
davecheneyrick_h_: it's *always* mongodb00:02
waiganiI'm hitting an error that I can't track down. Here is my wip: https://codereview.appspot.com/7667004300:03
waiganierror: launchpad.net/juju-core/testing/testbase.PatchEnvPathPrepend(0): not defined00:03
davecheneywallyworld: launchpad.net/juju-core/testing/testbase.PatchEnvPathPrepend(0)00:09
davecheney^ still importing the lp version00:09
_mup_Bug #1293269: juju fails to destroy environment due to missing configuration key <ppc64el> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1293269>00:28
davecheneygreat, now destroy environment doesn't work00:29
thumpero/ davecheney00:32
thumperI have a branch for the local provider lxc settings00:32
thumperdavecheney: ah, I know what you did there00:32
davecheneythumper: thanks00:32
thumperdavecheney: that was all me...00:32
thumperthey used to be omit, then I changed the default to "", and now they are omit again00:33
thumperpretty sure they were only omit for releases00:33
thumperdev envs are likely screwed00:33
davecheneyhere is my environment.yaml00:34
davecheney    local:00:34
davecheney        type: local00:34
thumperyou will need to do the manual thing00:34
thumperalthough, I have a bug on my plate to fix destroy environment00:35
thumperhowever due to the early dying00:35
thumperwon't help this case00:35
davecheneythumper: has this screwed 1.17.4 -> 1.17.5 upgrades ?00:37
thumperdavecheney: no, those are fine00:38
thumperthe setting was changed and changed back in beteween releases00:38
* davecheney remains alarmed, but not alert00:40
bodie_rick_h_, davecheney thanks :) I'm on the packaged Mongo for Ubuntu 14.04 -- tried building 2.4.9 from source but I got tons of build errors for some reason.  bleh00:41
davecheneybodie_: that is the worst of all choices00:42
davecheneysudo apt-get install juju-mongodb00:42
bodie_much appreciated00:42
davecheneythis should have already happened for you00:42
davecheneythis package is a dep of juju-local00:42
davecheneyis this a documentation bug ?00:42
bodie_Maybe it didn't go in because I already had Mongo00:44
bodie_but, I don't think Go would fetch a package, would it?  Just source, I thought00:44
bodie_I'm still just getting my head wrapped around the whole thing, I think I may have been told the packaged Mongo was suitable00:45
davecheneynot suitable00:45
davecheneymanditory :)00:45
davecheneythis smells like a bug00:45
davecheneyjuju should detect that you had /usr/bin/mongdb00:46
davecheneywhere we rerequire00:46
davecheney/usr/lib/juju/bin/mongodb [sic]00:46
davecheneyif you uninstall mongo00:46
davecheneyand run a juju command it *should* give you reliable advice00:46
davecheneythumper: well fuck, how do I delete that environment then ?00:47
davecheneyjust table flip it ?00:47
thumperlxc-destroy all the machines00:47
thumperstop the services00:47
thumperand delete the upstart entries00:47
thumperdelete the rsyslog entry00:47
thumperand delete everything from /var/lib/juju/containers00:47
bodie_I think I have some kinda conflict with a mongo already sitting on my system, but I just now removed everything mongo using apt... maybe the one I'd built from source00:50
bodie_okay, removed that and now it's suggesting I install mongodb-server00:51
bodie_but you're saying I need to use juju-mongodb00:51
davecheneybodie_: this is absolteyly a bug00:51
bodie_yay, I accomplished something00:54
wallyworlddavecheney: you recently updated the ec2 provider to add ppc and arm arches to tools lookup constraints, right?00:54
davecheneywallyworld: only ppc00:56
davecheneysomeone else is tpo blame for arm00:56
wallyworlddavecheney: because we have a list of hard coded aws instances types (m1.small, etc) which are recorded as supporting i386 and amd64 only00:56
davecheneywallyworld: i know00:56
wallyworldhence image matching will fai;00:57
davecheneythis was raised in review and I believe I removed those lines were removed00:57
wallyworldwhich lines?00:57
wallyworldthe tools lookup arches?00:57
davecheneythe ones in the ec2 and azure provider from memory00:57
wallyworldreturn &simplestreams.MetadataLookupParams{00:58
wallyworldSeries:        e.ecfg().DefaultSeries(),00:58
wallyworldRegion:        region,00:58
wallyworldEndpoint:      ec2Region.EC2Endpoint,00:58
wallyworldArchitectures: []string{"amd64", "i386", "arm", "arm64", "ppc64"},00:58
wallyworld}, ni00:58
davecheneyguess I didn't get all of them00:58
wallyworldthe Architectures above should just be i386, amd64 right?00:58
davecheneynot sure about arm00:58
wallyworldno problem00:58
davecheneyi'd say no00:58
davecheneybut I think arm via stgrabers' qemu ami is possible00:58
davecheneybeing realistic, just 386 and amd6400:59
wallyworldok. so long as we are consistent across the board00:59
wallyworldthat's what i'm aiming for00:59
wallyworldthen we can add in the extra arhes00:59
wallyworldi just got a little confused when reading the code01:00
bodie_do I need to submit a bug report or can I simply lbox propose my fix?01:00
davecheneybodie_: if you can fix it yourself, go for it01:00
bodie_so it HAS to be juju-mongodb?  I thought it just had to be a version with SSL support01:03
davecheneybodie_: they are one in the same01:03
davecheneyespecially if you are on precise01:03
bodie_not in my case I guess since I'm using trusty tahr01:04
bodie_it installed 2.7.0-pre01:04
davecheneybodie_: oh bodie_ the problem is so many turtles deeper01:05
bodie_I like turtles... but not this many turtles01:05
bodie_was really confusing trying to make my tests pass -- I knew it had something to do with the Mongo version but beyond that it gets really murky01:06
bodie_and then having to wrangle build issues on top of that was making me insane01:06
bodie_I think GCC 4.8.2 treats a certain thing as a warning that isn't supposed to be treated as a warning01:07
bodie_do you know if the Vagrant box is suitable for dev?01:07
davecheneybodie_: is the README in the project incorrect ?01:07
bodie_ah, the make install-dependencies bit?  I hadn't tried that, I think I stopped reading when I saw the directions for installing the binaries and assumed the README was about that01:10
bodie_the juju build was failing due to an incompatibility with the latest gwacl, but someone told me about the "known working revisions" doc01:11
bodie_anyway, thanks for the assist :)01:21
