
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
davecheneymarcoceppi: can I ask what the plan for testing trusty charms is ?02:27
davecheneyi have a machine that can only use trusty (don't ask)02:27
davecheneyso to test the local provider I need a good selection of trusty charms02:28
davecheneycurrently i'm doing this with local forks of the charms02:28
davecheneylazyPower: charm-helper-sh02:43
davecheneywhich repo/ppa defines that package ?02:43
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vilait seems I encounter issues to bootstrap with 1.17.5 https://pastebin.canonical.com/106545/07:53
vila1.17.5 on saucy (my desktop) that is, for the exact same cloud/env I can boostrap from my laptop (trusty) with 1.17.407:54
vilajam: around ? The above is critical for us we have a demo coming like... tomorrow08:02
jamvila: investigating08:04
vilajam: thanks !08:05
vilajam: it may just be a matter of uploading 1.17.5 to whatever is behind tools-metadata-url (shared for the team) but I've never did that before (and hope I was write access there, failing that I'll setup mine)08:06
vilajam: doing 'juju sync-tools --public --local-dir=. --all --debug -e hp' as a first step08:07
vilajam:   concretely  tools-metadata-url: https://region-a.geo-1.objects.hpcloudsvc.com/v1/11289530460295/tools08:08
jamvila: http://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools/releases/ doesn't have 1.17.508:08
jamI think we need to poke Curtis (sinzui)08:08
vilajam: he's sleeping right now right ?08:08
jamhe's UTC-6 IIRC08:08
jamCurtis and Ben Howard manage streams.canonical.com08:08
vilajam: won't do then :-/ I need something that worked yesterday :-(08:08
vilajam: is there a workaround ?08:09
vilajam: it's for hpcloud, my understanding is that we already had to setup something ourselves08:09
jamvila: you can try "juju bootstrap --upload-tools" which generally requires you to only deploy to a matching series, but should work08:09
jamvila: there *are* no official juju tools for 1.17.5 because they haven't been built yet08:09
jamthere is only the client08:10
jamwhich, we shouldn't be publishing to Trusty until we have tools for it to use08:10
vilajam: ouch, so saucy is busted for now is what you're saying ?08:10
vilajam: first things first. Hello there and thanks for helping ;)08:10
jamvila: it shouldn't be in Saucy. Are you using a PPA there?08:10
jamvila: hi08:11
vila *** 1.17.5-0ubuntu1~ubuntu13.10.1~juju1 008:11
vila        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/juju/devel/ubuntu/ saucy/main amd64 Package08:11
jamvila: "juju/devel" is in there08:11
vilajam: is there a way to use a different ppa ?08:11
vilameh, is there a different ppa I can use :)08:11
jamvila: unfortunately, we probably don't publish 1.17.4 in another place, and ppa's don't keep a backlog :(08:12
vilajam: ok, back to --upload-tools, what will that do ? Override tools-metadata-url for the current env ?08:13
vilajam: any risk I break something else by trying ?08:13
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jamvila: that will look on your local system for a 'jujud' binary, package it up into a tarball, and upload it to the private bucket for your environment08:14
vilajam: cool, sounds like it, trying08:14
vilajam: we deploy against precise though... but worth a try08:15
jamvila: so we fake the tools against the LTS08:15
jamand for most purposes it works08:15
vila2014-03-17 08:15:13 INFO juju.environs.sync sync.go:176 downloaded tools/releases/juju- (5051kB), uploading08:15
vilasounds encouraging08:15
jamthe binaries are statically linked, so usually the Series would work08:16
jam(is unimportant?)08:16
jamvila: you won't be able to do stuff like deploy i386 machines, etc.08:16
vilajam: ack, only amd64 I'm pretty sure08:16
vilajam: I'm not taking you out of bed I hope (lost track of your TZ ;)08:17
jamvila: I'm UTC+4 now. Right at noon time08:17
jamI need to go make lunch, but otherwise no problem08:17
vilajam: ack, thanks, I'll let you know how it goes08:18
vilajam: just to summarize, 1.17.5 shouldn't have entered the ppa ?08:19
vilajam: or did it enter as part of a bigger work that got interrupted ?08:19
jamvila: well, we need to release, so 1.17.5 should be added to the ppa, but IMO it shouldn't be added until we've published the corresponding tools to streams.canonical.com/08:20
vilajam: ack, so wip and I was unfortunate to upgrade at the wrong time ?08:21
jamvila: well, I think our process is wrong that we exposed you to it, but yes08:21
