
daftykinsdiddledan: camera! D:01:04
=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker`
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
mappsfell asleep at 12!!08:59
mappsso early for me :)08:59
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:00
mappsmorning bigcalm09:01
=== martinr is now known as Guest48645
mappsarrows pretty good09:48
directhexwho wants to re-do the website for Ye Olde SteamOSe for free? :D09:51
bigcalmdirecthex: you sound like some of my past clients :(09:52
directhexyeah, but none of them are as sexy as me09:52
directhexi'll get it done this week09:53
directhexby the end of wednesday i plan to have a release which supports raid (fakeraid and mdraid), lvm, ntfs resizing, and pre-5000-series radeons, none of which work with valve steamos09:53
directhexunder its new name, but yes09:54
bigcalm"directhex's better version of SteamOs" catchy10:02
bigcalmI see there's a sale on Rockstar Games. In preparation for the PC release of GTA V?10:03
bigcalmJourney of a Roach is now on Linux!10:04
* bigcalm bounces off to play some10:04
Knightwisemorning everyone10:05
mappsmorning Knightwise10:06
mappsdid you get ubuntu touch on the nexus7 in the end?10:06
directhexwhat the hell? why can't i install win7 in vmware?10:13
MartijnVdSdirecthex: because Microsoft hates you10:16
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:18
directhexman i'm hungry10:18
directhexgrr, locked up again. wtf?10:24
directhexi'll try in BIOS10:27
mappswheres it get stuck10:32
directhexi'll try 8.1 in UEFI10:35
directhexmapps, "completing installation"10:35
bashrcI am now a Windows free zone10:37
directhexfrozen in BIOS too :/10:38
bashrcI did have windows 8 dual boot on my laptop until a few months ago but accidentally deleted it during a 13.1010:39
mappsUEFI vm!?10:40
directhexi'll try w/ virtual scsi instead of virtual sata10:46
directhexnope. jesus10:49
brobostigonsunday beer day down the pub i reckon, nice and sunny and warm out.12:23
penguin42rather grey up here12:24
penguin42we had 3 or four really nice days early in the week and by Friday I'm back to the heavier coat12:24
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
mappsi think il just get a sandwich from sainsburys no drink today12:46
mappsoverdone it recently!12:47
jussimapps: awww... you should have one for me, shop is 4km away and Ive no car...12:48
mappsyea i have to walk 15mins to the shop;p12:48
mappsbut i figure a walk wont hurt its ok weather12:49
jussiyeah, a walk is always good12:49
czajkowskiDJones: it was an epic game :D13:34
DJonesczajkowski: Finished celebrating yet?13:45
czajkowskiDJones: been so sick all weekend13:45
czajkowskiwas all I could do to watch the matches on the couch with my duvet tbh13:45
DJonesOh dear13:46
czajkowskifell into bed after we won13:46
DJonesThat puts a downer on it, hopefully you felt better afterwards though13:46
czajkowskicannot get my temp down :(13:46
* penguin42 has had a bit of a cold for the last day or so - feels a lot better today fortunately14:25
bashrcczajkowski: sounds distinctly unpleasant15:09
mappswatched 10eps of arrow in 2 days:)15:47
aquarius_hey, people. A networking question. I have two Ubuntu machines; one wired only, one wired & wireless. There is a wifi network available. I want to connect the w+w machine to wifi, connect w+w to wired-only over ethernet cable,and have wired-only be able to see the internet via the wired network18:19
aquarius_I thinkthis needs bridging or something,but I don't understand it.18:20
aquarius_w+w is running maverick whichdoes not help.:)18:20
StevenRaquarius_: it really depends how much control you have over the wireless side18:25
aquarius_StevenR: control?18:28
StevenRyup. depends how much configuration control you have over the wireless side, and what it's capable of18:29
StevenRyou've basically got three options, NAT, routing or bridging.18:29
aquarius_i can configure it w#hoever you want :)18:30
StevenRbridging is simple, but depends on the wireless router/AP being OK with two IPs on the same MAC address (probably fine)18:32
