
=== gonyere_ is now known as gonyere
skellatUnit193: PING00:31
Unit193skellat: Well howdy.00:31
belkinsaOMG...hey there.00:31
belkinsaGuest25821 is james.00:32
skellatAh, good.00:32
belkinsaAnd I'm free to talk.00:32
skellatWhat is the state of the state?00:32
belkinsaIt seems to be calm, no issues.  We had some folks come in that wanted to join but they seem to be gone now.00:33
belkinsaAnd we talked about the CD's for OLF  in the list but not the meeting planned.00:34
skellatTo which you've got my long e-mail from last night00:34
belkinsaNo, sorry.00:34
skellatLet us just say that too many LoCo groups have been silent but as soon as you mention freebies they suddenly perk up00:35
belkinsaOh, the CD one.00:35
belkinsaThen yes.00:35
skellatAnd run smack into a brick wall as they've ignored LoCo Council about verification00:35
skellatI still have 12.04 discs laying around that I inherited from my predecessors00:36
skellatIf we request discs...I don't want them laying around00:36
belkinsaYes, that's an issue.00:36
skellatWhatever plans can be hatched, I'll be looking forward to looking them over00:37
skellatBut we gotta have a plan00:37
Unit193I think we need to ease off the push on the CoC a tad. :/00:37
skellatUnit193: That I'll be thinking about heavily.00:38
skellatThe LoCo Council's "Roman Census" found out a whole bunch of things.  We only made one Interim Report and never released our final conclusions.00:39
Unit193Right now, it seems like "You can't idle in this channel if you don't have an LP page with it!", and I think that's strong, and sure as heck not how I did it.00:39
skellatUnit193: And that's not the intent either00:39
skellatYou're empowered to disabuse people of that notion, you know00:39
skellatOne of the cases that threw red-flags at LoCo Council recently actually neared that issue00:42
skellatA nation-state sized community had 30 members on LP and claimed over 1k through other means00:42
skellatI think it was the Belgians00:43
skellatWe ended up having the question raised internally as to how do we define "community" in terms of any central nexus points as we know that some communities such as our friends in Thailand use plenty of non-canonical non-Canonical resources too00:45
skellatWe just don't know yet00:45
skellatLoCo Council's views on things are drifting a little from Canonical Community Team's view on things00:46
skellatPlus we also are in the process of collapsing a group of five sub-national teams to form a single team representing all of the Kingdom of Spain at the moment too00:47
Unit193The community is permitted to disagree with what Canonical wants the community to think?00:47
skellatUnit193: As in we freely yell at Jono?00:48
Unit193Could almost split the US into 3 sections and be done with it, but not quite.00:48
skellatUnit193: *snort* Well, something akin to that has been discussed00:49
Unit193But, I think I like my Ohio (And -tn) people pretty well, larger channels wouldn't be as preferred.00:49
skellatUnit193: Well, LoCo Council owns 2 of the state LoCo groups in the US because they collapsed (Nevada and Massachusetts) already00:50
skellatWe want to transition away from that00:51
Unit193Ah, yeah.00:51
skellatThe overall nature of the "Roman Census" when we went through it showed that we had barely a 1 in 3 response rate from LoCo groups across Earth.  Too many responses that we did get back from US groups were that they existed on paper alone.00:52
skellatOhio, California, Colorado, Pennsylvania, to a lesser extent Michigan...we've got a decent presence00:52
skellatAnd that's about it00:53
skellatAcross Europe we saw LoCos in fairly decent shape00:53
belkinsaTime is the issue, right, of most the members?00:54
skellatMany cases00:54
belkinsaAnd the lack of getting new active members?00:54
skellatColorado actually took personal intervention on my part to get somebody to finally take over and stand up as a responsive Point of Contact finally00:54
skellatAs to the lack of getting new active members, I defer to the book "Bowling Alone" as it relates to a sociological shift we've seen in US society that doesn't show up the same way in Europe00:55
jenni[ Bowling alone : the collapse and revival of American community (Book, 2000) [WorldCat.org] ] - https://j.mp/OsLpLV00:56
skellatThe lack of getting new active members is mostly unique to the US.  From the LoCo Council's planetary perspective, it isn't a trend we're seeing in the bulk of planetary population of which the US makes up only 5%.  The US may be the loudest but the issues are different elsewhere on the globe.00:58
belkinsaI see.00:59
skellatBrazil, for example, is among a group of South American country groups that are having no trouble with members01:02
skellatIn our particular corner of this planet we share, though, we have to think through some things01:07