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jamhmm.... looks like we did publish tools to s3 http://juju-dist.s3.amazonaws.com/08:22
vilajam: ack, we need the devel version, it's unfortunate that we run into this at this time but... if --upload-tools works I'm good and will warn others to *avoid* upgrading08:22
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vilaat least until we get confirmation it's safe to do08:23
jamah, nm, those are "testing" one08:23
jamvila: is it working now?08:26
vilajam: oncee the node 0 is bootstrapped I should be fine right ? But I'll need to use --upload-tools each time I destroy the env correct ?08:26
vilajam: still uploading, network between me and hp is... slow08:27
jamvila: it should use the same tools for everything you deploy, and yes if you destroy the environment, the tools should get removed at the same tiem.08:27
jamvila: I thought you had good upload in Strausberg08:27
vilajam: thought so too until I start using hp ;)08:28
vilaurgh timeout :-/08:31
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vilajam: re-trying went further, bootstrapped, pfew trying to deploy now08:44
vilajam: deployment completed, looks like I'm back in business, thanks for the tip and keep me posted about 1.17.5 progress !09:04
jamvila: thanks for being a guinea pig and noticing we broke stuff09:05
jamlooks like we already uploaded tools for ec2 and canonistack, I don't quite understand why we don't have it for HP and streams.canonical.com09:05
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zchanderping marcoceppi10:12
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marcoceppizchander: pong12:20
rick_h_jcastro: blog posts up at http://blog.mitechie.com/2014/03/17/juju-quickstart-and-the-power-of-bundles/ and http://jujugui.wordpress.com/2014/03/17/video-walkthrough-of-juju-quickstart/12:55
rick_h_jcastro: want to give a final look before I put them up somewhere?12:55
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jamespageany charm-helpers around? need an ack on https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/charm-helpers/ceph-fix-zap/+merge/20953913:22
mbruzekHi james-page  I can take a look13:29
jcastrorick_h_, got it13:32
rick_h_jcastro: cool, I put up on my twitter/G+ for now. Will try to put on reddit/HN later if you think it's a good idea.13:33
marcoceppijamespage: I'll merge in a few13:40
jcastrorick_h_, yeah I'll try to coordinate that13:53
rick_h_jcastro: rgr13:54
bodie_is there a virtualbox or vagrant image specifically for dev?13:55
marcoceppibodie_: kind of13:56
marcoceppibodie_: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/howto-vagrant-workflow.html13:57
bodie_ah yeah, I mean for core dev, with go and such13:58
bodie_I'm just gonna set one up I think13:58
bodie_been having a hell of a time getting 14.04 to work with this13:58
marcoceppibodie_: ah, no, bit one would be nice13:58
marcoceppibodie_: i have experience getting go set up, etc, feel free to ping me if you run in to issues14:00
bodie_ok, much appreciated14:00
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hazmatbodie_, i thought the pinned version on gwacl resolved for you?14:19
bodie_yeah, I got that taken care of14:19
bodie_it's giving me problems with mongo now I think14:19
bodie_setting up a 12.04 box just to make sure14:19
ghartmannis there any way to control how a service is exposed in juju ?14:26
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ghartmannmainly I have my lan on network .. and the exposed juju service is on 10.0.3.x14:27
marcoceppighartmann: that's the local provider, not exactly ajuju problem14:28
ghartmannI wanted to use lxc14:28
marcoceppighartmann: you'll have to bridge your network14:28
marcoceppiwith the lxc network14:28
ghartmannI see14:28
ghartmannI thought that you could expose and he would take care of iptables, etc14:29
marcoceppighartmann: exposing is something that works against the providers firewall, not at the network level14:30
ghartmannok, makes sense now ! Thanks !14:30
mbruzekHello #juju I am working on the review queue today and can not review my own request.  Can I  get a charmer to review https://code.launchpad.net/~mbruzek/charms/precise/rabbitmq-server/tests/+merge/20257314:42
lazyPowermbruzek: i'll take a look at that MP shortly15:15
=== lazyPower changed the topic of #juju to: Reviewer on duty: mbruzek || Welcome!! Docs: http://juju.ubuntu.com/docs || FAQ: http://goo.gl/MsNu4I || Review Queue: http://goo.gl/9yBZuv || Unanswered Questions: http://goo.gl/dNj8CP