StevenRso, you just need to use brctl to build a bridge18:32
aquarius_ok, what do I do? (I don't understand this stuff!)18:34
StevenRaquarius_: run brctl18:34
StevenRit's a terminal command18:34
aquarius_as root?18:34
aquarius_(well, with sudo)18:34
StevenR(not yet)18:35
aquarius_ok, it lists subcommands18:35
StevenRok, so add a bridge called br0 and then add your wired and wireless interfaces to it (you might break your networking when you do this)18:36
aquarius_ok, will try18:37
AlanBellcosmos time shortly :)18:37
aquarius_I have a br0 already from trying to follow other guides :)18:38
StevenRaquarius_: pastebin the output of brctl show then18:38
bigcalmHow does one update a factoid in lubotu3?18:39
aquarius_bridge namebridge idSTP enabledinterfaces br08000.000fb0c12c05noeth018:39
StevenRaquarius_: use a pastebin please18:40
daftykinsanother fine ride on the south cliffs today18:41
StevenRaquarius_: ok, so eth0 is your wired interface?18:42
lubotu3rat is The Real Ale Train. A yearly Ubuntu UK loco event to celebrate friends, trains and ale. Saturday 2nd Augurt 2014 Hampshire, UK: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/2745-real-ale-train-2014/18:46
aquarius_StevenR: yep. On w+w, eth0 is the wired IF, configured static on in /etc/network/interfaces, and wlan0 is the wireless IF, run by network manager and connected to the wifi network. dhcpd is running on eth0. On wired-only, eth0 is the wired IF, which has a dhcp address from w+w, and they can ping one another18:46
daftykinssounds alright18:47
daftykinsalthough not sure you need to use a second class C subnet if you're bridging18:48
aquarius_I do not really understand that except in general terms :)18:48
daftykinsi won't step on StevenR's toes as he's mid-process :)18:49
StevenRaquarius_: what is the wireless IP address on w+w ?18:50
aquarius_accordingto ifconfig18:53
daftykinsyou'd need to edit the route table of your router for your setup to work without NAT on the w+w machine18:54
aquarius_daftykins: I have no router. (The wifi network is not mine; it's a BT Fon network.)18:55
daftykinsyou fiend!18:55
StevenRaquarius_: ok, so forget about dhcpd on the wired side of w+w18:55
aquarius_StevenR: ok18:55
aquarius_daftykins: I'm paying for a day pass; I'mnot stealing it!18:56
aquarius_StevenR: so I should just configure wired-only to have a static ip for eth0 in network-manager?18:59
aquarius_actually I'll stop guessing and just do what I'm told :)19:00
StevenRin a bridging scenario, eth0 doesn't actually need an IP19:00
StevenRturn off dhcpd, add your wireless adaptor to the bridge and see if it works19:01
aquarius_StevenR: by "turn off dhcpd",  I should just /etc/init.d/dhcpd  stop, or actually uninstall it and restart networking?19:02
StevenRdhcpd stop19:02
aquarius_ok, dhcpd stopped19:03
StevenRso, add wireless to the bridge19:03
aquarius_$ brctl addif br0 wlan0 can't add wlan0 to bridge br0: Operation not permitted19:04
StevenRverify both interfaces are part of the bridge, and then, restart networking on wired only and see what happens19:04
aquarius_(on two lines)19:04
aquarius_same error with sudo19:05
StevenRmight need to remove the IP addresses from wlan0 and use dhcp client on br0 to get access19:09
StevenRdaftykins: thoughts?19:09
daftykinsno direct experience with brctl i'm afraid, i'd suspect it could be network manager holding one or either though?19:11
StevenRgood point19:12
StevenRnot sure how to get around that19:12
daftykinswhen i've seen bridge configs in the past, they seem to all have to edit the interfaces file to specify the IP settings on the bridge interface instead of the real interfaces?19:13
StevenRyes, that's the way I do it19:13
daftykinsnot sure how that'd work with wireless though, at least it's probably unencrypted19:13
aquarius_I'm open to suggestions?19:21
daftykinsmind you, isn't network manager meant to handle bridging pretty easily these days?19:23
StevenRdaftykins: maverick19:25
aquarius_daftykins: it does but this machine is maverick :(19:25