waiganithe "PatchEnvPathPrepend(0): not defined" error I was hitting was resolved by rebuilding the pkg dir01:26
waiganiwhich means the branch is now ready for review: https://codereview.appspot.com/7667004301:27
davecheneythumper: good news02:22
thumperdavecheney: yes?02:22
davecheneybuilding static tools means we don' tneed install moew pkgs into the environment02:22
wallyworld__axw: how far away is this?02:30
wallyworld__// TODO(axw) 2014-02-11 #pending-review02:30
wallyworld__//     Embed state.Prechecker, and introduce an EnvironBase02:30
wallyworld__//     that embeds a no-op prechecker implementation.02:30
axwwallyworld__: oops, that was reviewed and should've had an issue added...02:30
axwbut the EnvironBase thing may not happen, as the implementation ended up changing02:31
axwwallyworld__: why?02:31
wallyworld__axw: i want to introduce some more common, shared functionality across all providers02:31
wallyworld__in this case SupportedArchitectures()02:31
axwwallyworld__: okay. I have no immediate plan to add it, so feel free to do it02:32
wallyworld__i'll just do a new interface i think02:32
wallyworld__Go loves single method interfaces :-/02:32
wallyworld__just gotta think of a name, and no I don't want to use Archer cause there's no arrows to be seen anywhere02:34
axwwhy do you need another interface?02:34
axwadding it to Environ seems appropriate02:35
wallyworld__guess so02:35
wallyworld__i think though having an EnvironCapability interface would be good02:36
wallyworld__we can add more methods to it as needed02:36
wallyworld__eg is block storage supported02:36
wallyworld__and easier to stub out for testing02:37
axwsounds reasonable02:38
thumperwallyworld__:  https://codereview.appspot.com/7466004402:45
wallyworld__thumper: https://codereview.appspot.com/76710043/02:46
thumperwallyworld__: I have a parent teacher interview, but will review ASAP on return02:50
wallyworld__ok, no hurry02:50
wallyworld__have fun02:50
thumperwallyworld__: why not utils.arch ?02:51
thumperthen arch.AMD6402:51
thumperor something02:51
wallyworld__thought about that, yeah can do that02:51
thumperI'll keep looking first02:51
wallyworld__just didn't want to introduce such a small package02:51
thumperjust wondering out loud at the first thing I saw02:51
thumperok, let me keep looking first02:51
wallyworld__sure, but i think you may have a valid poitn cause i almost did it that way02:52
davecheney2014-03-17 02:54:32 INFO juju.worker.uniter uniter.go:474 running "config-changed" hook02:56
davecheney2014-03-17 02:54:32 ERROR juju.worker.uniter uniter.go:480 hook failed: fork/exec /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-u0-0/charm/hooks/config-changed02:56
davecheneyjust hit this with
bodie_latest test output....03:01
bodie_going to bed, will look over this in the morning. any input welcome03:01
davecheneybodie_: sorry mate, still the wrong mongodb03:03
davecheneyor more speciically03:04
davecheneythe test suite tries to bring up a mongodb, but fails03:04
davecheneymost of those tests don't consider the case that mongo couldn't fail to start03:04
davecheneyand so panic during tear down03:04
davecheneywell fuck03:09
davecheneyi need to log a bug about charm-helpers-sh being missing03:09
davecheneybut i can't confirm if it works on precise because I've hit another bug03:09
thumperdavecheney: is that hook failure one where the hook doesn't exist?03:40
thumperdavecheney: the code paths should catch that, and I was horribly confused...03:41
davecheneythumper: that is correct03:41
davecheneyit shouldn't happen03:41
thumperI don't understand how we get that error03:41
davecheneyaxw: was looking into it03:42
davecheneyi think03:42
thumperwe explicitly catch that error03:42
thumperand I see that explicit catch happening locally03:42
thumperand on ec203:42
thumperso I'm dumb struck03:42
axwI was looking at what?03:44
axwnope.. don't think so03:44
axwoh yeah I remember this...03:46
davecheney /insert jarring chord03:55
jammorning thumper, I'm in the hangout whenever you're around03:57
wallyworld__thumper: so can we now drop JUJU_TESTING_LXC_FORCE_SLOW?03:58
thumperwallyworld__: yes03:59
thumperjam: ok03:59
wallyworld__thumper: wanna do that then as part of your work?04:00
thumperwallyworld__: yeah04:00
wallyworld__ok, i'll re-review then04:00
axwdavecheney: so the uniter code normally works because exec.Command internally uses LookPath04:15
axwLookPath is the one that returns an *exec.Error04:15
axwis it not working with gccgo?04:15
davecheneyaxw: this was one ec204:17
davecheneywith gc04:17
davecheneythis is not a ppc64el specific issue04:17
thumperwallyworld__: https://codereview.appspot.com/74660044/04:31
axwdavecheney: you're on Go tip aren't you? (or > 1.2 at any rate)04:41
axwdavecheney: behaviour of os/exec.Command has changed in 1.304:41
davecheneyaxw: is that a question or a statement ?04:41
axwfirst is a question, second is a statement04:42
davecheneythen yes, and ok04:42
axwthe statement leads to my question, I'm backwards like that04:42
davecheneybut others have hit this problem using released tools04:42
axwmmk, nfi why it would fail otherwise04:42
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jamaxw: LGTM on https://code.launchpad.net/~axwalk/juju-core/lp1293310-non-existent-hooks/+merge/21124706:05
axwjam: thanks06:06
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
rogpeppe3mornin' all08:11
axwmorning rogpeppe308:13
rogpeppe3axw: hiya08:13
axwrogpeppe3: I made the changes to https://codereview.appspot.com/75990043/, but thought I'd wait until you had a glance in case you weren't happy about the new package08:14
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
rogpeppe3axw: looking08:14
rogpeppe3axw: tiny thing: i wonder if the test should use /bin/sh rather than /bin/bash, as i think that might be what cloud-init is using.08:19
rogpeppe3axw: (i may be wrong there though)08:19
axwrogpeppe3: the synchronous bootstrap bit is always bash08:20
rogpeppe3axw: ok, and the DumpFileOnError code is only ever run in that context?08:21
axwrogpeppe3: and add-machine ssh, but that's also bash08:21
rogpeppe3axw: LGTM08:22
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* jam => luncdh08:39
dimiternwallyworld_, are you around?08:56
jammorning dimitern09:02
dimiternjam, morning09:02