mbruzekHello #juju.  The merge proposal https://code.launchpad.net/~hopem/charms/precise/rabbitmq-server/lp1281753/+merge/209320 has passed my +1 review, and needs a review by an official charmer15:39
lazyPowermbruzek: can you make cards for promulgation on the board?15:40
mbruzekyes will do15:41
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hazmatrbasak, ping16:14
rbasakhazmat: pong. otp, but can chat mostly.16:15
hazmatrbasak, was looking at the jujuclient / test_jujuclient.. wrt to mir.. afaicr the underlying ws lib is py2... is that okay re main.. also the test_jujuclient wants an existing juju environment available.. i can write some additional tests that are mock based though16:18
hazmatrbasak, basically it expects the user to provide env vars to point to a test env and creds, and then runs against it16:18
rbasakhazmat: ah yes. I noticed that yesterday.16:19
rbasakhazmat: py2 is fine in main.16:19
rbasakhazmat: mock tests would be nice. I was going to proceed with the MIR on the basis of what's there now, and see what the MIR approval team has to say about it.16:20
hazmatrbasak, okay.. i'll add in some mock tests then (will result in version incr)16:20
rbasakhazmat: I'm almost done with preparing MIR reports and fixing up this dependency stack to main quality now. I just have to disable some tests in websocket-client, since some expect echo.websocket.org or something to be reachable.16:22
rbasakhazmat: thanks!16:22
whithi all!16:30
marcoceppiHi whit o/16:31
* whit is looking for antonio @ canonical but doesn't know his nick16:31
whitHi marcoceppi !16:31
marcoceppiwhit: arosales is Antonio16:31
whitah… duh.16:31
lazyPowerAllo whit o/16:31
* whit realizes he knew that… 16:32
* whit is a little punch drunk after babysitting a friend's kids late in the night while they went and had a baby16:32
whitmarcoceppi: danke!16:32
arosaleswhit: hello16:32
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arosaleslazyPower: congrats one your sucessfull application into ~charmers17:54
lazyPowerThanks arosales! Very proud to sport the title in my lower third.17:57
arosaleslazyPower: :-)17:59
sarnoldlazyPower: woo :) congratulations :)18:03
lazyPowersarnold: I owe it all to tiny chocolate donuts18:03
sarnoldlazyPower: hooray for little chocolate donuts!18:04
lazyPowerI've been waiting forever to use that quote...18:04
lazyPowerhey marcoceppi, question for you. I've got an open pending MP that extends the config section of nagios. Should I write tests for teh current charm - as-is, or should i point to my branch, write tests for that pending the merge?18:13
marcoceppilazyPower: you can make your branch a pre-requisite for your testing branch18:13
lazyPowertalking about in the MP itself right?18:13
lazyPowerkk, i'll do that.18:13
mbruzekmarcoceppi, How would one make a pre-req18:13
marcoceppimbruzek: when you create the merge proposal you can specify a pre-requisite branch18:14
mbruzekOh cool.18:14
zchanderping marcoceppi18:38
marcoceppizchander: pong18:38
zchanderI four that you have developed a gluster charm? Do you have any info how to use it properly? I keep getting a failed hook18:42
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zchanderflu == found18:43
marcoceppizchander: it hasn't been updated in a long time18:49
zchanderI noticed.... ;) I am looking for a nice/simple (read: easy) way to create a storage environment to use with owncloud18:50
zchanderMmmm, noticed I have a mysql charm which is dying for 6 hours now.....18:52
zchanderIs there a way to force the charm to stop18:52
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marcoceppizchander: yes, juju terminate-machine --force <machine mysql is on>18:57
marcoceppizchander: I would recommend ceph18:57
marcoceppiit's way more tested and in the charm store18:58
zchander_marcoceppi: I'm back again....19:20
zchander_marcoceppi: Just read back the irc log. I am going to try to terminate the charm19:21
zchander_marcoceppi: Seems there is no machine assigned to mysql (??)19:22
marcoceppizchander: just do juju destroy-service mysql --force19:23
zchander_marcoceppi: error: flag provided but not defined: --force19:35
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themonkis subordinate charm share same filesystem with master charm?19:43
themonkmarcoceppi: is subordinate charm shares same filesystem with master charm?19:52
marcoceppithemonk: yes19:52
themonkmarcoceppi: hi thanks :)19:52
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josemarcoceppi, lazyPower: hey, any of you guys around? I'm having a problem with a nested if statement on the mailman charm20:24