daftykinsapparently you might need to stop network-manager before you run the above command to add wlan0 to the bridge19:25
daftykinsthen you can start it again afterwards19:25
daftykinsbear in mind that that's going to disconnect you between19:25
aquarius_I'll trythat19:25
aquarius_will likely disappear :)19:26
daftykinshmm there's talk that the entire task just isn't do-able19:26
aquarius_(can yousee me?)19:27
aquarius_stopped NM, tried adding, same "not supported" error, restarted nm19:27
popeyi use bridging on my home server19:28
popeybut not the same way you do19:28
popeybut I agree that you should maintain /etc/network/interfaces and not use nm19:29
aquarius_daftykins: I readthat, tried it, didn't work, gotconfused19:31
MooDooevening all19:31
daftykinsmm-hmm, anymore detail available for 'didn't work' ? :)19:31
daftykinshi \o19:32
daftykinshow doyoudomoodoo? :>19:32
aquarius_daftykins: well, Idon't know enough to even comment. It didn't seem to bridge things, perhaps?19:32
aquarius_but maybe it did and the problem was elsewhere. Idon't know :(19:34
daftykinsis this a limited-time scenario?19:34
daftykinsas otherwise i'd say get a dongle and be done with it19:34
aquarius_only need it up for a week19:34
aquarius_then brodband arrives19:34
daftykinstechnically we probably shouldn't be offering any help on any EOL distros19:34
popeyyeah, upgrade you luddite ☻19:37
aquarius_popey: I'm on someone else's wifi, generously offered. Upgrading wouldbe very much unfairbandwidth.19:38
ali1234aquarius_: what you want to do has been possible with network manager for a long time19:38
ali1234i mean as far back as like 10.04 at least19:38
aquarius_from reading,it's been possible in pure NM since 13.0419:38
ali1234no it's MUCH older than that19:38
ali1234you don't even need to mess around with config file19:38
aquarius_ali1234: if you can tell me how to do it in nm that's great; I'm on 10.10.19:39
ali1234i have an image somewhere that shows how to do it19:39
ali1234hold on...19:39
directhexblurg. dmraid /o\19:39
aquarius_ali1234: there is no Edit Connections menu item19:40
ali1234it's now called "Edit"19:40
ali1234so in that screenshot, eth0 is my internet uplink, configured as you normally would19:41
aquarius_no. There isn't one at all.19:41
ali1234then you are not using network manager19:42
diddledanali1234: are you sure that's for bridging and not NAT?19:42
ali1234it's for NAT19:42
ali1234there is no need for bridging19:42
diddledanyeah, aquarius_ was asking for bridging19:42
aquarius_I am using NM, and there's no Edit or Edit Connections option, I promise.19:42
popeyaquarius_: wat19:43
ali1234diddledan: "have wired-only be able to see the internet via the wired network" - this will do that19:43
ali1234if you don't control the router then you will be behind NAT anyway, so double NAT will have literally no drawbacks19:43
ali1234aquarius_: show a screenshot pls19:44
diddledanwow, Meerkat went EOL almost 2 years ago19:44
diddledanthat must be an ancient install :-)19:45
ali1234incidentally, that screenshot is done with 10.04, which is still supported. just sayin'19:45
ali1234actually is that true?19:45
ali1234was it 3 or 5 years?19:45
diddledandesktop was 3 IIRC19:45
diddledanserver was 519:45
ali1234N-M is used on server.....19:46
diddledanwas that a typo?19:46
diddledanis vs isn't?19:46
ali1234okay, N-M was used on server in 10.0419:47
ali1234i remember everyone complaining about it19:47
diddledanreally? I didn't recall that19:47
ali1234it's part of the reason why i have that screen shot19:47
diddledanI guess I just configured around it19:48
diddledani.e. putting entries in /etc/network/interfaces for my servers so that NM didn't hook them19:48
aquarius_ali1234: http://postimg.org/image/5068ljnxb/ is screenshot19:49
ali1234why does it say "device not managed"19:50
aquarius_because eth0 isin /etc/network/interfaces with astatic ip#19:50
ali1234what happens if you run nm-connection-editor?19:51
aquarius_ali1234: aha!19:55
aquarius_right, that's encouraging19:55
