
daumhey guys how do i get firefox/chrome to work with kwallet?  it doesn't seem to see it?00:34
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mhumm61I need some help pls...02:03
BaffledNoobieHello.  Sorry being clueless, but is this a channel for Ubuntu support questions?02:12
rwwnope, Kubuntu. Ubuntu is over in #ubuntu.02:13
BaffledNoobiesorry, YESS! Kubuntu even better02:13
BaffledNoobieShall I just ask away, or is there a queue of sorts?02:13
BaffledNoobieI was wondering if anyone has any experience with getting very old video hardware to work.02:15
BaffledNoobieI just installed Kubuntu 12.04 LTS on a machine that has both an internal Intel i915 video card AND an ancient ATI All-In-Wonder Card.02:16
BaffledNoobieEach card is attached to a monitor, and they all work under windows XP.  However under Kubuntu, only the intel card and attached monitor is recognized.02:16
BaffledNoobieIn System Settings the other monitor is never recognized.02:17
BaffledNoobieDoes anybody have any suggestions?02:17
rigel__have you run lspci to see if the kernel recognizes the card?02:21
BaffledNoobieyes, thanks.  In addition to one line item of an intel card, there are TWO line items of the ATI card.02:22
BaffledNoobieunfortunately, for the ATI drivers, there is no line that contains : "Kernel driver in use", whereas that exists for the intel line item02:23
BaffledNoobiehere's the output02:24
BaffledNoobielspci | grep VGA02:24
BaffledNoobie00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0e)02:24
BaffledNoobie01:0a.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] All-In-Wonder 128 PCI02:24
BaffledNoobie01:0b.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] 3D Rage Pro PCI (rev 5c)02:24
rigel__I have little experience with dual monitors but have you checked the X log file to see if X is having some sort of problem?02:28
rigel__Or maybe running X -configure and check whether X detects the card02:28
BaffledNoobieI did check /var/log/Xorg.0.log.  There aren't any errors, but the "second" video card is effectively ignored.  Almost all of the info is for the "intel" card.  I resorted to adding an xorg.conf file02:30
BaffledNoobieexplicitly specifying a driver "vesa" to no avail.02:30
BaffledNoobiesudo X -configure throws errors: Server is already active for display 0 (note the GUI does work under the intel display)02:31
BaffledNoobiewould you know if there's any way to force the use of a driver?  It feels like the hardware is found, but maybe because the card is old, when the software instructs it to search for a monitor, that fails and so the driver unloads?????02:32
BaffledNoobieIs it worth posing this question on the main #ubuntu channel?02:34
rigel__X -configure has to be run when there is no other X server running, which means you'll lose the gui02:36
rigel__To test a driver, assuming you know which, you can use modprobe <driver_name>; to make it permanente check google02:37
rigel__It definitetly may help asking in #ubuntu since this is a general issue not specific to kubuntu02:38
BaffledNoobieok, I'll give it a go...02:38
rigel__good luck,02:38
BaffledNoobiethanks a bunch02:38
traucetAnyone else having fits with nvidia drivers, wine, and WoW?03:06
traucetIts a big circle of errors install nvidia-current, install wine. All is good except it wine 4.1 and wont run WoW:MoP.03:09
traucetOk, install wine 6 something forgot what and the nvidia-current drivers dont work.03:10
traucetOk, install newest nvidia drivers and loose my gui, have to remove --purge nvidia. Grrr..03:12
traucetFrexh install Kubuntu 13.10 install nlatest nvidia drivers loose gui. This is why linux will be stuck to servers...03:15
=== michael_ is now known as justmichael
traucetOk, so been googling for 2 days. Tried every tutorial I could find. Anyone have a definate way to install Nvidia 331.49 drivers on an notebook with a gtx 460m?03:32
traucetKununtu 13.1003:32
Kak_tak_toесть кто?03:51
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.03:55
valorie!nvidia | traucet04:38
ubottutraucet: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto04:38
valoriesounds like you've already googled extensively, but perhaps there is something there for you04:39