jamdimitern: I missed you earlier09:02
jamrogpeppe3: 1:1?09:02
rogpeppe3jam: ah yes!09:03
dimiternjam, i'm sorry i trusted my nexus ubuntu touch to sound the alarm but it didn't and i read later that it's not implemented yet09:03
wallyworld_dimitern: hi09:27
vladkdimitern: hi09:27
dimiternhey vladk09:36
dimiternwallyworld_, I have a question about upgrades09:36
dimiternwallyworld_, we need to create some dirs with root permissions09:36
wallyworld_ok. where?09:36
dimiternwallyworld_, specifically, when upgrading rsyslog config and logdir09:36
dimiternwallyworld_, what's the best way to do that? i've seen provider/local calling exec.Command("sudo", "/bin/bash", "-s") and attaching stdout and stderr09:37
wallyworld_dimitern: the  machine agent runs as root, right?09:38
dimiternwallyworld_, or maybe generate a script and pass it on stdin (i.e. mkdir -p <logdir>)09:38
dimiternwallyworld_, so you're saying we should be able to create /var/log/juju-<namespace> in an upgrade step?09:38
wallyworld_i think so09:38
dimiternok, i'll try that09:38
wallyworld_it's just an educated guess09:39
wallyworld_but would be the simplest i think09:39
wallyworld_cause an upgrade step is easy enough to write, and is only executed the once when needed to get to 1.1809:39
dimiternwallyworld_, yeah, i was testing my fix for bug 1291400 and found out some errors due to the logdir in var/log not getting created and hence rsyslog cannot create its certs there09:40
_mup_Bug #1291400: migrate 1.16 agent config to 1.18 properly (DataDir, Jobs, LogDir) <regression> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:In Progress by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1291400>09:40
wallyworld_dimitern: good luck, let me know if it works. my only question is if the owner of the dir would be root but i think so since machine agent runs as root09:42
dimiternwallyworld_, it has to be a specific user/group i think, i'll check09:42
wallyworld_maybe, not sure ottomh09:43
* dimitern really hates how we don't chown local provider logs to the user so I don't have to do sudo less ...09:43
wallyworld_even so, the process will have the priviliges to do it09:43
wallyworld_dimitern: i agree. file a bug :-)09:43
dimiternwill do :)09:44
rogpeppe3hi all09:48
rogpeppe3voidspace: ping09:48
wwitzel3hey rogpeppe309:48
rogpeppe3wwitzel3: yo!09:49
wwitzel3rogpeppe3: you have a good weekend?09:49
rogpeppe3wwitzel3: an excellent weekend, thanks09:49
rogpeppe3wwitzel3: we actually had some sun yesterday, and even better, managed to go out and take advantage of it09:49
rogpeppe3wwitzel3: you?09:50
wwitzel3rogpeppe3: that's great :)09:50
wwitzel3rogpeppe3: yeah, it was good, nothing exciting, but nice and relazing09:51
voidspacerogpeppe3, morning09:53
rogpeppe3voidspace: hiya09:53
voidspacerogpeppe3, hi :-)09:53
voidspacerogpeppe3, sorry about Friday09:53
rogpeppe3voidspace: how's your configuration working now?09:54
voidspacerogpeppe3, well, mostly good09:54
voidspacerogpeppe3, :-)09:54
voidspacerogpeppe3, I can't get the USB monitor working with Ubuntu and I think I'm stuck on a maximum of three monitors09:54
voidspacerogpeppe3, but other than that, good09:54
voidspacerogpeppe3, I still need to move the drives to the new machine09:55
rogpeppe3voidspace: only three monitors, how can you survive? :-)09:55
voidspaceit is hard09:55
voidspacerogpeppe3, shall I pair with you today?09:55
rogpeppe3voidspace: i was just about to suggest that, yes09:55
rogpeppe3voidspace: whenever you're ready09:56
voidspacerogpeppe3, I'm pretty much ready09:56
voidspacerogpeppe3, hangout for audio?09:56
=== rogpeppe3 is now known as rogpeppe
rogpeppevoidspace: let's start with that09:57
* rogpeppe tries to work out how to create a hangout09:58
voidspacerogpeppe: shall we use the juju-core one, or start our own?09:58
rogpeppevoidspace: let's just use the juju-core one09:59
rogpeppevoidspace: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/juju-core09:59
mgzjam: are you around?10:08
jammgz: I am, I just need to do a quick "get some coffee/tea" run, and then I'll be happy to chat10:09
jammumble or G+ ?10:09
mgzsure thing10:09
mgzlets try mumble10:09
jammgz: no love....10:16
jamI'll try again10:16
jammgz: so I'm guessing this is Dubai's anti-VOIP software going into effect.10:17
mgzwe'll have to make a new hangout10:17
jamAt least, it is what it sounds like when I try to use Skype-out10:17
jammgz: there is a hangout associated with our 1:1 calendar event10:17
jamcan you get to that?10:17
mgzis the canonical mumble server not over ssl?10:17
mgzlets see10:18
rogpeppemgz: have you got the link to the instructions for reconfiguring the gobot, please?10:19
jamrogpeppe:  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju-dev/2014-March/002182.html <https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju-dev/2014-March/002182.html>10:20
rogpeppejam: thanks!10:21
jamrogpeppe: he's in G+ with me, and its easier to paste via me, then copy it to IRC :)10:21
rogpeppemgz: is there a reason that the verify_command in the tarmac configuration doesn't do a godeps -u ?10:27
mgzbecause it would also need go get -u10:28
jamrogpeppe: because half the time that would just break because you have to fetch first?10:28
jamand go get -u can overwrite the current branch that we are trying to test?10:28
rogpeppejam: in that case, it *should* break, i think10:28
rogpeppejam: otherwise we're testing with the wrong deps10:29
rogpeppejam: currently i'm trying to help michael get his Instances aggregration branch in, and there's no easy way to do it10:30
voidspacerogpeppe, https://pastebin.canonical.com/106567/11:06
rogpeppevoidspace: yeah, just fixed it, i think11:06
voidspacerogpeppe, cool, thanks11:08
voidspacerogpeppe, nope :-)11:08
rogpeppevoidspace: indeed11:08
mgznow the hook borked11:10
voidspacerogpeppe, I'm grabbing coffee11:16
rogpeppevoidspace: k11:16
perrito666hi everyone11:32
=== vladk is now known as vladk|away
rogpeppefwereade: just encountered an interesting error with juju resolved11:40
* fwereade peers nervously at rogpeppe11:41
fwereadehi again perrito666 :)11:41
rogpeppefwereade: it's not too bad actually11:41
rogpeppefwereade: i did "juju resolved", and the hook was still in error state11:42
rogpeppefwereade: i did it again, and it said "ERROR cannot set resolved mode for unit "tarmac/0": already resolved"11:42
