
ahoneybunnRiddell, ovidiu-florin migrating would be ideal00:37
ahoneybunnbut I don't think really need it as long as the old articles are archived somewhere00:38
jussican someone please check this little bug for me? add the weather thing to systray (right click, system tray settings, Weather forecast). then apply, and right click the weather thing, run the associated application. what happens? 06:53
valoriejussi, I get "Malformed URL"08:55
valorieI wonder if the company changed their api slightly or something08:55
valorieanyway, nighers08:55
jussivalorie: as do I, thanks for confirming. Ill try report later tonight after work08:55
valorieI just noticed it wasn't working after today's updates, but I've hardly been at the keyboard today08:55
valoriethanks for your attention to it!08:56
jussivalorie: hrm, mine just started working08:56
jussiperhaps their page was down08:56
valorienot here....08:57
valorieI'll try in the morning08:57
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
lordievaderGood morning.09:37
lordievaderHey shadeslayer_, how are you doing?10:01
Riddellhola chicos10:17
shadeslayer_good good10:17
shadeslayer_afiestas just made me feel at home by pouring water on me xD10:18
* apachelogger hates writing complicated emails10:18
apacheloggershadeslayer_: are you a fish?10:18
apacheloggerRiddell: hello senior10:19
shadeslayer_apachelogger: yes, you've found my secret10:19
Riddelllnew quassel seems to do the job10:32
Riddelljussi: address form on that holvi shop is missing some fields for people with long addresses10:35
jussiRiddell: oh? 10:35
Riddelloffers "Company" where I wanted "Company, Room, Hacker Community, Building"10:36
jussiRiddell: can you not just write all that into the one field? 10:37
jussiRiddell: Im experimenting with a new shop in anycase, I just need to figure out the payment system stuff10:37
jussiI like holvi because it has open budgets and so on. but, its not actually the cheapest in the world10:38
Riddelljussi: yeah it's fine, that's the only small problem with it10:40
Riddelljussi: want an article on kubuntu.org ?10:40
jussiRiddell: please10:40
jussiRiddell: they have been going only slowly so far10:40
jussiRiddell: emphasise the ladies versions being available10:41
shadeslayer_jussi: should have asked you to ship a couple of them over for the debian mini conf10:41
shadeslayer_*debian womens mini conf10:41
jussishadeslayer_: when is it? 10:41
shadeslayer_it was this weekend10:42
jussioh :/10:42
shadeslayer_already overy10:42
jussibad typo...10:42
shadeslayer_completely slipped my mind10:42
shadeslayer_yeah :P10:42
Riddellshadeslayer_: how did it go?10:44
Riddellany gossip?10:44
apacheloggersometimes I really think we should only do LTS releases11:25
Riddellit would be easier but it would also kill much of the community aspect I'm pretty sure, people need a nice endpoint to see they've achieved something11:25
Riddelland every two years isn't enough for that11:26
apacheloggerRiddell: well, I meant with more focus on delivering newer KDEs11:29
Riddelldamn, circular dependency11:30
apacheloggeri.e. retain a stable core but move the user space forward11:30
Riddellkdepim-runtime builds on nepomuk-core-runtime which depends on baloo which depends on kdepim-runtime11:30
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1253528] Desktop slideshow settings are forgotten (Desktop Settings, Slideshow) @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1253528 (by Alex Onic)11:32
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1257746] /usr/bin/ksplashqml:11:QObject::setProperty:_start @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1257746 (by errors.ubuntu.com bug bridge)11:32
vHandaRiddell: something wrong?11:37
apacheloggerohohoh, shadeslayer_ where are we on the qt sru?11:37
RiddellvHanda: I'm just not sure how to split up the packaging11:41
RiddellvHanda: although in testing baloo file search in dolphin I'm not convinced it worked, results seem pretty random11:41
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 1216743 -> not fixed? -> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kte-collaborative11:42
ubottubug 1216743 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] kte-collaborative" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121674311:42
RiddellvHanda: like this seems wrong http://people.ubuntu.com/~jr/tmp/baloo.png11:43
Riddellapachelogger: doesn't seem to be any sort of package for it11:44
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:45