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vicopaserspeak spanish07:58
hateball!es | vicopaser07:59
ubottuvicopaser: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.07:59
=== calin is now known as crucerucalin
jussiIs there anyway to temporarily suppress all notifications? (If I need to concentrate but dont want to turn off all my IM/IRC etc)08:15
hateballjussi: you could rightclick the notification plasmoid and untick program notifications08:50
hateballjussi: tho that would kill everything else too... but less hassle than going through every notification in say Quassel08:51
jussihateball: yeah, I found that on google. Thanks anyway :=)08:51
hateballjussi: oh alright :)08:52
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lordievaderGood morning.09:37
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BluesKaj'Morning folks11:45
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* Felishia dies15:15
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* Felishia is dead15:22
soeeho dougl15:30
BluesKajhey dougl, soee15:38
douglquiet in here today.15:50
BluesKajyeah the irish are out parading and drinking15:53
Roeywhy did my sound turn off16:05
Roeywith alsamixer I see nothing is muted and everything is at 100%16:05
Roeybut when I try ogg123 file.ogg, I get "ERROR: Cannot open device oss.16:05
BluesKajRoey, which audio chip?16:05
RoeyBluesKaj:  lshw says 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller16:06
BluesKajRoey, what's the chip in the upper left in alsamixer16:07
Roey20140317 12:07:37 roey@gear:/$ alsamixer16:07
Roeycannot open mixer: No such file or director16:07
Roeythat is only working if I am root16:07
Roeyhow do I fix that? put myself in some audio group?16:08
RoeyBluesKaj:  Realtek ALC88816:08
BluesKajRoey, sudo lshw -C sound , check the vendor listing16:10
BluesKajthink it's intel16:10
RoeyBluesKaj:  http://pastebin.com/evPN3WLW16:11
BluesKajRoey, sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel16:12
BluesKajyou may need to reboot, this happens after upgrades with some intel audio drivers16:13
RoeyBluesKaj:  I don't understand16:14
Roeyit was working16:14
Roeythen it stopped.16:14
BluesKajdid yop16:16
RoeyBluesKaj:  also, I don't get OpenGL Desktop Effects.  It says it could not enable 8 of them.16:16
BluesKajdid you do the modprobe to load the driver?16:16
RoeyBluesKaj:  even though direct rendering : Yes on glxinfo16:16
Roeyyes I did16:16
Roey(of the sound drive, yeah)16:16
BluesKajwas there any output?16:17
BluesKajok good , that means the driver loaded properly, now try a reboot16:17
RoeyBluesKaj:  but no sound came out now16:18
Roeyso after a reboot how wluld things change?16:18
RoeyI understand though that it may be better to at least see how the sound is upon system start.16:18
RoeySo I'll BRB.16:18
BluesKajit will load the driver16:18
RoeyBluesKaj:  then I have question for you about setting up nvidia 33416:18
Roeyon my trust tahr system.16:18
BluesKajit's a known bug Roey16:18
Roeywhat is?16:18
BluesKajthe intel audio driver not loading16:19
Roeyalright, I'll reboot then.16:19
Roeyhello BluesKaj16:44
Roeysame problem16:44
Roeyeven after reboot16:44
BluesKajRoey, ok what about your audio setup in system settings>multimedia, what do you have setup as the device preference?16:48
BluesKajand make sure you don't have automute enabled in alsamixer16:48
RoeyBluesKaj:  aww heh I disabled automute in rc.local16:49
BluesKajstill, check alsamixer too\16:50
RoeyBuilt-In Analog Stereo16:50
Roeyah ok, I can alsamixer as normal user now16:50
RoeyBluesKaj, I'm getting sound no16:50
Roeyogg123 still gives me that error16:50
Roeybut I'm getting sound through Amarok16:51
BluesKajthen it's a codec problem16:51
BluesKajalso you might want to try pavucontrol to solidify your input and output settings16:53
BluesKajheh, internet glitch, the bell guys were working down the street earlier, probly did a quick switch test17:00
kyfellaanyone around right now?17:14
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douglkyfella, sure17:15
douglwanna chat or learn or both?17:16