rogpeppefwereade: but that was because a hook was still running11:43
rogpeppefwereade: i wonder if the uniter should set the unit status out of error state the moment it starts to try rerunning the hook11:44
fwereaderogpeppe, it *was* designed that way but I'm trying to remember why11:45
rogpeppefwereade: BTW the first time i did "juju resolved --retry"11:45
rogpeppefwereade: it certainly felt a bit weird when it happen: "why can't i resolve this hook that's in error state?")11:46
fwereaderogpeppe, IIRC the idea is that we make sure we actually try to handle the resolved before we mark it ready to try again11:46
rogpeppefwereade: i think that's the bit that's not so intuitive11:46
voidspacefwereade, I've been exchanging emails with  Erik Naslund :-)11:46
fwereaderogpeppe, the failure mode of setting resolved early is that we could not actually respond, but claim we did11:47
rogpeppefwereade: because the user has no visibility into when hooks are actually running11:47
fwereaderogpeppe, I *think* that's worse11:47
fwereadevoidspace, ah cool -- how's he doing?11:47
fwereadevoidspace, say hi :)11:47
voidspacefwereade, I will do11:48
voidspacefwereade, he is using mock at his startup and sent an email saying thanks11:48
fwereadevoidspace, excellent, I'm pretty sure I introduced him to it :)11:48
wwitzel3natefinch: ping12:05
natefinchwwitzel3: howdy12:07
wwitzel3natefinch: quick hangout?12:08
bodie_is there a standard for which version of ubuntu this should work best on?  davecheney says I'm still using the wrongodb, but this is definitely the one make install-dependencies set me up with12:13
jambodie_: most testing is done on Precise, we tried to enable Trusty correctly, but then ended up regressing support elsewhere, so we have a patch in progress to restore proper support for Trusty's local provider12:14
bodie_makes sense12:15
bodie_is there anything I can do to help there?12:15
bodie_maybe I'll try the Vagrant setup in the meantime12:15
axwfwereade: heya. did you want to review https://codereview.appspot.com/70190050/ before Jesse lands it?12:16
axwit's a big 'un12:16
axwlooks (nearly) good to me, but just checking if I should provision a LGTM on your review12:17
axwrogpeppe: yeah, I found that (resolved not changing error state immediately) a bit unintuitive too. some sort of feedback would be nice12:19
fwereadeaxw, if I haven't looked at it by eod I think we can go ahead,it12:25
bodie_just downloaded the 639MB vagrant image in almost exactly a minute... love this fios12:25
axwfwereade: okey dokey12:25
fwereade's had several rounds and you were making smart comments last time I saw12:25
fwereadeaxw, you can represent me :)12:26
axwI'll do my best12:26
fwereadeaxw, btw I have been trying to assimilate all the awesome azure changes, couple of quick questions12:26
fwereadeaxw, 1 (possibly trivially working, probably deserves minor reflection) subordinates in fancy-azure mode12:27
fwereadeaxw, I suspect they will all work fine, but if you haven't considered them explicitly please do some thinking12:27
axwI haven't, and I think they'll work fine, but yes I will have a think about it12:28
fwereadeaxw, 2 (maybe more of a sticking point) can we change the startinstance params so that it's expressed in terms of instances to avoid, rather than leaking the concept of "principals" into environs?12:28
fwereadeaxw, I haven't figured out whether that screws everything up wrt AddMachine though12:29
axw<fwereade> axw, I suspect they will all work fine, but if you haven't considered them explicitly please do some thinking12:29
axw<axw> I haven't, and I think they'll work fine, but yes I will have a think about it12:29
axwsorry, net cut out12:30
fwereade<fwereade> axw, 2 (maybe more of a sticking point) can we change the startinstance params so that it's expressed in terms of instances to avoid, rather than leaking the concept of "principals" into environs?12:30
fwereade<fwereade> axw, I haven't figured out whether that screws everything up wrt AddMachine though12:30
axwfwereade: that makes sense for ec2, but not for azure I think?12:31
fwereadeaxw, my though for azure was that we could just put the machine into the same cs/as as all supplied instances (in fancy-azure mode) or ignore (in placement mode)12:32
axwi.e. with AZ you want to avoid other machines in the AZ, but in azure you want to stick them all in the same Cloud Service12:32
fwereadeaxw, yeah, but in azure we can do so iff the instances to avoid all match12:32
fwereadeaxw, otherwise we can't distribute for reliability but whether that's an issue depends on the setting I think12:33
fwereadeaxw, thank god we decided not to allow racing provisioners though12:33
fwereadeaxw, there might be some horrible hole in my logic but I'd like us to try quite hard to keep state concepts out of environ implementations12:35
fwereadeaxw, the jobs/info dependencies make me grumpy but they don't feel too fundamental, this raher does12:35
axwfwereade: yeah, I'll have to have a think about how it'll work12:36
fwereadeaxw, tyvm12:36
axwIt'll mean recording more information specifically for provisioning12:36
fwereadeaxw, expand please?12:36
axwfwereade: instances to avoid is determined by the provider policy, right? that needs to happen as we're doing AddMachine if we're going to support clean machine assignment for ec212:37
axwthen it needs to be picked back up by the provisioner to pass to StartInstance12:38
fwereadeaxw, I think we can just always assume instances-to-avoid == instances-running-a-unit-of-this-service12:39
fwereadeaxw, provider is free to best-fit that12:39
fwereadeaxw, and in the case of manual placement it's completely overridden12:39
fwereadeaxw, ah doh I see12:40
fwereadeaxw, ormaybe not12:40
axwfwereade: I think that might work, need to let it marinate12:40
fwereadeaxw, it's more info we need at provisioning time, but I think we can just get away with a quick scan of the units on that machine -- if any -- and an API call to find out what other instances are also running those units12:41
fwereadeaxw, (prinicpals only, I think, but you already know that)12:41
axwyup. so basically what I was going to do, but hiding the principals from StartInstance12:42
