
=== rogpeppe3 is now known as rogpeppe
frankbanguihelp: I need one review/QA for https://codereview.appspot.com/75190044 (charm, not so much to review, mostly QA). thanks13:05
* frankban lunches13:11
frankbanoh hatch, morning13:11
hatchhow are you?13:11
frankbanhatch: what do you think about pairing on juju-core stuff after my lunch?13:12
hatchone sec, I aven't actually started working yet :)13:13
hatchrick_h_ did you happen to add in any time on the schedule for me to pair with frankban on some core stuff?13:13
hatchfrankban go for lunch, I'm sure we can work something out :)13:14
hatchif not it's not a huge deal :)13:14
rick_h_hatch: it's all good13:21
rick_h_hatch: I didn't schedule but I think it's valuable and support it. 13:22
hatchcool thanks13:22
frankbanrick_h_: cool, and great quickstart article!13:52
rick_h_frankban: woot13:53
rick_h_frankban: thank you sir for the great work. It's getting rave reviews around everwhere13:53
rick_h_we'll be up on juju.ubuntu.com later today and there will be an insights blog post as well13:53
rick_h_it's "big quickstart + bundle" announcement day!13:53
frankbanrick_h_: awesome, and, if new juju-core lands in trusty universe, we could also release quickstart 1.213:55
rick_h_frankban: yea, saw they got 1.17.5 out 13:55
rick_h_frankban: so was going to bring that up13:55
frankbanrick_h_: cool, thanks13:55
jcastrohey rick_h_13:55
rick_h_jcastro: howdy13:56
jcastrolet me confirm bundle URLs before the press release goes out13:56
jcastrojuju quickstart bundle:~charmers/mondodb/cluster13:56
jcastrowith ~charmers removed over time13:56
rick_h_jcastro: yea, once 1.17.5 hits we should have ~charmers gone this week13:56
jcastroso what URLs should we give people to link to from the announcement?13:57
rick_h_jcastro: but yes, that's good13:57
jcastrojust the tab in the bundle?13:57
rick_h_yea, we should include ~charmers. We're just not sync'd up13:57
jcastrono worries, that's not a big deal13:57
rick_h_oh, as far as for the jujucharms urls?13:57
rick_h_jcastro: I mean quickstart is that url ^ and is good. 13:57
jcastroyeah I would prefer they show the quickstart URLs I think13:58
rick_h_jcastro: if you want to link them to the GUI and a bundle let me know which ones and I'll get you a short url. https://jujucharms.com/bundle/~charmers/mongodb/cluster/ for instance13:58
rick_h_it's just the jujucharms.com/bundle/<quickstart url>13:58
jcastronice, and I am assuming ~charmers will go away from that too?14:00
rick_h_jcastro: yes14:00
jcastrorick_h_, ok, let me feature 2 more, what was the feature URL for bundles again?14:01
frankbanrick_h_, jcastro: yeah, FWIW, this will be the quickstart help for the new release: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7108268/14:01
rick_h_jcastro: http://manage.jujucharms.com/bundle/mediawiki/single/featured/edit14:02
rick_h_jcastro: note there's a lag in checking the box and them showing up. I think it's apache server cache stuff but should be ok after 20-30min14:02
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch
hatchhey rick_h_  I had no luck with the other kernel, curious as to how you got that bug output so I can add mine to the ticket as well14:07
frankbanhatch: let me know when you want to start, no rush14:08
hatchfrankban: sure, I had to install bzr and now it's checking out the repo14:08
hatchunfortunately my plans to be on Ubuntu this week have been foiled14:09
hatchfrankban https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/76cpi8r5qpbciv15ulg0da6lj8?authuser=1&hl=en whenever14:13
jcastrorick_h_, what was the TLDR on elasticsearch this weekend?14:41
Makyojujugui call in 1014:50
rick_h_jcastro: IS brought up a staging environment that corrupted our production environment and the index needed to be rebuilt14:54
rick_h_jcastro: that's the TL;DR version14:54
jcastrooh ok so something caused it14:54
jcastroit just didn't like, crash or something14:55
rick_h_jcastro: yep, that's the thought at least. I can't prove it 100%14:55