ali1234so, you want to undo all your config changes, set up the wifi connection normally, and then for the wired connection do what the screenshot shows19:55
ali1234and that's it. it will just work19:55
ali1234you might need to install dnsmasq if it isn't already19:56
ali1234that handles dhcp on the wired network, gives your other machine it's IP19:56
ali1234it will be a NAT connection but as you only have control over these two machines that isn't a problem19:56
ali1234also bridging and wifi do not mix well19:59
daftykinsfor reference: spaghetti bolognese with tabasco sauce on the bolognese sauce = much improved \o/20:03
diddledanwhat problems are supposed to be present when you bridge wifi?20:03
daftykinsGandalf shows up and tells the packet they shall not pass, afaik20:03
diddledanjust I've never had an issue that I recall20:04
diddledannot that I've done it often20:04
daftykinsdiddledan: is the camera still on charge? :>20:04
aquarius__ali1234: ok, have undoneother stuff (I think), andmarked wired connection as shared20:04
diddledanit's done20:04
ali1234diddledan: reflections20:04
aquarius__now I get acycle of "Auto eth0 Connection established" and "Wired network Disconnected" notify-osd popups20:05
aquarius__and the wiredconnection on wired-only is not connected20:05
ali1234on which machine?20:06
aquarius__ali1234: on w+w20:06
aquarius__(perhaps I misunderstood instructions? I didn't do anything at all on wired-only)20:06
ali1234do you have a cross over cable or at least one of the machines has auto sensing?20:06
diddledando they still make interfaces without MDI-X?20:07
ali1234when you say a cycle, do you mean it just keeps showing the two messages forever?20:07
aquarius__ali1234: well, earlier I had dhcp running on eth0 on w+w and then wired-only did connect and they could ping one another, so I believethat one or both ends have autosensing20:08
ali1234did you disable all that?20:08
ali1234i mean really all of it20:08
aquarius__I *think* so20:08
ali1234the instructions are for a vanilla setup20:08
aquarius__but maybe I did not; I'velosttrack a little of all the changed things20:08
ali1234network manager will start the dhcp server for you and set up all the routing20:09
aquarius__only lo isin /etc/network/interfaces20:09
aquarius__dhcpd is not running20:09
ali1234it uses dnsmasq20:10
aquarius__(ya; I stopped the dhcpd I was running earlier, is whatI  meant)20:10
aquarius__dnsmasq is running20:11
directhexwow dmsetup. such bug. much mishandling of device nodes.20:12
aquarius__ali1234: is there an NM logsomewhere I can look at? syslogshows many lines(repeated) butno obvious *errors*20:14
ali1234aquarius__: pastebin ifconfig -a please20:14
ali1234also route -n20:14
ali1234is it still showing the popups?20:14
aquarius__ali1234: yes it is20:15
ali1234then it is trying to set up the network but failing for some reason20:15
aquarius__ali1234: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7104259/20:15
aquarius__that br0 thing is still there20:15
ali1234okay you need to get rid of that br020:16
daftykinslast thing, eth0 was still attached to it20:16
ali1234how did you bring it up?20:16
directhexfor the non-twitterites: I have £140, and I want a case, power supply, mobo, RAM, and x64 CPU. Don't care about vintage as long as mobo has software RAID e.g. Intel20:17
diddledandirecthex: software raid?20:17
diddledanwhy would you want that?20:17
directhexdiddledan, to debug software raid issues in steamos installer20:18
aquarius__ok,removed eth0 from br0. Can't delete br0 because "bridge br0 is still up; can't delete it"20:18
penguin42directhex: By software RAID you mean bios supported RAID or just do mdraid?20:18
diddledanaquarius__: ifconfig br0 down20:18
aquarius__how do I take it down?20:18
ali1234brctl br0 down?20:18
daftykinsa bridge too far...20:18
* daftykins ducks20:19
ali1234reboot the computer?20:19
directhexpenguin42, the former20:19
diddledandaftykins: at least it's not at remagen20:19
aquarius__OK, br0 now not in ifconfig -a20:19