fwereadeaxw, (also consider how/whether we can/should handle principals running on hosted machines -- I'd accept a TODO-figure-it-out there because it won't become a real concern until we start implementing zone distribution inside the other providers)12:42
fwereadeaxw, yeah, exactly12:42
fwereadeaxw, it's reimplementation but not fundamentally rearchitecting :)12:43
axwon hosted machines...?12:43
axwfwereade: what do you mean by "hosted machines"?12:44
fwereadeaxw, 2/lsc/312:44
fwereadeaxw, 2/lxc/312:45
axwyep, I only thought about it in so far as it's not really supported in Azure :)12:45
fwereadeaxw, I'm not quite decided what the Right Thing is yet, in an ideal world we'd be supplying some sort of weighting information -- ie it matter much more that we're not near instance X than Y, because the unit running on X is not well-distributed yet but the one on Y is12:48
fwereadeaxw, but that's off in best-is-enemy-of-good territory12:48
fwereadeaxw, so sticking with the simplest thing might be wise12:48
fwereadegaah need to do something quickly before meeting at 2, gtg12:49
axwfwereade: later, thanks for the chat12:49
rogpeppevoidspace: lp:~rogpeppe/juju-core/515-state-rename-api-addresses13:23
voidspacemgz, ping13:27
voidspacemgz, I'm starting again on a new machine13:27
voidspacemgz, so I need the bzr magic incantations to create the local branches13:28
voidspacemgz, and yet again I don't remember them :-)13:28
voidspacenor indeed where you put the instructions13:29
mgzvoidspace: yeah, I said I should write them down13:31
mgzvoidspace: `bzr switch -b trunk; bzr pull --remember lp:juju-core; bzr switch -b feature_branch`13:32
voidspacemgz, wonderful, thanks13:32
voidspaceI will email those to myself13:32
voidspaceit's just the initialisation I can't remember13:32
voidspaceusing it is fine :-)13:32
voidspacerogpeppe, ^^13:33
wwitzel3the logging calls in state/open.go where do those get logged to? logger.Infof13:37
rogpeppewwitzel3: i'm not sure i understand the question13:38
rogpeppewwitzel3: do you mean "where do the log messages end up?"13:38
wwitzel3there are logger.Infof calls in state/open.go, Open() where do the string values passed to Infof end up?13:39
wwitzel3what file would I tail to see them?13:41
wwitzel3cloud-init-output.log has them13:45
bodie_Is there a virtualbox / vagrant image specifically for core dev?13:55
bodie_i.e., Go installed, etc13:55
rogpeppetrivial method-renaming review anyone? https://codereview.appspot.com/7689004313:55
bodie_if not I'm going to host one13:55
rogpeppewwitzel3: it depends on the context13:55
rogpeppewwitzel3: is this when running a real environment?13:55
* rogpeppe goes for lunch13:56
wwitzel3rogpeppe: I found it on the machine being bootstrapped in cloud-init-output.log13:56
bodie_does anyone know an eta on fixing the azure provider?14:00
bodie_er, rather the compat with the updated provider14:01
bodie_... with the updated driver*14:01
mgzbodie_: use godeps to flip back to the comaptible revision14:02
bodie_I was just using bzr14:02
mgzaxw has some juju-core branches in progress but they're not yet landed14:02
bodie_is there a fancy simple go way?14:02
mgzand this is why we have godeps :014:02
mgzrogpeppe: ^you got a potted simple way?14:02
axwgodeps -u dependencies.tsv14:03
bodie_hehe.. potted.  fun working with people who have variations in their syntax ;)14:03
bodie_thanks axw14:03
mgzshould be something like: `go get launchpad.net/godeps/...; go install launchpad.net/godeps/...; godeps -u dependencies.tsv`14:04
mgzfrom inside juju-core dir14:04
axwgo install is not necessary if you do go get14:04
bodie_go install rebuilds, right?14:05
bodie_*double-checks note to self: "stop asking dumb questions"*14:05
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch
axwbodie_: go install = go build and install the result to $GOPATH/(pkg|bin)14:07
mgzgo get installs? that seems obnoxious, no wonder I generally avoid it14:10
bodie_I feel like the go tool is trying to do too much and not doing enough at the same time14:12
bodie_it should either do very little, or do things properly14:12
natefinchwwitzel3: ready to start up again?14:19
natefinchbodie_: the go tool does the right thing... we're doing slightly the wrong thing right now.   *usually* trunk just builds.  I actually think it's a mistake for us to ever have trunk not build.... but others may disagree.14:25
=== psivaa_ is now known as psivaa
jamespagesinzui, good morning14:31
sinzuihi jamespage14:31
jamespagesinzui, so I was poking at 1.17.5 for trusty upload the morning and wanted to make a time/risk decision that I was not in the full facts of to make14:32
* sinzui nods14:32
jamespagesinzui, and that really boils down to when 1.18.x will be released; I don't really want to upload 1.17.5 (and revert the juju-mongodb change I put in for .4) if its only really going to be there for a few days14:32
sinzuijamespage, understood14:33
wwitzel3natefinch: yep, ready14:34
sinzuijamespage, My only angst relates to ppc64 and arm64.14:34
jamespagesinzui, in the context of 1.18?14:34
sinzuijamespage, I can ask utlemming to release streams.canonical.com, but without those arch among the tools, they wont be tested14:35
sinzuijamespage, but too your point...they need to know juju-mongodb14:35
jamespagesinzui, right14:36
sinzuijamespage, I still think we can see 1.18.0 this week.14:36
jamespagesinzui, so will 1.18.0 use juju-mongodb across all archs if avaliable? this is fairly critical for the MIR14:36
sinzuior I release again when I see juju-mongodb restored14:36
* jamespage scrubs fairly from that sentence14:36
sinzuijamespage, yes, juju-db will be used when it is available14:37
jamespagesinzui, great14:37
jamespagesinzui, sorry - juju-db or juju-mongodb?14:37
jamespage(just to make sure we all know which one)14:37
sinzuijamespage, sorry. I tried to type less. I mean the latter14:38
* jamespage breathes again14:38
jamespageI know that was discussed as a rename14:38
bodie_so I'm on the verge of wiping my workstation and installing 12.04 (using 14.04 now) -- should I wait for this change to go in and just use a VM for now or something?14:42
bodie_tests seem to be breaking14:42
bodie_gustavo said it's mongo14:42
bodie_and I am using juju-mongodb14:42
natefinchbodie_: 14.04 works fine.  I'm on 14.04 and so are several other devs.14:43
natefinchbodie_: does mongod --help have the ssl section in the help now?14:43