sgclarkRiddell: good morning, is there anything I can work on11:45
apacheloggerRiddell: what do you mean?11:46
* apachelogger wonders why whoopsie-upload-all still explodes Oo11:46
apacheloggerRiddell: shouldn't http://paste.ubuntu.com/7107705/ prevent http://paste.ubuntu.com/7107706/11:47
Riddellapachelogger: yep, doesn't it?11:48
Riddellapachelogger: I see no ktp-collaborative in the archive, although I don't know what it is maybe it's part of the normal ktp release11:49
apacheloggerRiddell: kte is ktexteditor, I am not sure that is directly tied to ktp11:49
Riddellapachelogger: oh and I set it to fix released when it's not11:50
apacheloggerthat's what it looks like anyway :P11:50
Riddell"Rejected by Jonathan Riddell: incorrect copyright"11:51
Riddellbloody archive admins11:51
Riddellsgclark: fancy fixing up kte-collaborative?11:51
sgclarkRiddell: sure thing, where is it?11:52
Riddellsgclark: dget http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/kte-collaborative_0.2.0-0ubuntu1.dsc11:52
apacheloggerRiddell: lol11:52
apacheloggerso, a pattern with the permissionerror seems to be that the installations are very new11:52
Riddellsgclark: bug 121674311:52
ubottubug 1216743 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] kte-collaborative" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121674311:52
apacheloggerwhich is sort of a given for 14.04, but most of the errors come from installations that are 0days old11:52
apacheloggerwhich is a bit suspicious with it being python, but since the script is only run when there is a crash file it probably can't be a caching issue11:53
apacheloggerto be honest though I'd really like to know why there is a permission error to begin with11:54
apacheloggeroh perhaps the script is run too soon11:54
apacheloggerso I guess the error sort of makes  sense11:54
apacheloggerwhy it is not caught is a different story though11:54
apacheloggerRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7107758/ I cannot reproduce it :'<12:02
apacheloggerRiddell: nevermind12:03
apacheloggerit's a completely different line that is indeed not protected \o/12:03
Riddellapachelogger: ohohoh?12:03
apacheloggerit opens the file twice, once 'rb' which we catch, and then 'ab' to update the apport data12:04
apacheloggerlatter is not exception handled in any way12:04
* apachelogger hates exceptions very much12:04
kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1292471] Missing locale notification does not inform about package @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1292471 (by Marcin Sągol)12:06
tigerdenHello guys, I was directed here by lordievader, and I wish to contribute to kubuntu. Can someone please get me up to speed as to how can I do it? hot 12:11
tigerdenIgnore hot, mistake. 12:12
apacheloggerRiddell, shadeslayer_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7107847/ I'd like a review for this please12:24
apacheloggerOSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device12:27
apacheloggeroh my12:27
sgclarkRiddell: only copyright issues that I can find, that sound right?12:30
apacheloggershadeslayer_: Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7107878/ one more fix12:32
Riddellsgclark: yeah I think so12:33
Riddellwho do I fire qt accessiblity bugs to ? https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33216612:34
ubottuKDE bug 332166 in general "Krita crashes on export" [Crash,Resolved: downstream]12:34
sgclarkRiddell: in that case it is ready, where would you like me to put it?12:34
Riddellsgclark: anywhere I can get it to upload12:38
sgclarkRiddell: in my ubuntu one12:41
=== Shaarad is now known as tigerden
tester56Riddell: Could you ping me when the packages are ready?12:58
Riddelltester56: will ping everyone :)13:01
apachelogger  Uploading libkubuntu_14.04ubuntu4_source.changes: done.13:02
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.13:02
apachelogger^ fixes crash when apt config | cache is broken13:03
RiddellvHanda: does kdepim-runtime still need to build with nepomuk if we're using baloo?13:05
tester56Riddell: how do you ping all members of the chat? :-)13:06
Riddellsgclark: if you want a challenge you could package QxOrm13:17
Riddelltester56: we have means, but don't tell the spammers/trolls!13:18
Riddellsgclark: bug 129147813:18
ubottubug 1291478 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] qxorm" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129147813:18
Riddellapachelogger: there's no testing of nepomuk/baloo in your google docs, can I add one?13:21