diddledanor over the river kwai20:19
aquarius__still getting popups20:19
diddledanyeah, you still need to reconfigure eth020:20
ali1234network manager does that20:20
diddledannm doesn't know that there have been changes tho20:20
ali1234it doesn't care. it will stomp them if it can20:20
diddledanso you need to tell nm to reconfigure it I mean20:20
aquarius__eth0 ismarked as Share with other computers in NM20:20
ali1234try rebooting to get back to a known state20:21
aquarius__be back in a sec then:)20:21
diddledan\o/ for "helpful" software making it impossible to do things without rebooting20:21
ali1234this would have worked if you all hadn't told him to start editing config files and running brctl20:21
daftykinsconfig editing never happened20:22
daftykinsaaaand we are where we are, no reason to get all moany over water under the bridge20:23
daftykinsuh-oh bridge :(20:23
diddledanit must be the river kwai then20:23
diddledanthat's the only one that mentions anything to do with water20:23
diddledanI guess they were all three going over water though20:24
daftykinsor marshland 0o20:25
daftykinsi have no idea!20:25
directhexpenguin42, mdraid & lvm already works. dmraid doesn't, it's heavily buggy20:26
penguin42ok, it's specifically the dm not the md you're after - that's a bit more specific on the board20:27
diddledantell the users not to try20:27
diddledanuse software raid only20:27
diddledanafaict bios-raid is a world of pain20:28
ali1234i've got a dell gx270 - i think it has raid20:28
directhexdiddledan, thereby excluding anyone who already uses raid on windows20:28
ali1234it's also like 10 years old20:28
directhexmost motherboards that aren't the absolute lowest-end models have some kind of terrible software RAID support20:29
ali1234is that what you want?20:29
ali1234oh wait, it isn't 64 bit20:30
ali1234how about one of these? http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=1868&dl=1#sp20:32
directhexsocket 939? there's a blast from the past20:32
ali1234it's newer than the dell :)20:33
diddledanI've got one of these that I guess I'm not using right now20:34
diddledanhad a minor hardware hack to allow a PCIe x4 card to fit into a PCIe x1 slot20:35
diddledani.e. cut the end-plate of the slot out20:35
diddledanlooks like it only does raid 0, 1, 0+1 or JBOD20:36
daftykinsi had a socket 754 in here the other day20:37
dogmatic69_anyone know how I could get something like cpu1: 20% cpu2: 35% ... in terminal20:44
dogmatic69_basically what is in htop, but just plain text I can parse out20:44
directhexmpstat -P all20:46
ali1234it's case sensitive. you must put ALL20:47
directhexoh, yes20:48
dogmatic69_what is the install for mpstat?20:56
dogmatic69_seems my calculations might just have been ok20:57
daftykinsdiddledan: :D i once advised someone to do that, they did not play along21:14
bigcalmAlanBell: fancy adding a comment to the loco event page? :)21:31
Dave2 Fatal error: Call to undefined function configureURL() in /home/mhr2013/public_html/gateways/response/paypalpro_return.php on line 4621:33
Dave2Very reassuring21:34
bigcalmDave2: I got the same21:34
Dave2I at least failed to pay21:34
Dave2because I typed in my paypal token the wrong way round21:34
bigcalmDave2: yet I did receive emails from PayPal and from the RAT people21:34
Dave2When I paid it was line 43.21:36
bigcalmSame for me21:37
Dave2Also, was the thing that prompted this me changing my response because I'm at a wedding on the 30th?21:37
bigcalmYou seem unsure21:37
bigcalmIt looked to be the 2nd August from quite early on21:38
Dave2I'm at a wedding on the 30th. I was asking if me updating the Doodle poll to reflect this is what prompted the decision to be made.21:38
bigcalmOh, yes :)21:38
bigcalmI needed to close the poll and make the event, that prompted me to get off my arse and do it21:39
* bigcalm feels all alone with his single comment on the event page21:43
Dave2But you don't have the only comment21:46
Dave2you're a LIAR21:46
Dave2also hello21:46

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