rick_h_jujugui http://insights.ubuntu.com/news/juju-bundles-and-quickstart-create-an-entire-cloud-environment-in-seconds/ for the announcement 14:58
rick_h_jujugui call in 3 just added the hangout link. Not sure where it went. 14:58
benjiMakyo: how do we get to the hangout now?  The card doesn't have a "Video Conference" link and the tinyurl link leads to a "The Party's Over" page.14:58
Makyobenji, I have to open the event to see the link: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/daily-standup?authuser=1&hceid=cmljay5oYXJkaW5nQGNhbm9uaWNhbC5jb20.j0rk5d371ph8331ijtf48t2uj014:59
jcastrohey rick_h_15:25
jcastrocan you see if that bundle is not being ingested?15:25
jcastroI bet it's erroring out15:25
rick_h_jcastro: checking15:26
rick_h_E: envExport/importio: Could not find charm for service.15:27
rick_h_E: envExport: Invalid relation to charm: importio not found.15:27
rick_h_jcastro: proof fails because the charm is not there. 15:27
rick_h_it's a local charm, we don't support that in the store15:27
bacjujugui: robbie is running the pool again for the b'ball tournament.  get your picks in at http://ubun2.mayhem.cbssports.com  let's keep the trophy within Juju GUI again!15:38
hatchI pick whoever is statistically most likely to win15:57
bachatch: there is a button for that15:58
hatchI don't think I've ever watched more than 1/4 of a basketball game :)16:02
hatchI need to step out real quick, be back in about 2016:32
jcastroI will win16:56
jcastroactually, I have a critical mistake where all my submissions are with MSU coming out on top16:57
jcastroI have UM/MSU in the national championship game in one bracket16:57
jcastrothat's how far I am willing to go16:57
rick_h_go blue!16:58
jcastroyou guys did awesome yesterday16:58
bacjcastro: i ditched loyalties this year and have UNC losing 2nd round.17:06
hatchrick_h_ did you see the response on your kernel bug?17:40
rick_h_hatch: yea, will have to find time to work through that process17:40
rick_h_bac: ping when you get a sec. Trying to figure out why I've got no index in charmworld. This get_aliased thing isn't ringing with a lot of sense atm17:54
bachi rick_h_17:54
rick_h_bac: oh howdy17:55
rick_h_bac: can see if it's up17:55
rick_h_bac: looks like still down17:56
bachangouts is down?17:56
rick_h_I've got a call coming up. I can try to bug you later. Bad timing on my part. 17:56
rick_h_bac: yes, email went out about it. 17:56
rick_h_bac: yay call cancelled. Basically I'm getting this trace when trying to run charmworld? https://pastebin.canonical.com/106593/ seen anything like it? It's complaining that the real_index charms-55269 doesn't exist. Which I guess it doesn't? Not sure why it's doing that though. I thought it was just charms/18:01
bacrick_h_: the aliased indices is really confusing.  but, no, i've never seen one not exist like that.18:02
bacrick_h_: is the interview still on?18:02
rick_h_bac: I'm hoping so. Hangouts is kind of required for that. Not sure what we'd fall back to18:03
rick_h_bac: so if hangouts aren't operating I think we'll try to reschedule and send frankban a few cookies for putting up with us18:03
rick_h_bac:  oh hmm, I've got no indicies after es-update. 18:06
benjifrankban: I am under the impression that the GUI charm's NRPE code (in scripts/charmsupport/) is from an external project; is that true?18:23
* benji realizes frankban is probably past his EOD.18:23
frankbanbenji: I am here18:23
benjiah, cool18:23
frankbanbenji: yes, that sounds correct to me18:24
frankbanbenji: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-gui-charmers/charms/precise/juju-gui/trunk/revision/7418:25
benjicool, thanks18:25
bacrick_h_: hangouts still down.  no-go on interview?18:31
rick_h_bac: yea was just checking the stats dashboard. 18:32
rick_h_bac: surprised they've had things down for multiple hours. 18:32
bact-30 is a good time to decide18:32
rick_h_bac: I'll email and reschedule. Sorry. Just not going to be the same sans-hangout18:32
rick_h_bac: +118:32
rick_h_frankban: bac Makyo so sent cancel email and will reschedule for later in the week18:35
