
ali1234i'm looking at all the crash reports on thunar01:49
ali1234they are all Thunar, not thunar01:50
ali1234Thunar is a symlink to thunar01:50
ali1234exo invokes it as Thunar01:51
ali1234so does the session init, as Thunar --daemon01:51
ali1234but here's the thing: if you don't invoke thunar with --daemon, it will not use an already running daemon01:53
Unit193Noticed the daemon wasn't getting used. :/01:53
ali1234if you launch thunar with exo it always uses the daemon01:54
ali1234which means places plugin, or the menus01:54
ali1234but whenever i have been debugging i always run it from the command line01:54
ali1234hmm in fact if you run it without --daemon it will use an existing daemon01:55
ali1234hmm this is confusing01:55
ali1234a large number of the reports are --daemon but not all of them01:57
ali1234http://git.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/tree/thunar/thunar-standard-view.c#n3898 something fishy is going on in this function02:15
ali1234g_source_remove (standard_view->priv->thumbnail_source_id); causes a g_critical02:15
ali1234this is only called on that variable in one place though02:22
ali1234oh, it's uninitialized i guess02:26
ali1234hmm... nope02:30
ali1234oh, i see it02:34
ali1234fixed. there's no way that can be causing the crashes though02:38
elfyknome: got menulibre testcase written - needs checking over etc https://code.launchpad.net/~elfy/ubuntu-manual-tests/1256911/+merge/21118107:32
bluesabregreetings everyone11:50
bluesabretranslators, please see the updated template at https://translations.launchpad.net/lightdm-gtk-greeter11:50
bluesabreochosi, Unit193, brainwash: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/lightdm/2014-March/000546.html12:03
bluesabrehopefully Corsac will get that moved into debian in the next few days12:04
brainwashali1234: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar?field.searchtext=sigsegv12:22
brainwashthunar tends to segfault a lot12:23
brainwashnot counting the private reports :/12:36
brainwashbluesabre: hi12:36
bluesabrehey brainwash12:36
brainwashhow do you automatically import from git(hub)?12:36
brainwashinto a bzr branch12:36
brainwashdaily shimmer-themes for example12:37
bluesabreuse the "request one" link towards the bottom12:38
brainwashah, got it12:38
brainwashthanks :)12:38
brainwashbluesabre: I need to register a project, right?12:42
bluesabrefor what?12:43
brainwashfor the import12:43
bluesabrewhich application?  most of them already have a project registered on lp12:43
brainwashright, but I don't want to abuse the already registered projects sites12:44
brainwashwas thinking of +junk12:44
bluesabreI don't think you can send it to +junk12:44
bluesabrethere is nothing wrong with doing a git->bzr sync12:45
bluesabreif somebody else is not already doing it, there is no issue12:45
bluesabrebut if the project is already registered, there is a good chance it already exists12:45
bluesabreincluding the import12:45
brainwashcurrently I'm doing it locally and push it to a junk branch12:45
brainwashworks fine, but I need to run it on my side12:46
brainwashwhich isn't bad12:47
bluesabrelaunchpad doesn't allow multiple git syncs from the same git tree12:47
bluesabrebut for recipes, you can use lp:xfdesktop as a base12:48
brainwashok, thanks for explaining this :)12:49
bluesabresure thing12:55
brainwashbluesabre: bug 128736813:03
ubottubug 1287368 in mugshot (Ubuntu) "mugshot crashed with IndexError in init_user_details(): string index out of range" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128736813:03
brainwashmugshot 0.2.2-1 has been already released13:03
brainwashlp number is wrong in the changelog13:04
bluesabremarked it as fix released in ubuntu13:06
brainwashok :)13:06
bluesabreI've sent the upload request for light-locker13:08
bluesabreonce that is done, I will update xflock13:08
bluesabreI'll change the order to light-locker, xscreensaver, gnome-screensaver13:08
bluesabrethat way the new lock is available to upgrade users, and it can now be correctly disabled13:09
bluesabreand there will be no double locking :)13:10
brainwashhopefully it will resolve this whole screen locking madness once and for all :D13:11
bluesabre*fingers crossed*13:11
bluesabreI'm going to have breakfast and clean now, bbl13:12
elfybluesabre: jfi - menulibre testcase done now - just waiting for someone other than me to apporve it13:41
bluesabreoh yeah, I was going to have a look at that13:42
bluesabrechecking it out now13:42
elfyok - well if you approve it I can get it merged and synced to the tracker13:42
bluesabreoh yeah, I am a test case admin13:45
elfydon't break it :|13:45
elfyokey doke - you want to merge it or shall I do the whole shebang?13:46
bluesabrego for it13:47
bluesabreI've got a messy env right now, don't want to mess anything up :)13:47
elfybah gedit keeps screwing things up :|13:51
bluesabregedit < mousepad14:00