kyfellaI am having a severe double, triple or so clicking in Kubuntu that didn't creep up till recent patches to the distro.  I have heard that this is a known bug.  Is that true?17:16
kyfellawe can chat, no problems with that..  hmu17:16
douglkyfella, sorry your are on 13.10 right?17:16
kyfellayep, saucy17:17
kyfellawith a kde-full overlaid17:17
douglhave not booted into that for weeks... wonder if BluesKaj knows anything about it?17:17
kyfellait was origionally kubuntu something something back in 12. something, but since did distro upgrade and patches.  it was working just dandy until here recently17:18
kyfellanow its a downright pain the ass.17:18
kyfellaevery time I click, it opens several of the same app, I can't drag windows worth a crap without it flickering and maximizing17:18
kyfellaits made the use of the distro rendered about useless17:19
douglyeah - I have a lazy finger that right button clicks when I concentrate on reading too much what a pain17:19
kyfellaIve tried resetting the mouse settings, changing it and changing it back to fake it out17:19
dougland you say it was a kde issue?17:19
kyfellano dice, I even madea mod to one of the files to disable single or doubleclick..  I can't remember the details, but that didn't work either17:19
BluesKajkyfella, could be you have old junk files hanging around , do you periodically do autoclean and clean?17:20
kyfellaTo be honest doug, I can't remember.  I swear I read that in a forum somewhere, but not entirely sure17:20
kyfelladone did that as well Blue17:20
kyfellaI try to keep my work enviroment as clean as I can getit17:20
kyfellaIm a systems admin, so I need my distro at top shape all the time17:21
BluesKajok what about nepomuk and akonadi , do you use them ?17:21
kyfelladefine what those 2 app do.  I know I have seen it before17:22
BluesKajnepomuk is the index search daemon, akonadi is the server that runs your pim apps like kmail and kontact etc17:23
Roeyhey back17:23
kyfellagimmie a min guys, have a work cal17:24
kyfellasorry, back17:36
kyfellai don't use kmail, but do use thunderbird17:36
kyfellaas far as indexing, I do use locate from the terminal, and think I have also used a search tool or 2 on my distro17:36
kyfellathought those 2 apps sounded familiar17:37
BluesKajkyfella, suppose you already check system monitor or htop for pids using up resources17:37
kyfellahave you been able to look up whether there is a known bug or if I have a messed up file system lol17:37
kyfellayea, no major overhead unless I fire up my test virtual machines in vbox17:38
BluesKajnepomuk indexing can be turned off, but i doubt thatit's the culprit17:38
RoeyBluesKaj:  heya17:38
BluesKajhi Roey17:38
kyfellahow would that cause double and triple clicking on every app?17:38
RoeyBluesKaj:  would you by any chance have time to help me out with an NVidia opengl thing?17:39
BluesKajkyfella, dunno, patience perhaps ?17:39
BluesKajRoey,is nvidia-334 driver in addtional drivers, I'm on my intel machine atm so i can't see whether it's available17:41
Roeyonly nvidia-331 is17:41
RoeyI have some desktop effects like Show Windows17:42
Roeybut not Slide17:42
Roeyfor example17:42
BluesKajthen stick with 331, the 334 might be trouble at this stage17:42
RoeyBluesKaj:  I can show you the text from the KDE error dialog box17:42
Roeyfrom system settings17:42
BluesKajRoey, are you running OpenGL 3.1 and raster ?17:43
RoeyI'm on trusty tahr17:43
BluesKajyes so is my nvidia pc, but desktop effects are fine with the above settings. I use the desktop cube animation17:44
kyfellaIll see what I can do in the line of patience.  I am about out of it.  lol17:45
RoeyBluesKaj:  I'm uising a geforce 750 ti17:47
BluesKajkyfella, check the size of the data in your / partition if you also use a separate /home, the / might be close to full17:47
kyfellalet me run a df -h and feed you back the info17:47
BluesKajRoey, I have an entry level 8400gs and all effects are fine with it. I don't use a whole lot of effects tho17:48
kyfellacheck it out17:49
CyberTailsHello, I'm trying to set up my Capture Device, it detects the audio, but doesn't detect the video, how do I fix this?, here's the lsusb for it: Bus 001 Device 007: ID 05e1:04f3 Syntek Semiconductor Co., Ltd17:52