sgclarkRiddell: on it13:21
Riddellsgclark: it uses qmake is a notoriously rubbish build system13:22
Riddellsgclark: as commented in the bug you'll need to patch it for the build with boost and you can look at the suse package to see what else it needs13:22
sgclarkRiddell: ok13:23
apacheloggerRiddell: please add to the workspace case13:27
apacheloggerthat's waiting for expansion anyway13:27
=== soee_ is now known as soee
RiddellvHanda: ah kdepimlibs no longer wants nepomuk, that helps things, fixing the packaging for that13:29
Riddellapachelogger: what do you think of the Test Desktop Search question in https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1aCEQ1LhCcytb9Fyq2ZIFgQyr41YXXO3H4IjJIwTl6jM/edit# ?13:40
apacheloggerRiddell: those should be individual test cases13:42
Riddellapachelogger: doesn't that get very long winded?13:42
apacheloggerRiddell: for you, not for the user13:42
apacheloggerRiddell: "File search in Dolphin works"13:42
apacheloggerI am not even entirely sure how to do that13:43
apacheloggerthe more guidance a test case provides, the easier it is to execute, it doesn't need a novel written about it, but concise steps on how to do the test13:43
Riddellshadeslayer_: what's the status of that qt sru? anything I need to do?13:47
* apachelogger is done with catching up on mail \o/13:51
apacheloggerthat took forever13:51
apacheloggerRiddell: did you see my highlight about code review13:51
Riddellapachelogger: nope, what's it say?13:52
apacheloggerRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7107878/13:52
apacheloggerreview because I am bad with the python13:53
Riddellapachelogger: yes looks good, what was wrong with your original PermissionError fix?13:57
apacheloggerRiddell: it only covered one open() call13:57
apacheloggerthere's two13:57
apachelogger  Uploading kubuntu-notification-helper_14.04ubuntu8_source.changes: done.13:58
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.13:58
apacheloggerthx 4 revu13:58
Riddellin here? r.add_os_info13:58
Riddellapachelogger: I'm alergic to single character variable names13:59
apacheloggerRiddell: tell pitti13:59
apacheloggerI'd also like to point out that shitty code is the way of the python :P13:59
Riddellpitti will give me anaphylactic shock14:00
apacheloggerso, that solves the top crasher of the last month14:01
apacheloggersecond is qdeclarative14:01
apacheloggerwe needs a fix14:01
soeekded4 uses ~1gb ram is it normal ?14:01
apacheloggersoee: no14:01
apacheloggerlet me think about how to debug that14:02
apacheloggerah well, can't at runtime14:06
apacheloggersoee: http://kdepepo.wordpress.com/2011/05/11/troubleshooting-kded4-bugs/14:06
apacheloggersoee: essentially what you want to do is deactivate modules until it stops leaking14:07
apacheloggerafter deactivating you'll need to restart kded4 I think14:07
apacheloggerit's a pain to debug really14:07
soeeah, ok i think this might be somehow related to system suspend, several time when i closed laptop and opened it again system was freezed and i had only like noise on white backgound14:09
soeewhen im working without closing laptop i have no such issues14:10
apacheloggeryeah, kded modules have a history of leaking memory on suspend14:11
apacheloggerthey still shouldn't do it14:11
apacheloggersoee: I guess the first step is finding out what exactly causes the leak14:11
apacheloggermaybe suspend and resume a couple of times14:11
apacheloggersee if kded usage rises across resumes14:11
Riddellapachelogger: how's this now? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1aCEQ1LhCcytb9Fyq2ZIFgQyr41YXXO3H4IjJIwTl6jM/edit#14:12
apacheloggerRiddell: better, please try to formulate them such that one can answer works/doesntwork though (it makes things easier when parsing the submissions14:14
apacheloggerother than that perfect IMO14:14
apacheloggershadeslayer_: ^ you might want to have a look14:14
* apachelogger pointes out that shadeslayer_ is very much better than apachelogger at writing the test cases14:14
Riddellapachelogger: done14:15
apacheloggergood to go then IMO14:16
* apachelogger wipes responses for 4.1314:16
apacheloggeroh, kte ftbfs14:17
apacheloggermuch confusing14:17
apacheloggeralso launchpad doesn't like me14:17
* apachelogger sighs14:17
Riddellapachelogger: kte-collaborative I'm hoping is just some confusion in the PPA14:18
* apachelogger needs to do a muon QA day14:18
=== jono is now known as Guest78266
apacheloggerRiddell: are you on beta2?14:25