rick_h_frankban: sorry about that :/18:35
frankbanrick_h_: np, have a nice evening all!18:36
MakyoOkay, sounds good!18:36
hatchrick_h_ have a moment to go through my proposal? https://github.com/hatched/esm-docs/blob/master/esm-outline.md18:38
rick_h_hatch: looking18:38
rick_h_hatch: not sure how to comment on this so just gonig to edit it and I guess we can diff it?18:44
hatchoh hmm18:45
rick_h_hatch: not sure this is the best format for these things since you can't add comments/questions in line and such like a code review or doc18:45
hatchrick_h_ I'll create a PR on the juju-gui project?18:45
hatchI tried google docs but it doesn't do code formatting18:45
hatchok give me one min I'll create a new branch of the gui and add it to the docs18:46
rick_h_hatch: I'll see how the editing goes. We'll figure something out18:46
hatchok so no pr?18:47
rick_h_hatch: ideally we'd hangout and chat over it lol18:47
rick_h_hatch: no, I don't think so18:47
hatchok np18:47
hatchI could install Skype? lol18:47
rick_h_I'm not willing to go that far lol18:47
rick_h_hatch: crappy edit/update. Let me know what you think though.18:56
rick_h_hatch: overall very nice but couple of questions and different opinions18:56
hatchcool thanks will look18:56
hatchrick_h_ so personally I much prefer real function calls to doSomeCommand('commandName') type of syntax because it's far easier to grep and parse through without executing (we use this structure in the app in a couple places and I've had to run the app to get the possible `commandName` values to figure out how the code flows)18:59
rick_h_hatch: oh, I've got hangouts if you want to try18:59
hatchoh cool sure18:59
hatch(sure, after I typed all that out) lol19:00
rick_h_bwuhahaha https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/72cpir00hj4j06la9mff158qnk?hl=en19:00
Makyojujugui looking for two reviews (for my sanity's sake) and a QA of https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/181 hatch can you be at least one of the reviewers?19:44
rick_h_Makyo: looking19:46
rick_h_Makyo: lint errors for CI 19:47
MakyoOh for pete's sake.19:47
MakyoOn it.19:47
hatchMakyo on it19:48
MakyoI was just TOO EXCITED19:48
rick_h_Makyo: lol19:48
rick_h_hatch: will you do QA?19:48
hatchI can19:48
rick_h_hatch: ty sir :)19:49
hatchMakyo what do you think of the inspector setup now that you have had a chance to use it?19:49
Makyohatch, after going down a very, very wrong path, I like it.  I got super frustrated with it, until I found my mistake.  I really like it, so much simpler19:50
hatch:) what was the mistake? something I could have avoided?19:51
rick_h_Makyo: what was the mistake? Something we should catch/error/hint?19:51
MakyoJust kind of a listening problem on my end.  When you were talking about adding the RequestSeriesView to the LocalNewUpgradeView, I thought misunderstood, when you meant just add it to the views attribute.19:52
Makyo'thought' is an extra word, ignore it.  Ostracize it.19:53
rick_h_ok, so one time learning thing then. 19:55
rick_h_nothing to really catch/update 19:55
rick_h_it sounds like?19:55
MakyoIt'd be nice to have some more documentation around that (and the potential problem of object values ordering) and how we support multiple views in there.19:56
MakyoBut I think that's an existing comment.19:56
rick_h_Makyo: ok cool19:56
hatchI love it20:00
rick_h_you guys hate me ;P20:00
hatchsounds like a name from a JRPG20:00
MakyoHey, it was the logical next step from (the appropriately named) rsi20:00
hatchso much awsesome20:00
rick_h_I keep reading that one was repetive stress injury20:00
rick_h_I had to swallow so hard to :+1: that one20:01
Makyorick_h_, hatch with two +1s, can I land as is and do a follow-on for the missing view tests?20:10
hatchMakyo sure - but you should probably fix that one which was a copy/paste fail20:10
hatchI mean, it doesn't do any harm if you're going to do the follow-up right away I suppose20:10
Makyohatch, done, just about to push.20:10