elfyI had it for some reason and keep forgetting to stop it being default ... 14:01
pleia2finally wrote the february team report14:01
elfyaaah 14:02
elfynow I see what's wrong with it and why I get someone else to check them for me 14:02
elfybad bluesabre shouldn't have approved it :D14:02
bluesabrewhat did I miss?14:02
elfyall the <dl> and </dl>'s :p14:03
bluesabrepleia2: how'd february go?14:03
pleia2good good14:03
elfythat's better lol 14:06
elfybluesabre: ok - all done - call to arms sent to the list :)14:07
elfythanks pleia2 :)14:08
elfy\o/ no bugs left on qa blueprint :)14:14
elfyindeedy - only 2 work items too - and one of those is for the website team :p14:16
knomeelfy, will look at the menulibre test in 5-15mins15:24
knomeoh, bluesabre has approved already15:24
knomeand merged15:25
knomeok, won't look at it then15:25
bluesabregotta run, bbl15:32
knomebluesabre, why is translations restricted but not structured?15:38
knomebluesabre, that is, lightdm gtk+ greeter15:38
=== dkessel_ is now known as dkessel
* dkessel starts a VM to try elfy's new testcase15:46
dkessellook what we have here... bug 129315115:59
ubottubug 1293151 in menulibre (Ubuntu) "menulibre: hidden entry is still displayed in menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129315115:59
dkesselthat testcase may already pay off, elfy =) ^16:05
elfydkessel: if the save button is available then it needs saving - did it hide once it was saved?16:12
elfyI just tried again, build a launcher - visible, set hide to one, visible, save change, not visible16:13
dkesselelfy: i just tried again.. one time it worked correctly. but now i again have it in a state where it does not change the hidden state in the menu...16:16
elfydkessel: definitely working here - I assume you're completely updated16:18
dkesselelfy: yup16:19
dkesselelfy: if you have teamviewer i can show you the problem live ;)16:20
elfymmm - no idea I'm afraid then, try running menulibre --verbose from a terminal see if anything odd shows 16:20
elfyI believe you :)16:20
elfyjust can't confirm it here 16:20
dkesselok i'll try16:20
dkesseli guess this should not happen - added it to the bug: (menulibre:5099): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tree_model_get_iter: assertion 'path->depth > 0' failed16:26
elfyif you still get issues we'll get bluesabre to look16:26
elfyI get that error16:26
elfystill works though16:26
elfydkessel should be aware that elfy does NOT do voodoo nor coding16:27
knomeexcept the traditional voodoo16:28
dkesselelfy: alright :) no voodoo here, too ;) but coding, yes...16:28
elfythen I am sure that the team as a whole will be pleased to see you arrive on the shores of #xubuntu-devel :p16:29
knome(well, even without coding input)16:29
* elfy reminds knome to lock the door to the channel now 16:29
knomeyeah, it's already locked16:29
knomeno way out16:29
elfydkessel: and this on your LP page - " - finding ways to improve automatic testing"16:30
dkesseluh-oh :o16:30
elfythat would be awesome - we're floundering - lderan is the only looking at that for us :)16:30
elfydouble uh-oh :o16:30
dkesselthe .desktop file gets updates correctly... i guess this may be something in the menu then...16:33
elfydkessel: that for me DOES not show in the menu16:35
dkesseli got it. after logging out and logging in again it does show up correctly in the menu16:35
elfymmm - odd, shouldn't need that afaik16:36
dkesseldid i mention the live session?16:36
elfyno :)16:37
elfylet me boot vm16:37
elfyI'll check in there16:37
elfywe've had other odd things of late in a vm - try grabbing a window and dragging it to the next workspace16:38
elfythat seems to fail in vm's 16:38
dkesselnot in mine16:38
elfyok - can confirm that issue in a vm 16:39
elfydkessel: so in a vm you can drag an application from one workspace to another?16:41
dkesselelfy: yup. that works16:42
elfydkessel:  I'll make a note on the testcase 16:43
elfydkessel: ok - thanks for that - I've amended the testcase now 16:48
elfyI'll mark the bug invalid 16:48
elfyactually I won't - I'll ping bluesabre to decide :)16:49
dkesselbtw current xubuntu isos are very close to not fitting on my old 1 gb sd card anymore... do you know what causes the image to be that big?17:23
dkesseli guess that's because of the "being based on ubuntu" fact? lubuntu manages to keep the size at 700 mb though...17:26
knomedkessel, yeah, it became harder and harder and eventually impossible to fit a standard CD, after which we decided to set the target 1BG USB drive..17:29
knomeif it happens not to fit, inform us ASAP17:29
dkesselknome: well... 27,4 MB to go ;)17:29
knomeyeah, we shouldn't go over...17:29
dkesseli'm fine with the target size choice17:30
knomeochosi, elfy: poked the locking article17:48
elfyknome: pardon?18:24
elfyoh nvm - worked it out lol18:24

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