tester56apachelogger: I am having issues with kded crashing etc. after suspend sometimes too ... what about the future of kded in frameworks?14:30
Riddellapachelogger: I'm trying to fix it yes14:31
apacheloggertester56: last I checked it is going to remain as it were14:34
apacheloggertester56: though given wider adoption of systemd I'd not exclude the option that it will be shot at some point and replaced by standalone processes14:34
apacheloggerwhich would certainly be a good thing14:35
apacheloggerRiddell: moving the card then :P14:35
tester56apachelogger: haven't they already decided to use systemd for the startup of plasma?14:36
Riddellapachelogger: thanks14:36
tester56apachelogger: wouldn't this include to replace kded?14:36
apacheloggertester56: nope, that's ksmserver14:38
apacheloggeralso currently neither of the two is replaced by systemd, so it's all in the future14:39
apacheloggeralso FWIW kded isn't just using plugins for convenience but also performance reasons, so there's arguments to be made for splitting things up and also for keeping things together14:40
Riddellshadeslayer_: uploaded kubuntu-settings with a renamed kickoff upgrade script and your fix15:01
yofelwhy does baloo suddenly have new symbols @_@15:14
Riddellit always did in beta 2 I think15:15
yofelvHanda: nothing to do with you15:15
yofelIt's just that suddenly our build shows15:15
yofelE: libbaloopim4: symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision on symbol _ZN5Baloo3PIM10EmailQuery13setSearchTypeENS1_6OpTypeE@Base and 2 others15:15
yofelwhich it didn't yesterday15:15
yofelRiddell: uhm, what *exactly* did you upload? Because I fixed exactly this ^ in r10 on friday15:16
apacheloggershadeslayer_: qt sruuuuuuu15:17
Riddellyofel: oh sorry that probably just what was on my local hard disk15:18
yofelprotip: commit, push, then create the package from that. Then this never happens ^^15:19
Riddellyofel: I know I know15:19
Riddellyofel: merging and uploading15:19
yofelthanks :)15:19
sgclarkRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7108674/15:23
Riddellsgclark: um, lintian is right there, whatever are those files?15:27
sgclarkRiddell: .inl files, whatever that is15:28
sgclarkRiddell: nevermind, looks like suse moved into include15:29
sgclarkwill do the same15:29
RiddellvHanda: review for you https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/116859/15:36
vHandaRiddell: you're awesome! :D15:37
BluesKajnot going to bother with baloo, since I don't really need it, being a home user and all15:39
RiddellvHanda: you might want to double check I committed that right, I'm yet to get to the cherry-pick section of this Git book :)15:44
jussiI guess even if this got fixored, it wouldnt make it into 14.04... https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31282816:06
ubottuKDE bug 312828 in locker-qml "simple locker should allow for custom background" [Wishlist,Confirmed]16:06
jussishadeslayer_: theres one easy bug for you to fixor :)16:06
yofelwell, it'll make it if it makes it into 4.1316:07
jussiyofel: are you volunteering? 16:08
yofeluh. no. sorry. I kinda got used to blue :P16:08
jussino probs, Ill just voluntell shadeslayer_ :D16:08
Peace-yofel: if i compile base apps and i launch them without install for example dolphin i have a strange behavior for example dolphin doesn't show the konsole part 16:08
Peace-someone can explain why ?16:09
Peace-i mean 16:09
Peace-cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr/local .. ; make -j916:09
Peace-then i go on build dolphin src and i launch it  with ./dolphin 16:09
yofelnot suuuure... Could be that it can't load the system parts if the prefix doesn't match, I'm not familiar with the kpart loading code16:10
Peace-yofel: mm because i am trying to improve dolphin here with something like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zHatr2_xHQ16:11
Peace-yofel: but like you can see it doesn't work properly :D16:11
Peace-but the fact that konsole part doesn't work suggest me that it could not be my fault16:11
yofelone of the coders here will have to help you, or #kde-devel. Worst case you could use kdesrc-build to build the rest of kde locally as well, not just baseapps16:13
Peace-yofel: thank you16:14
Peace-yofel: mah the problem is that using apt-get source dolphin well i cna't compile it :D16:15
yofelI need to wipe my kde config I think. My keyboard focus going wild on every notification is seriously annoying16:15
Peace-there is some problem with some kubuntu's patch16:16
yofelyou can always disable the patch in debian/patches/series 16:16
Peace-yofel: ah good :D16:17