skellatThe current sociocultural trend is toward "slacker activism" where someone is far more likely to retweet something than actually go to a protest rally in this day & age01:07
belkinsaI agree and maybe a global LoCo meeting is needed?01:08
skellat(Notwithstanding that ridiculously loud rally in support of Ukraine on the steps of Cleveland City Hall I could hear plainly at my desk a couple weeks ago)01:08
skellatbelkinsa: As for a global meeting, I'm not sure01:08
skellatOne thing that's been talked about in council is that Canonical Community Team is an *engineering* group while LoCo Council deals with social issues01:09
* paultag smirks01:09
skellatThe council takes into accounts matters like Thailand being in the middle of long-running unrest akin to what Ukraine is experiencing right now01:09
belkinsaThat sounds about right since they try to get Ubuntu going the way it should as OS.01:09
skellatCCT has different priorities01:10
skellatpaultag: Ears burning?01:10
paultagPTSD :)01:10
Unit193I just sit here normally to mess with paultag, or ping him about crap.01:10
belkinsaI know.  Is this why the community wants someone that works with them for community reasons and such?01:10
Unit193paultag: Speaking of crap, got another language for my weather script (supports translations.)01:11
skellatbelkinsa: You got it!01:11
belkinsaIsn't that Jono's job or not?01:11
paultagUnit193: awesome01:12
skellatbelkinsa: Jono's job is kinda murky.  From LoCo Council's perspective, we've had to discuss with teams in the last 12 months issues like import/export compliance for getting disc distribution (Morocco), how to address issues for a group that lost its own server due to civil unrest that continue (Thailand), and how to getting various ethnic groupings to come together as one national team (Spain).01:13
belkinsaI see.01:13
skellatNobody from CCT has administrator access for administering LoCo Teams now.  We removed that as a bit of confusion that existed previously.01:13
Unit193cryptsetup is on the disk, wonder if that hinders stuff. :P01:14
skellatbelkinsa: As you've been aware, I've been hamstrung since I am a federal civil servant who is in probationary career-conditional status in a "seasonal" position subject to furlough.  We just had the first round of furloughs issued at work where some folks on an 89 day detail we told in the middle of day 59 to turn in their badges and not come back to work until further notice.  The guessing game has started as to when I'll be furloughed and wh01:18
skellats/we told/were told/01:19
jenniskellat meant to say: belkinsa: As you've been aware, I've been hamstrung since I am a federal civil servant who is in probationary career-conditional status in a "seasonal" position subject to furlough.  We just had the first round of furloughs issued at work where some folks on an 89 day detail were told in the middle of day 59 to turn in their badges and not come back to work until further notice.  The guessing game has started as to when I'll be 01:19
skellatbelkinsa: Other members of LoCo Council have been bogged down too over the past few months01:22
skellatbelkinsa: Things are picking up, though01:22
belkinsaI understand.  Do you guys need help with anything?01:22
* Unit193 likes to bother jose.01:22
skellatbelkinsa: Nothing really to help with at this point except hunting people down.  I just flipped the flag to "Incomplete" on 6 verification cases as communities like Florida and New Zealand haven't replied to us in 3 months.01:24
skellatThe best thing to do is keep on keeping on.  Other members of LoCo Council hold the three of you up as examples to other communities as to what leadership and direction look like.01:28
belkinsaAlright, we shall do this.01:28
skellatThe current bet is my badge gets taken away on April 16th01:30
belkinsaIn a month, scary.01:31
skellatThough as the last team meeting put it...you have a schedule for next week...just look at things on a day by day basis & be glad we tried to schedule for the next week...01:31
belkinsaAny day of this week will work for me, any time too.01:32
belkinsa(spring break for me)01:32
skellatSo since gambling is officially prohibited at work, nobody has laid any wagers as to when furlough will be.01:32
skellatI'm just glad I've got Monday off so I don't have to deal with NCAA basketball matches + the St. Patrick's Day parade in downtown Cleveland around the workplace01:33
skellatAnd now I have to disappear again01:35
belkinsaSee you later, skellat.  Hang in there.01:35
belkinsaAnd I will work out the doodle poll for the meeting.01:36
belkinsaUnit193, is that okay with you?01:36
Unit193Got a list of times Guest25821 can make it?01:37
Unit193(The idea is to have him there, right?)01:37
belkinsaNo...good point.01:37
belkinsaAnd skellat too.01:37
belkinsaAnd now I get his long e-mail...stupid Thunderbird.20:34
canthus13don't blame the client. blame the mail server.22:28

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