rick_h_Makyo: I'm kind of either way on it. I guess it's ok, but seems the missing tests are small now that you don't need the whole view tests I thought might be missing20:10
Makyorick_h_, sure, if you think those can wait for their own follow on, I can get just the test you mentioned in.20:11
rick_h_Makyo: well, the one I mentioned hatch says exists elsewhere20:11
rick_h_Makyo: so the only ones missing are the ones hatch mentioned20:11
rick_h_maybe /me is confused now. 20:12
MakyoI don't think it does.  I read hatch 's comment as "this isn't the job of this suite", but as far as I can tell, no such other suite exists.20:13
rick_h_Makyo: ah ok. In that case then +1 on follow up20:14
rick_h_Makyo: but -1 on skipping the render tests he references in his comment20:14
rick_h_that's specific for this branch20:14
MakyoOh, yeah, those are what I'm getting ready to push.20:14
rick_h_ok, ignore me than. Plan sounds good :)20:14
hatchrick_h_ Makyo  it's the inspectors job to render it's views....it's not supposed to determine what views to show. That's done externally by telling another inspector subclass to render instead of this one20:15
rick_h_hatch: rgr20:15
hatchand no I'm not going to add that functionality into viewlet manager :P20:15
* hatch puts feets down20:15
* rick_h_ gets hatch a soapbox20:16
* hatch writes sublime plugin which bans him from opening viewletmanager.js20:16
MakyoYeah, not going to worry about that.  Just need to write the equivalent of test/test_request_series_view.js for local_new_upgrade20:16
rick_h_BradCrittenden: you working on the remove_bundle feature with your head on it?20:16
BradCrittendenrick_h_: yes, i am using my head20:16
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
hatchsorry about that I'm not sure how that got missed20:16
MakyoNo biggie, just deciding on what's next.  Shouldn't take long.20:17
rick_h_bac: :) sorry just moving my card in and making sure I'm not stomping on WIP limits20:17
bacrick_h_: sorry i forgot to move it20:17
rick_h_bac: all good thanks20:17
rick_h_bac: did you get my PM re moving 1-1?20:17
bacwait, no20:17
rick_h_bac: k, let me know which works best for you20:17
bac9 am is good20:17
* hatch is going to add another file into assets/ don't tell benji20:18
rick_h_k, thanks bac 20:18
* bac tattles to benji.20:18
* rick_h_ runs away for the day. where did the last 2hrs go?!20:26
hatchintersting, bundles are now featured20:56
hatchwow, I can't believe this works21:59
* hatch does a happy dance22:00
hatchholy sh*t22:03
* hatch taps on monitor22:03
hatch(is this thing working)22:03
hatch:P morning huwshimi 22:04
huwshimihatch: Hey!22:04
hatchhows de bebe!22:04
hatchand congrats :)22:04
huwshimihatch: Good thanks.22:04
hatchlots has changed since you left :)22:05
huwshimihatch: Thankyou!22:05
huwshimihatch: Oh really!22:05
huwshimihatch: What's been happening?22:05
hatchgary is gone, rick_h_  is now the all mighty overlord 22:06
hatchmachine view is almost ready to be implemented22:06
hatchrick_h_ if you get a chance tonight let me know what you think of this first pass https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/18222:10
huwshimiGreat, a crash already22:11
hatchjujugui anyone interested in the queue for the deployer bar implementation feel free to check out that wip ^22:11
hatchhuwshimi lol22:11
huwshimiOK, only 477 emails to read...22:12
hatchhaha nice22:13
huwshimihatch: And those are the ones that weren't auto archived...22:13
rick_h_huwshimi: hey, I'll check in with you after the boy goes to bed in 2ish hrs?22:13
rick_h_huwshimi: sound good?22:13
rick_h_hatch: will do22:14
huwshimirick_h_: Sure!22:14
rick_h_off to dinner for now, biab22:14
huwshimihatch: Did you break the tabs again?23:57
hatchhuwshimi haha, I'm not sure when that happened but I'm pretty confident I didn't do it this time :P23:57
hatchsounds like a good task for you on your first day back lol23:58
huwshimihatch: Brilliant... thanks!23:58
huwshimihatch: Oh, they don't even animate anymore (just looking at Rick's commit)!23:59

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