natefinchbodie_: can you pastebin the failing tests?  I know you have before, but I want to see if there are differences now that you have the right mongo14:44
bodie_feeling a tiny bit hopeless at this point, it's been 4 or 5 solid days of struggle14:45
bodie_mongod isn't in my path14:45
bodie_it's in /usr/lib/juju/bin/mongod14:46
natefinchbodie_: the code I believe right now expects mongod to be in /usr/bin/14:46
bodie_it's these tiny little gotchas that make this impossible for people to join in on14:46
bodie_ok, not impossible14:47
bodie_frustratingly unobvious14:47
bodie_this is what I got from using make install-dependencies14:47
natefinchbodie_: that actually is probably the problem.... we have a bug with the current code about the juju-mongodb.   I know it's terrible, but try moving mongod to /usr/bin14:47
bodie_can I just symlink it?14:48
natefinchbodie_: possibly, but you may need to actually remove the juju/bin one.... try symlinking first.14:48
natefinchbodie_: and yes, we need a better onboarding process, with better documentation etc.14:48
bodie_I keep thinking it's just me being an idiot14:49
bodie_was really hoping to get some code in by friday at least14:49
bodie_thanks for the assistance14:49
bodie_see, gustavo said it was the wrong mongo version14:50
bodie_I don't know how he got that from my test output14:50
bodie_do I just need to move mongod or all 5 binaries?14:50
natefinchbodie_: I think just mongod, but I'm honestly not 100% sure.14:52
natefinchbodie_: That is very strange that you're getting all those panics, though.   While we have problems with the juju/bin mongod.... it doesn';t usually panic like that14:54
bodie_you're on trusty, right?14:57
natefinchbodie_: yes14:57
bodie_so I don't really have any reason to expect switching distros to help14:58
bodie_i'll see if moving the binaries fixes this14:58
bodie_where did you get your copy of mongodb?14:59
bodie_James used make install-dependencies and it put his copy in /usr/bin, unlike mine14:59
natefinchbodie_: I built mine from source15:00
bodie_finally.  looks like the symlinks worked15:01
bodie_interesting, what version of gcc?15:01
natefinchbodie_: 4.8 I think lemme check15:01
natefinchbodie_: 4.8.215:01
bodie_I wasn't able to get the source build to work, it kept spitting out warnings15:01
bodie_forums looked like maybe a gcc 4.8 issue15:02
bodie_but I guess not15:02
natefinchbodie_: er.... hmm.... that's my version of gcc now, but I was on Raring when I built mongo15:02
natefinchbodie_: so possibly an older version of gcc, I don't know15:02
rogpeppedimitern, natefinch, mgz, fwereade: trivial review please? https://codereview.appspot.com/76890043/15:03
bodie_aaaand 107,772 test errors15:03
mgzrogpeppe: wwitzel3 got there already15:05
rogpeppemgz: cool15:05
dimiternrogpeppe, reviewed15:06
rogpeppedimitern: thanks15:06
rogpeppewwitzel3: thanks to you too - i just hadn't refreshed the page to see your review :-)15:06
rogpeppedimitern: i don't understand your comment15:07
rogpeppedimitern: the API hasn't change (and hopefully won't change)15:08
dimiternrogpeppe, ah, sorry - the public/agent facing api is still the same15:09
rogpeppedimitern: yeah15:09
dimiternrogpeppe, then ignore me ;)15:09
rogpeppedimitern: duly ignored15:09
TheMueadeuring: started testing but have to update my 3rd party packages first15:11
TheMueadeuring: could you paste me your error(s)?15:12
adeuringTheMue: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7108636/15:13
TheMueadeuring: hehe, yep, bingo15:14
TheMueadeuring: exactly the same here15:14
adeuringTheMue: the last error is from r 2428. Reverting to r2427 fixes that one15:15
adeuringbut the other two error messages remain...15:15
TheMueadeuring: that's bad :/15:15
mgzadeuring: you need the right rev of gwacl, not top15:16
mgzand you want the ratelimiter package15:17
mgzsee the log ^ for godeps tips15:17
adeuringmgz: ahhh.. thanks, that fixed it!15:17
bodie_natefinch... any thoughts?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7108679/15:23
bodie_I have very little idea what could be causing this15:23
natefinchbodie_: that's the test that fails if mongod exists in /usr/lib/juju/bin :)15:25
natefinchbodie_: rename or move mongod from that directory and it'll pass.15:26
natefinchbodie_: it's a bug in the code & tests15:26
natefinchbodie_: we half-added a feature to use mongo from that directory15:27
natefinchbodie_: (where we = me)15:27
natefinchrogpeppe, mgz: is there a technical reason why cloud-init-output.log isn't mirrored back to the client when bootstrapping with --debug?  That would make my life so much easier15:34
rogpeppenatefinch: axw is the one to ask15:34
rogpeppenatefinch: i think it now sends back the output if the bootstrap fails15:34
mgznatefinch: it's because bootstrap is still in a funny place15:38
mgzwere I redoing from scratch, I'd just have --debug echo/tail/poll the console-log nova api, and similar for local/manua15:38
mgzcurent;y we have a funny mix of cloud-init parts and ssh-in-and-do-things parts that have disparate logging15:40
bodie_oy.  ok.  thanks natefinch15:40
natefinchmgz: probably why some of our errors come back as "rc: 1"15:40
mgzyeah, those are paricularly bad15:41
mgzbecause the stderr gets dropped15:41
mgzunlike with cloud-init15:41
natefinchmgz: I actually tried fixing that, and ended up with stderr being "return code 1"  or something along those lines equally useless15:42
mgztoo many lovely layers15:43
stokachuis there any documentation on using kvm as a container?15:47
stokachuthe code looks like it supports it but couldnt find any documentation15:48
bodie_natefinch, can you point me to the bit that tries to use /usr/lib/juju/bin ?  would be nice if I could take a crack at fixing something15:49
natefinchstokachu: there's a bug about us needing to add documentation about it15:49
stokachuok cool, any notes lying around?15:49
bodie_I guess /agent/mongo/mongo.go15:50
natefinchbodie_: yeah... I think the problem is that the test is using the MongoPath method, and the MongoUpstartService function is not.  we hard coded the MongoUpstartService but forgot to fix the test.  REally we should hardcode MongoPath for now, and put MongoUpstartService back to using MongoPath.15:52
natefinchstokachu: juju help add-machine, and just replace lxc with kvm15:52