Peace-i was trying to do a usb bootable disk on kubuntu 14.0416:21
Peace-i got this16:21
Peace-org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.gi._glib.GError: Traceback (most recent call last):16:21
Peace-  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dbus/service.py", line 707, in _message_cb16:21
Peace-    retval = candidate_method(self, *args, **keywords)16:22
Peace-  File "/usr/share/usb-creator/usb-creator-helper", line 235, in Format16:22
Peace-    block.call_format_sync('vfat', GLib.Variant('a{sv}', {'label': GLib.Variant('s', '')}), None)16:22
Peace-gi._glib.GError: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Error.Failed: Error synchronizing after initial wipe: Timed out waiting for object16:22
soee_Riddell: so b2 ready ?16:55
Riddellsoee_: mm yes should be16:56
kfunkdpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/kdesdk-scripts_4%3a4.12.3-0ubuntu1_all.deb (--unpack):16:59
kfunk trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/svn-clean', which is also in package subversion-tools 1.8.8-1ubuntu316:59
Riddellkfunk: no PPAs?16:59
kfunkyou're asking me odd things! :)17:02
tester56Riddell: it should work now, shouldn't it?17:03
kfunkmy google skills tell me that http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/all/subversion-tools/filelist and http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/all/kdesdk-scripts/filelist indeed both have svn-clean in there17:04
kfunkin saucy, that was named svn-clean-kde17:04
kfunkbut oh well, I installed subversion-tools for now 17:05
soee_Riddell: upgrade fine17:08
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1283820] content of windows (and desktop) appear black when using kwin, but not with kwin_gles - in... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1283820 (by avlas)17:38
soeeRiddell: the tags seems to work on b2, Dolphin <-> Gwenview17:38
sgclarkRiddell: having issues with quilt http://paste.ubuntu.com/7109501/18:00
kdeuser56Riddell: I still get  baloo : Breaks: kde-runtime (< 4:4.12.80) but 4:4.12.2-0ubuntu2 is to be installed18:10
kdeuser56Riddell: I have upgraded kde-runtime to 4.12.90 now, but when I want to install baloo it wants to remove  akregator, amarok, calligra, muon and many other packages that depend on kde-runtime18:18
kdeuser56Riddell: it also wants to remove kde-runtime18:18
yofelsame here, checking18:19
soeestrabge for me  upgrade went fine b1->b218:22
yofelhere it's 4.12.3 -> 4.12.90, haven't tried my other notebook that's on .8018:23
kdeuser56indeed :) I can't get it to upgrade from 4.12 here18:23
kdeuser56yesterday a screwed a whole install and could not get it to work ...18:24
kdeuser56i tired to manually hunt down things because i thought i had broken my own system :-)18:24
kdeuser56i think it all comes down to baloo not being installable ...18:25
yofelit's something between kde-runtime and baloo18:26
lordievaderHere the upgrade b1 -> b2 seemed to work fine too. Haven't had time to actually boot it yet.18:26
yofel kde-runtime : Depends: libgcrypt20 (>= 1.6.1) which is a virtual package.18:39
kdeuser56I confirm this18:39
kdeuser56yofel strange thing is: using muon, i could upgrade kde-runtime 18:40
yofelhm, could be that you actually had that package18:42
yofelDeleted on 2014-03-15 by Adam Conrad 18:42
yofelWe don't want this transition in trusty18:42
yofelah well, guess I'll rebuild kde-runtime18:42
kdeuser56yofel: I could not install it using "apt-get install kde-runtime" however 18:43
kdeuser56yofel: so I am curious how muon did it :D18:43
yofeluh, check the logs? ^^18:43
yofelno idea otherwise18:43
kdeuser56maybe it ignored dependencies without throwing out warning?18:43
kdeuser56thats why i hate graphical package managment18:44
yofelhardly, dpkg would fail to configure at least18:44
yofelrebuild up, should work soon18:44
kdeuser56yofel: why doesn't is show anything here: http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.12.90_trusty.html ?18:54
yofelthat only shows up PUBLISHED sources, which... can take a while18:54
kubotuyofel meant: "that only shows  PUBLISHED sources, which... can take a while"18:55
kdeuser56yofel: but normally the build process can be tracked ...18:56
* yofel wonders whether showing pending sources makes sense18:56
kdeuser56ah okay18:56
yofelkdeuser56: well, for private PPA's like ninjas, the builds never start before packages are published18:56
yofelso you don't actually loose anything18:56
yofelthe delay is just much longer compared to regular PPAs18:57