BluesKajkyfella, 88% is a lot of data on /17:52
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RoeyBluesKaj:  ok17:52
kyfellaits an encrypted fs.  its actually in /home/17:52
RoeyEffects folr me were fine with previous card17:52
Roeygtx 26017:52
kyfellaa lot of the data stored there is VM's for my software testing17:53
BluesKajyeah kyfella , i noticed that, assume encryption of that much data will take time to retrieve, but I'm not real sure of the artifacts you're seeing17:55
kyfellato be honest its fast17:55
kyfellai have a tricore with 8 gb ram17:55
kyfellathe only thing I am experiencing is this irritating double and triple clicking thing17:56
kyfellaoh and I use my system for a lot of video editing, so some of those vid files can be whoppers in size17:56
kyfellaafter I am done, I move them off to my sga1 drive17:57
kyfellasorry sdg drive17:57
BluesKajyeah, i have the i3 intel cpu and 8G ram , quite fast, but nowhere near the data you have17:58
BluesKajno encryption tho17:58
kyfellait still pretty darn fast. I even do recordings on here, because I teach adjacent engineers.17:59
BluesKajdunno what the problem could be with the double and triple instances of files tho17:59
kyfellaA system I am speccing out has 2 quad hyperthreaded cores, with 32 gb of RAM and a nice video card18:00
kyfellait will cost me somewhere around 3 G to build it, but it will be perfect for what I do18:00
BluesKajkyfella, if you're gonna run linux stay away from the amd/ati cards, they seem to be hit and miss driver-wise lately18:01
BluesKajthe nvidia TOL cards aren't well supported either18:02
BluesKajTOL = top of line18:02
BluesKajthe $800 nvidia gamer cards18:03
kyfellayea....  I ain't much on amd or ati.  they suck even for windows18:04
BluesKajok , gonna take a walk to the mailbox ...bb in a few18:07
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Jake2Is there any way to add the "Places" launcher (like is in ubuntu) to the top bar?19:39
j3j5hello there19:49
j3j5does anybody know how to change, in Konsole, the time it takes to notify when using 'Monitor for silence' option?19:50
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RGeeDoes anyone know of a website where anybody can come and teach to crowd?21:00
lordievaderRGee: What do you mean?21:00
RGeeLike a website. Where anybody can come and host some classes, and anybody can come and learn. (Sorry, if this is off-topic)21:01
lordievaderRGee: Hmm, yes it is rather off-topic. Don't know of such a website myself I'm afraid.21:03
=== krz is now known as Guest45197
drscoopsOk I am new to Kubuntu and not sure were any thing is on here can some one please tell me why I can not get kubuntu to connect to hiden wifi network21:56
kyfellaAnyone know where I am going wrong with this?  Trying to backup my home directory to a T1 external USB Drive that is mounted kyfella@system:~$ sudo dd if=/home/kyfella/ of=/media/kyfella/5D38B6E15F0BE84A/homedrive-backup/homedrive-backup.tar.gz21:56
lordievaderkyfella: dd is a bitcopy tool. You are trying to use it for something that it is not intended for. You probably want to use tar, be sure to read both the manpage of dd and tar.22:04
* lordievader goes to bed.22:04
kyfellawell, can't dd take a directory to an img or iso?22:14
kyfellai don't care if it ends up iso, img, tar or whatever as long as I can get it backed up to usb22:14
ikoniadd is block by block it works just fine22:16
kyfellacan someone tell me where I am going wrong with this22:17
kyfellaI just switched the output to an iso, but still... lol22:17
ikoniait's a block by block copy22:17
ikoniait doesn't work like that22:17
drscoops_Hello how is every one22:20
kyfellaok, can you give me a way to structure what I am trying to do22:22
drscoops_Can any one explain why Kubuntu won't pick up ona hidden network I typed it all in right but it still won't connect22:23
kyfellaon second thought, I will just use tar.  prob be easier.  I am just wanting to get my drive backed up22:24
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Roeyhttps://gist.github.com/roeyk/9610181  <-- Hello!  WHy am I getting this issue?  Thanks for your help!23:07

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