stokachunatefinch: ah ok thanks15:52
bodie_I see15:52
stokachuand use manual provider right?15:52
perrito666hey, make on master yells errors in lxc.go and clonetemplate.go15:53
natefinchstokachu: that's orthogonal15:53
perrito666is this expected or I have something broken?15:53
natefinchperrito666: I'm not sure anyone actually uses make15:53
natefinchstokachu: do juju help deploy to see how to deploy to a specific machine (including new container)15:54
stokachuok thanks will do15:54
rogpeppevoidspace: can you hear me?16:15
rogpeppevoidspace: or are you still coffeeing?16:15
voidspacerogpeppe, https://lastpass.com/16:22
voidspacerogpeppe, vault16:23
voidspacerogpeppe, that's the lastpass terminology anyway16:23
rogpeppedimitern, fwereade, natefinch, mgz: small review (adding State.SetAPIAddresses)? https://codereview.appspot.com/7695004316:25
stokachui <3 juju+kvm16:33
natefinchvoidspace, rogpeppe: I love lastpass.  I don't know how anyone actually uses the web without it (or something like it)\16:38
rogpeppenatefinch: yeah, i think i need to use it16:38
rick_h_natefinch: +1 got the wife using it as well16:38
voidspacenatefinch, I've just migrated from 1password as part of the move away from OS X16:38
voidspacenatefinch, so far so good :-)16:39
natefinchit makes it trivial to use a different very strong password with every single service, which is really the only way to be secure.16:39
natefinchvoidspace: I've been using it for a few years now.  No complaints.16:40
rogpeppetwo branches out for review, please: https://codereview.appspot.com/76950043, https://codereview.appspot.com/7687004416:44
rogpeppedimitern, natefinch, wwitzel3, mgz, fwereade: ^16:44
natefinchvoidspace: one thing I like is that if you pay for it, you get the mobile client and access to the dolphin browser plugin (if you're on android, not sure if they have it on iOS)... the dolphin plugin works just like the desktop plugin, which is handy for browsing on your phone16:44
natefinchrogpeppe: I'll grab at least one16:44
voidspacenatefinch, I've been using 1password for years which is very similar, except with syncing via dropbox instead of the passwords on their servers...16:44
rogpeppenatefinch: the 1st is a prereq of the 2nd16:45
voidspacenatefinch, you can't have browser plugins on iOS unfortunately :-/16:45
natefinchvoidspace: pretty sure lastpass is encrypted locally before you send your data to them, btw16:45
natefinchvoidspace: I have a suggestion you probably won't like ;)16:45
voidspacenatefinch, you buy me a new phone and I'll use it :-)16:45
rick_h_natefinch: works in mobile firefox. I use it in that on android16:45
natefinchvoidspace: rofl16:45
natefinchvoidspace: that's cool.  I'll have to try it and see how it compares to dolphin16:49
natefincher rick_h_ ^16:49
natefinchrogpeppe: there you go16:53
rogpeppenatefinch: thanks16:54
rogpeppenatefinch: the second one is even simpler :-)16:55
natefinchrogpeppe: I did both ;)16:55
rogpeppenatefinch: brilliant!16:55
=== vladk|away is now known as vladk|offline
voidspacerogpeppe, back17:20
voidspacerogpeppe, I got dumped out of the hangout - trying to join again17:24
rogpeppevoidspace: k17:24
voidspacerogpeppe, hmm... it won't let me back in17:25
rogpeppevoidspace: what error do you see?17:26
voidspacerogpeppe, it takes me to the error page and says "there was an error", with a "Start a new hangout" button17:27
rogpeppevoidspace: awesome17:27
voidspacerogpeppe, now it's saying "It's taking too long to connect you to this video call.Try again in a few minutes"17:27
voidspacerogpeppe, which at least is progress I think...17:28
rogpeppevoidspace: i could try leaving and joining again17:28
wwitzel3Google is having some issues with hangouts atm17:28
voidspacethat would explain it...17:28
rogpeppevoidspace: it still thinks you're connected, BTW17:28
rogpeppevoidspace: ha, i also cannot rejoin17:29
voidspacerogpeppe, creating a new one fails. wwitzel3 would appear to be correct :-)17:35
rogpeppevoidspace: yup17:35
voidspacerogpeppe, I'm going to work on my vim setup as that's pretty essential17:37
voidspacerogpeppe, I have half an hour to EOD17:37
rogpeppevoidspace: sgtm17:37
rogpeppevoidspace: we've done alright today i reckon17:37
voidspacerogpeppe, Mondays I have to leave promptly at 6pm due to krav maga, most other days I can be more flexible17:37
voidspacerogpeppe, yep, been fun17:37
rogpeppevoidspace: branch just merged17:38
rogpeppevoidspace: one still to go17:38
voidspaceI saw17:38
rogpeppedimitern: ping17:38
rogpeppefwereade: ^17:39
natefinchTIL not to mess with voidspace.... unless there's some other krav maga I don't know about, that's like, a UK form of knitting17:44
voidspacenatefinch, hehe17:49
voidspacenatefinch, I've only been doing it for a couple of months17:49
voidspacenatefinch, I really enjoy it but still at the "complete beginner" stage17:49
voidspacenatefinch, I still advise not messing with me though...17:51
perrito666natefinch: wwitzel3 hi, just wanted to say hello, you seem to be my most overlapped co-teammers :)17:56
voidspaceright - EOD17:56
voidspace'night all17:56
voidspacesee you tomorrow17:56
natefinchvoidspace: night!17:56
natefinchperrito666: hi, yes, it's nice not to be the only one here in the afternoons :)17:57
wwitzel3perrito666: hi :)17:58
natefinchrogpeppe, mgz: wwitzel3 and I were wondering if there were things in state.Open we should *not* be doing in an HA environment... .like if you're not the first bootstrap node to come up.   It's a little hard to tell what might cause problems if it were ran more than once.18:08
rogpeppenatefinch: i've certainly be *trying* to make everything that happens in state.Open applicable in a HA environment18:09
rogpeppes/be /been /18:09
natefinchrogpeppe: we're having a problem where bootstrap seems to finish successfully, but then juju status gets an error ERROR state/api: websocket.Dial wss://ec2-54-198-131-15.compute-1.amazonaws.com:17070/: dial tcp connection refused18:10
rogpeppenatefinch: is this on tip?18:11
natefinchrogpeppe: tip-ish.  I synced my branch last thursday, I believe18:11
rogpeppenatefinch: what do you see in the logs?18:11
rogpeppenatefinch: (it sounds like the machine agent isn't coming up properly)18:12