kdeuser56yofel: Dependency wait: libgcrypt20-dev19:24
ahoneybunnawesome http://wheeldesign.blogspot.fr/2014/03/monday-report-7-beach-edition.html19:24
yofelsaw it, try #3 up19:24
kdeuser56yofel: still no success :-(20:00
yofelkde-runtime is at ppa3?20:00
kdeuser56wait, i am updating the sources once again ...20:00
yofelthe binaries might not be published yet..20:01
kdeuser56yofel: ah wait, no, sorry, thought they should be as the uploading process was finished ...20:02
kdeuser56does it wait for the i386 package?20:02
yofelno, but the publishing process goes like this:20:04
yofelsource upload -> source PENDING -> source PUBLISHED -> binaries building -> binaries uploading -> binaries PENDING -> binaries PUBLISHED20:04
yofelso it's stuck between the last 2 steps20:04
kdeuser56yofel: no good new, I guess :-(20:14
yofelok, let's see20:17
yofelah damn20:17
yofelkde-runtime-data is arch:all, so we'll have to wait on i38620:17
yofelseems to be about half done20:18
Peace-guys 20:25
Peace-i have installed again kubuntu 14.04 but i have the same problem of before 20:26
Peace-i can't see video on dolphin 20:26
Peace-with phonon backend vlc and gstreamer20:26
kdeuser56yofel: damn it failed :-(20:30
yofeloh come on20:30
* yofel throws... things at launchpad20:31
kdeuser56Peace are you on 4.12?20:31
Peace-mmm i am on 4.12.320:33
Peace-just installed fresh kubuntu 12.0420:34
kdeuser56Peace, oh then I guess I can't help you20:35
kdeuser56can you play the video with dragonplayer?20:35
kdeuser56Peace: remember if you switch the phonon-backend, you have to log out and log back in ...20:35
kdeuser56Peace, So I would recommend the following: install phonon-vlc, switch backend, logout and log back in and try again20:36
kdeuser56Peace, is the fastest strategy, as gstreamer has so many codecs ...20:37
kdeuser56maybe a missing codec is the reason (if you are still on gstreamer)20:37
Peace-kdeuser56: yes 20:38
Peace-i can play with dragon20:38
kdeuser56oh then, i guess its a bug ...20:38
Peace-i guess so20:38
kdeuser56Peace, have really logged out and in again?20:39
Peace-kdeuser56: yes20:41
kdeuser56okay, then I do not have any ideas ...20:41
kdeuser56simply upgrade to latest available version :D20:41
Peace-i have 14.0420:41
Peace-so 20:41
Peace-at this point i will try with archlinux 20:42
kdeuser56you just said 12.04?20:42
Peace-kdeuser56: :D typo20:42
kdeuser56Peace: are you using kde 4.12.3?20:42
kdeuser56Peace: strange, it works here20:42
kdeuser56what file format is the video?20:43
Peace-mp4 h264 codec20:43
kdeuser56Peace: would you mind uploading it somewhere, if possible?20:43
Peace-let me try to log in with a new user 20:44
Peace-mmm kdeuser56 even with new user i can't see the video 20:48
Peace-this is strange20:48
Peace-kdeuser56: you have 14.04 and dolphin works fine ?20:48
Peace-wtf so it's a problem of my installation then20:49
kdeuser56not necessarily 20:49
Peace-well it's a fresh installation , and even with a new user it does the same stuff20:50
kdeuser56Peace: try another file format 20:51
Peace-kdeuser56: i did 20:51
Peace-nothing changed20:51
kdeuser56try .ogv (ogg)20:52
kdeuser56Peace: what happens exactly: do the play buttons show up?20:52
Peace-i can hear the sound20:53
Peace-but i can't see the video20:53
kdeuser56oh I guess thats more complex to solve than no video at all :D20:54
Peace-this problem is strange20:55
kdeuser56Peace: stick with the stable version if you want to have a stable system :-)21:00
Peace-kdeuser56: well it's not a problem for me 21:01
Peace-kdeuser56: i was trying to modify dolphin and i got this problem 21:02
Peace-i thought i did something  of wrong but then i have installed a fresh new system 21:02
Peace-so 21:02
Peace-i will try the same thing on archlinu x21:02
Peace-kdeuser56: ah with ogv works21:05
kdeuser56here too, have not tried the others ...21:06
kdeuser56becaus i do not have the codecs and can't install atm21:06
Peace-kdeuser56: :D21:06
Peace-kdeuser56: thank you converting in ogv saved the day21:06
kdeuser56yofel: I guess today is no our day and wont get ours :-(21:23
yofel. . .21:24
kdeuser56yofel: why is there no log file?21:24
yofelbecause launchpad failed for some internal reason21:25
lordievader4.12.90 boots fine here :)21:27
kdeuser56yofel: Traceback (most recent call last): File "./kubuntu-ppa-build-status", line 266 ...21:58
kdeuser56yofel: I am off now, c ya tomorrow 21:59
yofeltoday's cursed...21:59
kdeuser56good night21:59
ahoneybunhey ovidiu-florin_ 23:36

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