ogra_anil, even if you could get android to work in the container (which i doubt you will), then ubuntu wouldnt work anymore14:59
anilwhy so14:59
ogra_because you need all the ubuntu specific changes inside android ... they are mostly mutually exclusive15:00
ogra_what could work is to run an additional container for an AOSP system ... but even then you would have a clash between Mir and surfacefinger15:00
anilhmm ..thats why dual boot has been opted15:00
ogra_(and clashes between userspace bits that try to access devices etc)15:01
anilI understant that there will be clashes between shared devices15:02
ogra_and even inn that case you would have to hack your AOSP a lot ... like ueventd (and many other system services) would have to be disabled to not trash the running systems etc15:02
anilIf i create new container for an AOSP system ..15:03
anilhow that approach will better than modifying current container15:04
ogra_then you need to make sure that your new container just uses available devices and does not try to configure them etc15:04
anilcan I ask one  basic question ..15:06
anilhow system.img is being used15:06
anili could see there is rootfs and system.img15:06
anilbut count locate which scipts uses system.img15:07
ogra_it is put into /var/llib/lxc/android ... the initramfs finds it there on boot and mounts it under /system15:07
anilbut could not locate which scipts uses system.img15:07
ogra_look at /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/touch15:07
ogra_it does all the mounting15:08
anilok thanks lot .. I am thankful to you for providing  valuable information15:09
anilok thanks lot .. I am very thankful to you for providing  valuable information15:09
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igeek5does anyone know of how one may get ubuntu-touch to run on a ultrabook?16:48
igeek5assuming there is a way.16:48
cwaynebah, can i not close a dialog from outside it's main component?17:01
Fo2adZzHi guys, I was able to compile and run cm10.1 on beagleboneblack from an sdcard. I have compiled the Ubuntu touch and I have all the files required, how can I create an sdcard with Ubuntu Touch? I noticed in my out directory two ubuntu folders (ubuntu and ubuntu-root)17:20
Fo2adZzHi guys, I was able to compile and run cm10.1 on beagleboneblack from an sdcard. I have compiled the Ubuntu touch and I have all the files required, how can I create an sdcard with Ubuntu Touch? I noticed in my out directory two ubuntu folders (ubuntu and ubuntu-root)17:29
dansufCan anybody look at this logcat file and tell me what is wrong? http://pastebin.com/haJFwKs817:43
anilHi ogra_18:28
anilif I create /etc/init/lxc-android-config.override  containing only  manual word18:29
anilthen device is not coming up18:29
anilits just rebooting18:29
Fo2adZzHi guys, I was able to compile and run cm10.1 on beagleboneblack from an sdcard. I have compiled the Ubuntu touch and I have all the files required, how can I create an sdcard with Ubuntu Touch? I noticed in my out directory two ubuntu folders (ubuntu and ubuntu-root)18:34
peterbjornxwhat changes need to be made to the android rootfs/system to support ubuntu-touch from a chroot?19:01
peterbjornxi am using a modded upstartd to run init inside of the chroot19:01
dansufpeterbjornx do you want to run touich on top of android?19:03
dansufI'm porting ubuntu touch  to my phone and I'm stuck on this http://pastebin.com/haJFwKs8. Culd anybody help me?19:05
peterbjornxno, im stopping zygote before this19:05
peterbjornxmy goal is to run it natively but still using the android init to launch it19:06
peterbjornxim afraid to remove that because if it fails and i cant get an adb shell anymore the tablet will be bricked19:07
dansufpeterbjornx you can always flash android kernel and restore your system even if it doesnt boot19:09
dansufthats why there is recovery19:10
dansufbut I could misunderstood you19:10
peterbjornxrecovery doesnt work on this chinese piece of shit19:11
peterbjornxbut, what is needed android side to run ubuntu touch19:11
dansufpeterbjornx in the beginning touch was run on top of the android, you can take a look at older source19:40
dukowhat is the safest way to update an ubuntu touch install?19:53
dukois 'apt-get update' safe to use from the ubuntu touch terminal?20:01
anpokduko: yes, but you can als upgrade using system-image-cli20:16
Tassadarno, it isn't - use only system-image20:22
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Fo2adZzHi guys, I was able to compile and run cm10.1 on beagleboneblack from an sdcard. I have compiled the Ubuntu touch and I have all the files required, how can I create an sdcard with Ubuntu Touch? I noticed in my out directory two ubuntu folders (ubuntu and ubuntu-root)21:05
BeldarI need a link to the 14.04 desktop install for an nexus7 if out there.21:34
Beldargoogled foo'd this and just could not find if available21:35
TassadarBeldar: there isn't one available21:38
BeldarTassadar, I figured as such, I usually find stuff, thanks.21:40
BeldarTassadar, Is there a link to the last ubuntu desktop image I can use, this is a nexus 2012 wifi, grouper21:42
BeldarTassadar, Thanks, I figured about that release, thanks again.21:43
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