natefinchrogpeppe: I'm bringing up a new environment now, I'll check and see if I see anything noteworthy in the logs.18:12
natefinchrogpeppe: ahh, hmm, looks like we're getting a mongo error when we try to read the replsetconfig while opening state (we do that to know if we need to call initiate)18:19
rogpeppenatefinch: sounds right18:20
rogpeppenatefinch: i have some code that does the initial replicaset setup for state, if it might be helpful for you18:20
natefinchrogpeppe: we actually just were working on that today.  Right now our code does it in state.Open if the replset isn't already initiated18:21
rogpeppenatefinch: i'm not sure that's a great idea18:22
rogpeppenatefinch: it seems to take quite a long time after setting the initial (1 member!) replica set configuration until you can actually use the mongo again18:22
rogpeppenatefinch: i have no idea why that should be18:23
rogpeppenatefinch: i would prefer to keep the replicaset logic out of the state package18:23
natefinchrogpeppe: I was just putting it there because there's 40 lines of setup to dial mongo, which we have to do anyway18:24
rogpeppenatefinch: yeah, i see that, but i wonder if there some other possibility18:27
natefinchrogpeppe: I'm sure we can factor out the 40 lines so we don't have to write it multiple times.  And re-dialing isn't a big deal.18:28
rogpeppenatefinch: well, we'll have to redial anyway18:28
natefinchrogpeppe: right18:29
bodie_This line should read juju-mongodb, right?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7109636/18:29
bodie_It currently says mongodb-server18:29
bodie_which I don't think will come from the ppa18:29
rogpeppenatefinch: i can think of two possibilities atm18:29
rogpeppenatefinch: 1) add a method to State that returns the mongo DialInfo that's appropriate for dialling the state's mongo server.18:29
rogpeppenatefinch: 2) factor out the dial code into another package and make state.Open call it18:30
natefinchrogpeppe: seems like the mongo package we already have would be a reasonable place to put the refactored method.  Getting stuff out of state seems like a good idea.18:31
rogpeppenatefinch: 3) factor the dial code out of state entirely and pass a mongo session into state.Open and state.Initialize18:31
natefinchrogpeppe: 2 or 3 seem fine, I don't really have an opinion as to which is better.  Probably passing the session into state is more flexible.18:32
natefinch(so I guess I do have an opinion ;)18:33
natefinchno strong opinion :)18:33
rogpeppenatefinch: the first option is least work18:33
rogpeppenatefinch: the third option is the most work18:33
natefinchrogpeppe: the difference between 2 and 3 seems small. though I don't know about the tests.  Mostly it seems like cut and paste.18:34
natefinch(aside from tests)18:34
rogpeppenatefinch: yeah, 3 isn't actually so bad - there are only 33 calls to state.Open in the code18:35
rogpeppenatefinch: i think it's my preferred option actually18:35
rogpeppenatefinch: but it is actually quite a big change, now i think about it18:37
rogpeppenatefinch: we'd need to move state.Info out of state18:37
rogpeppenatefinch: it might all work out nicely though18:38
rogpeppenatefinch: i would definitely run the idea past fwereade though, as it is definitely making the state abstraction a more leaky18:40
rogpeppes/a more/more/18:40
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
wwitzel3natefinch: done for the day, but I will still be here on and off18:42
wwitzel3natefinch: if you make any break throughs make sure you push it to your branch so I can check it out in the morning18:43
natefinchwwitzel3: will do.19:05
natefinchrogpeppe: I'll mention it to fwereade.  Probably to get things going ,the best idea right now is to do #1.  Bringing on extra work, even if it's refactoring things a little more nicely, is probably not the best idea.19:06
rogpeppenatefinch: agreed19:06
perrito666hey, I am on my way out, see you all tomorrow :)19:12
natefinchperrito666: see you tomorrow :)19:12
natefincho/ thumper19:30
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
hazmatthumper, so with aufs local lxc.. is that optional?19:50
thumperhazmat: it is about to be19:50
thumperhazmat: I have a branch that allows configuration19:50
hazmatthumper, awesome19:51
thumperspent yesterday writing tests for it mostly19:51
thumperhazmat: it was on all the time (other than btrfs)19:51
hazmatyeah.. twould be nice as constraint..19:52
hazmatbut env config is an ok fallback19:52
hazmatthumper, cause next would be aa-unconfined profile as container/workload constraint19:52
hazmatre ostack on local19:52
hazmatall of which would come back to supporting provider specific constraints19:53
* thumper nod19:53
rogpepperight, i'm done20:01
rogpeppeg'night all20:01
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
natefinchEOD for me.  Night all.21:05
marcoceppithumper: did fast lxc land in 1.17.5?21:06
thumpermarcoceppi: yes, but it seems there may be permission issues21:06
thumperlooking into it21:06
marcoceppithumper: well if there's something i have to do, like modify a path or whatever, I'm down for that, I just want fast lxc while writing this charm21:07
thumperyes, it is there21:07
thumpermwhudson: ping21:13
thumpermwhudson: maybe you are flying...21:13
* thumper waits for the merge...22:21
thumperphew, third time lucky22:32
marcoceppithumper: so, after the first time I deploy, each deployment (even between bootstraps) should be fast?22:40
marcoceppithumper: oh, actually, I got an error executing lxc-clone22:43
marcoceppithumper: ah, juju-local needs to depend on aufs-tools22:43
marcoceppithumper: :\ http://paste.ubuntu.com/7110975/22:44
thumperwrite that shit down L)22:44
marcoceppiafter install aufs-tools22:44
marcoceppithumper: oh,I'll def file a bug as soon as I track down the issue22:46
=== thumper is now known as thumper-gym
marcoceppithumper-gym: yeah, I aufs-tools didn't fix it and i'm nto sure where else to look. I'm guessing the lxc-container-aufs option is in trunk and not released?22:56
mwhudsonthumper-gym: hey, i am at kingsford smith airport so am happy for you to try to stop me getting bored out of my mind :-)23:34
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
mwhudson(that said the internet is pretty rubbish, so i might not be very good conversation)23:40

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