lazyPowerjose: surely20:29
lazyPowerjose: link to branch or gist or pastebin?20:29
joselazyPower: https://code.launchpad.net/~jose/charms/precise/mailman/trunk20:30
josewhen I deploy it, I don't know what happens but says it's not stated, and exits with error code20:31
lazyPowerjose: josewell, on line 70 your if syntax is incorrect..20:31
lazyPowerand i suggest encasing your variables with quotes as well.20:31
lazyPowerif [ "$currentpassword" != "$PASSWORD" ]; then #do stuff fi20:32
lazyPoweryou have the same thing ocurring up on line 6420:32
joseafter the then, should a 'do' go there?20:33
lazyPowerare you going to be looping?20:33
lazyPowerthen i would abstain from using the do operator. Do's are typically used in conjunction with a while statement.20:34
josegot it :)20:34
* lazyPower thumbs up20:34
lazyPowergo forth and conquer my friend20:34
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josehey lazyPower, still having troubles with the password variable on the latest revision in config-changed22:13
joseany clues?22:13
lazyPowerjose: whats the error output?22:14
joselazyPower: something like parameter not set22:14
josebut the if is testing if the parameter is null22:15
lazyPowerjose: ok give me a few i'm not infront of my PC to look over the code22:20
lazyPowerjose: missing a ; on line 6922:27
lazyPowerthe then statement should be inline with the if as well, but thats coding convention22:27
joseit's always because of a sign22:28
joselast time me code was wrong because of a - was placed instead of a _22:28
lazyPowerjose: happens to the best of us, best thing you can do when encountering issues like this is take a step back and start unwinding complexity one layer at a time22:28
josewill do next time :)22:28
josenow let's hope it's good for deployment, trying22:29
josemarcoceppi: hey, wanna host that livestream at ubuntuonair?22:30
joseI just thought of creating a series of challenges to be done live :P22:31
marcoceppijose: well, I'm doing it through twitch, since I can impose my camera on my feed22:31
josethat's right22:31
josegood enough22:31
marcoceppijose: this is more like "I think I can do this in under and hour"22:31
marcoceppibut I'd love to do some charming based challenges in the future22:31
joselink me when it starts, I'd like to see it22:32
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joselazyPower: well, it was all when defining the variables: I wrote PASSSWORD instead of PASSWORD22:48
lazyPowerRight on, i didn't notice that looking over it on my phone. Good catch.22:48
joselazyPower, marcoceppi: when you're on the mood for some charm reviewing, the mailman one is waiting for you23:06
marcoceppijose: mbruzek is the review on duty this week23:06
lazyPowerjose: outlook is for tomorrow - its getting late on the east coast.23:06
joselazyPower: enjoy the rest of your day!23:06
lazyPowerI'm only goign to be online for another 30 minutes or so before i head off to go rabble rouse on steam :)23:06
=== mbruzek changed the topic of #juju to: Welcome!! Docs: http://juju.ubuntu.com/docs || FAQ: http://goo.gl/MsNu4I || Review Queue: http://goo.gl/9yBZuv || Unanswered Questions: http://goo.gl/dNj8CP
mbruzekjose, What can I do for you?23:13
josembruzek: hey! I was wondering if you could please review the mailman charm23:13
josejust did a successful deployment23:13
josehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/1199052 should be the bug link23:13
_mup_Bug #1199052: New charm: mailman <Juju Charms Collection:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1199052>23:13
mbruzekSure, but it will have to be tomorrow I was also heading out for the day.23:14
josethat's fine :)23:14
joseenjoy your evening!23:14
mbruzekYou too.  Thanks for being responsive23:14
mbruzekI saw that you updated that today23:14
evis there any way to tell juju not to care about self-signed certs?23:25
evit doesn't like that swift's certificate cannot be verified23:26
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lazyPowersarnold: why didn't you tell me about ipdb sooner?23:46
sarnoldlazyPower: because I've never heard of it? :)23:46
lazyPowerOH MY23:46
lazyPoweri find it so awesome, i wrote about it23:46
sarnoldlazyPower: that's cool! :) thanks23:50
lazyPoweri'm jazzed about this find23:50
sarnoldokay, scribbled into my ~/.notes file, hopefully next time I need it it'll be at hand :) thanks23:51

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